[准/妈妈必看] Tips for 去除宝宝衣服上的各种污渍

楼主 (北美华人网)
刚刚看到的,觉得不错,和这里的妈妈们分享一下~~ Grass Stains Before laundering, pretreat as follows: Rub with liquid detergent or shampoo for oily hair. Rub in non-gel white toothpaste with an old toothbrush. Let sit overnight, then wash. Rub with a solution of one part rubbing alcohol to two parts water (colorfast material only). Chocolate or Grape Juice Stains Rub in club soda until the stain is gone. Remove a fresh grape juice stain from cotton or linen by immediately pouring hot water through the material. Wash chocolate with sudsy water with a little ammonia. Milk and Formula Stains To pretreat a milk spill, sprinkle on unflavored meat tenderizer (which breaks down the proteins) and rinse in cold water. For formula, soak the item in a covered bucket of warm water mixed with one cup of Borax. When you launder the item, add another cup of Borax to the regular wash cycle. Or, for color-safe clothes, add 1/2 cup dishwashing detergent and 1/2 cup color-safe bleach to warm water, and soak overnight. Perspiration and Yellow Stains Pretreat a perspiration stain by rubbing the area with baking soda. Or, soak the fabric for one hour in water in which you've dissolved three aspirin. To remove old yellow stains, spray oven cleaner on the spot and let it dry. Take care not to get any on your skin. For yellowed white cottons or linens: Wash in hot water and twice as much detergent. Stop the cycle 15 minutes in and soak the clothing for 15 minutes. Start again and repeat the cycle. Stain Stick Savvy Put one in your baby's diaper bag to stop spills and accidents from setting into clothing. Keep one in the bathroom, near your baby's changing table, or wherever your kids get undressed, so you can treat clothes as you remove them. Then you won't have to spend the time searching for stains on laundry day.
2 楼
thanks for sharing.  
3 楼
Thanks! Very useful!!