现在的几所藤校的AA和希魔上台后所有学校,公司,整个社会全方位的国家鼓励的“合 法”的AA和细分的AA是天壤之别

楼主 (北美华人网)
除了少数的精英阶层,我们华人就是二等公民。当有一天你儿子问你为什么会这样, 你怎么跟他说呢?

AA is a serious racial discrimination against Asian, especially Chinese.  It will
deprive our children's right for a good education, a good job and moving up.
Asian will become the second class of the society while the rest of the
races are first class.  No matter how smart your kids are and how hard they
work, they would never fully achieve their American Dreams.  As Trump said
in his speech,  we Asian immigrants came here for a better life and a better
future for our children.  For our children, I beg you, please, please vote
for Trump.  Please let us know any of your concerns if you plan to vote for
corrupted criminal Hilary.   please, for our children, please vote for Trump.  
For myself, I do whatever I can.  I donate my own money.  I donate my own time
(I spent more time for the election than my full time job against people who posting for Hilary is their full time job)
.  I just do not want one day.  When my son and daughter asked me how we let
it happened.  I could say your daddy tried and did whatever he can.  But
sorry.  My son.
2 楼
3 楼
回复 1楼zheyuan18的帖子

Two out of three government subsidies will expire in 2017.  The premium of
the insurance for most people will increase another 30% in 2017 and could
double in 2018 when all subsidies end.  Even worse, Hilary , on record, plan
to expand the
Obamacare to illegal immigrants and nobody even know how much increase that
will cause (nobody knows how many illegal immigrants in the US,  somewhere
between 12million to 20 million).
4 楼
回复 2楼kitty2的帖子

Two out of three government subsidies will expire in 2017.  The premium of
the insurance for most people will increase another 30% in 2017 and could
double in 2018 when all subsidies end.  Even worse, Hilary , on record, plan
to expand the
Obamacare to illegal immigrants and nobody even know how much increase that
will cause (nobody knows how many illegal immigrants in the US,  somewhere
between 12million to 20 million).