屡次被Amazon rejected ungating 请有经验的JMS不吝赐教

楼主 (北美华人网)
想在Amazon上卖点零食 赚点零花钱 可是无奈每次都被拒绝 所以上来问问大家。

我根据Amazon要求,提交3张收据 根据以下要求:

Must be dated on or after July 4, 2016
Must have document issuer's name, address, phone number, email or website
Invoices must have business name
Invoices must have contact information for your business (e.g. address, phone number, email or website)
Please obscure pricing information (optional)

我们的收据符合全部的要求。 但是amazon以不同理由拒绝我们:
1. "I want to inform you that you have provided invoice in which products are not falling under desired category. we require additional information." 我后来还把ASIN 发给了他们。但是还是没有批准。 这个产品的却在Amazon 上是属于食物的.
2. "We need vendor's (manufacturer / Supplier) address with contact number, also seller information should be there" 批发商的名字和明细全部在invoice 上面。 什么样的invoice 会有distributor跟他们的supplier 一起出现的。求赐教!
