
楼主 (北美华人网)
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可以去mitbbs 问问,哪里的人更有经验,赞manager。美国没有规定不能说其他语言,不许别人说其他语言本身就是歧视,如果真的要给Manager的老板面子,就等manager的老板来的时候说英文装装样子好了。


我能想到的是你帮他用英文写点东西 把这件事情的来龙去脉,据理力争,然后指出如果照a3的方式会有什么坏的影响, 对公司会造成多少损失,然后发给他,他肯定需要和老板解释的, 要强调他是为了公司的利益做这个决定,a3可能会造成什么样的损失。然后说你们一天都在用邮件交流,(邮件交流必然是英文啊,很奇怪你们老板的老板到底有没有被loop进去?)
你还可以平时如果见到你老板的老板时候,casual talk, 多说说你老板的好话, 从他老板的角度说他好。 我感觉你们平时和你老板的老板沟通不多,而你老板人很好,但是也是比较死心眼的。a3恶心的就是捣乱、抢credit 不行,还经常造谣污蔑, 但侧面看出来,他和你老板的老板交流比较多,而你们都在你老板下面乘凉,你老板一个人顶住了所有的压力,如果他帮你顶一次就算了,如果帮下面每个人都这么顶,我感觉他也很累,所以说出觉得他老板向着a3的话,显然他帮你们顶住了所有的压力,而你们的能力和支持不够。如果你老板的老板被疾走了,换个a3,你们的日子也会很难过的,然后一个个被挤走。


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Can we tell employees to not speak a different language (other than English), during work hours in the workplace? In general, employers must allow employees to speak their native language during work hours, unless it interferes with reasonable and necessary business operations. The EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) is a federal agency that provides answers to questions about discrimination in the workplace related to employees on the basis of natural origin. Examples of When the English-Only Rule Can Be Used
Perhaps an employee communicates with customers in his native language as part of his regular job duties, but most of his co-workers only speak English. His employer could invoke the English-only rule for interoffice communications with English speaking coworkers, though also allowing him to speak his native language with workers of the same origin. This same employee would be allowed to speak his native language on personal time, such as breaks and lunch periods, or even on his personal phone.
Communication is vital during times of crisis or emergency which threatens the safety of workers and clients. Employers can require that English-only be used to ensure the safety of people and property.
Imagine the chaos of a company meeting where several conversations are taking place in different languages, causing key people to miss out on important collaborations. In such a circumstance, the employer may require an English-only rule during the meeting to promote efficiency and unity of purpose and that is within their legal right to do so.
Full Disclosure Whether in English or any other language, everyone benefits by knowing the rules and the consequences for breaking them. When instituting an English-only rule, employers may not take disciplinary action against an employee for violating it, unless they have notified the employees of the rule and consequences prior to the violation. Full and upfront disclosure, such as a section in the Employee Handbook, prevents future misunderstandings. Helpful Links: Language: Why do Some Employees React Negatively to Co-Workers Speaking Other Languages at Work, and How Can HR Help? - SHRM - Tips for heading off language-based conflicts More Workers Claiming Job Discrimination Over Language, Accents - Insurance Journal Language and Accent Discrimination in the Workplace - NOLO - Additional information on job-related fluency and accents