这几个月一直在用Uber pass上下班。有用过的姐妹们都知道,Uber pass就是一次性交一笔钱,然后在指定范围内,规定次数以内坐Uber pool一律2刀。比如一张40次的pass是75刀,买了以后每次打Uber pool(40次以内),在指定范围内只收2刀一次。用了几个月,一直好好的。结果今天早晨我从家里打车去上班,莫名其妙地被扣了4块多,而不是一直以来的2块。找Uber argue, 人家给出的答案是但凡estimate超过20刀的行程,就要多收费。可是他们关于Uber pass的广告上从来没写明这项政策。我仔细回去查了他们的广告,里面只说 When you purchase a September POOL Pass, all uberPOOL trips are just $2. Take uberPOOL trips any time or day of the week, anywhere within the XXX area zone, even during periods of high demand. 超过20刀就要多收费的点在哪里??? 另外,我从家到单位就2.5mile的路,还跟另外两个人拼车,你告诉我超过20刀?你TM是在逗我?我一个人在Rush hour打出租车(不跟人拼车)都从来没有这么贵好吗? 不是钱的问题,就是觉得他们糊弄消费者,放虚假广告,也太不要碧莲了。
Here are the relevant terms and conditions for DC area riders:
To be a Qualifying Ride: The ride must be requested through the uberPOOL vehicle view only. The ride must originate and end in the designated zone (outlined in the map above). The ride must be requested between August 1-31, 2016 The fare must not exceed $25. The total cost of any ride exceeding $25 will be charged directly to the purchaser of the Zone Pass.
Here are the relevant terms and conditions for MA area riders:
To be a Qualifying Ride:
The ride must be requested through the uberPOOL vehicle view only. The ride must originate and end in the designated zone (outlined in the map above). The ride must be requested between July 1-31, 2016 The fare must not exceed $25. The total cost of any ride exceeding $25 will be charged directly to the purchaser of the Zone Pass.
Here are the relevant terms and conditions for DC area riders:
To be a Qualifying Ride: The ride must be requested through the uberPOOL vehicle view only. The ride must originate an...... BlueNDGold 发表于 9/15/2016 4:59:22 PM
楼主坐标波士顿。看到的Uber广告是它发到邮箱里的邮件。里面确实没有不能超过$25这一条。连terms and confitions都没有。 上网搜了下Uber Boston的广告,没搜到9月的,搜到了7月的,里面条款正如层主所写。就算不能超多25,那不能超过20是什么鬼?楼主的trip按他们estimate的,超过20不到25。
When you purchase a September POOL Pass, all uberPOOL trips are just $2. Take uberPOOL trips any time or day of the week, anywhere within the XXX area zone, even during periods of high demand.
另外,我从家到单位就2.5mile的路,还跟另外两个人拼车,你告诉我超过20刀?你TM是在逗我?我一个人在Rush hour打出租车(不跟人拼车)都从来没有这么贵好吗?
规定就是departure接吧 第一次也在arrival没等到
Here are the relevant terms and conditions for DC area riders:
To be a Qualifying Ride:
The ride must be requested through the uberPOOL vehicle view only.
The ride must originate and end in the designated zone (outlined in the map above).
The ride must be requested between August 1-31, 2016
The fare must not exceed $25. The total cost of any ride exceeding $25 will be charged directly to the purchaser of the Zone Pass.
To be a Qualifying Ride:
The ride must be requested through the uberPOOL vehicle view only.
The ride must originate and end in the designated zone (outlined in the map above).
The ride must be requested between July 1-31, 2016
The fare must not exceed $25. The total cost of any ride exceeding $25 will be charged directly to the purchaser of the Zone Pass.
上网搜了下Uber Boston的广告,没搜到9月的,搜到了7月的,里面条款正如层主所写。就算不能超多25,那不能超过20是什么鬼?楼主的trip按他们estimate的,超过20不到25。
这种应该就是黑车,不是uber也不是lyft。uber lyft车上都有标识的,而且要你从手机app叫车,算法分配车辆,钱也是直接从信用卡扣,都不和司机有金钱上的交接的。
我不腻味uber 还蛮喜欢的
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.08
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07