that is because the angle and the face impression of this one scene. I watched the whole show, she is so cute and lovely. And she is the main reason why that show became sensational. I totally love her and became her fan because of that show. She was so popular back then.
that is because the angle and the face impression of this one scene. I watched the whole show, she is so cute and lovely. And she is the main reason why that show became sensational. I totally lov...... dahaoren3 发表于 9/15/2016 5:53:48 PM
是的 小爽16岁读大学 大二的时候拍的那个剧也就是我们高三的那个年龄
小爽上大学早“2007年,还未满16岁的郑爽,被妈妈拉到了北影表演系的考场,妈妈其实也没想让她一定要考上,只是说见识见识。而这一见识的结果是,郑爽被中戏、北影、上戏表演系同时录取[13] 。随后,郑爽在父母的支持下,报考了北京电影学院,入学那年仅16岁,并是北京电影学院07级表演系本科班年龄最小的学生”
特别是女演员 年龄压力很大 一茬接一茬的出
that is because the angle and the face impression of this one scene. I watched the whole show, she is so cute and lovely. And she is the main reason why that show became sensational. I totally love her and became her fan because of that show. She was so popular back then.