感兴趣的可以申请, 帮朋友忙。 麻烦有MIT账号的给转一下。 Location: Des Moines IOWA Department: Project department Report to: General Manager
主要职责描述 / Main Responsibilities: 1. 在Dee Zee中国和美国艾奥瓦梅茵斯团队间,进行新项目协调。 / New project coordination between Dee Zee teams in Des Moines and China.
协助Dee Zee中国的项目工程师取得需要的技术及项目数据,回答Dee Zee美国总部项目组的技术问题。 / Assist Dee Zee’s project engineers in China acquire needed technical and project data and answers to technical questions from Dee Zee’s project teams in Des Moines. 协助Dee Zee美国总部项目团队从Dee Zee中国的项目工程师取得需要的技术及项目数据。/ Assist Dee Zee’s project teams in Des Moines acquire needed project data from Dee Zee’s project engineers in China. 协助并回答Dee Zee总部和中国的工程师关于项目的技术及设计等有关的问题。/ Assist Dee Zee engineers in Des Moines and China communicate technical and design related questions and answers. 向Dee Zee中国的项目工程师传递客户要求及相关信息。/ Transmit relevant customer requirements and information to Dee Zee project engineers in China 协助Dee Zee中国的项目工程师分析和处理需要的设计图纸。/ Assist Dee Zee project engineers in China to analyze and manipulate design drawings as needed。 协调和跟踪Dee Zee中国在美国的Dee Zee实验室或第三方实验室进行的需要的测试项目。 / Coordinate and follow-up on required testing for Dee Zee China projects at Dee Zee’s lab or 3rd party labs in USA.
2.协调Dee Zee中国的现行项目的美国供应链,协助Dee Zee中国团队管理美国境内的物流供应商。/ USA supply chain coordination for existing Dee Zee China projects with suppliers in the U.S.
跟踪生产计划,向Dee Zee中国报告生产状态,代表Dee Zee中国确保充足及时的供应。/ Track production plans, report status to Dee Zee China and represent Dee Zee China in ensuring sufficient supply. 协助Dee Zee中国的SQE跟踪美国境内的供应商(含Dee Zee美国工厂)的质量及相关问题。/ Help Dee Zee China SQE follow up on quality problems at U.S. suppliers including Dee Zee Des Moines.
3. Dee Zee总部及/或Dee Zee中国的工程工作。/ Engineering work for Des Moines and/or China.
根据能力和经验,支持项目团队进行新项目的设计和分析工作,或现有项目的设计变更工作。 /Depending on capability and capacity, conduct new project design and analysis work or existing project design change work in support of project teams. 4. 其他 / Other: 出差频率:25%时间的出差(主要目的地是中国,及根据需要至美国境内供应商)。 / Travel: Up to 25% travel (mainly to China, but also to U.S. suppliers as needed).
基本资历要求 / Qualifications of the ideal candidate
大学本科及以上学历,机械工程学士学位或相近专业(汽车工程、质量控制等等)。/ Bachelor degree or above in Mechanical Engineering or similar major such as Automotive Engineering, Quality control, etc. 至少3年汽车行业项目管理相关岗位全职工作经验。/ At least 3 years work experience in product design, project management or similar relevant positions in the automotive industry. 熟悉项目开发的APQP流程及要求。 / Experience participating in the APQP process and requirements of automotive project development. 熟练使用办公软件、2D、3D软件等; / Proficient use of office software & 2D & 3D CAD software. Experience with or knowledge of manufacturing processes related to Dee Zee products: metal bending and forming, machining, welding, diecasting, powder coating, anodizing, chrome plating, plastic injection molding
取得美国合法就业手续,并愿意在艾奥瓦州德梅因市生活工作;/ Already hold or able to acquire necessary work permits for the U.S. and willing to live and work in Des Moines, Iowa. 汉语&英语听说读写流。 / Fluent Mandarin Chinese & English (listening, speaking, reading, writing).
Location: Des Moines IOWA
Department: Project department
Report to: General Manager
主要职责描述 / Main Responsibilities:
1. 在Dee Zee中国和美国艾奥瓦梅茵斯团队间,进行新项目协调。 / New project coordination between Dee Zee teams in Des Moines and China.
协助Dee Zee中国的项目工程师取得需要的技术及项目数据,回答Dee Zee美国总部项目组的技术问题。 / Assist Dee Zee’s project engineers in China acquire needed technical and project data and answers to technical questions from Dee Zee’s project teams in Des Moines.
协助Dee Zee美国总部项目团队从Dee Zee中国的项目工程师取得需要的技术及项目数据。/ Assist Dee Zee’s project teams in Des Moines acquire needed project data from Dee Zee’s project engineers in China.
协助并回答Dee Zee总部和中国的工程师关于项目的技术及设计等有关的问题。/ Assist Dee Zee engineers in Des Moines and China communicate technical and design related questions and answers.
向Dee Zee中国的项目工程师传递客户要求及相关信息。/ Transmit relevant customer requirements and information to Dee Zee project engineers in China
协助Dee Zee中国的项目工程师分析和处理需要的设计图纸。/ Assist Dee Zee project engineers in China to analyze and manipulate design drawings as needed。
协调和跟踪Dee Zee中国在美国的Dee Zee实验室或第三方实验室进行的需要的测试项目。 / Coordinate and follow-up on required testing for Dee Zee China projects at Dee Zee’s lab or 3rd party labs in USA.
2.协调Dee Zee中国的现行项目的美国供应链,协助Dee Zee中国团队管理美国境内的物流供应商。/ USA supply chain coordination for existing Dee Zee China projects with suppliers in the U.S.
跟踪生产计划,向Dee Zee中国报告生产状态,代表Dee Zee中国确保充足及时的供应。/ Track production plans, report status to Dee Zee China and represent Dee Zee China in ensuring sufficient supply.
协助Dee Zee中国的SQE跟踪美国境内的供应商(含Dee Zee美国工厂)的质量及相关问题。/ Help Dee Zee China SQE follow up on quality problems at U.S. suppliers including Dee Zee Des Moines.
3. Dee Zee总部及/或Dee Zee中国的工程工作。/ Engineering work for Des Moines and/or China.
根据能力和经验,支持项目团队进行新项目的设计和分析工作,或现有项目的设计变更工作。 /Depending on capability and capacity, conduct new project design and analysis work or existing project design change work in support of project teams.
4. 其他 / Other: 出差频率:25%时间的出差(主要目的地是中国,及根据需要至美国境内供应商)。 / Travel: Up to 25% travel (mainly to China, but also to U.S. suppliers as needed).
基本资历要求 / Qualifications of the ideal candidate
大学本科及以上学历,机械工程学士学位或相近专业(汽车工程、质量控制等等)。/ Bachelor degree or above in Mechanical Engineering or similar major such as Automotive Engineering, Quality control, etc.
至少3年汽车行业项目管理相关岗位全职工作经验。/ At least 3 years work experience in product design, project management or similar relevant positions in the automotive industry.
熟悉项目开发的APQP流程及要求。 / Experience participating in the APQP process and requirements of automotive project development.
熟练使用办公软件、2D、3D软件等; / Proficient use of office software & 2D & 3D CAD software. Experience with or knowledge of manufacturing processes related to Dee Zee products: metal bending and forming, machining, welding, diecasting, powder coating, anodizing, chrome plating, plastic injection molding
取得美国合法就业手续,并愿意在艾奥瓦州德梅因市生活工作;/ Already hold or able to acquire necessary work permits for the U.S. and willing to live and work in Des Moines, Iowa.
汉语&英语听说读写流。 / Fluent Mandarin Chinese & English (listening, speaking, reading, writing).
[email protected]