Colin Powell 也是这么想的,DNC 最新泄露的email 里有他写给Jeffrey Leeds 的,原话是 “i would rather not have to vote for her, although she is a friend I respect. A 70-year person with a long track record, unbridled ambition, greedy, not transformational, with a husband still dicking bimbos at home (according to the NYP)" 这是他6月份发的,在希拉里把用私人服务器的罪名推给他之前。不知道他现在怎么想。。。 一个脏心烂肺的criminal居然还有人佩服。。。。
Colin Powell 也是这么想的,DNC 最新泄露的email 里有他写给Jeffrey Leeds 的,原话是 “i would rather not have to vote for her, although she is a friend I respect. A 70-year person with a long track record, unbridled ambition,...... kimy33 发表于 9/14/2016 2:45:47 PM
WASHINGTON — Former Secretary of State Colin L. Powell, who served as President George W. Bush’s top diplomat, derided Donald J. Trump as a “national disgrace” and an “international pariah” in personal email exchanges that were leaked online Tuesday.
你先搞清楚她为什么会做这个人的律师先. 而且事实上,如果她不这么做,这个会被人利用说"attorney did not represent the client in his best interest , or the attorney is not competent" 那么这案子就可能成为mistrial,反而会让这案子彻底流产.
WASHINGTON — Former Secretary of State Colin L. Powell, who served as President George W. Bush’s top diplomat, derided Donald J. Trump as a “national disgrace...... hotpizza 发表于 9/14/2016 2:54:23 PM
WASHINGTON — Former Secretary of State Colin L. Powell, who served as President George W. Bush’s top diplomat, derided Donald J. Trump as a “national disgrace...... hotpizza 发表于 9/14/2016 2:54:23 PM
那你要不要看看奥巴马2008年怎么评价希拉里的? 再看看2016年奥巴马怎么评价希拉里的。 最后用脑子想一想?if there is such a thing.
你先搞清楚她为什么会做这个人的律师先. 而且事实上,如果她不这么做,这个会被人利用说"attorney did not represent the client in his best interest , or the attorney is not competent" 那么这案子就可能成为mistrial,反而会让这案子彻底流产.
WASHINGTON — Former Secretary of State Colin L. Powell, who served as President George W. Bush’s top diplomat, derided Donald J. Trump as a “national disgrace...... hotpizza 发表于 9/14/2016 2:54:23 PM
Her husband has better qualities to be a president. She is although ambitious, hard-working, but she is more stubborn, more narrow minded, less flexible, less charismatic than her husband. She is more suitable to be a senator.
Her husband has better qualities to be a president. She is although ambitious, hard-working, but she is more stubborn, more narrow minded, less flexible, less charismatic than her husband. She is more...... rabbit66 发表于 9/14/2016 4:38:40 PM
1、There's no indication that a lawsuit plaintiff who claimed Trump raped her when she was 13 is a real person.'Based on our investigation, [there is] no evidence that the person who has made these allegations actually exists,' attorney Alan Garten told DailyMail.comGarten cites 'false' address and phone number and says whoever wrote the lawsuit 'clearly has some legal background'.
2、Indeed, a federal judge denied Johnson’s request to proceed as an indigent plaintiff and noted that while the lawsuit had been filed as a civil rights suit, it failed to state any claim under federal civil rights statutes. The suit was dismissed on May 2. When the court tried to send a notice to Johnson at her listed address, it was returned, with the note “no new address found.” 3、The woman, Katie Johnson, claimed she suffered “extreme sexual and physical abuse” from the age of 13. The lawsuit, first obtained by Radar, states Trump and Epstein made her a “sex slave” from June to September 1994. But Radar learned the plaintiff’s address on court documents belonged to a foreclosed house. A neighbor told the online outlet that the house had been empty for a year after the previous owner—who was not Johnson—died. The Daily Mail made similar findings. Johnson seeks $100 million in damages from Trump and Epstein.
我不会选她, 民主党我都不选, 烦透了他们。
WASHINGTON — Former Secretary of State Colin L. Powell, who served as President George W. Bush’s top diplomat, derided Donald J. Trump as a “national disgrace” and an “international pariah” in personal email exchanges that were leaked online Tuesday.
而且事实上,如果她不这么做,这个会被人利用说"attorney did not represent the client in his best interest , or the attorney is not competent"
最后用脑子想一想?if there is such a thing.
我要是天天有人骂自己,我肯定受不了,早就崩溃怀疑自己了。你说这种人的内心怎么这么强大呢? 怎么骂都不后退。到底怎么练得,太难以想象了。当然要是我们学这个劲头,要用在好的地方。
Donald Trump Said Hillary Clinton Would ‘Make a Good President’ in 2008
作为同一个战壕里的战友 和政敌 说话当然完全不同 所谓的屁股决定论
当战友说你缺点的时候 比政敌有credibility
当政敌说你优点的时候 比战友有credibility
没错,人至贱则无敌。trump还涉嫌rape 幼女,你们倒是都没看到!
不止坐牢, 还有女儿也得坐牢。 他那些破事她女儿也掺和了。 而且家里钱很可能一大部分来路都不正, 回头人还在, 钱没了, 还得坐牢。
She is although ambitious, hard-working, but she is more stubborn, more narrow minded, less flexible, less charismatic than her husband.
She is more suitable to be a senator.
经济她真的懂吗?统计,数据她真的看得明白吗? 我看得不多,但感觉她根本不懂有关数字的东西,每次都说的好空泛。瞎说的多。
拜托了,网络这么发达的世界,google一下“班加西丑闻” 克林顿基金丑闻,Clinton dead pool 有多难?
她这么driven,倒不一定只是为了内心的意义,而是和她父亲有很大关系,大部分是extrinsic motivation。她父亲的很多做法和肯尼迪家族以及赵小兰父亲的那种教育方式很像。个人不觉得她离开事业上的成就感的话,真正会有多幸福。
所以你是选择性看的? 原告是谁? 原告提供的地址是个foreclosure的 信息都是假的,最后认定为hoax / 可能有政治目的的诬陷,只有希粉可当真了~ 如果这事是真的,当初共和党和民主党拼命找他的错,各种断章取义诬陷都做得出 却能放过这么一大料?几乎所有媒体可都是向着希拉里的你不会不知道吧,当你觉得别人都傻的时候一定要反思下自己~
呵呵,你不是会google么,居然都没google出来这些信息 还是你看不懂?这让随便一google就能看明白的看客怎么看你啊~ 这事儿都好几个月前的了,连CNN这种大左媒都不好意思拿这种hoax大做文章, 你居然至今还特当回事
就是这个吧。我还挺想知道的。这种motivation是从小父亲给灌输的吗? 好像撒切尔夫人的父亲也是这一类型。我记得看过,撒切尔夫人的父亲对她影响很大。
其实想想这些人里面哪里有好人呢? 看看奥巴,当时上台说的多好,现在看看就是笑话。我觉得他长得就非常凶。我都能想象他翻脸后的狠样。那时候奥巴上台我都想美国真是没人了,选出这样的人来。可是又怎么样呢?
这个世界好人做不到那个位置的。 我有时候想是不是我们从小被骗了。那些大人物看来从来没把法制道德看在眼里。
从始至终信口开河不上链接的人是你啊,一面不附链接让人google 一面自己都google不出来这些信息,是不断要人体会什么叫做“谣言止于智者”么? 跟你强调了2次大多数媒体是致力于纠错trump的左媒都没报道这事,你也完全忽略这么简单的逻辑关系,还是说你根本就不懂逻辑思维 你的立场和眼界早就决定了你根本不会理智的看待这个问题。 一个链接哪够,送你三个链接及提要,想要还有的是,谁叫你其实不会善用google又非要不断的自曝其短~
1、There's no indication that a lawsuit plaintiff who claimed Trump raped her when she was 13 is a real person.'Based on our investigation, [there is] no evidence that the person who has made these allegations actually exists,' attorney Alan Garten told DailyMail.comGarten cites 'false' address and phone number and says whoever wrote the lawsuit 'clearly has some legal background'.
2、Indeed, a federal judge denied Johnson’s request to proceed as an indigent plaintiff and noted that while the lawsuit had been filed as a civil rights suit, it failed to state any claim under federal civil rights statutes. The suit was dismissed on May 2. When the court tried to send a notice to Johnson at her listed address, it was returned, with the note “no new address found.”
3、The woman, Katie Johnson, claimed she suffered “extreme sexual and physical abuse” from the age of 13. The lawsuit, first obtained by Radar, states Trump and Epstein made her a “sex slave” from June to September 1994.
But Radar learned the plaintiff’s address on court documents belonged to a foreclosed house. A neighbor told the online outlet that the house had been empty for a year after the previous owner—who was not Johnson—died. The Daily Mail made similar findings.
Johnson seeks $100 million in damages from Trump and Epstein.
不用废话 静等更多的原告出来呗
这要是有一丁丁点可信度,早就被媒体渲染的满天飞了。媒体挖了这么久啥丑闻都挖不出来,劝这位造谣者还是多关注男克“dicking bimbo"吧
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.08
zt: 质疑obama 出生的和是否是穆斯林的居然是希拉里