from slickdeal "All the 8xx series clean the same. The difference is in the batteries, and accessories. The 870/880 have Nicads. The 805/860 have L-ion. The 880 has a remote and lighthouses. None of the others do. The 860 has dual mode virtual wall/zones. The 860 and 805 have just virtual walls.
Unless you NEED the lighthouses, you can't really go wrong with any 8xx series one. Just shop straight on price. If you wait around and watch, you should be able to get one for around $350."
from slickdeal "All the 8xx series clean the same. The difference is in the batteries, and accessories. The 870/880 have Nicads. The 805/860 have L-ion. The 880 has a remote and lighthouses. None...... huolala 发表于 9/12/2016 2:12:04 PM
"All the 8xx series clean the same. The difference is in the batteries, and accessories. The 870/880 have Nicads. The 805/860 have L-ion. The 880 has a remote and lighthouses. None of the others do. The 860 has dual mode virtual wall/zones. The 860 and 805 have just virtual walls.
Unless you NEED the lighthouses, you can't really go wrong with any 8xx series one. Just shop straight on price. If you wait around and watch, you should be able to get one for around $350."