I feel the voice is too old style and fake, maybe you feel it is fine because watching it too many times and already used to it, and the latest TV stuff is even worse than old one. Plus people in China said it is master piece, but keep in mind there is still way much to improve even for that drama. It is same thing to old Hollywood style. But the difference is here in Hollywood, everything is keep improving in any part from layout/screenplay/scripts/acting/makeup/sound effects/music/voice/setting/costume/VFX, China is just chasing whatever Hollywood did, especially for movie industry 逆水行舟不进则退
I feel the voice is too old style and fake, maybe you feel it is fine because watching it too many times and already used to it, and the latest TV stuff is even worse than old one. Plus people in Chin...... ltt7062 发表于 9/12/2016 5:48:13 PM
It is same thing to old Hollywood style.
But the difference is here in Hollywood, everything is keep improving in any part from layout/screenplay/scripts/acting/makeup/sound effects/music/voice/setting/costume/VFX, China is just chasing whatever Hollywood did, especially for movie industry