萎缩男和大妈们 think everything in the world should depend on the paper numbers, the ranking of universities they graduated from and GPA. If not, that should be 睡上去.
Do you think 报大腿 could solve anything in 学术圈? No! If you are not mentally capable, you are useless! So don't assume Professor Shen just depend on sleeping with other big names.
I don't think 色相 can solve anything in 学术届. Those big names would not trade in this. At most they will let some female students graduated earlier or help them find a good job. Or help some get one grant sometimes. In a long run, 色相 will not survive in academia because nobody likes burden. By the way, there is another word: soft skills. Most American faculty have these. Professor Shen might have it too.
Do you think 报大腿 could solve anything in 学术圈? No! If you are not mentally capable, you are useless! So don't assume Professor Shen just depend on sleeping with other big names.
Daydreaming! There are so many sweet American girls.
These IDs might just come to USA or might have no decent job here at all.
if 睡上去 was so easy, there should have been tons of American female faculty. Do you think American sweet hearts are not good at 睡上去?
萎缩男和大妈们 think everything in the world should depend on the paper numbers, the ranking of universities they graduated from and GPA.
If not, that should be 睡上去.
我能看见的就是一个漂亮又能干的华人mm, 如果她真是成教出来,就更了不起了。
而且 business writing, creative writing 和 scientific writing 都根本不是一回事儿。说沈 ap 英语差没法中 NSF 的,也不知道 scientific writing 牛成啥样了这么有自信。
当年说沈 ap 英语差的还有好多学生党,别的不说,就 scientific writing 都是靠反复写反复改练的,我至今还没见过哪个牛叉的 Ph.D. 学生能写好的,无论是不是 native speaker. 我看我自己当年写的简直一团浆糊。难道这些没毕业就天赋异禀写 proposal 一把好手的学生恰巧都来华人集中了?
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.08
我就搞不懂了,中国人平时不团结,到了踩同胞的时候,就一个个跳出来空前团结,这里忍不住为沈ap说几句话,她到底做错了什么? 她错在事业优秀? 错在还长的好看?computer science学术圈子本来就男多女少, 女生拿好学校offer的比比皆是,因为学校要提高faculty的diversity, 沈ap有nsf的career, 还有其他的nsf 的grants,她的record在女生的candidate pool里面已经算是outstanding了,拿个uva的offer有什么奇怪的。
怎么可能?也得看是啥排名阿,那么多五花八门的排名。TOP1 怎么也到不了UV吧,要么是UC系列要么是U Michigan
1. UC Berkeley
3. UVA
Do you think 报大腿 could solve anything in 学术圈? No! If you are not mentally capable, you are useless! So don't assume Professor Shen just depend on sleeping with other big names.
大品牌的CXO, that is related with fashion, she herself represents the future fashion. That is different from female faculty.
这个板上读过phd的mm有50%?读过的都知道,学术界没有那么高大上,搞学术也没那么难。最艰难的两个点,一是找到ap职位,而是ap阶段的起步 funding。大部分学科,拿到funding之后的工作很多人都能做的说得过去,关键是谁能拿到,给谁做。当然不否认沈ap是个努力上进的人,但是如果豆瓣文中说的事实的话,这对于其他同样努力并且背景好paper一把的人本身就是不公平的。
Sure, 百分百保证学术圈有这种现象! I agree.