You may need to spend the money to find a structure engineer to check the foundation. you can check the outside of your home to see any space between the wall and the surrounding material, to check any root (sometimes under ground)around your home etc.
We just checked one home and the foundation be damaged by roots but the home be build 23 years ago. We couldn't see any sign of the tree but the roots from the tree be cut before to build the home damaged the foundation of this home.
Another home in super good area and sale it for half the price. The reason is the foundation issue: one wall on the basement curved with time and there are visible spaces from every wall, every door with surrounding area.
请问达人这种情况,我是应该请inspector还是structure engineer过来看看?主要我们自己也不知道原因是什么,只是怀疑可能是foundation. 在yelp上打了好几家公司电话,他们给的意见也不太一样,有的说请inspector就可以,有的说你这种情况要请structure engineer. 而且一般site visit都非常贵,平均>400刀,而且都要到schedule到几个月以后_(:зゝ∠)_
请大大给点意见,是请inspector还是structure engineer?跪谢!!
update: 下面是3扇门的上沿,可以看到接缝都变成楔形,导致不是锁不上就是关上困难
We just checked one home and the foundation be damaged by roots but the home be build 23 years ago. We couldn't see any sign of the tree but the roots from the tree be cut before to build the home damaged the foundation of this home.
Another home in super good area and sale it for half the price. The reason is the foundation issue: one wall on the basement curved with time and there are visible spaces from every wall, every door with surrounding area.
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07