我感觉lz 过度自信了,要么就是share的信息不够...... Sweet.Jane 发表于 9/7/2016 1:41:37 AM
re, project experience is so!!!! important, not just 1 or 2 kaggle projects. knowledge mapping ability cannot be built within short time. something like data structure, complexity, even data analysis are not directly derived from several scikit learn packages. many ml models are even borrowed from physics, cs, etc. which is why phd is welcome in ds area.
short term training to "转data science"sounds more like data analyst, but a phd student like LZ should be able to learn fast in the long run, good luck.
re, project experience is so!!!! important, not just 1 or 2 kaggle projects. knowledge mapping ability cannot be built within short time. something like data structure, complexity, even data analysis are not directly derived from several scikit learn packages. many ml models are even borrowed from physics, cs, etc. which is why phd is welcome in ds area. short term training to "转data science"sounds more like data analyst, but a phd student like LZ should be able to learn fast in the long run, good luck.
re, project experience is so!!!! important, not just 1 or 2 kaggle projects. knowledge mapping ability cannot be built within short time. something like data structure, complexity, even data analysi...... lyxlyx 发表于 9/7/2016 2:56:51 AM
thanks for your advice! 反正coursera上那门课叫data science specialized program,真的蛮容易的 总共每门课也就5-10小时 我申的目前多是quant, 不过好多地方也叫做data scientist..当然经验很重要,但是各个行业需要的经验也不一样啊 ads recommendation, or financial prediction, 总不能要求fresh phd都有那么多的经验吧。。我就觉得model fitting,regression models, stats, ml algorithms这些都不难,经验的话只能工作起来慢慢攒咯...而且有的时候问题可能也不是以前碰到过的 problem solving skill 可能employer也比较看重吧
re, project experience is so!!!! important, not just 1 or 2 kaggle projects. knowledge mapping ability cannot be built within short time. something like data structure, complexity, even data analysi...... lyxlyx 发表于 9/7/2016 2:56:51 AM
我最近opt 3个月快到期还木有找到工作,已经有几个面试了, 希望通过。。同时也求refer阿啊!自己投的总是被hr看不见。。谢谢!
我因为专业经常建模 所以可能学起来比较快,如果别的专业转的话就按自己的pace 来啊!我从目前的面试来说,coursera那个课还是很有用的 都是实际问题 一门课也就十个小时最多,所以学起来容易,然后就是自己做project攒经验了, 网络上的课打多理论很少,所以肯定不是expert,要想精通的话 有别的大学公开课 那个知识更多
有很多m m说我列的这些是quant/data analyst的skill set 不过我目前看的job description里面一些data scientist 的要求也和这些都差不多 可能有些ds更偏重c++,还有数据结构什么的 这些我就不太在行啦~
他不一定第一年就能抽中h1b 现在还挺难抽的
你去社区大学上班还是挂靠?公司帮你抽h1b的话要看公司 现在估计很少有公司会等你半年的了
h1b 4.1 抽签 10.1生效
Perm 准备大概要半年(包括起草职位需求,职位打广告一个月,处理因为广告来的resume,etc)
perm file了 到批准要6-8个月
然后file140 可以选择premium,多交钱就行,15天批准
此时如果排期到了(lz lg估计不是中国大陆出生的?)立刻file 485, 485需要6-8个月
我只能说,以前上过几门统计课,会matlab,没用过sql,sas,r或python做过大型project,没做过数据处理和分析的实际project,一个月上John Hopkins那几门课远远不够DS的要求,data analyst倒是没问题。
我感觉lz 过度自信了,要么就是share的信息不够。不管怎么说,bless。找工作看运气看眼缘,即使skillset不十分符合要求,只要hiring manager喜欢,还是可以hire了再学习的。
如果中了请来分享 写简历和面试的经验!
re, project experience is so!!!! important, not just 1 or 2 kaggle projects. knowledge mapping ability cannot be built within short time. something like data structure, complexity, even data analysis are not directly derived from several scikit learn packages. many ml models are even borrowed from physics, cs, etc. which is why phd is welcome in ds area.
short term training to "转data science"sounds more like data analyst, but a phd student like LZ should be able to learn fast in the long run, good luck.
thanks for your advice! 反正coursera上那门课叫data science specialized program,真的蛮容易的 总共每门课也就5-10小时 我申的目前多是quant, 不过好多地方也叫做data scientist..当然经验很重要,但是各个行业需要的经验也不一样啊 ads recommendation, or financial prediction, 总不能要求fresh phd都有那么多的经验吧。。我就觉得model fitting,regression models, stats, ml algorithms这些都不难,经验的话只能工作起来慢慢攒咯...而且有的时候问题可能也不是以前碰到过的 problem solving skill 可能employer也比较看重吧
Can't agree more. LZ's talking misguides others.
The sills she has is an analyst only.
Thanks for sharing!
第二个 不知道 hoho。。见过 还没学到 应该是优化model的stability的吧 搜下。。
第三个 数据结构 如果是python 不是基本的就是 list, dictionary, array, series, dataframe 这几个
data scientist的bar挺高的,对编程和数学要求都很高。我都苦苦挣扎好多年了,还在仰望状态。
quant 和data science一样?IT行业里的data scientist应该和quant的要求不一样啊。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07
非常感谢!我现在也在准备转DATA SCIENCE。背景是工科硕士。
☆ 发自 iPad 华人一网 1.11.08