隔壁换班的团,没来得及加入。自己组团一个。想加入的在这个贴下面排队,写上email。 $219.9 + $11 tax = $230, up to 36人分享。每人$6.4。确认后,我会给你paypal地址。 我9月6日加你们名字,这两天放假可能没时间,希望能理解。请阅读楼2内容,我作为注册“老师”能看见你孩子进展。 同意楼2后,再排队。不同意,请不要排队。谢谢
Raz kids和Reading A-Z!!9月7号开课 对于未接触过Raz kids和Reading A-Z得mm,这里有简要的介绍: Raz kids和Reading A-Z的读物是有声的,如果孩子不认识字,没问题,可以点击自动播放,里面配有图片,孩子就可以像听故事一样。对于高年级的孩子,一样适用,文章难易可以任意挑选,您也可以根据孩子的阅读程度逐渐升级,里面有earn points的方式激励孩子阅读,通过earn到的points去装饰一个机器人,这个倒是很好玩的一项,寓教于乐!
Information for Users Raz-Kids, Headsprout, Science A-Z, Writing A-Z, and ReadyTest A-Z are online learning tools from Learning A-Z that may collect personal information from children, including the following:
• Audio recordings (Raz-Kids, Headsprout, and Science A-Z only): Children may record themselves reading texts, play the audio recordings back, and send the recordings to teacher account holders. Parents who are not account holders also may access any audio recordings the teacher sends to their child. • Open Text (Raz-Kids, Science A-Z, Writing A-Z, and ReadyTest A-Z only): Children may submit written responses to various prompts, which account holders and parents may access. • Persistent Identifiers (Raz-Kids, Headsprout, Science A-Z, Writing A-Z, and ReadyTest A-Z): We automatically receive and record certain technical information from children's browsers as they use our products, including their IP address, using technologies such as cookies. We collect and use this information only within our company in order to operate and improve our products. We need your permission to collect, use, and disclose the personal information described above for children under 13. To give your permission, please click the "I give permission" button above. Until we receive your permission, we will not collect, use, or disclose the personal information described above from your student(s). If we do not receive your permission within 7 days, we will remove your email address and any other online contact information you provided to us from our records.
We will not provide any personal information we collect from children to third parties — we use this information for the above purposes only. For detailed information about our privacy practices, please read our Privacy Policy.
$219.9 + $11 tax = $230, up to 36人分享。每人$6.4。确认后,我会给你paypal地址。
Raz kids和Reading A-Z!!9月7号开课
对于未接触过Raz kids和Reading A-Z得mm,这里有简要的介绍:
Raz kids和Reading A-Z的读物是有声的,如果孩子不认识字,没问题,可以点击自动播放,里面配有图片,孩子就可以像听故事一样。对于高年级的孩子,一样适用,文章难易可以任意挑选,您也可以根据孩子的阅读程度逐渐升级,里面有earn points的方式激励孩子阅读,通过earn到的points去装饰一个机器人,这个倒是很好玩的一项,寓教于乐!
Reading A-Z是Raz-kids reading 的升级产品。
Reading A-Z延用Raz-kids的登录界面,请注意Reading A-Z并没有单独的登录界面!
Reading A-Z产品和Raz-kids reading 的区别在于
1、Reading A-Z提供1100多本eBook和课后练习open book eQuizzes;Raz-kids提供350多本eBook和eQuizzes
2、Reading A-Z可以从Book Room功能里进入任何阅读级别;Raz-kids仅可以进入当前设置的级别,完成阅读要求后才可以升入下一个级别
所以购买了Reading A-Z的会员们,你们收到的帐号及登录信息类似Raz-kids的登录信息,但你们的帐号授权你们可以阅读的书籍数量是大大多出Raz-kids的。
Information for Users
Raz-Kids, Headsprout, Science A-Z, Writing A-Z, and ReadyTest A-Z are online learning tools from Learning A-Z that may collect personal information from children, including the following:
• Audio recordings (Raz-Kids, Headsprout, and Science A-Z only): Children may record themselves reading texts, play the audio recordings back, and send the recordings to teacher account holders. Parents who are not account holders also may access any audio recordings the teacher sends to their child.
• Open Text (Raz-Kids, Science A-Z, Writing A-Z, and ReadyTest A-Z only): Children may submit written responses to various prompts, which account holders and parents may access.
• Persistent Identifiers (Raz-Kids, Headsprout, Science A-Z, Writing A-Z, and ReadyTest A-Z): We automatically receive and record certain technical information from children's browsers as they use our products, including their IP address, using technologies such as cookies. We collect and use this information only within our company in order to operate and improve our products.
We need your permission to collect, use, and disclose the personal information described above for children under 13. To give your permission, please click the "I give permission" button above. Until we receive your permission, we will not collect, use, or disclose the personal information described above from your student(s). If we do not receive your permission within 7 days, we will remove your email address and any other online contact information you provided to us from our records.
We will not provide any personal information we collect from children to third parties — we use this information for the above purposes only. For detailed information about our privacy practices, please read our Privacy Policy.
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