7/15/2015 This spreadsheet is regarding the Refugee Resettlement Program:
Reception & Placement Consolidated Placement Plan Summary by City Subtotals of R&P CPP by City, by State (ST BY STATE) Arrivals by State (ARRIVALS); Balance (Note that Arrivals by City is a very large file that needs a separate worksheet.) Data from Reports here
Fiscal Year 2015, for 3rd Qtr. ending June 30, 2015
STATE CITY R&P CPP ST BY STATE STATE ARRIVALS BALANCE AK Anchorage 125 125 Alaska 125 0 AL Mobile 125 125 Alabama 69 56 AR Springdale 10 10 Arkansas 2 8 AZ Glendale 895 AZ Phoenix 1,459 AZ Tucson 935 3,289 Arizona 2,151 1,138 CA Anaheim 175 CA Fullerton 10 CA Garden Grove 150 CA Glendale 1,420 CA Los Angeles 490 CA Los Gatos 144 CA Modesto 250 CA Oakland 615 CA Sacramento 1,276 CA San Bernardino 65 CA San Diego 3,103 CA San Francisco 5 CA San Jose 142 CA Turlock 120 CA Walnut Creek 90 8,055 California 3,720 4,335 CO Colorado Springs 138 CO Denver 1,690 CO Greeley 150 1,978 Colorado 1,184 794 CT Bridgeport 100 CT Hartford 285 CT New Haven 205 590 Connecticut 352 238 DC Washintont 15 15 District of Columbia 4 11 DE Wilmington 5 5 Delaware 6 -1 FL Clearwater 200 FL Delray Beach 95 FL Doral 160 FL Jacksonville 895 FL Miami 1,056 FL Miami Springs 133 FL Naples 115 FL North Port 30 FL Orlando 360 FL Palm Springs 150 FL Pensacola 20 FL Plantation 75 FL Riviera Beach 50 FL Tallahassee 50 FL Tampa 660 4,049 Florida 1,748 2,301 GA Atlanta 2,100 GA Savannah 100 GA Stone Mountain 665 2,865 Georgia 1,853 1,012 HI Honolulu 15 15 Hawaii 6 9 IA Cedar Rapids 55 IA Des Moines 585 640 Iowa 518 122 ID Boise 720 ID Twin Falls 300 1,020 Idaho 600 420 IL Aurora 190 IL Chicago 1,595 IL Moline 200 IL Rockford 300 IL Wheaton 375 2,660 Illinois 1,675 985 IN Fort Wayne 200 IN Indianapolis 1,285 1,485 Indiana 1,164 321 KS Garden City 80 KS Kansas City 200 KS Wichita 230 510 Kansas 507 3 KY Bowling Green 310 KY Lexington 410 KY Louisville 990 KY Owensboro 135 1,845 Kentucky 1,262 583 LA Baton Rouge 125 LA Lafayette 30 LA Metairie 30 185 Louisiana 91 94 MA Boston 300 MA Framingham 8 MA Jamaica Plain 100 MA Lowell 275 MA South Boston 260 MA Springfield 230 MA Waltham 10 MA West Springfield 340 MA Worcester 443 1,966 Masachusetts 973 993 MD Baltimore 775 MD GlenBurnie 150 MD Rockville 39 MD Silver Spring 845 1,809 Maryland 955 854 ME Portland 350 350 Maine 306 44 MI Ann Arbor 80 MI Battle Creek 140 MI Clinton Township 650 MI Dearborn 640 MI Grand Rapids 740 MI Lansing 617 MI Troy 1,215 4,082 Michigan 2,025 2,057 MN Minneapolis 730 MN Richfield 340 MN Rochester 130 MN Saint Paul 695 MN St. Cloud 215 2,110 Minnesota 1,583 527 MO Columbia 140 MO Kansas City 540 MO Saint Louis 725 MO Springfield 75 1,480 Missouri 977 503 MS Biloxi 5 MS Jackson 15 20 Mississippi 4 16 NC Charlotte 655 NC Durham 380 NC Greensboro 385 NC High Point 405 NC New Bern 165 NC Raleigh 475 NC Wilmington 80 2,545 South Carolina 1,552 993 ND Bismarck 45 ND Fargo 270 ND Grand Forks 90 405 North Dakota 314 91 NE Lincoln 335 NE Omaha 655 990 Nebraska 793 197 NH Concord 245 NH Manchester 200 445 New Hampshire 310 135 NJ Camden 100 NJ East Orange 6 NJ Elizabeth 300 NJ Jersey City 100 506 New Jersey 181 325 NM Albuquerque 220 220 New Mexico 125 95 NV Las Vegas 640 640 Nevada 407 233 NY Albany 360 NY Amityville 20 NY Binghamton 40 NY Brooklyn 55 NY Buffalo 1,442 NY New York 240 NY Rochester 643 NY Syracuse 1030 NY Utica 410 4,240 New York 2,693 1,547 OH Akron 575 OH Cincinnati 140 OH Cleveland 510 OH Cleveland Heights 190 OH Columbus 1,300 OH Dayton 210 OH Toledo 40 2,965 Ohio 1,941 1,024 OK Oklahoma City 170 OK Tulsa 225 395 Oklahoma 324 71 OR Portland 995 995 Oregon 723 272 PA Allentown 95 PA Erie 625 PA Harrisburg 200 PA Lancaster 480 PA Philadelphia 750 PA Pittsburgh 470 PA Roslyn 20 PA Scranton 150 2,790 Pennsylvania 1,770 1,020 PR San Juan 5 5 Puerto Rico (terr.) 5 RI Providence 210 210 Rhode Island 120 90 SC Columbia 160 SC Spartanburg 60 220 South Carolina 147 73 SD Huron 90 SD Sioux Falls 400 490 South Dakota 291 199 TN Chattanooga 85 TN Knoxville 190 TN Memphis 200 TN Nashville 1,225 1,700 Tennessee 952 748 TX Abilene 200 TX Amarillo 442 TX Austin 930 TX Corpus Christi 5 TX Dallas 1,765 TX El Paso 35 TX Fort Worth 1,503 TX Houston 2,605 TX San Antonio 750 8,235 Texas 4,904 3,331 UT Salt Lake City 1,126 1,126 Utah 705 421 VA Arlington 500 VA Charlottesville 250 VA Falls Church 450 VA Fredericksburg 120 VA Harrisonburg 140 VA Newport News 300 VA Richmond 243 VA Roanoke 177 2,180 Virginia 852 1,328 VT Colchester 325 325 Vermont 198 127 WA Kent 985 WA Richland 230 WA Seattle 714 WA Spokane 510 WA Tacoma 276 WA Vancouver 127 2,842 Washington 1,814 1,028 WI Green Bay 20 WI Madison 90 WI Milwaukee 890 WI Oshkosh 135 WI Sheboygan 35 1,170 Wisconsin 919 251 WV Charleston 50 50 West Virginia 28 22 TOTALS 76972 76,972 45,923 31,049
Obama State Department, which has ignored the complaints and concerns, citing the Refugee Act of 1980 as the source of its authority. That law, authored by the late Sen. Ted Kennedy and former Sen. Joe Biden, gives the states and localities very little power to stop the influx of United Nations-selected refugees.
Basic information like how many refugees are coming, where they are coming from and what public services they will be using are all vital for any city or county that is serious about controlling its government and school budgets yet the refugee drop-offs continue in secrecy.
7/15/2015 This spreadsheet is regarding the Refugee Resettlement Program:
Reception & Placement Consolidated Placement Plan Summary by City
Subtotals of R&P CPP by City, by State (ST BY STATE)
Arrivals by State (ARRIVALS); Balance
(Note that Arrivals by City is a very large file that needs a separate worksheet.)
Data from Reports here
Fiscal Year 2015, for 3rd Qtr. ending June 30, 2015
AK Anchorage 125 125 Alaska 125 0
AL Mobile 125 125 Alabama 69 56
AR Springdale 10 10 Arkansas 2 8
AZ Glendale 895
AZ Phoenix 1,459
AZ Tucson 935 3,289 Arizona 2,151 1,138
CA Anaheim 175
CA Fullerton 10
CA Garden Grove 150
CA Glendale 1,420
CA Los Angeles 490
CA Los Gatos 144
CA Modesto 250
CA Oakland 615
CA Sacramento 1,276
CA San Bernardino 65
CA San Diego 3,103
CA San Francisco 5
CA San Jose 142
CA Turlock 120
CA Walnut Creek 90 8,055 California 3,720 4,335
CO Colorado Springs 138
CO Denver 1,690
CO Greeley 150 1,978 Colorado 1,184 794
CT Bridgeport 100
CT Hartford 285
CT New Haven 205 590 Connecticut 352 238
DC Washintont 15 15 District of Columbia 4 11
DE Wilmington 5 5 Delaware 6 -1
FL Clearwater 200
FL Delray Beach 95
FL Doral 160
FL Jacksonville 895
FL Miami 1,056
FL Miami Springs 133
FL Naples 115
FL North Port 30
FL Orlando 360
FL Palm Springs 150
FL Pensacola 20
FL Plantation 75
FL Riviera Beach 50
FL Tallahassee 50
FL Tampa 660 4,049 Florida 1,748 2,301
GA Atlanta 2,100
GA Savannah 100
GA Stone Mountain 665 2,865 Georgia 1,853 1,012
HI Honolulu 15 15 Hawaii 6 9
IA Cedar Rapids 55
IA Des Moines 585 640 Iowa 518 122
ID Boise 720
ID Twin Falls 300 1,020 Idaho 600 420
IL Aurora 190
IL Chicago 1,595
IL Moline 200
IL Rockford 300
IL Wheaton 375 2,660 Illinois 1,675 985
IN Fort Wayne 200
IN Indianapolis 1,285 1,485 Indiana 1,164 321
KS Garden City 80
KS Kansas City 200
KS Wichita 230 510 Kansas 507 3
KY Bowling Green 310
KY Lexington 410
KY Louisville 990
KY Owensboro 135 1,845 Kentucky 1,262 583
LA Baton Rouge 125
LA Lafayette 30
LA Metairie 30 185 Louisiana 91 94
MA Boston 300
MA Framingham 8
MA Jamaica Plain 100
MA Lowell 275
MA South Boston 260
MA Springfield 230
MA Waltham 10
MA West Springfield 340
MA Worcester 443 1,966 Masachusetts 973 993
MD Baltimore 775
MD GlenBurnie 150
MD Rockville 39
MD Silver Spring 845 1,809 Maryland 955 854
ME Portland 350 350 Maine 306 44
MI Ann Arbor 80
MI Battle Creek 140
MI Clinton Township 650
MI Dearborn 640
MI Grand Rapids 740
MI Lansing 617
MI Troy 1,215 4,082 Michigan 2,025 2,057
MN Minneapolis 730
MN Richfield 340
MN Rochester 130
MN Saint Paul 695
MN St. Cloud 215 2,110 Minnesota 1,583 527
MO Columbia 140
MO Kansas City 540
MO Saint Louis 725
MO Springfield 75 1,480 Missouri 977 503
MS Biloxi 5
MS Jackson 15 20 Mississippi 4 16
NC Charlotte 655
NC Durham 380
NC Greensboro 385
NC High Point 405
NC New Bern 165
NC Raleigh 475
NC Wilmington 80 2,545 South Carolina 1,552 993
ND Bismarck 45
ND Fargo 270
ND Grand Forks 90 405 North Dakota 314 91
NE Lincoln 335
NE Omaha 655 990 Nebraska 793 197
NH Concord 245
NH Manchester 200 445 New Hampshire 310 135
NJ Camden 100
NJ East Orange 6
NJ Elizabeth 300
NJ Jersey City 100 506 New Jersey 181 325
NM Albuquerque 220 220 New Mexico 125 95
NV Las Vegas 640 640 Nevada 407 233
NY Albany 360
NY Amityville 20
NY Binghamton 40
NY Brooklyn 55
NY Buffalo 1,442
NY New York 240
NY Rochester 643
NY Syracuse 1030
NY Utica 410 4,240 New York 2,693 1,547
OH Akron 575
OH Cincinnati 140
OH Cleveland 510
OH Cleveland Heights 190
OH Columbus 1,300
OH Dayton 210
OH Toledo 40 2,965 Ohio 1,941 1,024
OK Oklahoma City 170
OK Tulsa 225 395 Oklahoma 324 71
OR Portland 995 995 Oregon 723 272
PA Allentown 95
PA Erie 625
PA Harrisburg 200
PA Lancaster 480
PA Philadelphia 750
PA Pittsburgh 470
PA Roslyn 20
PA Scranton 150 2,790 Pennsylvania 1,770 1,020
PR San Juan 5 5 Puerto Rico (terr.) 5
RI Providence 210 210 Rhode Island 120 90
SC Columbia 160
SC Spartanburg 60 220 South Carolina 147 73
SD Huron 90
SD Sioux Falls 400 490 South Dakota 291 199
TN Chattanooga 85
TN Knoxville 190
TN Memphis 200
TN Nashville 1,225 1,700 Tennessee 952 748
TX Abilene 200
TX Amarillo 442
TX Austin 930
TX Corpus Christi 5
TX Dallas 1,765
TX El Paso 35
TX Fort Worth 1,503
TX Houston 2,605
TX San Antonio 750 8,235 Texas 4,904 3,331
UT Salt Lake City 1,126 1,126 Utah 705 421
VA Arlington 500
VA Charlottesville 250
VA Falls Church 450
VA Fredericksburg 120
VA Harrisonburg 140
VA Newport News 300
VA Richmond 243
VA Roanoke 177 2,180 Virginia 852 1,328
VT Colchester 325 325 Vermont 198 127
WA Kent 985
WA Richland 230
WA Seattle 714
WA Spokane 510
WA Tacoma 276
WA Vancouver 127 2,842 Washington 1,814 1,028
WI Green Bay 20
WI Madison 90
WI Milwaukee 890
WI Oshkosh 135
WI Sheboygan 35 1,170 Wisconsin 919 251
WV Charleston 50 50 West Virginia 28 22
TOTALS 76972 76,972 45,923 31,049
PLAN 76,972
BALANCE 31,049
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.08
这是怎么回事? 为什么比其他城市多那么多?!!
刚看到san diego 是蓝的,同情一下san diego 的普通人。
看到了, 我们小区穆斯林很少, 但是邻居就是穆斯林.
很早以前就看到本地新闻非常自豪的炫耀San Diego是加州过去十年以来是加州接受难民最多的county,远超面积大很多的LA...
Obama State Department, which has ignored the complaints and concerns, citing the Refugee Act of 1980 as the source of its authority. That law, authored by the late Sen. Ted Kennedy and former Sen. Joe Biden, gives the states and localities very little power to stop the influx of United Nations-selected refugees.
Basic information like how many refugees are coming, where they are coming from and what public services they will be using are all vital for any city or county that is serious about controlling its government and school budgets yet the refugee drop-offs continue in secrecy.
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.08