“The lessons, the parallels, are clear. What we did in the U.K. on the 23rd of June, was to strike the first really big blow against the professional political class working hand in glove with the giant multinationals and the big Wall Street banks,” Farage told the FOX Business Network’s Stuart Varney.
Farage then reacted to reports that polls on the morning of the Brexit vote showed the ‘leave’ side was substantially behind despite ultimately ending the day with a victory.
“The morning of the vote was quite remarkable, there was an opinion poll issued by what was a reputable polling company showing the ‘remain’ side ten points in the lead. And I genuinely think that what went on at the end of that campaign was a deliberate media and establishment attempt to say to voters, ‘look, Brexit isn’t going to win so why bother to go out to vote for it.’”
Farage explained that this was a key part of his message to Trump supporters.
“And what I was saying to Trump supporters last night is whatever gets said in the next 73 days in this campaign, even if they tell you that the Donald can’t win, don’t believe them, because what we saw was the deliberate attempt to fiddle the figures. Luckily we ignored it and we beat them.”
Growth in overall health-care spending is slowing, but middle-class families’ share of the tab is getting larger, squeezing households already feeling stretched financially. Overall, health-care spending across the economy reached 18.2% of gross domestic product as of June, up from 13.3% in 2000, according to Altarum Institute, a health research group.
The Kaiser Family Foundation, a health-care research nonprofit, found deductibles for individual workers have soared in the past five years, rising 67% since 2010 without adjusting for inflation, roughly seven times earnings growth over the same period. A separate Kaiser analysis of tens of millions of insurance claims found patient cost-sharing rose by 77% between 2004 and 2014, driven by a 256% huaren.us in deductible payments.
In addition, price increases for prescription drugs have been accelerating. The average price of brand-name drugs rose 16.2% in 2015, and is up 98.2% since 2011, according to drug-benefits manager Express Scripts Holding Co.
英国脱欧派领袖法拉奇力赴美力挺川普 POLL都是ESTABLISHMENT造假,别相信
Nigel Farage Warns of More Establishment Fear Mongering Against Trump
“The lessons, the parallels, are clear. What we did in the U.K. on the 23rd of June, was to strike the first really big blow against the professional political class working hand in glove with the giant multinationals and the big Wall Street banks,” Farage told the FOX Business Network’s Stuart Varney.
Farage then reacted to reports that polls on the morning of the Brexit vote showed the ‘leave’ side was substantially behind despite ultimately ending the day with a victory.
“The morning of the vote was quite remarkable, there was an opinion poll issued by what was a reputable polling company showing the ‘remain’ side ten points in the lead. And I genuinely think that what went on at the end of that campaign was a deliberate media and establishment attempt to say to voters, ‘look, Brexit isn’t going to win so why bother to go out to vote for it.’”
Farage explained that this was a key part of his message to Trump supporters.
“And what I was saying to Trump supporters last night is whatever gets said in the next 73 days in this campaign, even if they tell you that the Donald can’t win, don’t believe them, because what we saw was the deliberate attempt to fiddle the figures. Luckily we ignored it and we beat them.”
民主党现在造假POLL就是为了给你这样的人这种错觉。JIMMY CARTER在十月第三周还领先里根十个点,所以目前川普的这个POLL在我看来已经差不多是赢了。这种帖子以后不要贴才好。
报以同情的目光 友情支持一下你们
Burden of Health-Care Costs Moves to the Middle Class
Rising out-of-pocket health care costs ‘means less money for other things’
Growth in overall health-care spending is slowing, but middle-class families’ share of the tab is getting larger, squeezing households already feeling stretched financially. Overall, health-care spending across the economy reached 18.2% of gross domestic product as of June, up from 13.3% in 2000, according to Altarum Institute, a health research group.
The Kaiser Family Foundation, a health-care research nonprofit, found deductibles for individual workers have soared in the past five years, rising 67% since 2010 without adjusting for inflation, roughly seven times earnings growth over the same period. A separate Kaiser analysis of tens of millions of insurance claims found patient cost-sharing rose by 77% between 2004 and 2014, driven by a 256% huaren.us in deductible payments.
In addition, price increases for prescription drugs have been accelerating. The average price of brand-name drugs rose 16.2% in 2015, and is up 98.2% since 2011, according to drug-benefits manager Express Scripts Holding Co.