没有禁止的话,红色箭头灯也可以右转和左转单行道是不是其它州也可以呀 A red arrow means you must stop and you cannot go in the direction of the arrow. You may proceed when the red arrow goes out and a green arrow or light goes on. If you are turning right, you may turn after coming to a full stop if it is safe and if there is no sign prohibiting the turn on a red arrow. You may also turn left onto a one-way street with traf c moving left after coming to a full stop if there is no sign prohibiting turns on a red arrow when it is safe to do so
【 在 miketang (Miketang) 的大作中提到: 】 没有禁止的话,红色箭头灯也可以右转和左转单行道是不是其它州也可以呀 A red arrow means you must stop and you cannot go in the direction of the : arrow. You may proceed when the red arrow goes out and a green arrow or light goes on. If you are turning right, you may turn after coming to a full stop if it is safe and if there is no sign prohibiting the turn on a red arrow. You may also turn left onto a one-way street with traf c moving left after coming to a full stop if there is no sign prohibiting turns on a red arrow when it is safe to do so
这个是华盛顿州的,如果是其他州,有本州对应的driver's guide
A red arrow means you must stop and you cannot go in the direction of the
arrow. You may proceed when the red arrow goes out and a green arrow or
light goes on. If you are turning right, you may turn after coming to a full stop
if it is safe and if there is no sign prohibiting the turn on a red arrow.
You may also turn left onto a one-way street with traf c moving left after
coming to a full stop if there is no sign prohibiting turns on a red arrow
when it is safe to do so