1. FBI: 14,900 Hillary Clinton Documents Discovered In Email Probe
The 14,900 documents referred to by Boasberg are believed to include emails that were not included among the 55,000 pages of emails that Clinton previously turned over to the State Department after her use of a private email server and private email account became public last year.
Rep. Jason Chaffetz, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, said Wednesday night that material related to Hillary Clinton's private email use that was provided by the FBI is so highly classified that he does not have the security clearance to read most of it.
"The sensitivity of the material is such that even I, as the chairman of the Oversight Committee, the chief investigative body, I don't have the proper security clearance as a member of Congress to look at this," Chaffetz said on Fox News.
The Utah Republican said the FBI files, which include notes from witness interviews and other documents from the agency's year-long probe, could only be accessed in a secure facility known as an SCIF that was "under lock and key and guard." Once inside the SCIF, Chaffetz noted, the documents available were still heavily redacted.
"It goes to the nature of how this very sensitive material, material that put people's lives in danger, was out there in the open," he said.
本报华盛顿8月23日电 (记者张朋辉)美国国务院22日证实,美国联邦调查局在调查民主党总统候选人希拉里·克林顿“邮件门”事件时发现了另外约1.5万封未被希拉里团队上交国务院的邮件,国务院目前正在就邮件内容进行审查,为公布这批邮件中涉及的公务内容做准备。
1. FBI: 14,900 Hillary Clinton Documents Discovered In Email Probe
The 14,900 documents referred to by Boasberg are believed to include emails that were not included among the 55,000 pages of emails that Clinton previously turned over to the State Department after her use of a private email server and private email account became public last year.
因为班加西时间审查,RHC 曾经不得不把邮件交给国会。为此,她多次(自我矛盾的)声称是律师选取的work related的全部邮件;她说没有上交的大量邮件都是私人邮件,例如与丈夫女儿的。这个谎言已经被bill有次公开演讲时打脸,bill说:我不爱发邮件,给H从没发过几个邮件。
2. Pay to play 。RHC做国务卿期间,重点接触了154个人,其中已经证实里面的其中85个给克家基金大笔捐款。这个消息是从她在任期间的schedule里面披露的。这85个人一共捐了156million,其中有20个捐了1million以上
3. 撒谎。
Rep. Jason Chaffetz, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, said Wednesday night that material related to Hillary Clinton's private email use that was provided by the FBI is so highly classified that he does not have the security clearance to read most of it.
"The sensitivity of the material is such that even I, as the chairman of the Oversight Committee, the chief investigative body, I don't have the proper security clearance as a member of Congress to look at this," Chaffetz said on Fox News.
The Utah Republican said the FBI files, which include notes from witness interviews and other documents from the agency's year-long probe, could only be accessed in a secure facility known as an SCIF that was "under lock and key and guard." Once inside the SCIF, Chaffetz noted, the documents available were still heavily redacted.
"It goes to the nature of how this very sensitive material, material that put people's lives in danger, was out there in the open," he said.
4. Chaffetz声称FBI给国会关于克林顿电子邮件 前后不一致。
FBI's notes from Clinton interview keep changing
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.08
说的好! 有些人天天装做有学问似得引经据典,摆在明面上的却只字不提。
So what?
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.08