【刚得到Meimei Huff的消息:AB1726 的最新消息~~该法案作者Bonta在参院跳过3次可以投票的机会最主要的原因是州长无法按照当时的版本投下赞成的票,其中一个最大的原因是社区中对该法案有极大的反弹。 Bobta只有两条路走:1)按照当初的版本通过参院投票之后被州长否决,2)作出让步修改版本作到州长及议员们可以接受的程度。当初版本被人诟病的地方是AB1726想走后门绕过209号提案重新启动以人种、肤色、国籍等因素作为在教育公共政策的入学,就能及工程的审核标准,以致于导致亚裔及华人在教育方面的可能损失。大家都记得共和党越南裔参议员Janet Nguyen在健康委员会投票赞成AB1726。 Senator Bob Huff 事后特别与她详谈,Janet也特别表示由健康角度来看,AB1726对于亚裔争取资源改善健康是有益的同时也不会牺牲其他的族裔,但她向Bob表示该法案到参院投票时,她会和我们站在一起反对,因为该法案包括了教育的部分是我们无法接受的。这些来自于州长、议员及社区的反对逼的Bonta不得不将该法案中与教育有关的部分全部删除! 💪💪💪目前版本只与健康有关,而且只能在2022年及有政府资源的情形之下才可以开始实施。目前共和党参议院正在审视目前修改过后的版本。以上是目前的情形。谢谢社区朋友们齐心的努力大幅度的改善了一个不好的法案而直接的在教育领域上帮助到我们的社区的家庭及学童们! [玫瑰][玫瑰][玫瑰]如有进一步消息我也会继续提供给大家。】
先给大家一个大大的赞!也请大家继续帮拉签名,我们随时准备再次面呈州长办公室: https://www.change.org/p/california-governor-veto-ab-1726 更多图片请见原文。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [81楼] 附一下8/19日改动后的原文:Introduced by Assembly Member Bonta 红色字体为删除部分,华人网站不能够显示删除横线。 蓝色为改动部分。
Existing law requires any state agency, board, or commission that directly or by contract collects demographic data as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of Californians to use separate collection categories and tabulations for specified Asian groups and Pacific Islander groups, and requires a state agency, board, or commission to include data on specified collection categories and tabulations in every demographic report on ancestry or ethnic origins of California residents that it publishes or releases. Existing law requires specified agencies to use additional separate collection categories and other tabulations for major Asian groups and Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander groups, and also requires those agencies to take additional actions, including, among other things, posting, and annually updating, the demographic data collected on their Internet Web sites, and updating the reporting categories to reflect these Asian and Pacific Islander groups as they are reported for the 2020 decennial census. This bill would require the updating of the reporting categories for future decennial censuses. The bill would require the State Department of Public[s] Health, the State Department of Health Care Services, the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, the Trustees of the California State University, and the Regents of the University of California(删)[/s] Health to use the additional separate collection categories and other tabulations for specified Asian groups and Pacific Islander groups, and to take additional actions as specified above, under certain circumstances.[s] The bill would not apply its categorization requirements to demographic data of graduate and professional schools of the University of California. The bill would be applicable to the University of California only if the Regents of the University of California, by resolution, make it applicable.(删)[/s] [s] [s]To the extent the bill would impose additional requirements on community colleges, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program.[/s] [s]The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement.[/s] [s]This bill would provide that, if the Commission on State Mandates determines that the bill contains costs mandated by the state, reimbursement for those costs shall be made pursuant to these statutory provisions.(删)[/s] [/s] DIGEST KEYVote: majority Appropriation: no Fiscal Committee: yes Local Program: [s]yes[/s]no BILL TEXTTHE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS:
SECTION 1. Section 8310.7 of the Government Code is amended to read:
8310.7. (a) This section shall only apply to the following state agencies: (1) The Department of Industrial Relations. (2) The Department of Fair Employment and Housing. (3) [s]The [/s][s] [s](删)[/s] [/s]To the extent funding is specifically appropriated for this purpose, the State Department of Public Health, on or after July 1,[s]2018,[/s] 2022, whenever collecting demographic data as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of persons for a report that includes rates for major diseases, leading causes of death per demographic, subcategories for leading causes of death in California overall, pregnancy rates, or housing numbers. [s] [s](4)The State Department of Health Care Services, on or after July 1, 2018, whenever collecting demographic data as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of persons.[/s] [s](删)[/s] [/s][s] [s](5)The Trustees of the California State University or the Regents of the University of California, on or after July 1, 2017, whenever the entity collects demographic data as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of students for a report that includes student admission, enrollment, completion, or graduation rates.[/s] [s](删)[/s] [/s][s] [s](6)The Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, on or after July 1, 2020, whenever the entity collects demographic data as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of students for a report that includes student enrollment, completion, or graduation rates.[/s] [s](删)[/s] [/s](b) In addition to the duties imposed under Section 8310.5, the state agencies described in subdivision (a), in the course of collecting demographic data directly or by contract as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of California residents, shall collect and tabulate data for the following: (1) Additional major Asian groups, including, but not limited to, Bangladeshi, Hmong, Indonesian, Malaysian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Taiwanese, and Thai. (2) Additional major Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander groups, including, but not limited to, Fijian and Tongan. (c) (1) The state agencies identified in subdivision (a) shall make any data collected pursuant to subdivision (b) publicly available,[s]except as described in paragraph (2) for the entities identified in paragraph (5) or (6) of subdivision (a), and[/s] except as described in paragraph[s] (3) for departments identified in paragraphs (3) and (4)[/s][s] [s](删)[/s] [/s](2) for the department identified in paragraph (3) of subdivision (a), and except for personal identifying information, which shall be deemed confidential, by posting the data on the Internet Web site of the agency on or before July 1, 2012, and annually thereafter. This subdivision shall not be construed to prevent any other state agency from posting data collected pursuant to subdivision (b) on the agency’s Internet Web site, in the manner prescribed by this section. [s] [s](2)Where applicable, each entity identified in paragraph (5) or (6) of subdivision (a) shall comply with the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. Sec. 1232g) and shall observe federal criteria for ensuring statistical significance of data collected and published.[/s] [s](删)[/s] [/s][s] [s](3)[/s] [/s](2) The state[s] departments [/s][s] [s](删)[/s] [/s] department identified in[s] paragraphs [/s][s] [s](删)[/s] [/s] paragraph (3)[s] and (4)[/s] of subdivision (a) shall not report demographic data that would permit identification of individuals.[s] These departments[/s] The department may, to prevent identification of individuals, aggregate data categories at a state, county, city, census tract, or ZIP Code level to facilitate comparisons and identify disparities. (d) [s](1)Except as provided in paragraph (2) for the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, the [/s][s] [s](删)[/s] [/s]The state agencies identified in subdivision (a) shall, within 18 months after a decennial United States Census is released to the public, update their data collection to reflect the additional Asian groups and additional Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander groups as they are reported by the United States Census Bureau. [s] [s](2)Paragraph (1) shall not apply to the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges until 18 months after the 2030 decennial United States Census is released to the public.[/s] [s](删)[/s] [/s](e) The state[s] departments[/s] department identified in[s] paragraphs[/s] paragraph (3)[s] and (4)[/s] of subdivision (a) shall not report demographic data that would result in statistical unreliability. (f) The state department identified in paragraph (3) of subdivision (a)[s] may, but is not required to, collect demographic data pursuant to this section[/s] may continue to collect and report demographic data in the form that the data was submitted if the data was collected under either of the following circumstances: (1) Pursuant to federal programs or surveys, whereby the guidelines for demographic data collection categories are defined by the federal program or survey. (2) Demographic data collected by other entities, including either of the following: (A) State offices, departments, and agencies not included in subdivision (a). (B) Third-party entity administered surveys not solely funded by the state department. [s] [s](g)This section shall not apply to demographic data of graduate or professional schools of the University of California.[/s] [s](删)[/s] [/s][s] [s](h)This section shall apply to the University of California only if the Regents of the University of California, by resolution, make it applicable.[/s] [/s][s] [s](删)[/s] [/s]
[s] SEC. 2. [s]If the Commission on State Mandates determines that this act contains costs mandated by the State, reimbursement to local agencies and school districts for those costs shall be made pursuant to Part 7 (commencing with Section 17500) of Division 4 of Title 2 of the Government Code.[/s] [/s]
川普种族歧视?TRUMP从1997开始就为黑人争取平等权利 When Palm Beach social clubs barred African Americans and Jews, Donald Trump's lawyer sent copies of the film, 'Guess Who's Coming to Dinner,' to members of Palm Beach town council and filed a lawsuit against them April 30, 1997, "Trump’s Palm Beach Club Roils the Old Social Order," The Wall Street Journal, by Jacqueline Bueno.
Throughout the 90s, Trump pissed off the establishment in Palm Beach by TAKING DOWN white supremacy and discrimination. WSJ article from 1997.
In other words? In other words, long before he was running for president, there was Donald Trump battling racism and anti-Semitism in Palm Beach society. Using every tool at his disposal.
我附一下8/19日改动后的原文:Introduced by Assembly Member Bonta Existing law requires any state agency, board, or commission that directly or by contract collects demographic data as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of Californians to use separate collection categories and tabulations for specified Asian groups and Pacific Islander groups, and requires a state agency, board, or commission to include data on specified collection categories and tabulations in every demographic report on ancestry or ethnic origins of California residents that it publishes or releases. Existing law requires specified agencies to use additional separate collection categories and other tabulations for major Asian groups and Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander groups, and also requires those agencies to take additional actions, including, among other things, posting, and annually updating, the demographic data collected on their Internet Web sites, and updating the reporting categories to reflect these Asian and Pacific Islander groups as they are reported for the 2020 decennial census. This bill would require the updating of the reporting categories for future decennial censuses. The bill would require the State Department of Public[s] Health, the State Department of Health Care Services, the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, the Trustees of the California State University, and the Regents of the University of California[/s] Health to use the additional separate collection categories and other tabulations for specified Asian groups and Pacific Islander groups, and to take additional actions as specified above, under certain circumstances.[s] The bill would not apply its categorization requirements to demographic data of graduate and professional schools of the University of California. The bill would be applicable to the University of California only if the Regents of the University of California, by resolution, make it applicable.[/s] [s] [s]To the extent the bill would impose additional requirements on community colleges, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program.[/s] [s]The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement.[/s] [s]This bill would provide that, if the Commission on State Mandates determines that the bill contains costs mandated by the state, reimbursement for those costs shall be made pursuant to these statutory provisions.[/s] [/s] DIGEST KEYVote: majority Appropriation: no Fiscal Committee: yes Local Program: [s]yes[/s]no BILL TEXTTHE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS:
SECTION 1. Section 8310.7 of the Government Code is amended to read:
8310.7. (a) This section shall only apply to the following state agencies: (1) The Department of Industrial Relations. (2) The Department of Fair Employment and Housing. (3) [s]The [/s]To the extent funding is specifically appropriated for this purpose, the State Department of Public Health, on or after July 1,[s]2018,[/s] 2022, whenever collecting demographic data as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of persons for a report that includes rates for major diseases, leading causes of death per demographic, subcategories for leading causes of death in California overall, pregnancy rates, or housing numbers. [s] [s](4)The State Department of Health Care Services, on or after July 1, 2018, whenever collecting demographic data as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of persons.[/s] [s](5)The Trustees of the California State University or the Regents of the University of California, on or after July 1, 2017, whenever the entity collects demographic data as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of students for a report that includes student admission, enrollment, completion, or graduation rates.[/s] [s](6)The Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, on or after July 1, 2020, whenever the entity collects demographic data as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of students for a report that includes student enrollment, completion, or graduation rates.[/s] [/s](b) In addition to the duties imposed under Section 8310.5, the state agencies described in subdivision (a), in the course of collecting demographic data directly or by contract as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of California residents, shall collect and tabulate data for the following: (1) Additional major Asian groups, including, but not limited to, Bangladeshi, Hmong, Indonesian, Malaysian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Taiwanese, and Thai. (2) Additional major Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander groups, including, but not limited to, Fijian and Tongan. (c) (1) The state agencies identified in subdivision (a) shall make any data collected pursuant to subdivision (b) publicly available,[s]except as described in paragraph (2) for the entities identified in paragraph (5) or (6) of subdivision (a), and[/s] except as described in paragraph[s] (3) for departments identified in paragraphs (3) and (4)[/s] (2) for the department identified in paragraph (3) of subdivision (a), and except for personal identifying information, which shall be deemed confidential, by posting the data on the Internet Web site of the agency on or before July 1, 2012, and annually thereafter. This subdivision shall not be construed to prevent any other state agency from posting data collected pursuant to subdivision (b) on the agency’s Internet Web site, in the manner prescribed by this section. [s] [s](2)Where applicable, each entity identified in paragraph (5) or (6) of subdivision (a) shall comply with the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. Sec. 1232g) and shall observe federal criteria for ensuring statistical significance of data collected and published.[/s] [s](3)[/s] [/s](2) The state[s] departments[/s] department identified in[s] paragraphs[/s] paragraph (3)[s] and (4)[/s] of subdivision (a) shall not report demographic data that would permit identification of individuals.[s] These departments[/s] The department may, to prevent identification of individuals, aggregate data categories at a state, county, city, census tract, or ZIP Code level to facilitate comparisons and identify disparities. (d) [s](1)Except as provided in paragraph (2) for the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, the [/s]The state agencies identified in subdivision (a) shall, within 18 months after a decennial United States Census is released to the public, update their data collection to reflect the additional Asian groups and additional Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander groups as they are reported by the United States Census Bureau. [s] [s](2)Paragraph (1) shall not apply to the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges until 18 months after the 2030 decennial United States Census is released to the public.[/s] [/s](e) The state[s] departments[/s] department identified in[s] paragraphs[/s] paragraph (3)[s] and (4)[/s] of subdivision (a) shall not report demographic data that would result in statistical unreliability. (f) The state department identified in paragraph (3) of subdivision (a)[s] may, but is not required to, collect demographic data pursuant to this section[/s] may continue to collect and report demographic data in the form that the data was submitted if the data was collected under either of the following circumstances: (1) Pursuant to federal programs or surveys, whereby the guidelines for demographic data collection categories are defined by the federal program or survey. (2) Demographic data collected by other entities, including either of the following: (A) State offices, departments, and agencies not included in subdivision (a). (B) Third-party entity administered surveys not solely funded by the state department. [s] [s](g)This section shall not apply to demographic data of graduate or professional schools of the University of California.[/s] [s](h)This section shall apply to the University of California only if the Regents of the University of California, by resolution, make it applicable.[/s] [/s]
[s] SEC. 2. [s]If the Commission on State Mandates determines that this act contains costs mandated by the State, reimbursement to local agencies and school districts for those costs shall be made pursuant to Part 7 (commencing with Section 17500) of Division 4 of Title 2 of the Government Code.[/s] [/s]
我附一下8/19日改动后的原文:Introduced by Assembly Member Bonta 红色字体为删除部分,华人网站不能够显示删除横线。 蓝色为改动部分。
Existing law requires any state agency, board, or commission that directly or by contract collects demographic data as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of Californians to use separate collection categories and tabulations for specified Asian groups and Pacific Islander groups, and requires a state agency, board, or commission to include data on specified collection categories and tabulations in every demographic report on ancestry or ethnic origins of California residents that it publishes or releases. Existing law requires specified agencies to use additional separate collection categories and other tabulations for major Asian groups and Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander groups, and also requires those agencies to take additional actions, including, among other things, posting, and annually updating, the demographic data collected on their Internet Web sites, and updating the reporting categories to reflect these Asian and Pacific Islander groups as they are reported for the 2020 decennial census. This bill would require the updating of the reporting categories for future decennial censuses. The bill would require the State Department of Public[s] Health, the State Department of Health Care Services, the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, the Trustees of the California State University, and the Regents of the University of California(删)[/s] Health to use the additional separate collection categories and other tabulations for specified Asian groups and Pacific Islander groups, and to take additional actions as specified above, under certain circumstances.[s] The bill would not apply its categorization requirements to demographic data of graduate and professional schools of the University of California. The bill would be applicable to the University of California only if the Regents of the University of California, by resolution, make it applicable.(删)[/s] [s] [s]To the extent the bill would impose additional requirements on community colleges, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program.[/s] [s]The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement.[/s] [s]This bill would provide that, if the Commission on State Mandates determines that the bill contains costs mandated by the state, reimbursement for those costs shall be made pursuant to these statutory provisions.(删)[/s] [/s] DIGEST KEYVote: majority Appropriation: no Fiscal Committee: yes Local Program: [s]yes[/s]no BILL TEXTTHE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS:
SECTION 1. Section 8310.7 of the Government Code is amended to read:
8310.7. (a) This section shall only apply to the following state agencies: (1) The Department of Industrial Relations. (2) The Department of Fair Employment and Housing. (3) [s]The [/s][s] [s](删)[/s] [/s]To the extent funding is specifically appropriated for this purpose, the State Department of Public Health, on or after July 1,[s]2018,[/s] 2022, whenever collecting demographic data as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of persons for a report that includes rates for major diseases, leading causes of death per demographic, subcategories for leading causes of death in California overall, pregnancy rates, or housing numbers. [s] [s](4)The State Department of Health Care Services, on or after July 1, 2018, whenever collecting demographic data as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of persons.[/s] [s](删)[/s] [/s][s] [s](5)The Trustees of the California State University or the Regents of the University of California, on or after July 1, 2017, whenever the entity collects demographic data as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of students for a report that includes student admission, enrollment, completion, or graduation rates.[/s] [s](删)[/s] [/s][s] [s](6)The Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, on or after July 1, 2020, whenever the entity collects demographic data as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of students for a report that includes student enrollment, completion, or graduation rates.[/s] [s](删)[/s] [/s](b) In addition to the duties imposed under Section 8310.5, the state agencies described in subdivision (a), in the course of collecting demographic data directly or by contract as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of California residents, shall collect and tabulate data for the following: (1) Additional major Asian groups, including, but not limited to, Bangladeshi, Hmong, Indonesian, Malaysian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Taiwanese, and Thai. (2) Additional major Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander groups, including, but not limited to, Fijian and Tongan. (c) (1) The state agencies identified in subdivision (a) shall make any data collected pursuant to subdivision (b) publicly available,[s]except as described in paragraph (2) for the entities identified in paragraph (5) or (6) of subdivision (a), and[/s] except as described in paragraph[s] (3) for departments identified in paragraphs (3) and (4)[/s][s] [s](删)[/s] [/s](2) for the department identified in paragraph (3) of subdivision (a), and except for personal identifying information, which shall be deemed confidential, by posting the data on the Internet Web site of the agency on or before July 1, 2012, and annually thereafter. This subdivision shall not be construed to prevent any other state agency from posting data collected pursuant to subdivision (b) on the agency’s Internet Web site, in the manner prescribed by this section. [s] [s](2)Where applicable, each entity identified in paragraph (5) or (6) of subdivision (a) shall comply with the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. Sec. 1232g) and shall observe federal criteria for ensuring statistical significance of data collected and published.[/s] [s](删)[/s] [/s][s] [s](3)[/s] [/s](2) The state[s] departments [/s][s] [s](删)[/s] [/s] department identified in[s] paragraphs [/s][s] [s](删)[/s] [/s] paragraph (3)[s] and (4)[/s] of subdivision (a) shall not report demographic data that would permit identification of individuals.[s] These departments[/s] The department may, to prevent identification of individuals, aggregate data categories at a state, county, city, census tract, or ZIP Code level to facilitate comparisons and identify disparities. (d) [s](1)Except as provided in paragraph (2) for the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, the [/s][s] [s](删)[/s] [/s]The state agencies identified in subdivision (a) shall, within 18 months after a decennial United States Census is released to the public, update their data collection to reflect the additional Asian groups and additional Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander groups as they are reported by the United States Census Bureau. [s] [s](2)Paragraph (1) shall not apply to the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges until 18 months after the 2030 decennial United States Census is released to the public.[/s] [s](删)[/s] [/s](e) The state[s] departments[/s] department identified in[s] paragraphs[/s] paragraph (3)[s] and (4)[/s] of subdivision (a) shall not report demographic data that would result in statistical unreliability. (f) The state department identified in paragraph (3) of subdivision (a)[s] may, but is not required to, collect demographic data pursuant to this section[/s] may continue to collect and report demographic data in the form that the data was submitted if the data was collected under either of the following circumstances: (1) Pursuant to federal programs or surveys, whereby the guidelines for demographic data collection categories are defined by the federal program or survey. (2) Demographic data collected by other entities, including either of the following: (A) State offices, departments, and agencies not included in subdivision (a). (B) Third-party entity administered surveys not solely funded by the state department. [s] [s](g)This section shall not apply to demographic data of graduate or professional schools of the University of California.[/s] [s](删)[/s] [/s][s] [s](h)This section shall apply to the University of California only if the Regents of the University of California, by resolution, make it applicable.[/s] [/s][s] [s](删)[/s] [/s]
[s] SEC. 2. [s]If the Commission on State Mandates determines that this act contains costs mandated by the State, reimbursement to local agencies and school districts for those costs shall be made pursuant to Part 7 (commencing with Section 17500) of Division 4 of Title 2 of the Government Code.[/s] [s](删)[/s] [/s]
大逆转:反AB1726惊现胜利曙光 【http://www.weidb.com/p54174&g=999&tag=latest&page=1】
Alex Chen 08/20 6381
4.8/8 1 2 3 4 5
话说3月以来,伴随着全美尤其加州亚裔和友军的一波波反对声浪,AB1726仍然一路绿灯通过加州议院和各委员会。8/10日我们南北加反AB1726大军发出最后的呼喊,会师三块馒头,官员/群众和各路友军400余人在州长和各位议员眼皮底下成功举行了一次浩浩荡荡的反AB1726集会。AB1726主作者Bonta等明显受到巨大压力,他们一方面开始在媒体上诋毁我们是被误导的不明真相的群众,甚至连带Trump一起骂,说我们都是在散布恐惧;另一方面马不停蹄搞活动搬援军,甚至在上周三把加州民主党背后大靠山CTA都搬出来给参议院施压(详情请看另一篇:《图穷匕首见,狐狸露出大尾巴:加州教师工会正式蹦出来支持AB1726》,www.weidb.com/p54093)。 与此同时,AB1726法案本身也于过去两周在参议院历经三次修改和重审,双方交锋激烈,明显已经进入短兵相接的肉搏阶段。
1)Education部分整个全部拿掉,只字不再提,只保留Public Health部分;
3)去掉Local Program
【刚得到Meimei Huff的消息:AB1726 的最新消息~~该法案作者Bonta在参院跳过3次可以投票的机会最主要的原因是州长无法按照当时的版本投下赞成的票,其中一个最大的原因是社区中对该法案有极大的反弹。 Bobta只有两条路走:1)按照当初的版本通过参院投票之后被州长否决,2)作出让步修改版本作到州长及议员们可以接受的程度。当初版本被人诟病的地方是AB1726想走后门绕过209号提案重新启动以人种、肤色、国籍等因素作为在教育公共政策的入学,就能及工程的审核标准,以致于导致亚裔及华人在教育方面的可能损失。大家都记得共和党越南裔参议员Janet Nguyen在健康委员会投票赞成AB1726。 Senator Bob Huff 事后特别与她详谈,Janet也特别表示由健康角度来看,AB1726对于亚裔争取资源改善健康是有益的同时也不会牺牲其他的族裔,但她向Bob表示该法案到参院投票时,她会和我们站在一起反对,因为该法案包括了教育的部分是我们无法接受的。这些来自于州长、议员及社区的反对逼的Bonta不得不将该法案中与教育有关的部分全部删除! 💪💪💪目前版本只与健康有关,而且只能在2022年及有政府资源的情形之下才可以开始实施。目前共和党参议院正在审视目前修改过后的版本。以上是目前的情形。谢谢社区朋友们齐心的努力大幅度的改善了一个不好的法案而直接的在教育领域上帮助到我们的社区的家庭及学童们! [玫瑰][玫瑰][玫瑰]如有进一步消息我也会继续提供给大家。】
[81楼] 附一下8/19日改动后的原文:Introduced by Assembly Member Bonta
Existing law requires any state agency, board, or commission that directly or by contract collects demographic data as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of Californians to use separate collection categories and tabulations for specified Asian groups and Pacific Islander groups, and requires a state agency, board, or commission to include data on specified collection categories and tabulations in every demographic report on ancestry or ethnic origins of California residents that it publishes or releases. Existing law requires specified agencies to use additional separate collection categories and other tabulations for major Asian groups and Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander groups, and also requires those agencies to take additional actions, including, among other things, posting, and annually updating, the demographic data collected on their Internet Web sites, and updating the reporting categories to reflect these Asian and Pacific Islander groups as they are reported for the 2020 decennial census.
This bill would require the updating of the reporting categories for future decennial censuses. The bill would require the State Department of Public[s] Health, the State Department of Health Care Services, the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, the Trustees of the California State University, and the Regents of the University of California(删)[/s] Health to use the additional separate collection categories and other tabulations for specified Asian groups and Pacific Islander groups, and to take additional actions as specified above, under certain circumstances.[s] The bill would not apply its categorization requirements to demographic data of graduate and professional schools of the University of California. The bill would be applicable to the University of California only if the Regents of the University of California, by resolution, make it applicable.(删)[/s]
[s] [s]To the extent the bill would impose additional requirements on community colleges, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program.[/s]
[s]The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement.[/s]
[s]This bill would provide that, if the Commission on State Mandates determines that the bill contains costs mandated by the state, reimbursement for those costs shall be made pursuant to these statutory provisions.(删)[/s]
DIGEST KEYVote: majority Appropriation: no Fiscal Committee: yes Local Program: [s]yes[/s]no
SECTION 1. Section 8310.7 of the Government Code is amended to read:
8310.7. (a) This section shall only apply to the following state agencies:
(1) The Department of Industrial Relations.
(2) The Department of Fair Employment and Housing.
(3) [s]The
[/s][s] [s](删)[/s] [/s]To the extent funding is specifically appropriated for this purpose, the State Department of Public Health, on or after July 1,[s]2018,[/s] 2022, whenever collecting demographic data as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of persons for a report that includes rates for major diseases, leading causes of death per demographic, subcategories for leading causes of death in California overall, pregnancy rates, or housing numbers.
[s] [s](4)The State Department of Health Care Services, on or after July 1, 2018, whenever collecting demographic data as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of persons.[/s] [s](删)[/s] [/s][s]
[s](5)The Trustees of the California State University or the Regents of the University of California, on or after July 1, 2017, whenever the entity collects demographic data as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of students for a report that includes student admission, enrollment, completion, or graduation rates.[/s] [s](删)[/s] [/s][s]
[s](6)The Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, on or after July 1, 2020, whenever the entity collects demographic data as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of students for a report that includes student enrollment, completion, or graduation rates.[/s] [s](删)[/s] [/s](b) In addition to the duties imposed under Section 8310.5, the state agencies described in subdivision (a), in the course of collecting demographic data directly or by contract as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of California residents, shall collect and tabulate data for the following:
(1) Additional major Asian groups, including, but not limited to, Bangladeshi, Hmong, Indonesian, Malaysian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Taiwanese, and Thai.
(2) Additional major Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander groups, including, but not limited to, Fijian and Tongan.
(c) (1) The state agencies identified in subdivision (a) shall make any data collected pursuant to subdivision (b) publicly available,[s]except as described in paragraph (2) for the entities identified in paragraph (5) or (6) of subdivision (a), and[/s] except as described in paragraph[s] (3) for departments identified in paragraphs (3) and (4)[/s][s] [s](删)[/s] [/s](2) for the department identified in paragraph (3) of subdivision (a), and except for personal identifying information, which shall be deemed confidential, by posting the data on the Internet Web site of the agency on or before July 1, 2012, and annually thereafter. This subdivision shall not be construed to prevent any other state agency from posting data collected pursuant to subdivision (b) on the agency’s Internet Web site, in the manner prescribed by this section.
[s] [s](2)Where applicable, each entity identified in paragraph (5) or (6) of subdivision (a) shall comply with the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. Sec. 1232g) and shall observe federal criteria for ensuring statistical significance of data collected and published.[/s] [s](删)[/s] [/s][s]
[/s](2) The state[s] departments
[/s][s] [s](删)[/s] [/s] department identified in[s] paragraphs
[/s][s] [s](删)[/s] [/s] paragraph (3)[s] and (4)[/s] of subdivision (a) shall not report demographic data that would permit identification of individuals.[s] These departments[/s] The department may, to prevent identification of individuals, aggregate data categories at a state, county, city, census tract, or ZIP Code level to facilitate comparisons and identify disparities.
(d) [s](1)Except as provided in paragraph (2) for the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, the
[/s][s] [s](删)[/s] [/s]The state agencies identified in subdivision (a) shall, within 18 months after a decennial United States Census is released to the public, update their data collection to reflect the additional Asian groups and additional Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander groups as they are reported by the United States Census Bureau.
[s] [s](2)Paragraph (1) shall not apply to the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges until 18 months after the 2030 decennial United States Census is released to the public.[/s] [s](删)[/s] [/s](e) The state[s] departments[/s] department identified in[s] paragraphs[/s] paragraph (3)[s] and (4)[/s] of subdivision (a) shall not report demographic data that would result in statistical unreliability.
(f) The state department identified in paragraph (3) of subdivision (a)[s] may, but is not required to, collect demographic data pursuant to this section[/s] may continue to collect and report demographic data in the form that the data was submitted if the data was collected under either of the following circumstances:
(1) Pursuant to federal programs or surveys, whereby the guidelines for demographic data collection categories are defined by the federal program or survey.
(2) Demographic data collected by other entities, including either of the following:
(A) State offices, departments, and agencies not included in subdivision (a).
(B) Third-party entity administered surveys not solely funded by the state department.
[s] [s](g)This section shall not apply to demographic data of graduate or professional schools of the University of California.[/s] [s](删)[/s] [/s][s]
[s](h)This section shall apply to the University of California only if the Regents of the University of California, by resolution, make it applicable.[/s] [/s][s] [s](删)[/s] [/s]
SEC. 2. [s]If the Commission on State Mandates determines that this act contains costs mandated by the State, reimbursement to local agencies and school districts for those costs shall be made pursuant to Part 7 (commencing with Section 17500) of Division 4 of Title 2 of the Government Code.[/s] [/s]
借口而已,以后就是孟加拉 菲律宾的有白卡,华裔没有
就是医疗上也不应该有 亚裔里中国人 日本人 韩国人 越南人基本是一个人种
👍 大家齐心合力,总算有所进展!我个人也赞同,彻底粉碎对方的阴谋!如果提出的反对观点方向对,又团结所有能团结的力量,此次目的必须要在结果,舆论上重创对方,让他们几年内没有重提类似法案的底气。
另外从长远看,坚决拥护,支持培养、选出代表华人利益,替华人发声的新华裔议员;成立专门的华人代表机构,监督发现各种有害/不利于华人利益的提案,并积极组织大家应对,将其尽早粉碎于萌芽中。 同时监督华人支持选出的议员,对于阴奉阳违,出卖华人利益的,要及时揭露,让大家去声讨,尽快把这种吃里扒外的选下去!如果发展的好并且有余力,还可以尝试游说,推动有利于华人的新法案,政策。总之,在美的华人不能再一盘散沙,必须团结起来,而且时刻警醒,必须有自己专门的组织为我们盯着我们的利益才行!
现在在大家的分对下,只好取消教育部分, 但是,用于医疗只是为细分亚裔收集数据有个出师之名。开了细分的头,政府以后会怎样manipulate data,很难说。还是一句话, why single out asian Americans?
why single out Asian? it is odd
我们不管细分用作什么领域 都要坚决反对
我记得电影《黑皮书》里 背叛里面一群犹太人的就是一个医生 当时很多犹太人染发(因为德国人都是金发碧眼)所以可以混在德国人群里暂时躲避搜铺 但是那个医生他掌握他们的所有信息 然后把他们把那些信息都出卖给了德国兵 最后德国兵根据得到的信息挨个搜铺那些犹太人 并且屠杀他们
我倒不是为共和党拉票,我觉得从权利制衡角度来看,加州也应该选共和党,从sca-5 到今天的 AB1726, 投反对票的都是共和党对不对?你说共和党投机要亚裔的选票也行,就怕你事情一过,还是一如即往投民主党,最后连共和党也认为你毫无争取价值,放弃了你。只要加州民主党继续一党独大,类似法案绝对会卷土重来。
重要的是选人 不是选哪个党派
重要的是选人 不是选哪个党派
他以前一直是民主党的 现在为了选总统 换成了共和党啊
今年重要的是选党派 不能再上自由派大法官
今年重要的是选党派 不能再上自由派大法官
今年重要的是选党派 不能再上自由派大法官
党派也是可以变的 奥巴马以前的民主党也不是像现在这样没有原则没有底线卖国求选票的 人当然也要跟着变
最种族歧视的就是民主党了 不是偏向 是实打实地做着呢 所以不能选民主党
民主党最种族歧视 还擅长伪装 一边可着劲儿歧视亚裔 一边指责别人种族歧视
是这样的 很多基因检测都是犹太人的基因缺陷有关
When Palm Beach social clubs barred African Americans and Jews, Donald Trump's lawyer sent copies of the film, 'Guess Who's Coming to Dinner,' to members of Palm Beach town council and filed a lawsuit against them April 30, 1997, "Trump’s Palm Beach Club Roils the Old Social Order," The Wall Street Journal, by Jacqueline Bueno.
Throughout the 90s, Trump pissed off the establishment in Palm Beach by TAKING DOWN white supremacy and discrimination. WSJ article from 1997.
In other words? In other words, long before he was running for president, there was Donald Trump battling racism and anti-Semitism in Palm Beach society. Using every tool at his disposal.
Existing law requires any state agency, board, or commission that directly or by contract collects demographic data as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of Californians to use separate collection categories and tabulations for specified Asian groups and Pacific Islander groups, and requires a state agency, board, or commission to include data on specified collection categories and tabulations in every demographic report on ancestry or ethnic origins of California residents that it publishes or releases. Existing law requires specified agencies to use additional separate collection categories and other tabulations for major Asian groups and Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander groups, and also requires those agencies to take additional actions, including, among other things, posting, and annually updating, the demographic data collected on their Internet Web sites, and updating the reporting categories to reflect these Asian and Pacific Islander groups as they are reported for the 2020 decennial census.
This bill would require the updating of the reporting categories for future decennial censuses. The bill would require the State Department of Public[s] Health, the State Department of Health Care Services, the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, the Trustees of the California State University, and the Regents of the University of California[/s] Health to use the additional separate collection categories and other tabulations for specified Asian groups and Pacific Islander groups, and to take additional actions as specified above, under certain circumstances.[s] The bill would not apply its categorization requirements to demographic data of graduate and professional schools of the University of California. The bill would be applicable to the University of California only if the Regents of the University of California, by resolution, make it applicable.[/s]
[s] [s]To the extent the bill would impose additional requirements on community colleges, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program.[/s]
[s]The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement.[/s]
[s]This bill would provide that, if the Commission on State Mandates determines that the bill contains costs mandated by the state, reimbursement for those costs shall be made pursuant to these statutory provisions.[/s]
DIGEST KEYVote: majority Appropriation: no Fiscal Committee: yes Local Program: [s]yes[/s]no
SECTION 1. Section 8310.7 of the Government Code is amended to read:
8310.7. (a) This section shall only apply to the following state agencies:
(1) The Department of Industrial Relations.
(2) The Department of Fair Employment and Housing.
(3) [s]The [/s]To the extent funding is specifically appropriated for this purpose, the State Department of Public Health, on or after July 1,[s]2018,[/s] 2022, whenever collecting demographic data as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of persons for a report that includes rates for major diseases, leading causes of death per demographic, subcategories for leading causes of death in California overall, pregnancy rates, or housing numbers.
[s] [s](4)The State Department of Health Care Services, on or after July 1, 2018, whenever collecting demographic data as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of persons.[/s]
[s](5)The Trustees of the California State University or the Regents of the University of California, on or after July 1, 2017, whenever the entity collects demographic data as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of students for a report that includes student admission, enrollment, completion, or graduation rates.[/s]
[s](6)The Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, on or after July 1, 2020, whenever the entity collects demographic data as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of students for a report that includes student enrollment, completion, or graduation rates.[/s]
[/s](b) In addition to the duties imposed under Section 8310.5, the state agencies described in subdivision (a), in the course of collecting demographic data directly or by contract as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of California residents, shall collect and tabulate data for the following:
(1) Additional major Asian groups, including, but not limited to, Bangladeshi, Hmong, Indonesian, Malaysian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Taiwanese, and Thai.
(2) Additional major Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander groups, including, but not limited to, Fijian and Tongan.
(c) (1) The state agencies identified in subdivision (a) shall make any data collected pursuant to subdivision (b) publicly available,[s]except as described in paragraph (2) for the entities identified in paragraph (5) or (6) of subdivision (a), and[/s] except as described in paragraph[s] (3) for departments identified in paragraphs (3) and (4)[/s] (2) for the department identified in paragraph (3) of subdivision (a), and except for personal identifying information, which shall be deemed confidential, by posting the data on the Internet Web site of the agency on or before July 1, 2012, and annually thereafter. This subdivision shall not be construed to prevent any other state agency from posting data collected pursuant to subdivision (b) on the agency’s Internet Web site, in the manner prescribed by this section.
[s] [s](2)Where applicable, each entity identified in paragraph (5) or (6) of subdivision (a) shall comply with the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. Sec. 1232g) and shall observe federal criteria for ensuring statistical significance of data collected and published.[/s]
[/s](2) The state[s] departments[/s] department identified in[s] paragraphs[/s] paragraph (3)[s] and (4)[/s] of subdivision (a) shall not report demographic data that would permit identification of individuals.[s] These departments[/s] The department may, to prevent identification of individuals, aggregate data categories at a state, county, city, census tract, or ZIP Code level to facilitate comparisons and identify disparities.
(d) [s](1)Except as provided in paragraph (2) for the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, the [/s]The state agencies identified in subdivision (a) shall, within 18 months after a decennial United States Census is released to the public, update their data collection to reflect the additional Asian groups and additional Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander groups as they are reported by the United States Census Bureau.
[s] [s](2)Paragraph (1) shall not apply to the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges until 18 months after the 2030 decennial United States Census is released to the public.[/s]
[/s](e) The state[s] departments[/s] department identified in[s] paragraphs[/s] paragraph (3)[s] and (4)[/s] of subdivision (a) shall not report demographic data that would result in statistical unreliability.
(f) The state department identified in paragraph (3) of subdivision (a)[s] may, but is not required to, collect demographic data pursuant to this section[/s] may continue to collect and report demographic data in the form that the data was submitted if the data was collected under either of the following circumstances:
(1) Pursuant to federal programs or surveys, whereby the guidelines for demographic data collection categories are defined by the federal program or survey.
(2) Demographic data collected by other entities, including either of the following:
(A) State offices, departments, and agencies not included in subdivision (a).
(B) Third-party entity administered surveys not solely funded by the state department.
[s] [s](g)This section shall not apply to demographic data of graduate or professional schools of the University of California.[/s]
[s](h)This section shall apply to the University of California only if the Regents of the University of California, by resolution, make it applicable.[/s]
SEC. 2. [s]If the Commission on State Mandates determines that this act contains costs mandated by the State, reimbursement to local agencies and school districts for those costs shall be made pursuant to Part 7 (commencing with Section 17500) of Division 4 of Title 2 of the Government Code.[/s] [/s]
Existing law requires any state agency, board, or commission that directly or by contract collects demographic data as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of Californians to use separate collection categories and tabulations for specified Asian groups and Pacific Islander groups, and requires a state agency, board, or commission to include data on specified collection categories and tabulations in every demographic report on ancestry or ethnic origins of California residents that it publishes or releases. Existing law requires specified agencies to use additional separate collection categories and other tabulations for major Asian groups and Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander groups, and also requires those agencies to take additional actions, including, among other things, posting, and annually updating, the demographic data collected on their Internet Web sites, and updating the reporting categories to reflect these Asian and Pacific Islander groups as they are reported for the 2020 decennial census.
This bill would require the updating of the reporting categories for future decennial censuses. The bill would require the State Department of Public[s] Health, the State Department of Health Care Services, the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, the Trustees of the California State University, and the Regents of the University of California(删)[/s] Health to use the additional separate collection categories and other tabulations for specified Asian groups and Pacific Islander groups, and to take additional actions as specified above, under certain circumstances.[s] The bill would not apply its categorization requirements to demographic data of graduate and professional schools of the University of California. The bill would be applicable to the University of California only if the Regents of the University of California, by resolution, make it applicable.(删)[/s]
[s] [s]To the extent the bill would impose additional requirements on community colleges, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program.[/s]
[s]The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement.[/s]
[s]This bill would provide that, if the Commission on State Mandates determines that the bill contains costs mandated by the state, reimbursement for those costs shall be made pursuant to these statutory provisions.(删)[/s]
DIGEST KEYVote: majority Appropriation: no Fiscal Committee: yes Local Program: [s]yes[/s]no
SECTION 1. Section 8310.7 of the Government Code is amended to read:
8310.7. (a) This section shall only apply to the following state agencies:
(1) The Department of Industrial Relations.
(2) The Department of Fair Employment and Housing.
(3) [s]The
[/s][s] [s](删)[/s] [/s]To the extent funding is specifically appropriated for this purpose, the State Department of Public Health, on or after July 1,[s]2018,[/s] 2022, whenever collecting demographic data as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of persons for a report that includes rates for major diseases, leading causes of death per demographic, subcategories for leading causes of death in California overall, pregnancy rates, or housing numbers.
[s] [s](4)The State Department of Health Care Services, on or after July 1, 2018, whenever collecting demographic data as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of persons.[/s] [s](删)[/s] [/s][s]
[s](5)The Trustees of the California State University or the Regents of the University of California, on or after July 1, 2017, whenever the entity collects demographic data as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of students for a report that includes student admission, enrollment, completion, or graduation rates.[/s] [s](删)[/s] [/s][s]
[s](6)The Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, on or after July 1, 2020, whenever the entity collects demographic data as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of students for a report that includes student enrollment, completion, or graduation rates.[/s] [s](删)[/s] [/s](b) In addition to the duties imposed under Section 8310.5, the state agencies described in subdivision (a), in the course of collecting demographic data directly or by contract as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of California residents, shall collect and tabulate data for the following:
(1) Additional major Asian groups, including, but not limited to, Bangladeshi, Hmong, Indonesian, Malaysian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Taiwanese, and Thai.
(2) Additional major Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander groups, including, but not limited to, Fijian and Tongan.
(c) (1) The state agencies identified in subdivision (a) shall make any data collected pursuant to subdivision (b) publicly available,[s]except as described in paragraph (2) for the entities identified in paragraph (5) or (6) of subdivision (a), and[/s] except as described in paragraph[s] (3) for departments identified in paragraphs (3) and (4)[/s][s] [s](删)[/s] [/s](2) for the department identified in paragraph (3) of subdivision (a), and except for personal identifying information, which shall be deemed confidential, by posting the data on the Internet Web site of the agency on or before July 1, 2012, and annually thereafter. This subdivision shall not be construed to prevent any other state agency from posting data collected pursuant to subdivision (b) on the agency’s Internet Web site, in the manner prescribed by this section.
[s] [s](2)Where applicable, each entity identified in paragraph (5) or (6) of subdivision (a) shall comply with the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. Sec. 1232g) and shall observe federal criteria for ensuring statistical significance of data collected and published.[/s] [s](删)[/s] [/s][s]
[/s](2) The state[s] departments
[/s][s] [s](删)[/s] [/s] department identified in[s] paragraphs
[/s][s] [s](删)[/s] [/s] paragraph (3)[s] and (4)[/s] of subdivision (a) shall not report demographic data that would permit identification of individuals.[s] These departments[/s] The department may, to prevent identification of individuals, aggregate data categories at a state, county, city, census tract, or ZIP Code level to facilitate comparisons and identify disparities.
(d) [s](1)Except as provided in paragraph (2) for the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, the
[/s][s] [s](删)[/s] [/s]The state agencies identified in subdivision (a) shall, within 18 months after a decennial United States Census is released to the public, update their data collection to reflect the additional Asian groups and additional Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander groups as they are reported by the United States Census Bureau.
[s] [s](2)Paragraph (1) shall not apply to the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges until 18 months after the 2030 decennial United States Census is released to the public.[/s] [s](删)[/s] [/s](e) The state[s] departments[/s] department identified in[s] paragraphs[/s] paragraph (3)[s] and (4)[/s] of subdivision (a) shall not report demographic data that would result in statistical unreliability.
(f) The state department identified in paragraph (3) of subdivision (a)[s] may, but is not required to, collect demographic data pursuant to this section[/s] may continue to collect and report demographic data in the form that the data was submitted if the data was collected under either of the following circumstances:
(1) Pursuant to federal programs or surveys, whereby the guidelines for demographic data collection categories are defined by the federal program or survey.
(2) Demographic data collected by other entities, including either of the following:
(A) State offices, departments, and agencies not included in subdivision (a).
(B) Third-party entity administered surveys not solely funded by the state department.
[s] [s](g)This section shall not apply to demographic data of graduate or professional schools of the University of California.[/s] [s](删)[/s] [/s][s]
[s](h)This section shall apply to the University of California only if the Regents of the University of California, by resolution, make it applicable.[/s] [/s][s] [s](删)[/s] [/s]
SEC. 2. [s]If the Commission on State Mandates determines that this act contains costs mandated by the State, reimbursement to local agencies and school districts for those costs shall be made pursuant to Part 7 (commencing with Section 17500) of Division 4 of Title 2 of the Government Code.[/s] [s](删)[/s] [/s]