“Unni Wikan, a professor of social anthropology at the University of Oslo, in 2001 [url=http://gatesofvienna.huaren.us/2006/07/norwegian-autho...... annazhangj 发表于 8/11/2016 4:03:12 PM
Donald J. Trump tried to quash the latest controversy engulfing his campaign on Friday by claiming that he was not serious when he insisted on multiple occasions this week that President Obama and Hillary Clinton were the “founders” of the Islamic State terrorist group — an allegation that amounts to treason. The clarification raised new questions about the Republican presidential nominee’s ability to communicate clearly to the American public. It also put his surrogates, who have strained to defend him during a tumultuous stretch, in the awkward position of having to explain remarks that he might not mean. After making the suggestion at a rally on Wednesday night, Mr. Trump doubled down on the assertion on Thursday, insisting in interviews that he really did intend to say that the president and Mrs. Clinton created ISIS. But in an early-morning Twitter post, Mr. Trump said that he was just being sarcastic.
Donald J. Trump tried to quash the latest controversy engulfing his campaign on Friday by claiming that he was not serious when he insisted on multiple occasions this week that President Obama and Hillary Clinton were the “founders” of the Islamic State terrorist group — an allegation that amounts to treason. The clarification raised new questions about the Republican presidential nominee’s ability to communicate clearly to the American public. It also put his surrogates, who have strained to defend him during a tumultuous stretch, in the awkward position of having to explain remarks that he might not mean. After making the suggestion at a rally on Wednesday night, Mr. Trump doubled down on the assertion on Thursday, insisting in interviews that he really did intend to say that the president and Mrs. Clinton created ISIS. But in an early-morning Twitter post, Mr. Trump said that he was just being sarcastic.
"No, I meant Trump is the founder of Hillary's presidency. I do. He was the most valuable player. I give him the most valuable player award. He is the founder of Obama's third term." ZT
"No, I meant Trump is the founder of Hillary's presidency. I do. He was the most valuable player. I give him the most valuable player award. He is the founder of O...... hotpizza 发表于 8/12/2016 1:30:48 PM
Reince Priebus Campaigns with Trump in Pennsylvania: ‘Don’t Believe the Garbage you Read’ [url=http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/08/12/reince-priebus-campaigns-trump-pennsyl...... ScottishFold 发表于 8/12/2016 7:01:55 PM
希拉里同志刚刚deliver her economic plan. 被骂得够呛。wsj上面comments都是骂声。
现在天主教,基督教都不好战了,对其他信仰的人不会杀了,佛教,印度教,道教都不 杀其他信仰的人。只有穆斯林会杀其他信仰的人,仅仅因为你不信他们的教。
new world order需要战争,而战争必然在穆斯林和其他人之间发生,所以民主党奥大 量引入穆斯林来诱发战争,减少人口,实现new world order。
所以这次选举,中东国家也发疯一样大量给希拉里捐款,20个机构/大富豪的捐款就抵 过trump的所有的捐款。
Because his full name is Barack Hussein Obama II
标 题: 为什么希拉里发疯一样要引入穆斯林移民?解答2
美国页岩气革命以后,石油的价格下跌, 产油国收入降低, 钱少了不是个大问题
中东都是沙漠地区, 粮食完全靠进口, 随着石油收入和储备的减少, 中东地区的粮食不能支撑现有的穆斯林人口数量, 如果石油价格继续低迷中东地区不久就会因为粮食问题发生战争.
中东王爷们不是傻瓜, 看的出这个问题, 为了预防因粮食短缺发生的战争,趁现在手里还有现金,拿出一部分现金来培养和供养欧洲和美国的代理人, 让他们收留这些多余人口. 而且把最容易在中东发生暴力行动的那一批人先发送到欧美,你看去欧洲的穆斯林, 都是青年男子,都是要提前消除的祸患,欧洲一天到晚的强奸不就是憋出来的毛病. 还有更暗黑的一面就是把年轻妇女留在中东,一个王爷又可以便宜的多娶几个老婆呢. 花一块钱买三件东西,中东王爷大赚。
这些欧美的代理人收了中东王爷回扣以后,拿出一部分给媒体提出政治正确口号,鼓吹世界充满爱, 不遗余力的让中东穆斯林进入欧美然后用本国福利把他们养起来, 留作自己的票仓. 欧美代理人也有一笔账:收了中东王爷的现金赚了,白养了一个票仓也赚了, 至于谁的钱养穆斯林票仓, 穆斯林来了以后强奸的是普通老百姓又不是这些代理人, 他们才不会管这么多,反正他们已经赚够了。
可怜的是美国欧洲现有的吃福利的人, 穆斯林进来以后第一件事就是瓜分福利, 吃饱喝足了就是要强奸旁边一起此福利的人了, 最最可怜的就是Bernie的那群理想主义的人, 本来就是吃福利的, 福利被抢人被强奸了还举牌子欢迎穆斯林, 脑袋坏了真没法
Newt Gingrich Verified account @newtgingrich
Republicans who are sure Trump can't win should read history of Truman's 1948 campaign. Pollsters were off by 9 to 19 percent.
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07
当然有依据啦,TRUMP当然不会有事啦,全球媒体大肆报道,奥巴和稀拉拉已经被扒光啦。Barack Hussein Obama 这名字一曝光,全世界都知道奥巴是穆斯林啦。这对TRUMP是大大大大大利好,TRUMP已经打破了政治正确,奥巴也要听着TRUMP教训他。TRUMP气势如虹。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07
re, 美国人民平均真是很傻的, 绝对不是什么全世界都知道奥巴马是穆斯林什么的, 大多数美国人不看这些的。
11日川普参加一共和党电台节目谈话,主持人想帮忙缓颊,川普坚称他是真的指欧巴马是IS创办人,就是字面上的意思。主持人休西威特(Hugh Hewitt)打圆场表示他懂川普的意思,应该是要说欧巴马政策失败让IS崛起,引发战争,但川普回道“不,我就是指他是IS的创办人,就是这个意思。”
Rudy Giuliani Agrees With Donald Trump That Obama Founded ISIS
我觉得TRUMP有一种很不高明的幽默感, 一般人很难GET。他的 literally 就是 sarcastic 吗? 他否定了休西威特(Hugh Hewitt)的话第二天有用休的话来解释,其实他的“否定”也是他自以为的幽默,其实真实是肯定的意思。。。
Donald J. Trump tried to quash the latest controversy engulfing his campaign on Friday by claiming that he was not serious when he insisted on multiple occasions this week that President Obama and Hillary Clinton were the “founders” of the Islamic State terrorist group — an allegation that amounts to treason.
The clarification raised new questions about the Republican presidential nominee’s ability to communicate clearly to the American public. It also put his surrogates, who have strained to defend him during a tumultuous stretch, in the awkward position of having to explain remarks that he might not mean.
After making the suggestion at a rally on Wednesday night, Mr. Trump doubled down on the assertion on Thursday, insisting in interviews that he really did intend to say that the president and Mrs. Clinton created ISIS. But in an early-morning Twitter post, Mr. Trump said that he was just being sarcastic.
我觉得TRUMP有一种很不高明的幽默感, 一般人很难GET。他的 literally 就是 sarcastic 吗? 他否定了休西威特(Hugh Hewitt)的话第二天有用休的话来解释,其实他的“否定”也是他自以为的幽默,其实真实是肯定的意思。。。
Donald J. Trump tried to quash the latest controversy engulfing his campaign on Friday by claiming that he was not serious when he insisted on multiple occasions this week that President Obama and Hillary Clinton were the “founders” of the Islamic State terrorist group — an allegation that amounts to treason.
The clarification raised new questions about the Republican presidential nominee’s ability to communicate clearly to the American public. It also put his surrogates, who have strained to defend him during a tumultuous stretch, in the awkward position of having to explain remarks that he might not mean.
After making the suggestion at a rally on Wednesday night, Mr. Trump doubled down on the assertion on Thursday, insisting in interviews that he really did intend to say that the president and Mrs. Clinton created ISIS. But in an early-morning Twitter post, Mr. Trump said that he was just being sarcastic.
大家都GET了奥巴和稀拉拉是FOUNDER OF IS啦,这报道全世界都在报。
"No, I meant Trump is the founder of Hillary's presidency. I do. He was the most valuable player. I give him the most valuable player award. He is the founder of Obama's third term." ZT
奥巴可不是新鲜事,他的名字和全球怎么看待08 和ISIS的观点都是旧闻了。 只有TRUMP在产生他自己的新笑话而已。。。
"We are training Isis."
Sometimes Obama tells the truth…accidentally.
no 不止加州, 我离加州太远了。 普遍平均智商的美国人都差不多这样, 我周围没什么华人,谈到政治, 基本上除了工资不错的中年人看得清现状。 其他的年轻白人,或者工作很一般的普通人, 或者黑人或者拉美裔 还有大部分女人, 真的是最容易被洗脑的群体。 然后那些没什么文化的却还支持trump的red neck支持trump的原因大部分还是因为gun。 真正能看到本质的人很少的。 基本上现在喜欢trump的会一直喜欢, 不喜欢他的会一直讨厌他。
NO, NO. 我过去8年对美国大选基本没关心过,对奥巴的名字和IS观点也没关心过,今年我关心了,像我这样的人很多很多。外国人对奥巴了解到就更少,TRUMP让他们越来越了解奥巴了。
恩 我也觉得LZ有点一厢情愿了。。。。。 论坛上很多支持trump的因为是收入不错的华人群体, 美国这种收入不错的工程科技领域的中年群体 也基本看得清楚, 不过这个比例在全美比例还是不多。 华人在美国大部分是婚姻或者开餐馆或者领福利的, 那样的人占了大多数, 就连这些出来PHD MS的 很多人也是跟着新闻走的。
他应该重点讲“pay to play”这事吗?他有提啊,可主流媒体也不播啊。
赢51% 不是关键, 关键是看那几个关键的摇摆州, trump 只有赢了那几个摇摆州, 才有希望。
你只要看数据就好了,上次奥巴是个LEGEND,也才赢51%,2014 MIDTERM,共和党夺回很多民主党的位置,说明美国人很多对民主党不满意。稀拉拉一身的腐败,DNCLEAK,稀拉拉想跟奥巴比更不可能了。而且现在经济问题更大,今年民主党很难赢。
那是你自己。。08当年引起得狂潮TURMP今年可是比不了。他的MIDDLE NAME早就尽人皆知了。只有你觉得TURMP说啥都对,好多支持他的共和党都觉得窘死了。。。
没有啊, 很多选民还是支持民主党的。 连好多老资格共和党的白人都觉得trump不适合当总统。 还是那句话, 美国人太多普通人民容易被洗脑了, 最后还是要看那几个摇摆州, 其他都不重要。
我害怕? 汗 我和我老公是铁杆的trump支持者, 家门口还插着trump sign呢,还捐款了呢, 可是你一来就是美国人都好聪明什么的,我觉得也太一厢情愿了, 美国人哪里就那么神, 我也希望trump 赢,理智来看, 大部分美国人都严重被洗脑了, 我所在的州还是兰州呢。
今年好多民主党都转投TRUMP了,著名的BERNIE支持者都ENDORSE TRUMP了,所以这个根本不是问题。RINO本来就是NEVERTRUMP,不靠他们一样可以赢。所以这个不是问题,你放心,共和党白人为了最高法院大法官和2ND AMENDMENT肯定最后还是投票给TRUMP。TRUMP最近说的话挺好的。
我身边就有一边骂TRUMP一边给TRUMP投票的。不喜欢TRUMP不代表就喜欢稀拉拉。我没说美国人聪明,我说的是今年越来越多美国人明白过来了,上次大选有谁会像TRUMP这么公开说奥巴是FOUNDER OF IS呢。
真正的NBC POLL在这里 床粉可以继续大骂媒体不公,POLL被左派收买了。。。。
Newt Gingrich Verified account @newtgingrich
Republicans who are sure Trump can't win should read history of Truman's 1948 campaign. Pollsters were off by 9 to 19 percent.
别把poll太当会事。我看到的一个poll是投trump 78%, 投Hillary 22%。那个poll总共有13多万人,也不算是小poll了。
我没觉得他赢不了初选,虽然我希望他不要赢,这样我就不用想选希拉里了。 大选结果还未知,但是谁造假,这个可是确凿了吧。
整天说别人早假,现在看到了是谁在造假了吗????床粉假造NBC POLL吧
或者发些各大“公正”网站,比如fb, twitter,youtube等两人粉丝数对比,以及贴下的comment。不过估计伊还没注意过lol
你山寨了人家名牌,还是深以为耻的, 一边骂人家,一边山寨人家, 说不要纠结。。。 我都无语了,你们高兴就好。
如果TURMP也象你们一样自信, literally 就不用等于Sarcasm 了,LOL
你不要纠结这个,媒体又帮TRUMP打了免费广告。TRUMP EFFECT 其实也是很厉害的,TRUMP说的每句话媒体都关注。
这个很重要, 尤其是摇摆州的。。。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07
顶! 摇摆州筒子们加油!!