Heavy police presence here on Hwy 253 and Boone in Sebastian county as we have an active shooter in the area pic.twitter.com/Y5EKL9MZTm — Pedro Rivera (@4029Pedro) August 10, 2016
or, maybe you can explain how you manage to translate "German military training 100 Syrian migrants in pilot project" to 德国国防部长称将对100名叙利亚难民进行飞行训练,作为德国军队飞行员。 have you taken ESL or TOEFL before ?
德国国防部长称将对100名叙利亚难民进行飞行训练,作为德国军队飞行员。这得制造多少起911? German military training 100 Syrian migrants in pilot project [url=http://www.reuters.com/article/us-europe-migrants...... ScottishFold 发表于 7/24/2016 10:15:08 PM
or, maybe you can explain how you manage to translate "German military training 100 Syrian migrants in pilot project" to [/...... hua.ren 发表于 8/10/2016 2:28:49 PM
The poll conducted by Infratest Dimap found Ms. Merkel’s approval rating at 47%, down from 59% a month before. Nearly two thirds said they disapproved of her refugee policy, the highest level since the pollster started asking the question last fall. The poll had a margin of error of 3.1 percentage points.
In the latest poll, 88% said the German government should be more assertive in confronting Turkey.
Trump Campaign Statement On Dishonest Media https://www.donaldjtrump.com/press-releases/trump-campaign-statement-on-dishonest-media “It’s called the power of unification – 2nd Amendment people have amazing spirit and are tremendously unified, which gives them great political power. And this year, they will be voting in record numbers, and it won’t be for Hillary Clinton, it will be for Donald Trump.”
Also, what's your comments on this " 50 G.O.P. Officials Warn Donald Trump Would Put Nation’s Security ‘at Risk’" [url=http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/trump-national-se...... hua.ren 发表于 8/10/2016 3:02:02 PM
Trump stated in a press release Monday night in response to the letter:
The names on this letter are the ones the American people should look to for answers on why the world is a mess, and we thank them for coming forward so everyone in the country knows who deserves the blame for making the world such a dangerous place. They are nothing more than the failed Washington elite looking to hold onto their power, and it’s time they are held accountable for their actions.
The 50 Republican national security officials raised concerns over the New Yorker’s rhetoric on foreign policy as well as national security, saying Trump has “an alarming ignorance of basic facts of contemporary international politics.”
“We are convinced that he would be a dangerous president and would put at risk our country’s national security and well-being,” the letter reads. “Those signing the letters served in the White House in eras stretching from Richard Nixon to the second George W. Bush administration,” notes the Wall Street Journal. Trump’s statement blasted the officials, blaming them for the rise of the Islamic State (ISIS).
“These insiders – along with Hillary Clinton – are the owners of the disastrous decisions to invade Iraq, allow Americans to die in Benghazi, and they are the ones who allowed the rise of ISIS,” Trump blasted.
He continued:
Yet despite these failures, they think they are entitled to use their favor trading to land taxpayer-funded government contracts and speaking fees. It’s time we put our foot down and declare that their gravy train is over: no longer will Crooked Hillary Clinton and the other disasters in Washington get rich at our expense. Instead, I offer a better vision for our country and our foreign policy – one that is not run by a ruling family dynasty. It’s an America first vision that stands up to foreign dictators instead of taking money from them, seeks peace over war, rebuilds our military, and makes other countries pay their fair share for their protection. Together, we will break up the rigged system in Washington, make America safe again, and we will Make America Great Again.
Although critical of Trump, the 50 GOP leaders didn’t say they’ll vote for Hillary Clinton. “We also know that many have doubts about Hillary Clinton, as [do] many of us,” their letter states.
Good , now give me 50 national security officials you can come up with who supports trump.
睁大你的眼仔细看看 Trump: The 50 GOP National Security Officials ‘Are Nothing More Than the Failed Washington Elite’ http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/08/08/trump-50-gop-national-security-officials-nothing-failed-washington-elite/ Trump stated in a press release Monday night in response to the letter: The names on this letter are the ones the American people should look to for answers on why the world is a mess, and we thank them for coming forward so everyone in the country knows who deserves the blame for making the world such a dangerous place. They are nothing more than the failed Washington elite looking to hold onto their power, and it’s time they are held accountable for their actions. The 50 Republican national security officials raised concerns over the New Yorker’s rhetoric on foreign policy as well as national security, saying Trump has “an alarming ignorance of basic facts of contemporary international politics.” “We are convinced that he would be a dangerous president and would put at risk our country’s national security and well-being,” the letter reads. “Those signing the letters served in the White House in eras stretching from Richard Nixon to the second George W. Bush administration,” notes theWall Street Journal . Trump’s statement blasted the officials, blaming them for the rise of the Islamic State (ISIS). “These insiders – along with Hillary Clinton – are the owners of the disastrous decisions to invade Iraq, allow Americans to die in Benghazi, and they are the ones who allowed the rise of ISIS,” Trump blasted. He continued: Yet despite these failures, they think they are entitled to use their favor trading to land taxpayer-funded government contracts and speaking fees. It’s time we put our foot down and declare that their gravy train is over: no longer will Crooked Hillary Clinton and the other disasters in Washington get rich at our expense. Instead, I offer a better vision for our country and our foreign policy – one that is not run by a ruling family dynasty. It’s an America first vision that stands up to foreign dictators instead of taking money from them, seeks peace over war, rebuilds our military, and makes other countries pay their fair share for their protection. Together, we will break up the rigged system in Washington, make America safe again, and we will Make America Great Again. Although critical of Trump, the 50 GOP leaders didn’t say they’ll vote for Hillary Clinton. “We also know that many have doubts about Hillary Clinton, as [do] many of us,” their letter states.
不是TRUMP的政策2ND AMENDMENT PEOPLE要暴动咋办,不是你想的那么简单。TRUMP大嘴巴一喊,他们就吓死了,要是TRUMP有事,更证明TRUMP说的THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED了。如果被美国人认为这套系统已经烂透了,政府都不合法了,那可不是开玩笑的,TRUMP说选举作弊他们也害怕的。
ok , so called 共济会, i guess you got the idea from "currency war" by hongbing song. if you read that book, you will know that in his book, 共济会 orchestrated WW1 and WW2, and according to song one of 共济会's surrogates in US is Joseph P. Kennedy , the father of J.F.Kenndy.
see, i am not trying to persuade anyone to vote trump or clinton. i don't really care. either of them will screw little ppl in oval office for the next 4 yrs for sure. what i am trying to learn is all those pieces of us history, politics and voting strategy. just for personal enrichment purpose. nothing more nothing less. so you see, i am trying to get all the facts, not some non-sense slogan.
see, i am not trying to persuade anyone to vote trump or clinton. i don't really care. either of them will screw little ppl in oval office for the next 4 yrs for sure. what i am trying to learn is al...... hua.ren 发表于 8/10/2016 4:27:43 PM
ok, ok. i will learn.but let me ask you this: Do you support or not to allow ppl on terror watch list to buy guns legally? and not just any gun, an AR-15 semi auto rifle ?
川普发言人皮尔森(Katrina Pierson)当天也表示:“川普心口一致,表达了他的想法。”
2nd amendment people are pretty vocal and their power is formidable in US politics. Everyone knows that.
One in Three Americans Own Guns; Culture a Factor, Study Finds
Donald Trump: ‘Tremendous political movement’ behind the Second Amendment
2016 Election Analysis: Trump Will Defeat Clinton in Landslide
Democratic incompetence has made the previously unthinkable possible: Republicans are reimagining themselves as a labor party
川普竞选高级资讯顾问米勒(Jason Miller)表示,“《第二修正案》支持者拥有惊人的力量和巨大的统一,这将为他们带来巨大的政治能量。今年,他们中出来投票的人将超过历次总统大选,胜出的不会是希拉里,将是川普。”
川普发言人皮尔森(Katrina Pierson)当天也表示:“川普心口一致,表达了他的想法。”
One in Three Americans Own Guns; Culture a Factor, Study Finds
Tim Kaine这个人一点吸引力都没有,又老又丑。不如布什家族的GEORGE P. BUSH又吸引力,人家是真正有墨西哥血统。GEORGE P. BUSH已经表态支持川普了。
correct:希拉里是花了52million,trump campaign花了0。
你自己都说了稀拉拉花了5.2 MILLION在广告上,TRUMP没给这些媒体钱做广告,所以媒体民调明显造假。大选前两个星期的民调才勉强可以看看。
2016 Election Analysis: Trump Will Defeat Clinton in Landslide
从今年开始,美国加州中小学公校,从小学二年级开始教授同性恋运动史,强制。此外,已经好几年了,初中开始发放避孕套,13岁以上孩子怀孕如果选择流产,家长无知情权,医生不许通知家长。同性恋内容不仅出现在综合性教育中,还会出现在其它常规课程中,比如science,language art。只要没有解剖图谱的教学内容,家长无知情权,不能opt out。因为,diversity教育是强制的。。。如果你认为同性恋教育的目的是为了教育一个人懂得包容,那就太善良了。。。更多的[心碎]说不完,就不说了。
周三(8月10日),包括阿肯色州Hacket警察局长Darrell Spells在内的两名警察在塞巴斯蒂安县被枪击。大批全副武装的警察包围了嫌犯的可移动住宅。
福克斯新闻报导,Darrell Spells在Fort Smith的斯巴克斯医院接受治疗,另外一名被射伤的警官情况危急。
Heavy police presence here on Hwy 253 and Boone in Sebastian county as we have an active shooter in the area pic.twitter.com/Y5EKL9MZTm
— Pedro Rivera (@4029Pedro) August 10, 2016
警方说,嫌犯的名字被认定为Billy Jones,据悉此人对执法人员心怀敌意。早上7点20分,这两名警官正按照法律程序逮捕Billy,没想到反而遭到他的枪击。据悉嫌犯持一件半自动武器。
塞巴斯蒂安县治安部门发言人Philip Pevehouse说:“我们相信嫌犯目前龟缩(在他的住宅)”。
Darrell Spells在2013年担任Hacket地区的警察局长,另一名被射伤的警察是他的副手,但是没有被透露姓名。
重点是LAW AND ORDER,一看你连投票权都没有,我建议你去买本美国宪法学习一下,知道美国人有多少人有枪吗,稀拉拉想动这个是做梦,还想大选作弊,知道后果吗。
have you taken ESL or TOEFL before ?
German military training 100 Syrian migrants in pilot project
ScottishFold 发表于 7/24/2016 10:15:08 PM
BY THE WAY 默克尔大妈的民意支持已经大跌大跌了.
Merkel’s Popularity Plunges After July Attacks
Support for German chancellor falls 12 percentage points to 47%, latest opinion poll shows
The poll conducted by Infratest Dimap found Ms. Merkel’s approval rating at 47%, down from 59% a month before. Nearly two thirds said they disapproved of her refugee policy, the highest level since the pollster started asking the question last fall. The poll had a margin of error of 3.1 percentage points.
In the latest poll, 88% said the German government should be more assertive in confronting Turkey.
again ,do you know what is a "Pilot project" in english? is "Pilot Project " same as "进行飞行训练" ?
你如果有朋友是当记者的,你去问问他,是他们媒体老板和金主说了算,还是他说了算,媒体靠广告费赚钱的,记者也是靠这个钱吃饭的。 BREXIT已经证明就是两周前的民调都不可靠呢。 全球政治风向就是右转,没人能挡住这种POLITICAL MOVEMENT.
50 G.O.P. Officials Warn Donald Trump Would Put Nation’s Security ‘at Risk’"
50 Republican National Security Officials Eviscerate Trump In Open Letter
你就不要废话了,这个是之前一个人贴出来的,我就是COPY PASTE过来,德国要是没这个意思,干嘛搞这个,大家都明白。
“It’s called the power of unification – 2nd Amendment people have amazing spirit and are tremendously unified, which gives them great political power. And this year, they will be voting in record numbers, and it won’t be for Hillary Clinton, it will be for Donald Trump.”
Trump: The 50 GOP National Security Officials ‘Are Nothing More Than the Failed Washington Elite’
Trump stated in a press release Monday night in response to the letter:
The 50 Republican national security officials raised concerns over the New Yorker’s rhetoric on foreign policy as well as national security, saying Trump has “an alarming ignorance of basic facts of contemporary international politics.”
“We are convinced that he would be a dangerous president and would put at risk our country’s national security and well-being,” the letter reads.
“Those signing the letters served in the White House in eras stretching from Richard Nixon to the second George W. Bush administration,” notes the Wall Street Journal.
Trump’s statement blasted the officials, blaming them for the rise of the Islamic State (ISIS).
“These insiders – along with Hillary Clinton – are the owners of the disastrous decisions to invade Iraq, allow Americans to die in Benghazi, and they are the ones who allowed the rise of ISIS,” Trump blasted.
He continued:
Although critical of Trump, the 50 GOP leaders didn’t say they’ll vote for Hillary Clinton. “We also know that many have doubts about Hillary Clinton, as [do] many of us,” their letter states.
It is a simple question, yes or no?
of course i know, so what?!
希拉里花了5亿的广告费差不多,不管是mit, 华人, twitter,YouTube, 哪哪都有她的广告。
Does it mean 飞行员训练?simple yes or no question
大猫开始满地打滚了 ...
BTW, 我是坚决反对希拉里的,希望Trump不要走错方向,能赢大选!
是左媒在炒作,这说明他们心里是很害怕2ND AMENDMENT PEOPLE,我觉得媒体这么炒作对川普是好事,会更多人关注这次大选对2ND AMENDMENT的影响,美国人心里对枪权看得很重。
不是TRUMP的政策2ND AMENDMENT PEOPLE要暴动咋办,不是你想的那么简单。TRUMP大嘴巴一喊,他们就吓死了,要是TRUMP有事,更证明TRUMP说的THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED了。如果被美国人认为这套系统已经烂透了,政府都不合法了,那可不是开玩笑的,TRUMP说选举作弊他们也害怕的。
ok , so called 共济会, i guess you got the idea from "currency war" by hongbing song.
if you read that book, you will know that in his book, 共济会 orchestrated WW1 and WW2, and according to song one of 共济会's surrogates in US is Joseph P. Kennedy , the father of J.F.Kenndy.
so, ask again 肯尼迪是外来者?
没有close member这一说,是就是,不是就不是。这组织不是你随便加入退出的。我说了共济会和老肯尼迪如果有合作也不奇怪,而且宋说的不一定真实。但可以肯定的是,肯尼迪一定不是共济会成员,他爸不肯定但估计也不是。trump不知道是不是,但我看真不像,因为实在是被主要媒体黑得太离谱了。倒是克林顿夫妇很像。
what i am trying to learn is all those pieces of us history, politics and voting strategy. just for personal enrichment purpose. nothing more nothing less.
so you see, i am trying to get all the facts, not some non-sense slogan.
你还是先从2ND AMENDMENT学起吧。
"奥巴马美滋滋的去日本道歉", 这个描述太好玩了。
do you know what is the NRA's stand on this ?