PAYPAL有3种账户 Personal Account :Ideal for online shoping. Send and receive payments through PayPal's secure network. Personal accounts cannot accept debit or credit payments. 我申请的就是这个,当时申请PAYPAL也是出于在换版代购,方便支付或者接收的目的。用的次数也不多,所以对于我来说,已经足够用了。 Premier Account: Perfect for buying and selling on eBay or merchant websites. Accept all payment types for low fees. Business Account: The right choice for your online business. Accept all payment types for low fees. ====Premier Account & personal Account==== Premier account是可以收信用卡的,但是paypal要扣除手续费(收款方收到的钱比付款方付出的要少2.9%+$0.3的样子,对于付款方是透明的)。问题在于即使付款方选用的不是信用卡付款,paypal照样要收手续费,所以很不划算。这种情况下,如果收款方一定想维持自己的premier account (比如方便偶尔在ebay转让点东西收钱什么的),可以再申请一个personal account——需要不同的email和银行账户(?这点不确定)。 如果本来是personal account,但是突然收到一笔钱让你confirm,就表示对方采用了信用卡付款,这个时候有两个选择:"accept",付款成功,账户自动升级为Premier;选择deny,则付款失败,与对方联系采用非信用卡方式付款。 如果不小心变成了Premier account,有一次机会可以降级到personal account,只有一次机会! 另外,Permier Account的某一个transaction如果需要全额退款(fully refund)的话,paypal会把手续费一起退给付款方——所以万一要退款的时候不要选择SEND MONEY,而应该点开原来的transaction detail,选择refund。 Personal Account Premier/Business Account Open an Account Free Free Send Money Free Free Withdraw Funds Free for bank accounts in the US Free for bank accounts in the US Add Funds Free Free Receive Funds Free 1.9% to 2.9% + $0.30 USD Multiple Currency Transactions Exchange rate includes a 2.5% fee Exchange rate includes a 2.5% Fee [此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-17 12:35:07编辑过]
使用PAYPAL打款: 点SEND MONEY----> 填写收款人EMAIL OR PHONE,一般我用的都是填EMAIL的,一定注意不要填错---->Category of Purchase这项,我一般都选Goods (other) ,这样有利于收款人直接打印你的地址. 我的PAYPAL是和CHECKING账户连在一起的,有MM反映打款后显示的是uncleared的状态,一般要经过一周左右的时间处理,因为实际是以ECHECK的形式来付款.点击交易的Details,就可以看到Expected Clearing Date了 使用PAYPAL收款: 这个功能我只用过一次,当天收到打款确认,PAYPAL BALANCE就显示出来,点击WITHDRAW就可以了,大约过了3-4天,就进银行账了 Options Processing Time Cost Transfer funds to your bank account 3-4 Business Days Free Request a check from PayPal 1-2 Weeks $1.50 USD Get cash out of an ATM instant $1.00 USD REQUEST MONEY功能的使用: 收款方先发起一个请求给付款方,然后付款方再去按照收到的bill付款就好了——推荐使用,免得发生把钱送错email的事情 关于个人资料的修改问题: 点击PROFILE,可以修改自己的地址,电话,捆绑账户等一系列资料 我用过的只是这几个最基本的功能,还有一些比较复杂的,没有用过,因为平时也很少会网购什么的,有用过的筒子们可以来补充一下 [此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-18 1:33:14编辑过]
以下是引用杉杉在2006-5-17 9:17:00的发言: 问题:一般的paypal账号和银行账号挂钩么? I think at the time when you setup the paypal account, it will ask you whether you wanna the payment to be tied with you bank account.
以下是引用corail在2006-6-5 22:23:00的发言: 请问怎么refund呀?我收到钱,发现有问题要退回去,可是我在paypal上面无论如何找不到refund按钮 :( 我的是premier account 珊瑚MM,这个是我从PAYPAL上搜到的 What is the Refund Payment link and how do I use it? The Refund Payment link allows anyone with a PayPal account to issue a full or partial refund for up to 60 days after a payment was sent. Within 60 days, simply go to the History subtab in your Account Overview to issue a refund by clicking the Refund Payment link in your transaction history. After 60 days, use the Send Money subtab to issue a refund for a payment.
I have a question about the use of the payal account I am a new one to use the paypal and I have a personal accout. When I want to send the money from payal (I have money in the account), it requires me to link the credit card to the account in order to improve the limit. But it also need the code that will appear in the credit card statement after several days, so how long can I see the code ? In fact, the first time I link the credit card to the account, it did not require the code, but I delete the card number after I use it. when I want to link the card again, it require the code. any suggestion on how I can link the card immediately? Thanks
以下是引用erictiger在2006-6-6 18:43:00的发言: I have a question about the use of the payal account I am a new one to use the paypal and I have a personal accout. When I want to send the money from payal (I have money in the account), it requires me to link the credit card to the account in order to improve the limit. But it also need the code that will appear in the credit card statement after several days, so how long can I see the code ? In fact, the first time I link the credit card to the account, it did not require the code, but I delete the card number after I use it. when I want to link the card again, it require the code. any suggestion on how I can link the card immediately? Thanks 我的PAYPAL是和CHECKING账户连着的,以前连过信用卡,取消了,所以,每次直接走CHECKING,PAYPAL账户上也没有钱 不过刚才我去PAYPAL上试了一下重新加信用卡,没有问题啊,你说的the code that will appear in the credit card statement after several days是从哪看到的?我唯一看到要求输入CODE的地方,只有这个Card Verification Number,你指的是这个吗?
我把卡的信息输入后就到了一个页面,上面说 Before you may use this funding source (your credit card ending in ####), you will need to enter your Expanded Use Number for this card. To obtain and enter this number, follow the instructions below.
Step 1: Authorize PayPal to charge a $1.95 USD Expanded Use Fee to your card. (You will receive a $1.95 USD bonus in your PayPal account after you complete enrollment.)
Step 2: On your next credit card statement (monthly transaction history), find the 4-digit Expanded Use Number that will be printed in the item description section of the charge. It may take 3-4 business days for the number to appear on your statement.
Step 3: Log in to your PayPal account, click the Complete Expanded Use Enrollment link on your Account Overview, and enter your Expanded Use Number.
Q: Will I have to complete the Expanded Use enrollment for my Debit Card? A: When you add your debit card to your account, you may be required to complete the Expanded Use enrollment in which PayPal charges your credit card a small fee. The fee appears on your bank account statement accompanied by a unique, randomly generated four-digit Expanded Use number. Once you have received your four-digit Expanded Use number, click or copy and paste the entire link into the address bar to complete the Expanded Use enrollment.
Q:Why is there an Expanded Use Enrollment Process? A:At PayPal, we take protecting our network of customers very seriously. Sometimes our stringent security measures may affect accounts that are in good standing. We cannot disclose the specific criteria used to determine which customers are prompted to complete this process; doing so would undermine the effectiveness of our security measures. For more information on the Expanded Use Enrollment Process, please click Help at the top right of your screen.
Q:Can the Expanded Use Enrollment Process be expedited? A: When you add a credit card to your account, you may be required to complete the Expanded Use enrollment in which PayPal charges your credit card a small amount. A unique, randomly generated 4-digit Expanded Use number accompanies the charge. Unfortunately, we cannot expedite this process nor can we email Expanded Use number to you. If you have online access to your credit card account, check your statement online after three to four business days to get the Expanded Use Number. If you do not have online access or if your credit card issuer does not supply the Expanded Use Number online, you must get the Expanded Use number from your paper credit card statement. This process helps maintain a secure online environment for all PayPal members.
Q:Can I register a credit card on more than one PayPal account? A:Our security procedures limit credit card registrations to one PayPal Account at a time. If your credit card was previously registered to another PayPal Account, you will need to regain access to that account in order to use the credit card on PayPal.
以下是引用erictiger在2006-6-7 13:12:00的发言: 谢谢你的帮助,今天paypal给我回信说一个信用卡只能用一个帐户,我有好几个paypal帐户呢,可没那么多的信用卡呀,里面钱不多,几十刀,可是拿不出来太可惜了啊。不知道一个银行的帐户能连几个paypal? Q:Can I register a credit card on more than one PayPal account? A:Our security procedures limit credit card registrations to one PayPal Account at a time. If your credit card was previously registered to another PayPal Account, you will need to regain access to that account in order to use the credit card on PayPal. 为什么要开那么多PAYPAL的账户啊可以把其它账户的里的钱都集中到一个里面吧,主要捆绑在一个上面用 要不就只好每次都regain access了
以下是引用bmelily在2006-6-7 13:28:00的发言: 如果不小心变成了Premier account,有一次机会可以降级到personal account,只有一次机会! 请问怎么变回PERSONAL帐户啊? Q: Can I downgrade my account? A: If you downgrade your account, you will lose access to all of PayPal's Premium Features, including: The ability to accept credit card payments Access to our Customer Service hotline, open 7-days-a-week, from 4:00 AM PDT to 10:00 PM PDT Coverage under PayPal's Seller Protection Policy The ability to create PayPal Shopping Cart buttons Instant access to the funds in your PayPal account with the PayPal ATM/Debit Card If you would still like to downgrade to a Personal account, click here.. Please choose 'My Account Profile' and 'Downgrade Account' as the Topic and Subtopic for your message. Note: If you are doing business online you are required to have a Premier or Business account. In addition, no fees will be refunded. [此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-7 14:03:54编辑过]
以下是引用icyscorpio在2006-6-5 22:34:00的发言: 以下是引用corail在2006-6-5 22:23:00的发言: 请问怎么refund呀?我收到钱,发现有问题要退回去,可是我在paypal上面无论如何找不到refund按钮 :( 我的是premier account 珊瑚MM,这个是我从PAYPAL上搜到的 What is the Refund Payment link and how do I use it? The Refund Payment link allows anyone with a PayPal account to issue a full or partial refund for up to 60 days after a payment was sent. Within 60 days, simply go to the History subtab in your Account Overview to issue a refund by clicking the Refund Payment link in your transaction history. After 60 days, use the Send Money subtab to issue a refund for a payment.
以下是引用icyscorpio在2006-6-7 13:47:00的发言: 以下是引用erictiger在2006-6-7 13:12:00的发言: 谢谢你的帮助,今天paypal给我回信说一个信用卡只能用一个帐户,我有好几个paypal帐户呢,可没那么多的信用卡呀,里面钱不多,几十刀,可是拿不出来太可惜了啊。不知道一个银行的帐户能连几个paypal? Q:Can I register a credit card on more than one PayPal account? A:Our security procedures limit credit card registrations to one PayPal Account at a time. If your credit card was previously registered to another PayPal Account, you will need to regain access to that account in order to use the credit card on PayPal. 为什么要开那么多PAYPAL的账户啊可以把其它账户的里的钱都集中到一个里面吧,主要捆绑在一个上面用 要不就只好每次都regain access了 我现在也觉得这样不好了,怎么样才能主要捆绑在一个上面用,楼主教教我把:) 还有怎么才能够regain access,是不是这样之后用过的信用卡就可以加到别的帐户里了
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-17 2:10:45编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-17 12:35:07编辑过]
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[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-17 16:21:13编辑过]
问题:一般的paypal账号和银行账号挂钩么? I think at the time when you setup the paypal account, it will ask you whether you wanna the payment to be tied with you bank account.
问题:一般的paypal账号和银行账号挂钩么? 衫衫,我的就是捆绑好的,直接划钱收钱就好了
以下是引用杉杉在2006-5-17 9:17:00的发言:
问题:一般的paypal账号和银行账号挂钩么? 衫衫,我的就是捆绑好的,直接划钱收钱就好了 谢谢重雪和豆豆 这样的话会不会影响银行账号的安全性呢?
以下是引用icyscorpio在2006-5-17 13:33:00的发言:
以下是引用杉杉在2006-5-17 9:17:00的发言:
问题:一般的paypal账号和银行账号挂钩么? 衫衫,我的就是捆绑好的,直接划钱收钱就好了 谢谢重雪和豆豆 这样的话会不会影响银行账号的安全性呢? 我目前想到最不安全的一点就是,如果有人骗到了你的paypal密码(很多fraud email都是干这个的) 那他就可以直接登陆到你的帐号,要是他send money给他自己,就相当于直接从你的银行偷钱了吧。 没听说过这样的案例,也不知道如果发生这样的事情paypal、银行方面会不会帮你dispute 反正我都连接到小checking上,本来也没几块钱的那种。 当然治本就是对号称paypal发来的email要小心咯。
想问一下如果用paypal dispute,好像最多只能退回 原价-25刀 的钱?那个25刀是没有从输的那一方账号里扣走呢,还是扣掉然后被paypal作为手续费收了呢? 真的吗?我从来没有dispute过,还不知道呢
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-17 18:03:32编辑过]
是啊是啊,如果你不收钱只是付钱的话,可以不连银行帐号,貌似可以直接从信用卡付钱 但是如果跟换班交易,一般都要银行里边出钱的。 我最开始用的时候,经常是需要的时候把银行link上去,用完了就把银行去掉。。。。(但是每次link都要好几天时间) 现在我也懒得弄了,反正银行里只有一点点钱
谢谢重雪和豆豆 这样的话会不会影响银行账号的安全性呢? 因为我是和CHECKING账户连接在一起的,我LG也是有这个担忧,觉得不安全。不过我随时CHECK账户,到现在还没有发现有什么异常。 而且昨天我发现,在PAYPAL的ECHECK还没有显示CLEARED的状态时,可以CANCEL PAYMENT的,但是不知道有没有手续费,因为BOA CANCEL一次支票要收30刀
豆豆,看BoA的帖子想起来paypal的另外一个用途,从paypal转钱进银行可以作为某些银行direct deposit的来源(比如Bank of America)。 不要操作太多,免得paypal生气。 JOYY,这个我有点没弄明白,是比如说你通过PAYPAL给我汇款,我从PAYPAL把钱转到银行账户上,可以算做一个DD是吗?那是不是也要提前设置捆绑账户?
我目前想到最不安全的一点就是,如果有人骗到了你的paypal密码(很多fraud email都是干这个的) 那他就可以直接登陆到你的帐号,要是他send money给他自己,就相当于直接从你的银行偷钱了吧。 没听说过这样的案例,也不知道如果发生这样的事情paypal、银行方面会不会帮你dispute 反正我都连接到小checking上,本来也没几块钱的那种。 当然治本就是对号称paypal发来的email要小心咯。 怕就是怕这种诈骗的MAIL,还好,我从来不直接由邮件点进去,这个问题我们学校都发了N次信提醒了,最好的办法就是自己去网上看一下,有没有这回事,反正不要轻信通过MAIL发来的那个连接
以下是引用J0YY在2006-5-17 16:54:00的发言:
豆豆,看BoA的帖子想起来paypal的另外一个用途,从paypal转钱进银行可以作为某些银行direct deposit的来源(比如Bank of America)。 不要操作太多,免得paypal生气。 JOYY,这个我有点没弄明白,是比如说你通过PAYPAL给我汇款,我从PAYPAL把钱转到银行账户上,可以算做一个DD是吗?那是不是也要提前设置捆绑账户? 对,有的银行就当作DD了,但是我看到你提到你是从别的银行转钱来做DD,也是差不多的八 要提前设置好啊——其实在设置过程中两两笔trial deposit也被当成DD的
后面说的那些都不是主要主要用途,豆豆就不要加到前面了,免得把大家搞迷糊了 好的,我们私下讨论哈 不过关于DISPUTE的那个问题我还是没有弄懂,貌似牵扯到买方和卖方的,是么?
以下是引用Joyy在2006-5-17 19:52:00的发言:
后面说的那些都不是主要主要用途,豆豆就不要加到前面了,免得把大家搞迷糊了 好的,我们私下讨论哈 不过关于DISPUTE的那个问题我还是没有弄懂,貌似牵扯到买方和卖方的,是么? 是牵扯到两方吧,但是没有经历过,不知道faramita MM是不是有亲身经历
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-17 20:32:30编辑过]
是牵扯到两方吧,但是没有经历过,不知道faramita MM是不是有亲身经历 是的,我也没有经历过,不知道会不会有知道的筒子们出来交流一下
豆豆写得真仔细! 现在的表情符号好象是乱的哎?!
不完全是我的功劳了 图像不能直接点,JOYY告诉我要COPY,PASTE或者直接拖拽,你也试试吧 还有,你新发的那个帖子,我给你编辑好了,你看看是不是你想要的那样
不完全是我的功劳了 图像不能直接点,JOYY告诉我要COPY,PASTE或者直接拖拽,你也试试吧 还有,你新发的那个帖子,我给你编辑好了,你看看是不是你想要的那样 豆豆工作真是认真,夸奖一下!
速度挺快的,态度也不错。不过需要卖方配合,不然基本形同虚设 可以全额拿回来退款啊,不会少25刀。不过我那笔数目不大,不知道是不是跟数目有关 橘子,我还想你会不会用过呢 具体讲讲啊~~~~
我想请问 如果收到一笔款 点ship按钮 不是可以打印lable么 那个lable是打印出来 然后用胶带粘在信封上就可以了么? 是的,至少我收到的东西信封上是这样的
以下是引用anorange在2006-5-17 22:09:00的发言:
速度挺快的,态度也不错。不过需要卖方配合,不然基本形同虚设 可以全额拿回来退款啊,不会少25刀。不过我那笔数目不大,不知道是不是跟数目有关 橘子,我还想你会不会用过呢 具体讲讲啊~~~~ 等我回美国以后
等我回美国以后 我希望你明天就拿到签证
请问怎么refund呀?我收到钱,发现有问题要退回去,可是我在paypal上面无论如何找不到refund按钮 :( 我的是premier account 珊瑚MM,这个是我从PAYPAL上搜到的 What is the Refund Payment link and how do I use it? The Refund Payment link allows anyone with a PayPal account to issue a full or partial refund for up to 60 days after a payment was sent. Within 60 days, simply go to the History subtab in your Account Overview to issue a refund by clicking the Refund Payment link in your transaction history. After 60 days, use the Send Money subtab to issue a refund for a payment.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-5 22:36:17编辑过]
I have a question about the use of the payal account I am a new one to use the paypal and I have a personal accout. When I want to send the money from payal (I have money in the account), it requires me to link the credit card to the account in order to improve the limit. But it also need the code that will appear in the credit card statement after several days, so how long can I see the code ? In fact, the first time I link the credit card to the account, it did not require the code, but I delete the card number after I use it. when I want to link the card again, it require the code. any suggestion on how I can link the card immediately? Thanks 我的PAYPAL是和CHECKING账户连着的,以前连过信用卡,取消了,所以,每次直接走CHECKING,PAYPAL账户上也没有钱 不过刚才我去PAYPAL上试了一下重新加信用卡,没有问题啊,你说的the code that will appear in the credit card statement after several days是从哪看到的?我唯一看到要求输入CODE的地方,只有这个Card Verification Number,你指的是这个吗?
Authorize PayPal to charge a $1.95 USD Expanded Use Fee to your card. (You will receive a $1.95 USD bonus in your PayPal account after you complete enrollment.)
On your next credit card statement (monthly transaction history), find the 4-digit Expanded Use Number that will be printed in the item description section of the charge. It may take 3-4 business days for the number to appear on your statement.
Log in to your PayPal account, click the Complete Expanded Use Enrollment link on your Account Overview, and enter your Expanded Use Number.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-7 1:16:30编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-7 1:36:56编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-7 1:42:20编辑过]
A: When you add a credit card to your account, you may be required to complete the Expanded Use enrollment in which PayPal charges your credit card a small amount. A unique, randomly generated 4-digit Expanded Use number accompanies the charge. Unfortunately, we cannot expedite this process nor can we email Expanded Use number to you. If you have online access to your credit card account, check your statement online after three to four business days to get the Expanded Use Number. If you do not have online access or if your credit card issuer does not supply the Expanded Use Number online, you must get the Expanded Use number from your paper credit card statement. This process helps maintain a secure online environment for all PayPal members.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-7 3:10:33编辑过]
我加卡的时候没有遇到过这样的情况啊,只需要输入卡号后面的3位数字就好了 你是从profile-->credit card-->add credit card or debit card这个步骤加的吗 是从这个加的
我一COPY,PASTE,就乱码,我慢慢看了帮你想啊 我看了一下51楼的Q&A,如果没有理解错的话,不是所有人都会遇到这个情况的,PAYPAL自身有一个评估标准,对于有的ID会要求输入#的 如果你有网上银行的话,3-4个工作日后,可以从网银得到#,快一些 我没有用PAYPAL在EBAY上买过东西,不过以前打款的时候,记得在选择买什么东西时有一栏好像是EBAY的货物
谢谢你的帮助,今天paypal给我回信说一个信用卡只能用一个帐户,我有好几个paypal帐户呢,可没那么多的信用卡呀,里面钱不多,几十刀,可是拿不出来太可惜了啊。不知道一个银行的帐户能连几个paypal? Q:Can I register a credit card on more than one PayPal account? A:Our security procedures limit credit card registrations to one PayPal Account at a time. If your credit card was previously registered to another PayPal Account, you will need to regain access to that account in order to use the credit card on PayPal. 为什么要开那么多PAYPAL的账户啊可以把其它账户的里的钱都集中到一个里面吧,主要捆绑在一个上面用 要不就只好每次都regain access了
如果不小心变成了Premier account,有一次机会可以降级到personal account,只有一次机会! 请问怎么变回PERSONAL帐户啊? Q: Can I downgrade my account? A: If you downgrade your account, you will lose access to all of PayPal's Premium Features, including:
The ability to accept credit card payments
Access to our Customer Service hotline, open 7-days-a-week, from 4:00 AM PDT to 10:00 PM PDT
Coverage under PayPal's Seller Protection Policy
The ability to create PayPal Shopping Cart buttons
Instant access to the funds in your PayPal account with the PayPal ATM/Debit Card
If you would still like to downgrade to a Personal account, click here.. Please choose 'My Account Profile' and 'Downgrade Account' as the Topic and Subtopic for your message. Note: If you are doing business online you are required to have a Premier or Business account. In addition, no fees will be refunded.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-7 14:03:54编辑过]
以下是引用corail在2006-6-5 22:23:00的发言:
请问怎么refund呀?我收到钱,发现有问题要退回去,可是我在paypal上面无论如何找不到refund按钮 :( 我的是premier account 珊瑚MM,这个是我从PAYPAL上搜到的 What is the Refund Payment link and how do I use it? The Refund Payment link allows anyone with a PayPal account to issue a full or partial refund for up to 60 days after a payment was sent. Within 60 days, simply go to the History subtab in your Account Overview to issue a refund by clicking the Refund Payment link in your transaction history. After 60 days, use the Send Money subtab to issue a refund for a payment.
以下是引用erictiger在2006-6-7 13:12:00的发言:
谢谢你的帮助,今天paypal给我回信说一个信用卡只能用一个帐户,我有好几个paypal帐户呢,可没那么多的信用卡呀,里面钱不多,几十刀,可是拿不出来太可惜了啊。不知道一个银行的帐户能连几个paypal? Q:Can I register a credit card on more than one PayPal account? A:Our security procedures limit credit card registrations to one PayPal Account at a time. If your credit card was previously registered to another PayPal Account, you will need to regain access to that account in order to use the credit card on PayPal. 为什么要开那么多PAYPAL的账户啊可以把其它账户的里的钱都集中到一个里面吧,主要捆绑在一个上面用 要不就只好每次都regain access了 我现在也觉得这样不好了,怎么样才能主要捆绑在一个上面用,楼主教教我把:) 还有怎么才能够regain access,是不是这样之后用过的信用卡就可以加到别的帐户里了