以下是引用MickeyCombo在2006-5-9 16:51:00的发言: 以下是引用SSLOTUS在2006-5-9 16:46:00的发言: 科普一下,什么叫子宫变薄100%? 我知道的不确切,但是英文叫thining,好像要先变薄再开指吧。说thinning肯定你懂了 好像是叫effacement 吧。 The Dynamic Duo: Effacement and Dilation Now that you're 37 weeks, your pregnancy is technically considered full-term — which means you can safely go into labor any day now. The big mystery, of course, is just when labor will actually begin. It's anyone's guess when your baby decides to make his or her appearance (sociably early, or fashionably late — or precisely right on time?), but that doesn't stop your practitioner from taking a shot at it. Unless you specifically request otherwise, most practitioners will perform internal checks of your cervix to assess your readiness for labor. Just what is he or she looking for? First, for dilation, or how far your cervix has opened (it needs to open to ten centimeters for the baby to pass through into the birth canal). Next, for cervical ripeness (making you wonder, perhaps, is this a cervix or a peach?), which is the consistency of the cervix. (It starts out being firm like the tip of your nose and softens to the same texture as the inside of your cheek. Next he or she will check for effacement, or how thin your cervix is (it'll be 100 percent effaced before you push your baby out). The position of your cervix (it moves from the back to the front as labor approaches) will also be assessed, and last but not least, your practitioner will measure the station (or position) of the baby in relation to your pelvis (the lower down your baby is, the closer you are to delivery). Although it all sounds very scientific, it's actually not at all. Having a cervix dilated to three centimeters or being 50 percent effaced is no indication that labor is imminent. You can be very dilated and not have your baby for weeks. Or your cervix can be high and closed during an exam one morning, only to be open and ready for business — and labor — by noon
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-9 16:45:15编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-9 16:48:15编辑过]
好,弄了点魅力,现在开始回答问题。:) 我是越到快生的时候越感觉什么都不懂 mm为什么要人工破水。。。。。我现在对于到底什么时候破水已经完全糊涂了。。。
科普一下,什么叫子宫变薄100%? 我知道的不确切,但是英文叫thining,好像要先变薄再开指吧。说thinning肯定你懂了
以下是引用MickeyCombo在2006-5-9 16:49:00的发言:
好,弄了点魅力,现在开始回答问题。:) 我是越到快生的时候越感觉什么都不懂 mm为什么要人工破水。。。。。我现在对于到底什么时候破水已经完全糊涂了。。。 如果自己破水了,就要24小时内生了,甚至刨了,防止羊水污染。 如果自己没破,一般就人工破,拿个长竿子给挑破了,促进宫缩和生产吧。 其实mm不必懂那么多,到时候护士干什么就干了。呵呵,自己就躺那个听指挥吧。
以下是引用SSLOTUS在2006-5-9 16:46:00的发言:
科普一下,什么叫子宫变薄100%? 我知道的不确切,但是英文叫thining,好像要先变薄再开指吧。说thinning肯定你懂了 也8懂
长得真快啊 我就上次看新闻,国内一个妈妈生了个13斤的,把我吓死了 呵呵
以下是引用MickeyCombo在2006-5-9 16:51:00的发言:
以下是引用SSLOTUS在2006-5-9 16:46:00的发言:
科普一下,什么叫子宫变薄100%? 我知道的不确切,但是英文叫thining,好像要先变薄再开指吧。说thinning肯定你懂了 也8懂 这次真是Sorry了,我也不确切知道,只知道子宫壁要变薄为生产作准备,催产的好像要第一天晚上给让子宫壁变薄的药插进去,第二天才能催产,给促进宫缩的药。
以下是引用SSLOTUS在2006-5-9 16:46:00的发言:
科普一下,什么叫子宫变薄100%? 我知道的不确切,但是英文叫thining,好像要先变薄再开指吧。说thinning肯定你懂了 好像是叫effacement 吧。 The Dynamic Duo: Effacement and Dilation Now that you're 37 weeks, your pregnancy is technically considered full-term — which means you can safely go into labor any day now. The big mystery, of course, is just when labor will actually begin. It's anyone's guess when your baby decides to make his or her appearance (sociably early, or fashionably late — or precisely right on time?), but that doesn't stop your practitioner from taking a shot at it. Unless you specifically request otherwise, most practitioners will perform internal checks of your cervix to assess your readiness for labor. Just what is he or she looking for? First, for dilation, or how far your cervix has opened (it needs to open to ten centimeters for the baby to pass through into the birth canal). Next, for cervical ripeness (making you wonder, perhaps, is this a cervix or a peach?), which is the consistency of the cervix. (It starts out being firm like the tip of your nose and softens to the same texture as the inside of your cheek. Next he or she will check for effacement, or how thin your cervix is (it'll be 100 percent effaced before you push your baby out). The position of your cervix (it moves from the back to the front as labor approaches) will also be assessed, and last but not least, your practitioner will measure the station (or position) of the baby in relation to your pelvis (the lower down your baby is, the closer you are to delivery). Although it all sounds very scientific, it's actually not at all. Having a cervix dilated to three centimeters or being 50 percent effaced is no indication that labor is imminent. You can be very dilated and not have your baby for weeks. Or your cervix can be high and closed during an exam one morning, only to be open and ready for business — and labor — by noon
你侧切了吗?或者撕裂?或者二者都没有? (我怎么跟审问似的,其实是讨教) 我也想知道。
你侧切了吗?或者撕裂?或者二者都没有? (我怎么跟审问似的,其实是讨教) 自己撕裂,2级,中等,回家还吃止疼片,大概2周多好的。 其实我觉得自然生产撕裂的痛苦也听难熬的,为什么刨腹产药多给产假?
以下是引用SSLOTUS在2006-5-9 17:07:00的发言:
你侧切了吗?或者撕裂?或者二者都没有? (我怎么跟审问似的,其实是讨教) 自己撕裂,2级,中等,回家还吃止疼片,大概2周多好的。 其实我觉得自然生产撕裂的痛苦也听难熬的,为什么刨腹产药多给产假? 其实我听很多过来人说,自然撕裂比侧切恢复的要快。。。
以下是引用MickeyCombo在2006-5-9 17:11:00的发言:
以下是引用SSLOTUS在2006-5-9 17:07:00的发言:
你侧切了吗?或者撕裂?或者二者都没有? (我怎么跟审问似的,其实是讨教) 自己撕裂,2级,中等,回家还吃止疼片,大概2周多好的。 其实我觉得自然生产撕裂的痛苦也听难熬的,为什么刨腹产药多给产假? 其实我听很多过来人说,自然撕裂比侧切恢复的要快。。。 国内好像都作侧切,为了避免医疗事故,三度就算医疗事故了。
咱们的日子差多,我现在33周。嘻 我34周
那就不需要infant carseat了。
以下是引用SSLOTUS在2006-5-9 17:13:00的发言:
以下是引用MickeyCombo在2006-5-9 17:11:00的发言:
以下是引用SSLOTUS在2006-5-9 17:07:00的发言:
你侧切了吗?或者撕裂?或者二者都没有? (我怎么跟审问似的,其实是讨教) 自己撕裂,2级,中等,回家还吃止疼片,大概2周多好的。 其实我觉得自然生产撕裂的痛苦也听难熬的,为什么刨腹产药多给产假? 其实我听很多过来人说,自然撕裂比侧切恢复的要快。。。 国内好像都作侧切,为了避免医疗事故,三度就算医疗事故了。 我知道这边有很多三度撕裂的妈妈,医疗事故? 不过我问过学医的同学,是自然撕裂的愈合快,想想一个是锯齿状的,一个是整齐的,应该签证更快一些。 不过,自然撕裂就怕撕裂会把肛门弄坏,医生会看着吧。
以下是引用xina662002在2006-5-9 20:23:00的发言:
咱们的日子差多,我现在33周。嘻 我34周 妹妹们快期待着吧,生了后感受就完全不一样了。
以下是引用MickeyCombo在2006-5-9 16:56:00的发言:
那就不需要infant carseat了。 是呀,现在孩子3个月马上22磅了,我已经再找convertible car seat的Deal了. 谁能想到我家宝宝长那么快,3,4个月infant car seat就不够了