My name is Anan Zhuang, a 31 years old PhD in Finance from the University of North Carolina -Charlotte. In 2014, I was living a happy life with my boyfriend and even received an assistant professor job offer from the University of St. Thomas, Houston. Right before my graduation ceremony, I received a shocking news that changed my life. While I was practicing yoga in the gym, a great pain hit me and I struggled to get to my cell phone to call 911. I was diagnosed with liver cancer. My then boyfriend proposed to me in the hospital and he wanted to donate his liver to me. Soon after, I had a surgery to remove the tumor in my liver at the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix. However, the biopsy post-surgery showed that I actually have a very rare cancer, called Adrenocortical Carcinoma (ACC), and this type of cancer is very aggressive. 今天的这个连接上的: Hi everyone and thank you for taking the time to read my story.
My name is Anan Zhuang, a 31 years old PhD in Finance from the University of California -San Diego. In 2014, I was living a happy life with my boyfriend and even received an assistant professor job offer from the University of St. Thomas, Houston. Right before my graduation ceremony, I received a shocking news that changed my life. While I was practicing yoga in the gym, a great pain hit me and I struggled to get to my cell phone to call 911. I was diagnosed with liver cancer. My then boyfriend proposed to me in the hospital and he wanted to donate his liver to me. Soon after, I had a surgery to remove the tumor in my liver at the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix. However, the biopsy post-surgery showed that I actually have a very rare cancer, called Adrenocortical Carcinoma (ACC), and this type of cancer is very aggressive.
那个Google doc据说是安安家人会负责更新,目前看来澡和汝都把这烫手山芋甩了,更新的事他们是不管了,这个doc里最新的消息是1月3日的,此后不管病情和帐目都无任何消息。
你早说是引用啊,你让人白"high"了半天,northenpike还义愤填膺连发几贴斥责卑鄙 呵呵
2014 募捐词: 捐心安 捐落差 捐私校
2015 募捐词: 捐希望 捐Ph.D 捐Karma
2016 募捐词:捐海参
My name is Anan Zhuang, a 31 years old PhD in Finance from the University of North Carolina -Charlotte. In 2014, I was living a happy life with my boyfriend and even received an assistant professor job offer from the University of St. Thomas, Houston. Right before my graduation ceremony, I received a shocking news that changed my life. While I was practicing yoga in the gym, a great pain hit me and I struggled to get to my cell phone to call 911. I was diagnosed with liver cancer. My then boyfriend proposed to me in the hospital and he wanted to donate his liver to me. Soon after, I had a surgery to remove the tumor in my liver at the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix. However, the biopsy post-surgery showed that I actually have a very rare cancer, called Adrenocortical Carcinoma (ACC), and this type of cancer is very aggressive. 今天的这个连接上的:
Hi everyone and thank you for taking the time to read my story.
My name is Anan Zhuang, a 31 years old PhD in Finance from the University of California -San Diego. In 2014, I was living a happy life with my boyfriend and even received an assistant professor job offer from the University of St. Thomas, Houston. Right before my graduation ceremony, I received a shocking news that changed my life. While I was practicing yoga in the gym, a great pain hit me and I struggled to get to my cell phone to call 911. I was diagnosed with liver cancer. My then boyfriend proposed to me in the hospital and he wanted to donate his liver to me. Soon after, I had a surgery to remove the tumor in my liver at the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix. However, the biopsy post-surgery showed that I actually have a very rare cancer, called Adrenocortical Carcinoma (ACC), and this type of cancer is very aggressive.
不懂为了什么..... 只是知道这个link已经被八过了。造假的人很可耻