2013 October, Dr. Xu gave two invited talks at MS&T 2013. August, Zhiguang Cui and Siang-Yee Chang joined the group as two new PhD students. July, Zhe successfully defended his PhD dissertation work. Congratulation! Zhe is now working at Intel. 2008 November, Dr. Xu together with Dr. Li from Vanderbilt University received a grant from Lockheed Martin Corporation. August, Zhe Guan joined the Xu group as a Ph.D. student.
2013 October, Dr. Xu gave two invited talks at MS&T 2013. August, Zhiguang Cui and Siang-Yee Chang joined the group as two new PhD students. July, Zhe successfully defended his PhD dissertation work. Congratulation! Zhe is now working at Intel. 2008 November, Dr. Xu together with Dr. Li from Vanderbilt University received a grant from Lockheed Martin Corporation. August, Zhe Guan joined the Xu group as a Ph.D. student.
2013 October, Dr. Xu gave two invited talks at MS&T 2013. August, Zhiguang Cui and Siang-Yee Chang joined the group as two new PhD students. July, Zhe successfully defended his PhD dissertation work. Congratulation! Zhe is now working at Intel. 2008 November, Dr. Xu together with Dr. Li from Vanderbilt University received a grant from Lockheed Martin Corporation. August, Zhe Guan joined the Xu group as a Ph.D. student.
2013 October, Dr. Xu gave two invited talks at MS&T 2013. August, Zhiguang Cui and Siang-Yee Chang joined the group as two new PhD students. July, Zhe successfully defended his PhD dissertation work. Congratulation! Zhe is now working at Intel. 2008 November, Dr. Xu together with Dr. Li from Vanderbilt University received a grant from Lockheed Martin Corporation. August, Zhe Guan joined the Xu group as a Ph.D. student.
2013 October, Dr. Xu gave two invited talks at MS&T 2013. August, Zhiguang Cui and Siang-Yee Chang joined the group as two new PhD students. July, Zhe successfully defended his PhD dissertation work. Congratulation! Zhe is now working at Intel. 2008 November, Dr. Xu together with Dr. Li from Vanderbilt University received a grant from Lockheed Martin Corporation. August, Zhe Guan joined the Xu group as a Ph.D. student.
我直接捐的PayPal friends and family...我是上周四才打电话去PayPal 要的,已经过了追诉期,而且我走friends and family 本来就没有buyer protection什么的。 后来我就直接往收款账号发了个request fund 的申请,一种没有回应。估计她们也不再登陆捐款的PayPal 账号了.... 之前庄Facebook 不就说他们把收到的捐款转到另一个新开的银行账号了吗。其实我原本就猜到会这样石沉大海也不打算去要了,但是没经住大家上周拍我。
我直接捐的PayPal friends and family...我是上周四才打电话去PayPal 要的,已经过了追诉期,而且我走friends and family 本来就没有buyer protection什么的。 后来我就直接往收款账号发了个request fund 的申请,一种没有回应。估计她们也不再登陆捐款的PayPal 账号了.... 之前庄Facebook 不就说他们把收到的捐款转到另一个新开的银行账号了吗。其实我原本就猜到会这样石沉大海也不打算去要了,但是没经住大家上周拍我。 beautybar123 发表于 1/6/2016 10:55:18 PM
回复1889楼小小的喵咪大大的梦的帖子 我直接捐的PayPal friends and family...我是上周四才打电话去PayPal 要的,已经过了追诉期,而且我走friends and family 本来就没有buyer protection什么的。 后来我就直接往收款账号发了个request fund 的申请,一种没有回应。估计她们也不再登陆捐款的PayPal 账号了.... 之前庄Facebook 不就说他们把收到的捐款转到另一个新开的银行账号了吗。其实我原本就猜到会这样石沉大海也不打算去要了,但是没经住大家上周拍我。beautybar123 发表于 2016-01-06 23:39 PM
About 3 weeks ago, a fundraising post appeared in several popular Chinese student forums in United States requesting donations for Anan Zhuang's cancer fight. The descriptions in the post implied that they are seeking 150K dollars for Anan Zhuang's upcoming surgery by Dr. Paul Sugarbaker's clinic. Many people were touched deeply and quickly donated over 110K in two days via GoFundMe alone, not including those who directly sent money via Paypal or other banking accounts they provided. However, soon some people found out they were also seeking 1million RMB donation for exactly the same cause in China and again in very short amount time they successfully raised half million through their campaign in China. Some people who know them in person blew whistle about the fact that both Anan Zhuang's parents and husband are in sound financial situation, and they had never seek donation or help from people who know them. Some people started to ask questions about their financial situations and whether or not they really need outsiders help; ever since being questioned about their own financial situation and exactly how much money they really need from outsiders, they shut down the campaigns on crowdfunding platforms and disappeared from those forums where they spread their fundraising letters. According to what they told the public, they should have had the surgery in the clinic already; however no one could get any information from them about the financial situation of them or the cost of the operation. Many people who donated money to them are still students who live on paltry financial aids, they are feeling deeply betrayed, some of them are requesting refund from the fundraiser yet no response either.
Links of two of their crowdfunding platform campaigns are attached, among many other accounts that they provided for people to send money:
回复1889楼小小的喵咪大大的梦的帖子 我直接捐的PayPal friends and family...我是上周四才打电话去PayPal 要的,已经过了追诉期,而且我走friends and family 本来就没有buyer protection什么的。 后来我就直接往收款账号发了个request fund 的申请,一种没有回应。估计她们也不再登陆捐款的PayPal 账号了.... 之前庄Facebook 不就说他们把收到的捐款转到另一个新开的银行账号了吗。其实我原本就猜到会这样石沉大海也不打算去要了,但是没经住大家上周拍我。beautybar123 发表于 2016-01-06 23:39 PM
About 3 weeks ago, a fundraising post appeared in several popular Chinese student forums in United States requesting donations for Anan Zhuang's cancer fight. The descriptions in the post implied that they are seeking 150K dollars for Anan Zhuang's upcoming surgery by Dr. Paul Sugarbaker's clinic. Many people were touched deeply and quickly donated over 110K in two days via GoFundMe alone, not including those who directly sent money via Paypal or other banking accounts they provided. However, soon some people found out they were also seeking 1million RMB donation for exactly the same cause in China and again in very short amount time they successfully raised half million through their campaign in China. Some people who know them in person blew whistle about the fact that both Anan Zhuang's parents and husband are in sound financial situation, and they had never seek donation or help from people who know them. Some people started to ask questions about their financial situations and whether or not they really need outsiders help; ever since being questioned about their own financial situation and exactly how much money they really need from outsiders, they shut down the campaigns on crowdfunding platforms and disappeared from those forums where they spread their fundraising letters. According to what they told the public, they should have had the surgery in the clinic already; however no one could get any information from them about the financial situation of them or the cost of the operation. Many people who donated money to them are still students who live on paltry financial aids, they are feeling deeply betrayed, some of them are requesting refund from the fundraiser yet no response either.
Links of two of their crowdfunding platform campaigns are attached, among many other accounts that they provided for people to send money:
我直接捐的PayPal friends and family...我是上周四才打电话去PayPal 要的,已经过了追诉期,而且我走friends and family 本来就没有buyer protection什么的。 后来我就直接往收款账号发了个request fund 的申请,一种没有回应。估计她们也不再登陆捐款的PayPal 账号了.... 之前庄Facebook 不就说他们把收到的捐款转到另一个新开的银行账号了吗。其实我原本就猜到会这样石沉大海也不打算去要了,但是没经住大家上周拍我。 beautybar123 发表于 1/6/2016 10:55:18 PM
同样筹款 看看人家这个 明细 身份证 收据
不用比了,庄这次募捐不是因为缺钱, 而是想要用别人的钱,自然告诉大家的内容写作方式处理募捐的手段都不一样。
孩子 加油。
-----抱歉之前打字错误, 骨髓移植的孩子是双双........ 实在是抱歉,误导了两个楼的mm
明白的mm,顺便发个感慨.. b less都健健康康....
对哦对哦 我去改改 都是叠词 码糊涂了
哎!!!!!换算成1300 人民币,够捐助国内一个贫困山区的中小学生几个学期学费书本费了。。。。这就这么被骗子骗走了。。。妥妥骗子。
October, Dr. Xu gave two invited talks at MS&T 2013.
August, Zhiguang Cui and Siang-Yee Chang joined the group as two new PhD students.
July, Zhe successfully defended his PhD dissertation work. Congratulation! Zhe is now working at Intel.
November, Dr. Xu together with Dr. Li from Vanderbilt University received a grant from Lockheed Martin Corporation.
August, Zhe Guan joined the Xu group as a Ph.D. student.
我直接捐的PayPal friends and family...我是上周四才打电话去PayPal 要的,已经过了追诉期,而且我走friends and family 本来就没有buyer protection什么的。 后来我就直接往收款账号发了个request fund 的申请,一种没有回应。估计她们也不再登陆捐款的PayPal 账号了.... 之前庄Facebook 不就说他们把收到的捐款转到另一个新开的银行账号了吗。其实我原本就猜到会这样石沉大海也不打算去要了,但是没经住大家上周拍我。
没事没事,我一直都在犹豫要不要dispute,最开始大家质疑的时候我也是本着疑罪从无的态度看的,直到上周四才想要回钱来,结果过了追诉期只能给她账户发私人的fund request, 我原本觉得过新年不要影响心情打算认栽了,结果你们都劝我该争取一下,我就试着争取一下结果音信全无。哎……也怪我。。。
cindy2012 发表于 1/6/2016 11:31:53 PM
About 3 weeks ago, a fundraising post appeared in several popular Chinese student forums in United States requesting donations for Anan Zhuang's cancer fight. The descriptions in the post implied that they are seeking 150K dollars for Anan Zhuang's upcoming surgery by Dr. Paul Sugarbaker's clinic. Many people were touched deeply and quickly donated over 110K in two days via GoFundMe alone, not including those who directly sent money via Paypal or other banking accounts they provided. However, soon some people found out they were also seeking 1million RMB donation for exactly the same cause in China and again in very short amount time they successfully raised half million through their campaign in China. Some people who know them in person blew whistle about the fact that both Anan Zhuang's parents and husband are in sound financial situation, and they had never seek donation or help from people who know them. Some people started to ask questions about their financial situations and whether or not they really need outsiders help; ever since being questioned about their own financial situation and exactly how much money they really need from outsiders, they shut down the campaigns on crowdfunding platforms and disappeared from those forums where they spread their fundraising letters. According to what they told the public, they should have had the surgery in the clinic already; however no one could get any information from them about the financial situation of them or the cost of the operation. Many people who donated money to them are still students who live on paltry financial aids, they are feeling deeply betrayed, some of them are requesting refund from the fundraiser yet no response either.
Links of two of their crowdfunding platform campaigns are attached, among many other accounts that they provided for people to send money:
另外"united states" should be "the united states"
admm 发表于 1/6/2016 7:06:10 PM