If you believe someone is committing fraud or breaking the law in any other way, please send us the link to the campaign in question and our team will investigate.
You may also contact local law enforcement officials in your area and we’ll be happy to work with them.
A Message from the US Department of Justice: If you believe you have been a victim of fraud from a person or an organization soliciting relief funds on behalf of storm victims or have knowledge of waste, abuse, or allegations of mismanagement involving disaster relief operations, contact the National Center for Disaster Fraud toll free at: (866) 720-5721 You can also fax information to: (225) 334-4707 or e-mail it to: [email protected]
回复 108楼huaren_ID的帖子
查了一下,gofundme 关于骗捐的处理办法:
report a campaign I feel is fraudulent?
If you believe someone is committing fraud or breaking the law in any other way, please send us the link to the campaign in question and our team will investigate.
You may also contact local law enforcement officials in your area and we’ll be happy to work with them.
A Message from the US Department of Justice:
If you believe you have been a victim of fraud from a person or an organization soliciting relief funds on behalf of storm victims or have knowledge of waste, abuse, or allegations of mismanagement involving disaster relief operations, contact the National Center for Disaster Fraud toll free at: (866) 720-5721
You can also fax information to: (225) 334-4707 or e-mail it to: [email protected]
用gofundme 骗捐款的不少,有个facebook叫gofraudme,https://www.facebook.com/GoFundMeGoFraudMe有不少案例。另外一搜gofundme scam/fraud...,不少。不过人家上新闻的骗捐也就骗了几千,一般也是用一件真事当由头,要了钱就去用作其他的事。果然华人还是有钱,这一下募到十几万。
1)进行腹腔肿瘤切除+腹腔热化疗 (HIPEC)。ACC是一种非常容易有剥落的肿瘤,加入HIPEC是为了更好的残留在腹腔里的癌细胞。目前美国的HIPEC并没有被列入标准治疗方法,所以不能由保险报销。这部分的费用大概在3-5万美金。