
楼主 (北美华人网)

USDA指出freezer在断电后,仍然可以使食物在24-48小时内保持冷冻状态。freezer在满的状态下保温最好。所以如果知道可能停电,可以用冰块把freezer塞满。不到万不得已,不要开冻箱门。According to the USDA, “a full freezer will hold the temperature for approximately 48 hours (24 hours if it is half full) if the door remains closed.”

如果很不幸,过了48小时还没有来电,也不用着急。只要冻奶没有完全化成液态,还有冰渣在,冻奶还是认为是frozen。 "As long as the breast milk is still slushy or has ice crystals in it, then it isn’t considered defrosted, and it can be refrozen, even if more than 48 hours has gone by."  


那么refrozen breast milk是否安全呢?有篇2006年的论文认为营养成分可以很大程度的保留,并且细菌繁殖程度仍在安全范围值内。

“The data generated by the authors support the contention that milk is relatively robust. Milk that has been left unrefrigerated for less than 8 hours, or placed in the refrigerator for a day, is safe to use and retains a good portion of its nutritional value. Moreover, it appears that unpasteurized milk that has been accidentally thawed remains safe to use provided it has not been left too long in an unthawed condition. Based on these data, it appears that unpasteurized milk that has thawed in the refrigerator for up to 8 hours may be safely refrozen. Moreover, this data would seem to support the use of frozen milk to which fresh milk has been added and then refrozen. This should allow for more convenient storage and for the salvage of milk that mothers might otherwise have been told to discard."

Rechtman DJ, Lee ML and Berg H. Effect of environmental conditions on unpasteurized donor human milk. Breastfeeding Medicine. Spring, 2006;  1(1): 24-26.

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