"Deputy Goforth was refueling his vehicle and returning to his car from inside the convenience store when, unprovoked, a man walked up behind him and literally shot him to death," he said.
Goforth was shot multiple times from behind and then fell to the ground, where the suspect shot the deputy multiple times again, said Deputy Thomas Gilliland, a spokesman for the sheriff's office.
Investigators believed Hickman was targeted merely because of his uniform. Hickman said the motive appears to be "absolute madness."
At a new conference, Hickman and Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson talked about the nationwide debate over the relationship between the police officers and the public, with the sheriff referring to what he called "dangerous national rhetoric."
"When the rhetoric ramps up to the point where calculated, cold-blooded assassination of police officers happen, this rhetoric has gotten out of control," Hickman said. "We've heard 'Black Lives Matter,' 'All lives matter.' Well, cops' lives matter too. So why don't we just drop the qualifier, and just say 'Lives Matter,' and take that to the bank."
这位女DA说起这件事都感觉是咬牙切齿了。。。哪个有正义感的人不被这种罪行震怒?Except Obama of course.
Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson called on the public to respect and support law enforcement.
“It is time for the silent majority in this country to respect law enforcement. There are a few bad apples in every profession. That does not mean that there should be open warfare declared on law enforcement," she said. "The vast majority of officers are there to do the right thing, are there because they care about their community and want to make it a safer place. What happened last night is an assault on the very fabric of society, it is not anything we can tolerate. It is time to come forward and support law enforcement and condemn this atrocious act.” http://insider.foxnews.com/2015/08/29/arrest-made-execution-style-murder-sheriffs-deputy-darren-goforth-mom-turned-suspect
Obama, please come forward and say "All lives matter"! Please say you won't condone violence from anyone including your so called angels and sons! Please heal the country that's been seriously divided by you and your party! And don't you dare to point fingers at gun control!
I'm sure this won't be called a hate crime because a black killed a white police officer. Well, Cops Lives Matter too! Where's Obama, Jackson, and Sharpton? Is a Grand Jury going to be used? Where's the outrage from our Attorney General? It's always a different story when the shoe sis on the other foot. We don't so much hear a "peep" out of any of these folks when blacks kill blacks to the tune of a dozen a week or more in places like Chicago and Detroit. We need to harness this same type of outrage when anyone gets murdered. In order for this country to ever come together, we need to preaching and practicing that "All Lives Matter"!
Sheriff Clarke Charges Obama with Starting ‘War on Police’ After Texas Cop ’s ‘Execution’
“I said last December that war had been declared against the American police officer, led by some high-profile people. One of them coming out of the White House, another one coming out of the U.S. Department of Justice. And it’s open season right now, no doubt about it.”
“That’s why I said the President of the United States started this ‘war on police.’”
Sheriff Clarke Charges Obama with Starting ‘War on Police’ After Texas Cop ’s ‘Execution’
“I said last December that war had been declared against the American police officer, led by some high-profile people. One of them coming out of the White House, another one coming out of the U.S. Department of Justice. And it’s open season right now, no doubt about it.”
“That’s why I said the President of the United States started this ‘war on police.’”
Sheriff Clarke Charges Obama with Starting ‘War on Police’ After Texas Cop ’s ‘Execution’
“I said last December that war had been declared against the American police officer, led by some high-profile people. One of them coming out of the White House, another one coming out of the U.S. Department of Justice. And it’s open season right now, no doubt about it.”
“That’s why I said the President of the United States started this ‘war on police.’”
目前看动机只是因为他的职业。Deputy 47岁,留下妻子和5岁,12岁的两个孩子。
"Deputy Goforth was refueling his vehicle and returning to his car from inside the convenience store when, unprovoked, a man walked up behind him and literally shot him to death," he said.
Goforth was shot multiple times from behind and then fell to the ground, where the suspect shot the deputy multiple times again, said Deputy Thomas Gilliland, a spokesman for the sheriff's office.
Investigators believed Hickman was targeted merely because of his uniform. Hickman said the motive appears to be "absolute madness."
At a new conference, Hickman and Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson talked about the nationwide debate over the relationship between the police officers and the public, with the sheriff referring to what he called "dangerous national rhetoric."
"When the rhetoric ramps up to the point where calculated, cold-blooded assassination of police officers happen, this rhetoric has gotten out of control," Hickman said. "We've heard 'Black Lives Matter,' 'All lives matter.' Well, cops' lives matter too. So why don't we just drop the qualifier, and just say 'Lives Matter,' and take that to the bank."
update: 嫌犯已抓到
Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson called on the public to respect and support law enforcement.
“It is time for the silent majority in this country to respect law enforcement. There are a few bad apples in every profession. That does not mean that there should be open warfare declared on law enforcement," she said. "The vast majority of officers are there to do the right thing, are there because they care about their community and want to make it a safer place. What happened last night is an assault on the very fabric of society, it is not anything we can tolerate. It is time to come forward and support law enforcement and condemn this atrocious act.”
Please say you won't condone violence from anyone including your so called angels and sons!
Please heal the country that's been seriously divided by you and your party!
And don't you dare to point fingers at gun control!
一个人砍死五个,并且放火毁迹,尽管有足够目击证人(同伙)作证,却没判死刑, 理由是abusive childhood.
母亲作证他小的时候,经常目睹他爸爸打妈妈,而且妈妈吸毒之后还打小孩。这都是固定套路了。各个都是小天使,都是abusive childhood害的才干坏事,不是他们自己的责任。(zz from mitbbs)
Bless 警察的家人!!!
all lives matter!希望那些政客不要再逃避了!
This has nothing to do with gun control and everything to do with hate crime, instigated by black lives matter movement!
天使都是 coward...都他妈没种,只会欺负弱小或者没有防备的人
科州电影院枪击案,上个月刚刚判了,终身监禁。大家质疑为什么不判死刑,为什么还要养他到死,罪犯才23. 有人解释说如果判死刑,未来10年,漫长的上诉过程,花费巨大。从成本上讲,花纳税人的钱,更多!
只是觉得死刑更能让受害者家属得到closure, 一想起冷血杀了自己亲人的人还好好活着,心里不知是什么滋味。多花些钱,站在死者家属的角度我还是支持死刑,精神折磨是无法用金钱衡量的。
是"non violent"的毒贩子
黑人的事只能黑人说,别人说就是racist. Trump只说过all lives matter, 别的也不敢说
美国人就是生活太好了, 反正欠中国的也还不完, 闲着没有正事做,才会东折腾西折腾
不是说这个人哈,是说O8的policy要把“non violent"的毒贩子都放出来
Sheriff Clarke Charges Obama with Starting ‘War on Police’ After Texas Cop ’s ‘Execution’
“I said last December that war had been declared against the American police officer, led by some high-profile people. One of them coming out of the White House, another one coming out of the U.S. Department of Justice. And it’s open season right now, no doubt about it.”
“That’s why I said the President of the United States started this ‘war on police.’”
刚刚的正气!!!希望他们族裔的人可以清醒过来, 不要再被当朝政府利用!执勤的警察,教堂的平民,所有被害的无辜生命还不能唤醒被煽风点火的政治蒙蔽的人吗。