数据是Des Monies 回头又对同样的人做了调查,poll本身没错,但有~25%的trump supporters did not show up。
trump的ground game 还是太差了。还有可能是,they like what trump saying and standing for,but these people generally are indifferent to politics. I just hope they won't complain when they eventually get whoever else.
数据是Des Monies 回头又对同样的人做了调查,poll本身没错,但有~25%的trump supporters did not show up。
trump的ground game 还是太差了。还有可能是,they like what trump saying and standing for,but these people generally are indifferent to politics. I just hope they won't complain when they eventually get whoever else. goldengate 发表于 2/5/2016 11:47:52 PM
Just saw this on twitter. 希望楼里的志愿者MM能帮着反应一下。也不知道是多虑了吗。
myteeth 发表于 2/6/2016 3:05:59 AM
太好玩了。谁来介绍一下这个 Gary Forbes 跟 The Forbes Group 是什么人/机构?所谓的靠谱的watchdog group 到底是谁?为什么Trump的支持者跟那些在大街上举着The End Is Near的人越来越相像? 对了。还要麻烦那位Trump志愿者马上把这件事汇报都regional coordinator 那里。然后组合其他志愿者马上给这些州的选民打电话。把这个阴谋广而告之。最好再让Trump在Twitter上大骂一下GOP。
If Trump didn't point out who are in the audience I would be very confused where the applause is coming from (for Jeb and Rubio, the applause were very puzzling). It is very clear to me now all except Trump are puppets on stage.
If Trump didn't point out who are in the audience I would be very confused where the applause is coming from. It is very clear to me now all except Trump are puppets on stage. monmon 发表于 2/6/2016 9:35:31 PM
They are there to defend Bush.. so that he won't be kicked by Trump that hard. lol.
今天Rubio说来说去就那句,O8 knows what he is doing。但是,Trump的意思是O8 doesn't know what and how to do the right thing for the country。根本就是两个意思。 PositiveVibe 发表于 2/6/2016 11:46:01 PM
这段挺有意思,trump说完还转身问了"Rubio"一句,"Do you agree?"颇有气场,哈哈,Rubio一愣,说,"Yea,I agree.."
check the study body abc interview. A majority of them supports Trump. The audience is selected. all the abc commentator think Trump will win bigly in NH. Rubio is fading. His momentum is largely gone due to his debate tonight.
Hillary misleading about email probe during debate, former FBI agents say http://fxn.ws/1RbpOFf via @foxnewspolitics
转帖from mitts。
数据是Des Monies 回头又对同样的人做了调查,poll本身没错,但有~25%的trump
supporters did not show up。
trump的ground game 还是太差了。还有可能是,they like what trump saying and
standing for,but these people generally are indifferent to politics. I just
hope they won't complain when they eventually get whoever else.
太好玩了。谁来介绍一下这个 Gary Forbes 跟 The Forbes Group 是什么人/机构?所谓的靠谱的watchdog group 到底是谁?为什么Trump的支持者跟那些在大街上举着The End Is Near的人越来越相像?
对了。还要麻烦那位Trump志愿者马上把这件事汇报都regional coordinator 那里。然后组合其他志愿者马上给这些州的选民打电话。把这个阴谋广而告之。最好再让Trump在Twitter上大骂一下GOP。
compromise啊,negotiate啊。他在演讲里暗示过他的deportation就是一个筹码:不想deport, 好吧,修墙吧。修墙其实我看现在很多GOP都同意了,包括Bush都说过。
你的Little Jebby也同意修墙了?Vow,他肯定请示过他妈了,LOL
And I like the attack on Rubio from Christie!!! Thumbs up on Christie!
It is very clear to me now all except Trump are puppets on stage.
今天小胖表现不错? Trump也很成功? 我看Twitter的印象
establishment audience. ABC says that Trump will be benefited by the fact that the audience booed him.
I prefer Kasich more.
这老头不错,还表扬了TRUMP 一句,trump高兴地做鬼脸,老小孩
这段挺有意思,trump说完还转身问了"Rubio"一句,"Do you agree?"颇有气场,哈哈,Rubio一愣,说,"Yea,I agree.."
而且,closing statement那里,trump怎么不下点功夫啊,效果太弱了
check the study body abc interview. A majority of them supports Trump. The audience is selected. all the abc commentator think Trump will win bigly in NH. Rubio is fading. His momentum is largely gone due to his debate tonight.