check the study body abc interview. A majority of them supports Trump. The audience is selected. all the abc commentator think Trump will win bigly in NH. Rubio is fading. His momentum is largely gone due to his debate tonight.
“Trump won even though the audience was clearly the donor class and shills for Jeb & Kasich. Jeb had to beg people to clap for him earlier in the week. Tonight, they shipped in his clappers.
Reports are the candidates only got 20 tickets - So he was telling the truth when he put the donors on Blast. (Breitbart reporting its the lowest number of tickets given out to candidates for any debate so far)
Donors are mad cause they can't Control or Own him
Rubio was the clear loser. I don't like Christie - but Christie bent Marco over his leg and spanked him - Marco won't be throwin any foam parties for celebration tonight
“Trump won even though the audience was clearly the donor class and shills for Jeb & Kasich. Jeb had to beg people to clap for him earlier in the week. Tonight, they shipped in his clappers.
Reports are the candidates only got 20 tickets - So he was telling the truth when he put the donors on Blast. (Breitbart reporting its the lowest number of tickets given out to candidates for any debate so far)
Donors are mad cause they can't Control or Own him
Rubio was the clear loser. I don't like Christie - but Christie bent Marco over his leg and spanked him - Marco won't be throwin any foam parties for celebration tonight
Wish DRUDGE would get his poll goin‘ monmon 发表于 2/7/2016 1:08:47 AM
看来的。我很同意这个看法。如果Trump 能跟Christie 合的来的话,应该是强强联合。就不知道这两人气场合不合。 Up until tonight I would have never thought it, but I'm thinking Trump is going to pick Christie as his running mate. He said in one interview a week or so ago it was probably going to be a governor in a state he needs to win. Tonight he mentioned that Christie was the only one not running negative ads against him ...and tonight Christie was the attack dog on the GOPe favorite at this point, Rubio, while he left Trump the front runner untouched.
看来的。我很同意这个看法。如果Trump 能跟Christie 合的来的话,应该是强强联合。就不知道这两人气场合不合。 Up until tonight I would have never thought it, but I'm thinking Trump is going to pick Christie as his running mate. He said in one interview a week or so ago it was probably going to be a governor in a state he needs to win. Tonight he mentioned that Christie was the only one not running negative ads against him ...and tonight Christie was the attack dog on the GOPe favorite at this point, Rubio, while he left Trump the front runner untouched. goldengate 发表于 2/7/2016 1:25:50 AM
Robert Sparks It's remarkable that every point the top candidates made were Trump points. They are copying all his ideas. The problem is Trump is TOO FAMOUS for saying them. All it does is make Cruz and Rubio look like followers, not leaders. Trump looked like a leader tonight.
For Donald J. Trump, the leader in state polls, Saturday night’s affair was one in which he largely stayed above the fray, while delivering some crisp attacks without getting rattled. Commentators and critics agreed that it was his best debate to date. Here’s what else they had to say:
For Donald J. Trump, the leader in state polls, Saturday night’s affair was one in which he largely stayed above the fray, while delivering some crisp attacks without getting rattled. Commentators and critics agreed that it was his best debate to date. Here’s what else they had to say:
Marco Rubio is biggest loser. Trump and the governors all have a good night in NH In the first third of the debate, Rubio repeated himself four times with the line “this fiction that Barack Obama doesn’t know what he’s doing” with only slight variations. Chris Christie called him out on it and Twitter noticed, too. It was a clear indication that Rubio’s surge isn’t complete and that he’s still green. And though he finished strong with his answers on how he could beat Hillary Clinton and why he’s pro-life, the lasting memory will certainly be of him tripping over his words.
At his first rally Sunday morning, the senator from Florida defiantly doubled down, reiterating the same point in the face of negative commentary across the conservative and mainstream press.
“People are tuned in because you know the truth: All of the things that made this country special are in trouble,” Rubio told a crowd of about 800 packed into a high school cafeteria. “You know, it’s interesting, right now, after last night’s debate, [people are saying,] ‘Oh, you said the same thing three or four times.’ Well, I’m going to say it again. The reason why these things are in trouble is because Barack Obama is the first president, at least in my lifetime, that wants to change the country. … Not fix its problems; he wants to make it a different kind of country.”
Washington Post底下的一个应该是左派的评论: I've never figured out why people think he is so smart. The guy can't balance his own checkbook and relies on memorized talking points. He comes off very high school debate team.
Oh I get it, he's Hispanic so Republicans have elevated him. Never mind.
最新的CNN poll, pre-detate, Feb 3-6: Overall, 33% of likely Republican primary voters say they back Trump, giving him a 17-point edge. After seeing his lead shrink to 11 points following a second-place finish in the Iowa caucuses, Trump once again more than doubles the support of his nearest competitor, Marco Rubio.
The race for second place has tightened once again, with the slight edge Rubio appeared to grab following his third-place finish in Iowa shrinking. Overall, 16% back Rubio, 14% Ted Cruz, 11% John Kasich, 7% Jeb Bush, 6% Carly Fiorina, 4% Chris Christie and 2% Ben Carson.
集中版本: Watch: All 4 times Marco Rubio used the same attack line in last night's Republican debate, prompting Chris Christie's response: "There it is. There it is. The memorized 25-second speech. There it is, everybody."
.@JebBush: "The simple fact is I'm a leader. @marcorubio is a gifted young man & there's a big difference." 这就对了,把火力都集中到小Ruibo身上
For Donald J. Trump, the leader in state polls, Saturday night’s affair was one in which he largely stayed above the fray, while delivering some crisp attacks without getting rattled. Commentators and critics agreed that it was his best debate to date. Here’s what else they had to say:
风水大师: 2016 election: Which candidate will triumph in the Year of the Monkey? She says the new lunar year will fuel good fortune for "earth dog" Donald Trump, while also lighting a fire under Hillary Clinton.
Bernie Sanders' missing metal is a problem with older voters and the fighting elements of fire, and water might just leave Marco Rubio all wet. And don't ask about Ted Cruz's face reading.
发信人: keystone0504 (金牛), 信区: Military 标 题: 老墨当家的后果 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Feb 7 16:08:46 2016, 美东)
FBI Arrests Nearly Every Single Elected Official In A Texas Town
by Esther Yu-Hsi Lee Feb 7, 2016 10:46 am
CREDIT: Shutterstock
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Only two of the elected officials in a remote Texas town were left unscathed after the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) arrested six members under a federal indictment that accuses them of taking bribes and helping an illegal gambling operator in exchange for favors, the Associated Press reported. Those arrested in Crystal City, Texas include the mayor, the city attorney who is also the city manager, two current councilmen, and a former councilman.
“The indictment alleges that these public officials and this businessman solicited and accepted bribes in exchange for official action, such as voting to award city contracts to, waive certain tax payments by, and conduct certain inspections to give unfair advantage to those paying bribes, ” Richard Durbin, the U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Texas, said in a press release. One of the two remaining top officials was previously arrested on federal charges of smuggling immigrants across the southern U.S. border.
According to the Department of Justice indictment, Crystal City’s officials were accused of using “their official positions to enrich themselves by soliciting and accepting bribes from persons seeking to do business” since February 2015. The city manager, William James Jonas, III, was accused of managing the bribery scheme, in which a contractor provided bribes worth more than $12,000 to city officials in exchange for a city contract and unfair advantages. Ngoc Tri Nguyen, a city councilmember, was accused of providing payment to Mayor Ricardo Lopez, “including $6,000, in exchange for various official acts from Lopez and Jonas.” Nguyen was allegedly running illegal gambling rooms, as well.
Joel Barajas, the remaining councilman without an arrest warrant, said that the city has about $2 million in unpaid bills and was facing bankruptcy.
“For the time being, they remain the elected officials and the representatives of that city,” Durbin said.
“Crystal City is a good town,” Maria Sanchez Rivera, a lifelong resident told the Associated Press. “If you do wrong, you have to face your consequences. We’ve got laws for everything and we’ve got to abide by what the law says.” -- ---------------- 黑人/民猪党当家的结果就是底特律,巴尔的摩等等罪犯和福利寄生虫比纳税人多的破败烂城,20年后黑墨穆三犹和各肤色的共产左棍加起来远超过人口总数的50%后,美国成了什么样子可想而知~· jiaobaozhuang 发表于 2/7/2016 4:26:06 PM
最近遭遇老墨check fraud,check 被spot alteration,罪犯名字: Jose Bracamontes ,虽然银行会补偿损失,但是多年的账户不得不销户,可恶!然后有个朋友去年晚上骑车时被老墨撞后逃逸,街边录像拍下来,这件事还上了本地新闻寻找目击者,这个老墨被抓到后说他不知道撞了人。真是不要脸,自行车撞飞,车前后轮从人家腿上压了两次说不知道撞人?以前我觉得老墨虽然教育程度低,还是比较勤劳善良的,几次事件之后发现这想法很傻很天真。猪党为选票就是祸国殃民,trump真知灼见。
风水大师: 2016 election: Which candidate will triumph in the Year of the Monkey? She says the new lunar year will fuel good fortune for "earth dog" Donald Trump, while also lighting a fire under Hillary Clinton.
Bernie Sanders' missing metal is a problem with older voters and the fighting elements of fire, and water might just leave Marco Rubio all wet. And don't ask about Ted Cruz's face reading.
New Hampshire towns set their own polling times, according to NPR. The majority open at 7 a.m. and close at 7 p.m. Three small towns (with 12, 23, and 41 residents, respectively) have made the news for opening their polls right after midnight.
At Dixville Notch, it's a tradition that dates to the 1960s: A few voters and dozens of political journalists pile into The Balsams, where the votes are cast at midnight and counted immediately.
The town doesn't have a record of predicting much about New Hampshire's primary. In 2008, then-Illinois Sen. Barack Obama won the Democratic primary by a 7-2 vote, even though Clinton won the state.
In 2000, George W. Bush beat John McCain, even though the Arizona senator won the state. And in 2012, Jon Huntsman won just as many votes -- two -- as Mitt Romney, the party's eventual nominee.
A super PAC spending millions of dollars to bash Ted Cruz's Republican rivals is shielding the names of many of its top donors and strategists, accepting and directing donations through a particularly high number of hard-to-trace companies, new documents reveal. Cruz的superpac和他的人一样滑头。
A super PAC spending millions of dollars to bash Ted Cruz's Republican rivals is shielding the names of many of its top donors and strategists, accepting and directing donations through a particularly high number of hard-to-trace companies, new documents reveal. Cruz的superpac和他的人一样滑头。
At Dixville Notch, it's a tradition that dates to the 1960s: A few voters and dozens of political journalists pile into The Balsams, where the votes are cast at midnight and counted immediately.
The town doesn't have a record of predicting much about New Hampshire's primary. In 2008, then-Illinois Sen. Barack Obama won the Democratic primary by a 7-2 vote, even though Clinton won the state.
In 2000, George W. Bush beat John McCain, even though the Arizona senator won the state. And in 2012, Jon Huntsman won just as many votes -- two -- as Mitt Romney, the party's eventual nominee.
另外两个小地方: MILLSFIELD, NH results: Ted Cruz won with 9 votes to 3 for Trump and 1 vote each for Rubio, Kasich, Bush, Christie, Fiorina and Paul. Hillary won 2 votes and Bernie won 1. HEARTS LOCATION results: Kasich wins with 5, Trump 4, Christie 2, Rubio Bush and Carson each got 1 vote. Bernie got 12 and Hillary got 7 and some guy named Mark Stewart Greenstein got 2 Democratic votes.
“ Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton got a higher total of employee contributions than Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders at about three-quarters of the biggest tech companies.“
check the study body abc interview. A majority of them supports Trump. The audience is selected. all the abc commentator think Trump will win bigly in NH. Rubio is fading. His momentum is largely gone due to his debate tonight.
去投票的时候看到的comment, 说总共才给candidate 20张票,其他的rnc给了jeb/rubio/kasich的clappers.
“Trump won even though the audience was clearly the donor class and shills for Jeb & Kasich. Jeb had to beg people to clap for him earlier in the week. Tonight, they shipped in his clappers.
Reports are the candidates only got 20 tickets - So he was telling the truth when he put the donors on Blast. (Breitbart reporting its the lowest number of tickets given out to candidates for any debate so far)
Donors are mad cause they can't Control or Own him
Rubio was the clear loser. I don't like Christie - but Christie bent Marco over his leg and spanked him - Marco won't be throwin any foam parties for celebration tonight
Wish DRUDGE would get his poll goin‘
是的。RNC把票都给了donor, Jeb说的是什么啊,都有人叫好。ABC辩论间隔找的一堆学生看才是比较正常的观众。
正好 说为退伍兵募捐啊
Up until tonight I would have never thought it, but I'm thinking Trump is going to pick Christie as his running mate. He said in one interview a week or so ago it was probably going to be a governor in a state he needs to win. Tonight he mentioned that Christie was the only one not running negative ads against him ...and tonight Christie was the attack dog on the GOPe favorite at this point, Rubio, while he left Trump the front runner untouched.
It's remarkable that every point the top candidates made were Trump points. They are copying all his ideas. The problem is Trump is TOO FAMOUS for saying them. All it does is make Cruz and Rubio look like followers, not leaders. Trump looked like a leader tonight.
This person says exactly what I want to say.
疯掉了,每次Trump debate, 媒体都说是他的best debate so far。
Trump确实越来越好,尽管和职业政客有差距。他的结束语应该多改个花样。估计上次他的new york value使得MSM对他有点改观吧。Fox反而是最想拿下他的。
In the first third of the debate, Rubio repeated himself four times with the line “this fiction that Barack Obama doesn’t know what he’s doing” with only slight variations. Chris Christie called him out on it and Twitter noticed, too. It was a clear indication that Rubio’s surge isn’t complete and that he’s still green. And though he finished strong with his answers on how he could beat Hillary Clinton and why he’s pro-life, the lasting memory will certainly be of him tripping over his words.
Carson 名字被叫错了,他有点尴尬站在幕后
这段挺有意思,只有trump 经过陪他站那
最冷淡的是 bush,啥也没说,旁若无人径直走过,一些细节反映人品
所以最后是否能够拉拢gop的establishment,是否能够团结整个party,就要看这里了,这也是leadership 最重要的一点
最后,如果最后trump 和gop的谁对决的话,rubio是trump最大的对手,他们的voter是最恨each other的,要想赢,trump 必须要有其他的人的voter或者endorese,除了cason的voter会去一部分trump,想一想他是否应该考虑团结一些人的问题了,不能老是单打独斗,他现在最大的对手就是rubio,所以我认为trump现在不应该再以打击其他人为主,而是要开始拉拢,cruz已经没有戏了。trump应该开始拉拢cruz,jed,kaich对他们的voter进行团结。
我觉得这次closing的时候,他又提cruz iowa偷选票的问题,有点不好,cruz 的closing的时候还提iowa的事情,大家心里都明白赢的太萎缩,trump又提了一下,画蛇添足,落井下石,cruz的voter就会非常hate trump,这也是trump,hate他的人也很多的最大原因,最后要想赢提名,赢总统,必须要这些人的voters,trump应该要NH 以后改变strategy 了
“People are tuned in because you know the truth: All of the things that made this country special are in trouble,” Rubio told a crowd of about 800 packed into a high school cafeteria. “You know, it’s interesting, right now, after last night’s debate, [people are saying,] ‘Oh, you said the same thing three or four times.’ Well, I’m going to say it again. The reason why these things are in trouble is because Barack Obama is the first president, at least in my lifetime, that wants to change the country. … Not fix its problems; he wants to make it a different kind of country.”
I've never figured out why people think he is so smart. The guy can't balance his own checkbook and relies on memorized talking points. He comes off very high school debate team.
Oh I get it, he's Hispanic so Republicans have elevated him. Never mind.
Overall, 33% of likely Republican primary voters say they back Trump, giving him a 17-point edge. After seeing his lead shrink to 11 points following a second-place finish in the Iowa caucuses, Trump once again more than doubles the support of his nearest competitor, Marco Rubio.
The race for second place has tightened once again, with the slight edge Rubio appeared to grab following his third-place finish in Iowa shrinking. Overall, 16% back Rubio, 14% Ted Cruz, 11% John Kasich, 7% Jeb Bush, 6% Carly Fiorina, 4% Chris Christie and 2% Ben Carson.
South Carolina
Aired On: CBS
FEBRUARY 25, 2016
Houston, Texas
Sponsors: CNN/Telemundo/Salem Communications
Aired On: CNN
Watch: All 4 times Marco Rubio used the same attack line in last night's Republican debate, prompting Chris Christie's response: "There it is. There it is. The memorized 25-second speech. There it is, everybody."
每次都说better than last time
这情节真象house of cards里面咬Dunbar 啊,哈哈。
2016 election: Which candidate will triumph in the Year of the Monkey?
She says the new lunar year will fuel good fortune for "earth dog" Donald Trump, while also lighting a fire under Hillary Clinton.
Bernie Sanders' missing metal is a problem with older voters and the fighting elements of fire, and water might just leave Marco Rubio all wet. And don't ask about Ted Cruz's face reading.
最近遭遇老墨check fraud,check 被spot alteration,罪犯名字: Jose Bracamontes ,虽然银行会补偿损失,但是多年的账户不得不销户,可恶!然后有个朋友去年晚上骑车时被老墨撞后逃逸,街边录像拍下来,这件事还上了本地新闻寻找目击者,这个老墨被抓到后说他不知道撞了人。真是不要脸,自行车撞飞,车前后轮从人家腿上压了两次说不知道撞人?以前我觉得老墨虽然教育程度低,还是比较勤劳善良的,几次事件之后发现这想法很傻很天真。猪党为选票就是祸国殃民,trump真知灼见。
Why these Obama voters are backing Donald Trump
这个风水师很有名吗?感觉不是很相信她说的,完全是根据目前的形势在谈啊。网上有个看水晶球的预测,说她看到最后是Bush和Hilary,又说当然人们的free will 可以改变fate
27.7 K 点赞
Trump最后closing statement里揭疤Cruz在Iowa骗票真是揭对了,也怪Cruz自己非要提这茬
trump 其实非常聪明的人,直觉反应很对,看问题的角度,切入点,时机把握都有。就是说话表达太过着重自我,说政治观点的层次,深度没展开。
Lol,咋连Kasich都开始beat up Bush了,真是好口年滴小Jeb啊
Oh, really? Cruz的Super pacs好厉害啊
这个是不是谁贴过了?再贴一遍,看来Trump对independent voter还是挺有吸引力的。
#DixvilleNotch results:
- @realDonaldTrump 2
- @JohnKasich 3
- @BernieSanders 4
At Dixville Notch, it's a tradition that dates to the 1960s: A few voters and dozens of political journalists pile into The Balsams, where the votes are cast at midnight and counted immediately.
The town doesn't have a record of predicting much about New Hampshire's primary. In 2008, then-Illinois Sen. Barack Obama won the Democratic primary by a 7-2 vote, even though Clinton won the state.
In 2000, George W. Bush beat John McCain, even though the Arizona senator won the state. And in 2012, Jon Huntsman won just as many votes -- two -- as Mitt Romney, the party's eventual nominee.
MILLSFIELD, NH results: Ted Cruz won with 9 votes to 3 for Trump and 1 vote each for Rubio, Kasich, Bush, Christie, Fiorina and Paul. Hillary won 2 votes and Bernie won 1. HEARTS LOCATION results: Kasich wins with 5, Trump 4, Christie 2, Rubio Bush and Carson each got 1 vote. Bernie got 12 and Hillary got 7 and some guy named Mark Stewart Greenstein got 2 Democratic votes.
“ Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton got a higher total of employee contributions than Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders at about three-quarters of the biggest tech companies.“