Bush又在shoot himself in the foot: @JebBush: Our values are at stake when we don't stand up for religious minorities -OTR #greta @FoxNews @JebBush on @realDonaldTrump: “Just because he’s winning doesn’t mean he’ll be a good commander-in-chief.” #Greta
Bush又在shoot himself in the foot: @JebBush: Our values are at stake when we don't stand up for religious minorities -OTR #greta @FoxNews @JebBush on @realDonaldTrump: “Just because he’s winning doesn’t mean he’ll be a good commander-in-chief.” #Greta luckyso 发表于 12/22/2015 7:15:01 PM
Once again, #MSM is dishonest. "Schlonged" is not vulgar. When I said Hillary got "schlonged" that meant beaten badly. NPR's @NealConan said "schlonged" to WaPo re: 1984 Mondale/Ferraro campaign: "That ticket went on to get schlonged at the polls." #Hypocrisy
Once again, #MSM is dishonest. "Schlonged" is not vulgar. When I said Hillary got "schlonged" that meant beaten badly. NPR's @NealConan said "schlonged" to WaPo re: 1984 Mondale/Ferraro campaign: "That ticket went on to get schlonged at the polls." #Hypocrisy
#NotMyAbuela: Hashtag Surfaces in Response to Hillary Clinton Campaign Comparing Her to Abuela Clinton's 'Hispandering' sparks Latino backlash A post about how Clinton is like your "abuela" is being widely mocked. After the Clinton campaign posted "7 ways Hillary Clinton is just like your abuela," people on social media used the hashtag to critique the comparison to a Latina grandmother.
"Hillary Clinton is trying to pander to Hispanics and get us to vote for her. How is she do that you ask? Her campaign wrote a piece on her website called "7 ways Hillary Clinton is like your abuela" For your information madam secretary, my abuela was not a multimillionaire career politician that takes money from Wall Street and corporations. My abuela did not live in a multimillion dollar mansion in Connecticut (I think that's where you live) her husband was not the former President of the United States. I'm tired of Hillary Clinton and other career politicians telling me how they are just like me or my abuela.
Once again, #MSM is dishonest. "Schlonged" is not vulgar. When I said Hillary got "schlonged" that meant beaten badly. NPR's @NealConan said "schlonged" to WaPo re: 1984 Mondale/Ferraro campaign: "That ticket went on to get schlonged at the polls." #Hypocrisy
Once again, #MSM is dishonest. "Schlonged" is not vulgar. When I said Hillary got "schlonged" that meant beaten badly. NPR's @NealConan said "schlonged" to WaPo re: 1984 Mondale/Ferraro campaign: "That ticket went on to get schlonged at the polls." #Hypocrisy
Neal Conan 用过就证明大家都能用? "Nexis notes just seven uses of “schlonged.” Two were Trump’s recent jab at Clinton; one referenced a “long-schlonged” reality TV star; one appeared in an obituary for Philip Seymour Hoffman, noting the actor’s role as a “gauche gay boom operator with a crush on [a] long-schlonged superstar” in the film “Boogie Nights”; another appeared in an article about the HBO show “Hung”; and another in the transcript of an episode of Comedy Central’s long-canceled “The Man Show.” ”还有一个就是 Neal Conan.
Jeff Greenfield @greenfield64 On further review, Trump is right on this. "I got schlonged" is a commonplace NY way of saying: "I lost big time," w/out genital reference.
Neal Conan 用过就证明大家都能用? "Nexis notes just seven uses of “schlonged.” Two were Trump’s recent jab at Clinton; one referenced a “long-schlonged” reality TV star; one appeared in an obituary for Philip Seymour Hoffman, noting the actor’s role as a “gauche gay boom operator with a crush on [a] long-schlonged superstar” in the film “Boogie Nights”; another appeared in an article about the HBO show “Hung”; and another in the transcript of an episode of Comedy Central’s long-canceled “The Man Show.” ”还有一个就是 Neal Conan.
Jeff Greenfield @greenfield64 On further review, Trump is right on this. "I got schlonged" is a commonplace NY way of saying: "I lost big time," w/out genital reference. luckyso 发表于 12/22/2015 8:42:05 PM
所以如果你在Google里找 "I got schlonged", 第一个结果就是这个: I received to separate packages from my secret santa, the first contained a big black dick amongst other Cards Against Humanity cards in the first expansion pack. and the second package had a pound of my favorite candy, Banana runts. :-) Thank you Santa.
Jeff Greenfield is an award-winning television journalist and author focusing on politics, media, and culture. In the course of his career, he served as a senior political correspondent for CBS, a senior analyst for CNN, and a political and media analyst for ABC News.
Jeff Greenfield @greenfield64 On further review, Trump is right on this. "I got schlonged" is a commonplace NY way of saying: "I lost big time," w/out genital reference.
Jeff Greenfield is an award-winning television journalist and author focusing on politics, media, and culture. In the course of his career, he served as a senior political correspondent for CBS, a senior analyst for CNN, and a political and media analyst for ABC News.
Jeff Greenfield @greenfield64 On further review, Trump is right on this. "I got schlonged" is a commonplace NY way of saying: "I lost big time," w/out genital reference. luckyso 发表于 12/22/2015 8:50:45 PM
"I got f_cked" has no real sexual content either. But is still f_cking offensive."
所以如果你在Google里找 "I got schlonged", 第一个结果就是这个: I received to separate packages from my secret santa, the first contained a big black dick amongst other Cards Against Humanity cards in the first expansion pack. and the second package had a pound of my favorite candy, Banana runts. :-) Thank you Santa.
schlonged To be cockslapped by a man with a large penis. 'Shit that teenage mum just got schlonged by that hobo!'
BlueNDGold 发表于 12/22/2015 9:12:29 PM
to get very drunk to hit someone or thing to bismark a someone i got absolutley schlonged last night. i schlonged that ball a mile i schlonged that women last night right in the face
to get very drunk to hit someone or thing to bismark a someone i got absolutley schlonged last night. i schlonged that ball a mile i schlonged that women last night right in the face
goldengate 发表于 12/22/2015 9:14:59 PM
这个词本来是个名词,把名词当动词用这个习惯被称为 "verbing"。
Like the word email. Originally a noun, shortened from Electronic Mail, now used as a verb in everyday conversation, as in "I will email you the location of the store".
Like the word email. Originally a noun, shortened from Electronic Mail, now used as a verb in everyday conversation, as in "I will email you the location of the store".
如果对方的行径deserve,被阴茎打已经算便宜她了,对这种criminal修饰什么词藻。蒋介石还骂娘西匹呢,细琢磨,意思很龌龊,但实际就是一个骂人口头禅。 再说了,这是rally,又不是什么会议,说白了就是Trump包了场子跟大家敞开了聊的地方,在场的观众都没意见,媒体非走哪跟哪的拍,故意给揪出来说,这就叫说者无心,听者有意,没事找茬。 还有,你是纽约的么,你是纽约哪片的,纽约俚语各种各样的,你认为是这个意思,不证明就是这个意思,你查了半天字典,非在一堆意思中间找一个你认为是的,然后就大做文章,无限放大,所以我说你missed big picture。
如果对方的行径deserve,被阴茎打已经算便宜她了,对这种criminal修饰什么词藻。蒋介石还骂娘西匹呢,细琢磨,意思很龌龊,但实际就是一个骂人口头禅。 再说了,这是rally,又不是什么会议,说白了就是Trump包了场子跟大家敞开了聊的地方,在场的观众都没意见,媒体非走哪跟哪的拍,故意给揪出来说,这就叫说者无心,听者有意,没事找茬。 还有,你是纽约的么,你是纽约哪片的,纽约俚语各种各样的,你认为是这个意思,不证明就是这个意思,你查了半天字典,非在一堆意思中间找一个你认为是的,然后就大做文章,无限放大,所以我说你missed big picture。
你找不出来,不证明没有,再说了,你好像没看我之前发的一个链接,而且他说不止Jersey,all over the world
PositiveVibe 发表于 12/22/2015 11:00:34 PM
他的原话可没说all over the world。原话是 "And I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering."
他的原话可没说all over the world。原话是 "And I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering."
BlueNDGold 发表于 12/22/2015 11:10:50 PM
那是你没听全,我听见他说all over the world了,不止一次。你有没有去听过他的原话,我都怀疑。
Sam's Club: Some Social Media Users Call to Boycott Company After Alleging CEO's Comments Are Racist Sam’s Club CEO Rosalind Brewer outraged customers after she admitted to openly discriminating against white males in an interview. Brewer openly admitted to institutionalized racism at Sam’s Club during an interview with Yahoo. 这是公开讨论反向歧视的第一例? http://hypeline.org/americans-protest-sams-club-after-ceo-admits-to-discriminating-against-white-men/
Sam's Club: Some Social Media Users Call to Boycott Company After Alleging CEO's Comments Are Racist Sam’s Club CEO Rosalind Brewer outraged customers after she admitted to openly discriminating against white males in an interview. Brewer openly admitted to institutionalized racism at Sam’s Club during an interview with Yahoo. 这是公开讨论反向歧视的第一例? http://hypeline.org/americans-protest-sams-club-after-ceo-admits-to-discriminating-against-white-men/
当然骂了以后,咱看看poll怎么样,说不定更加上去了,也许是个good move katharinezl 发表于 12/23/2015 12:39:15 AM
不觉得这次他真想用脏话骂人。不过我也觉得如果focus在lie上更好,现在话题被转移了,得分机会丧失。但同时也分散了穆斯林这个有争议的话题,不知道谁得益更多。Trump might be bully, but that's OK compare to other slurs.同意你说的,这个意外的会不会歪打正着,有待观测。今天看小胖被问到这个问题,他强忍着笑,估计好多人看希拉里笑话,都是暗下开心。
这是在Trump澄清前,NJ小胖在发坏:http://www.cnn.com/2015/12/22/politics/chris-christie-donald-trump-schlonged-shady/index.html Tapper also pressed Christie on whether he thought a president should use language like "schlonged" after Trump employed it to describe Hillary Clinton's 2008 Democratic primary loss to President Barack Obama.
Christie repeatedly said he would not comment, but when asked a third time why he didn't have any thoughts on the issue, Christie explained, "I didn't say I had no thoughts, I said I had no interest. That's different -- plenty of thoughts, no interest in discussing it."
现在有Trump说是在Jersey City的记录,而你又提供不出Trump 说 all over the world 的记录。难道是你去Trump志愿活动洗脑过程中看到的?
BlueNDGold 发表于 12/22/2015 11:38:53 PM
Trump第一次说穆斯林庆祝9/11,是在11-21-15在Birmingham, AL的speech,那场因为刚提出来,没有说很多,说的是,他要在某些清真寺进行监视,因为他说他看见在Jersey City, NJ,有thousands of people were cheering。 然后11-22-15在This Week的电话访谈里,他说,it was on TV. 11-23-15的Ohio的speech,他说people in fairly large number celebrating in NJ,然后拿出了9-18-01的华盛顿邮报记录,上面刊登了关于事发当天庆祝的新闻,并且文章里说警察抓了一些人,所以这和一些站出来的警察所说的证词相符,关于警察所说的之前我已经发过链接了,你自己翻帖吧。并且,他说,在媒体说找不到证据以后,很多人都在twitter上站出来说证实亲眼看到有穆斯林庆祝。 11-28-15在Sarasota, FL的speech,他说了,不仅NJ,而且worldwide的一些穆斯林。 之后的speech他也说了同样的,就不一一列举了。
Trump第一次说穆斯林庆祝9/11,是在11-21-15在Birmingham, AL的speech,那场因为刚提出来,没有说很多,说的是,他要在某些清真寺进行监视,因为他说他看见在Jersey City, NJ,有thousands of people were cheering。 然后11-22-15在This Week的电话访谈里,他说,it was on TV. 11-23-15的Ohio的speech,他说people in fairly large number celebrating in NJ,然后拿出了9-18-11的华盛顿邮报记录,上面刊登了关于事发当天庆祝的新闻,并且文章里说警察抓了一些人,所以这和一些站出来的警察所说的证词相符,关于警察所说的之前我已经发过链接了,你自己翻帖吧。并且,他说,在媒体说找不到证据以后,很多人都在twitter上站出来说证实亲眼看到有穆斯林庆祝。 11-28-15在Sarasota, FL的speech,他说了,不仅NJ,而且worldwide的一些穆斯林。 之后的speech他也说了同样的,就不一一列举了。
这些都已经反驳过了, 自己看:http://insider.foxnews.com/2015/12/22/trump-goes-after-hillary-clinton-fox-and-friends-she-lies-so-much-and-should-apologize-me
Politifact就是个左媒喉舌,还有脸说别人lie, 他自己这所谓的排行就是lie
Police “Not Comfortable” Revealing The Motive Of Las Vegas Driver That Plowed Through Crowd
@JebBush: Our values are at stake when we don't stand up for religious minorities -OTR #greta @FoxNews
@JebBush on @realDonaldTrump: “Just because he’s winning doesn’t mean he’ll be a good commander-in-chief.” #Greta
NPR's @NealConan said "schlonged" to WaPo re: 1984 Mondale/Ferraro campaign: "That ticket went on to get schlonged at the polls." #Hypocrisy
哇呀呀,Trump的解释“beaten badly" 竟然和我说的一字不差
Clinton's 'Hispandering' sparks Latino backlash
A post about how Clinton is like your "abuela" is being widely mocked.
After the Clinton campaign posted "7 ways Hillary Clinton is just like your abuela," people on social media used the hashtag to critique the comparison to a Latina grandmother.
"Hillary Clinton is trying to pander to Hispanics and get us to vote for her. How is she do that you ask? Her campaign wrote a piece on her website called "7 ways Hillary Clinton is like your abuela" For your information madam secretary, my abuela was not a multimillionaire career politician that takes money from Wall Street and corporations. My abuela did not live in a multimillion dollar mansion in Connecticut (I think that's where you live) her husband was not the former President of the United States. I'm tired of Hillary Clinton and other career politicians telling me how they are just like me or my abuela.
哈哈,不过画得还挺可爱的,还可能美化了呢 :p
大人选举,惹两个这么小的孩子干嘛。Washington post 是被 amazon 老总买了吧
是啊。他的意思就是被个大JB给臭打了一顿。要是不是强调这大JB, 他完全可以用别的词的。
Neal Conan 用过就证明大家都能用? "Nexis notes just seven uses of “schlonged.” Two were Trump’s recent jab at Clinton; one referenced a “long-schlonged” reality TV star; one appeared in an obituary for Philip Seymour Hoffman, noting the actor’s role as a “gauche gay boom operator with a crush on [a] long-schlonged superstar” in the film “Boogie Nights”; another appeared in an article about the HBO show “Hung”; and another in the transcript of an episode of Comedy Central’s long-canceled “The Man Show.” ”还有一个就是 Neal Conan.
On further review, Trump is right on this. "I got schlonged" is a commonplace NY way of saying: "I lost big time," w/out genital reference.
I received to separate packages from my secret santa, the first contained a big black dick amongst other Cards Against Humanity cards in the first expansion pack. and the second package had a pound of my favorite candy, Banana runts. :-) Thank you Santa.
Jeff Greenfield @greenfield64
On further review, Trump is right on this. "I got schlonged" is a commonplace NY way of saying: "I lost big time," w/out genital reference.
"I got f_cked" has no real sexual content either. But is still f_cking offensive."
哎 就一个词,希拉里还向全世界撒谎了呢, 货真价实的害死了人。怎么就拉着trump一个单词较真这么久呢.........真是认定了讨厌一个人,那个人呼吸都是错的
Schlong is offensive if @realDonaldTrump
Says it
Same song & dance
Media leading blind
他这么说的。反正我不认识这个词。Urban dictionary也没有说这个一定跟那器官有关。
Neal Conan这么用词明显跟Trump一样下流。
To be cockslapped by a man with a large penis.
'Shit that teenage mum just got schlonged by that hobo!'
to get very drunk
to hit someone or thing
to bismark a someone
i got absolutley schlonged last night.
i schlonged that ball a mile
i schlonged that women last night right in the face
这个词本来是个名词,把名词当动词用这个习惯被称为 "verbing"。
Like the word email. Originally a noun, shortened from Electronic Mail, now used as a verb in everyday conversation, as in "I will email you the location of the store".
还有,你是纽约的么,你是纽约哪片的,纽约俚语各种各样的,你认为是这个意思,不证明就是这个意思,你查了半天字典,非在一堆意思中间找一个你认为是的,然后就大做文章,无限放大,所以我说你missed big picture。
有人在 Twitter 上说的很好 "I got f_cked" has no real sexual content either. But is still f_cking offensive."
Giuliani继续说,但是在纽约,他自己可以证明在纽约的Brooklyn, Bronx,还有Queens都有穆斯林庆祝,而且他自己也亲眼看过欧洲的穆斯林庆祝9/11的录像。
再说这个1993 WTC attacks的主谋,就是用了伪造的伊拉克签证,谎称难民,非法进入美国的,但实际目的是搞炸弹恐袭,那人住在了New Jersey,而这人只是这帮人的缩影之一。
Nexis 上只有7次用schlonged的记录。除了Trump, 没有一个来自国家领导级别或可能成为国家领导级别的人。
他的原话可没说all over the world。原话是 "And I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering."
而且这话非要往脏话解释hurt的是希拉里。就和Carson那个锤子和皮带,HP女那张脸,当时你可以批评Trump, 但事后他们自己不知不觉就和这个联系在了一起,人们嘴上不说,心里都在暗笑。何况希拉里老公那些sex scandal, 很容易让人联想,而且不由自主。今天媒体吵了一天,最终是害了老巫婆,以前很多人看她就是讨厌,现在哈哈
这个一看就是个plant, 希拉里那话说的好假。liberal利用小孩是老一套了,gop选民就讨厌的就是这套。希拉里自己本身就不讨人喜欢,以为弄个小孩就行了,谁买她的帐啊。wrong move.
Jeb今天出来说希拉里一定会出来play victim, 难得他智慧一回。voter那么好骗?liberal活在自己的世界中,以为别人都和他们一样。
还在跟TRUMP 较劲啊
民主党那边缺乏人才。Sanders太左,没戏。有戏的人性里偏偏就剩一个让人讨厌的 Hillary。
共和党里原来希望Kasich能表现好点儿,现在看他实力太差。Bush 人还行,可是连 Trump 都斗不过。不喜欢 Cruz,不过这家伙很有戏。Trump 迟早要退。他走了以后他的支持者应该都会跑到 Cruz 身边。Cruz 不攻击 Trump 应该就是为了以后方便收拢 Trump 的支持者。
Sam’s Club CEO Rosalind Brewer outraged customers after she admitted to openly discriminating against white males in an interview.
Brewer openly admitted to institutionalized racism at Sam’s Club during an interview with Yahoo.
这次如果他继续对cliinton的lie 进行攻击,而不是对她本人,就好很多
希望他能够learn a lesson,头脑冷静,当然在男人的世界里,估计觉的很痛快
当然骂了以后,咱看看poll怎么样,说不定更加上去了,也许是个good move
Tapper also pressed Christie on whether he thought a president should use language like "schlonged" after Trump employed it to describe Hillary Clinton's 2008 Democratic primary loss to President Barack Obama.
Christie repeatedly said he would not comment, but when asked a third time why he didn't have any thoughts on the issue, Christie explained, "I didn't say I had no thoughts, I said I had no interest. That's different -- plenty of thoughts, no interest in discussing it."
不过trump可能是故意用这个单词。估计很不爽希拉里的ISIS 谎言
Trump第一次说穆斯林庆祝9/11,是在11-21-15在Birmingham, AL的speech,那场因为刚提出来,没有说很多,说的是,他要在某些清真寺进行监视,因为他说他看见在Jersey City, NJ,有thousands of people were cheering。
然后11-22-15在This Week的电话访谈里,他说,it was on TV.
11-23-15的Ohio的speech,他说people in fairly large number celebrating in NJ,然后拿出了9-18-01的华盛顿邮报记录,上面刊登了关于事发当天庆祝的新闻,并且文章里说警察抓了一些人,所以这和一些站出来的警察所说的证词相符,关于警察所说的之前我已经发过链接了,你自己翻帖吧。并且,他说,在媒体说找不到证据以后,很多人都在twitter上站出来说证实亲眼看到有穆斯林庆祝。
11-28-15在Sarasota, FL的speech,他说了,不仅NJ,而且worldwide的一些穆斯林。
刚才前纽约市长Guiliani也站出来说当时有人庆祝,虽然他只亲眼看到了在纽约的穆斯林庆祝,但是他说他看到了欧洲的穆斯林庆祝的录像,并且也说了他知道NJ有radical Islamists。
而且,这件事的关键,并不是找不找得出video footage,关键是Trump想说明为什么有必要监视某些在美国的清真寺,因为确实有radical Islamists藏匿在美国,并且利用清真寺当据点,策划恐怖袭击。
所以我说,you missed big picture。
本来这些fact check都应该你自己做的,你以后自己多follow一下,多动脑子想想吧。
不管怎么样,今天大家所有人(媒体,选民)都成了linguist expert,研究了一天"schlonged"这个词, 也算是个选举奇闻了,好欢乐,我现在好想笑,这是Trump给大家的圣诞礼物吗?
如果,我说如果,最后两人是希拉里和TRUMP, 你选哪位?