网上说是yiddish word。 查了一下yiddish,a Germanic language with about three million speakers, mainly Ashkenazic Jews, in the USA, Israel, Russia, Ukraine and many other countries.
"She was favored to win, and she got schlonged" - Donald Trump ”她本来被看好取胜,结果她被大鸡巴揍了一通“ - Donald Trump
BlueNDGold 发表于 12/22/2015 2:53:32 PM
to get very drunk to hit someone or thing to bismark a someone i got absolutley schlonged last night. i schlonged that ball a mile i schlonged that women last night right in the face
The communications director for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign on Tuesday called Donald Trump's latest remarks about the Democratic frontrunner "degrading," but said the campaign wouldn't comment further.
We are not responding to Trump but everyone who understands the humiliation this degrading language inflicts on all women should. #imwithher
— Jennifer Palmieri (@jmpalmieri) December 22, 2015
to get very drunk to hit someone or thing to bismark a someone i got absolutley schlonged last night. i schlonged that ball a mile i schlonged that women last night right in the face
The communications director for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign on Tuesday called Donald Trump's latest remarks about the Democratic frontrunner "degrading," but said the campaign wouldn't comment further.
We are not responding to Trump but everyone who understands the humiliation this degrading language inflicts on all women should. #imwithher
— Jennifer Palmieri (@jmpalmieri) December 22, 2015
A Secret Service agent's gun, badge, radio, handcuffs and flash drive were stolen in broad daylight Monday near the agency's headquarters in Washington. Secret Service agent's gun, badge stolen near White House http://cnn.it/1S9edpU
A Secret Service agent's gun, badge, radio, handcuffs and flash drive were stolen in broad daylight Monday near the agency's headquarters in Washington. Secret Service agent's gun, badge stolen near White House http://cnn.it/1S9edpU luckyso 发表于 12/22/2015 4:09:40 PM
我不信很多美国人都不知道。这跟 wang, dong, johnson, weiner, willy, pecker, prick, rod 都是同义词.
BlueNDGold 发表于 12/22/2015 4:27:43 PM
However, it’s also worth noting that using “schlong” as a verb is fairly unusual. Actually, it’s remarkably weird. Who says that? No one says that. Is this even a thing? Can one “schlong”? Can one be “schlonged”? What gives? Is this new? That kind of use suggests that he may have been trying to say something else (not that we want to excuse what actually came out of his mouth).
还有这个:Morning on Joe的两个主持人都不知道,媒体到后来才开始beep: http://www.mediaite.com/online/to-bleep-or-not-to-bleep-youll-never-guess-which-network-wont-air-the-word-shlonged/ 不过这帖子也说明了Trump没有sexist的意思,因为2011年他还用过一次: “I watched a popular Republican woman [Jane Corwin] not only lose but get schlonged by a Democrat [Kathy Hochul] nobody ever heard of for the congressional seat and that was because, simply, because of the Paul Ryan plan.” 这个是woman vs woman, nobody has a penis. 他就是想表达beaten badly的意思。
However, it’s also worth noting that using “schlong” as a verb is fairly unusual. Actually, it’s remarkably weird. Who says that? No one says that. Is this even a thing? Can one “schlong”? Can one be “schlonged”? What gives? Is this new? That kind of use suggests that he may have been trying to say something else (not that we want to excuse what actually came out of his mouth).
希拉里又改说Arab TV了: Tuesday at a rally in Keota, IA, Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton doubled down on her controversial claim from Saturday nights debate that terrorist groups like ISIS are using video of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in their recruitment efforts.
Clinton said, “I think what you’re hearing from some of the Republicans, most particularly Mr. Trump, about Muslims is not only dangerous, it’s shameful. It is not the kind of language somebody running to be president of the United States should be using and it has consequences. It has real consequences. People around the world pay very close attention to our elections. And if you go on Arabic television as we have and you look at what is being blasted out with video of Mr. Trump being translated into Arabic, ‘no Muslims coming the United States,’ other kinds of derogatory, defamatory statements, it is playing into the hands of the violent jihadists. There is nothing they want more than to be able to claim the Untied States is against Islam and against Muslim. That then lights an even bigger fire for them to make their propaganda claims through social media an d in other ways.”
还有这个:Morning on Joe的两个主持人都不知道,媒体到后来才开始beep: http://www.mediaite.com/online/to-bleep-or-not-to-bleep-youll-never-guess-which-network-wont-air-the-word-shlonged/ 不过这帖子也说明了Trump没有sexist的意思,因为2011年他还用过一次: “I watched a popular Republican woman [Jane Corwin] not only lose but get schlonged by a Democrat [Kathy Hochul] nobody ever heard of for the congressional seat and that was because, simply, because of the Paul Ryan plan.” 这个是woman vs woman, nobody has a penis. 他就是想表达beaten badly的意思。
希拉里又改说Arab TV了: Tuesday at a rally in Keota, IA, Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton doubled down on her controversial claim from Saturday nights debate that terrorist groups like ISIS are using video of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in their recruitment efforts.
Clinton said, “I think what you’re hearing from some of the Republicans, most particularly Mr. Trump, about Muslims is not only dangerous, it’s shameful. It is not the kind of language somebody running to be president of the United States should be using and it has consequences. It has real consequences. People around the world pay very close attention to our elections. And if you go on Arabic television as we have and you look at what is being blasted out with video of Mr. Trump being translated into Arabic, ‘no Muslims coming the United States,’ other kinds of derogatory, defamatory statements, it is playing into the hands of the violent jihadists. There is nothing they want more than to be able to claim the Untied States is against Islam and against Muslim. That then lights an even bigger fire for them to make their propaganda claims through social media an d in other ways.” luckyso 发表于 12/22/2015 5:06:54 PM
希拉里又改说Arab TV了: Tuesday at a rally in Keota, IA, Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton doubled down on her controversial claim from Saturday nights debate that terrorist groups like ISIS are using video of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in their recruitment efforts.
Clinton said, “I think what you’re hearing from some of the Republicans, most particularly Mr. Trump, about Muslims is not only dangerous, it’s shameful. It is not the kind of language somebody running to be president of the United States should be using and it has consequences. It has real consequences. People around the world pay very close attention to our elections. And if you go on Arabic television as we have and you look at what is being blasted out with video of Mr. Trump being translated into Arabic, ‘no Muslims coming the United States,’ other kinds of derogatory, defamatory statements, it is playing into the hands of the violent jihadists. There is nothing they want more than to be able to claim the Untied States is against Islam and against Muslim. That then lights an even bigger fire for them to make their propaganda claims through social media an d in other ways.” luckyso 发表于 12/22/2015 5:06:54 PM
so what? like American care about how other countries tv talk about them. If they really care, go check out CCTV or some Russian channels.
希拉里又改说Arab TV了: Tuesday at a rally in Keota, IA, Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton doubled down on her controversial claim from Saturday nights debate that terrorist groups like ISIS are using video of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in their recruitment efforts.
Clinton said, “I think what you’re hearing from some of the Republicans, most particularly Mr. Trump, about Muslims is not only dangerous, it’s shameful. It is not the kind of language somebody running to be president of the United States should be using and it has consequences. It has real consequences. People around the world pay very close attention to our elections. And if you go on Arabic television as we have and you look at what is being blasted out with video of Mr. Trump being translated into Arabic, ‘no Muslims coming the United States,’ other kinds of derogatory, defamatory statements, it is playing into the hands of the violent jihadists. There is nothing they want more than to be able to claim the Untied States is against Islam and against Muslim. That then lights an even bigger fire for them to make their propaganda claims through social media an d in other ways.” luckyso 发表于 12/22/2015 5:06:54 PM
这个事情希拉里无论如何解释都不合逻辑。TRUMP充其量现在只是个总统候选人,他的话可能会让人抵制他当总统,但因为他的话就变成ISIS极端分子了,是不是有点太高估TRUMP的地位了?LOL. 毕竟人家ISIS把美国做为敌人看待,美国总统才能代表美国,所以出现在ISIS VIDEO 只可能是总统奥巴或者克林顿啊。 人家ISIS也不蠢,花半天力气做宣传,最后一看,选上的不是TRUMP啊,那不白折腾了
这个事情希拉里无论如何解释都不合逻辑。TRUMP充其量现在只是个总统候选人,他的话可能会让人抵制他当总统,但因为他的话就变成ISIS极端分子了,是不是有点太高估TRUMP的地位了?LOL. 毕竟人家ISIS把美国做为敌人看待,美国总统才能代表美国,所以出现在ISIS VIDEO 只可能是总统奥巴或者克林顿啊。 人家ISIS也不蠢,花半天力气做宣传,最后一看,选上的不是TRUMP啊,那不白折腾了
这个事情希拉里无论如何解释都不合逻辑。TRUMP充其量现在只是个总统候选人,他的话可能会让人抵制他当总统,但因为他的话就变成ISIS极端分子了,是不是有点太高估TRUMP的地位了?LOL. 毕竟人家ISIS把美国做为敌人看待,美国总统才能代表美国,所以出现在ISIS VIDEO 只可能是总统奥巴或者克林顿啊。 人家ISIS也不蠢,花半天力气做宣传,最后一看,选上的不是TRUMP啊,那不白折腾了
Lindsey Graham: go to hell, race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot
Bush: Jerk Clinton: ISIS best recruitor Bobby Jindal: substance-free narcissist Josh Earnest: the vacuous sloganeering to the outright lies to even the fake hair 其他的有跟新闻都大概有印象。我就不花时间找出来了。欢迎大家补充。
Lindsey Graham: go to hell, race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot Bush: Jerk Clinton: ISIS best recruitor Bobby Jindal: substance-free narcissist Josh Earnest: the vacuous sloganeering to the outright lies to even the fake hair 其他的有跟新闻都大概有印象。我就不花时间找出来了。欢迎大家补充。
goldengate 发表于 12/22/2015 5:45:04 PM
obama:sideshow carnival barker jeb bush: 第一次debate否认背后骂trump "buffoon" 现在在空开场合骂他是jerk
Lindsey Graham: go to hell, race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot Bush: Jerk Clinton: ISIS best recruitor Bobby Jindal: substance-free narcissist Josh Earnest: the vacuous sloganeering to the outright lies to even the fake hair 其他的有跟新闻都大概有印象。我就不花时间找出来了。欢迎大家补充。
The rink was closed in 1980 for an announced 2 1/2 years of renovations. When the problem-plagued work was not completed by the city by 1986, Donald Trump persuaded Mayor Ed Koch to let him complete the work and he completed the renovations in three months to have it open by the end of the year. Koch initially objected to Trump's proposal when Trump offered to pay for the renovations himself with the stipulation that he be allowed to run the venue and an adjacent restaurant and use the profits to recoup his costs. Public pressure prompted Mayor Koch to reverse his position.[3] The rink reopened to the public on November 13, 1986, with a ribbon-cutting ceremony and press conference attended by Koch and Trump, covered by national evening broadcast television news.[4][5]
Wollman Rink is currently operated by the Trump organization, and is today known as the Trump Skating Rink. Donald Trump operated the rink from 1987 to 1991.[6] From 1991 to 2001 George Makkos from The Makkos Organization of M&T Pretzel, operated Wollman Rink. Since 2001, Wollman Rink has been operated by a joint venture between Trump Organization and Rink Management Services of Mechanicsville, Virginia. The Trump name is prominently displayed on the walls of the rink as well as on the Zamboni that maintains the rink. Operation of the Lasker Rink on the north edge of Central Park is also handled by the group.
Alleged freeway terror plot raises new worries in Southern California http://fxn.ws/1Mu7BeP They would treat drivers stuck in traffic on the freeway like sitting ducks after lobbing pipe bombs to halt any traffic flow. At that point, law enforcement would have difficulty accessing the scene and Farook would be able to slowly shoot into cars while Marquez would fire from a nearby hill and keep an eye out for law enforcement.
schlonged 是被大的阴茎打
"She was favored to win, and she got schlonged" - Donald Trump
”她本来被看好取胜,结果她被大鸡巴揍了一通“ - Donald Trump
网上说是yiddish word。
查了一下yiddish,a Germanic language with about three million speakers, mainly Ashkenazic Jews, in the USA, Israel, Russia, Ukraine and many other countries.
to hit someone or thing
to bismark a someone
i got absolutley schlonged last night.
i schlonged that ball a mile
i schlonged that women last night right in the face
@realDonaldTrump's big tax cuts come at a big cost http://cnn.it/1MurfHw
We are not responding to Trump but everyone who understands the humiliation this degrading language inflicts on all women should. #imwithher
— Jennifer Palmieri (@jmpalmieri) December 22, 2015
“To be cockslapped by a man with a large penis."
3。前面还有人提到 cost / benefit 比较。枪跟车在这个比较里也是不同等级的。
Secret Service agent's gun, badge stolen near White House http://cnn.it/1S9edpU
其实第一个解释那里也包括了to hit someone or something。至于那什么打就不用再解释了, 反正不是用手脚。
because I tell the truth
40分钟左右 trump讲他建溜冰场的事儿。很有意思
这还是以个liberal media的说法。看来大家都不如小学生。
“I watched a popular Republican woman [Jane Corwin] not only lose but get schlonged by a Democrat [Kathy Hochul] nobody ever heard of for the congressional seat and that was because, simply, because of the Paul Ryan plan.”
这个是woman vs woman, nobody has a penis. 他就是想表达beaten badly的意思。
Tuesday at a rally in Keota, IA, Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton doubled down on her controversial claim from Saturday nights debate that terrorist groups like ISIS are using video of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in their recruitment efforts.
Clinton said, “I think what you’re hearing from some of the Republicans, most particularly Mr. Trump, about Muslims is not only dangerous, it’s shameful. It is not the kind of language somebody running to be president of the United States should be using and it has consequences. It has real consequences. People around the world pay very close attention to our elections. And if you go on Arabic television as we have and you look at what is being blasted out with video of Mr. Trump being translated into Arabic, ‘no Muslims coming the United States,’ other kinds of derogatory, defamatory statements, it is playing into the hands of the violent jihadists. There is nothing they want more than to be able to claim the Untied States is against Islam and against Muslim. That then lights an even bigger fire for them to make their propaganda claims through social media an d in other ways.”
Woman vs. woman 怎么了? 形容女生也可以说 she's a d—ck。
这个事情希拉里无论如何解释都不合逻辑。TRUMP充其量现在只是个总统候选人,他的话可能会让人抵制他当总统,但因为他的话就变成ISIS极端分子了,是不是有点太高估TRUMP的地位了?LOL. 毕竟人家ISIS把美国做为敌人看待,美国总统才能代表美国,所以出现在ISIS VIDEO 只可能是总统奥巴或者克林顿啊。
他们可以这样说:希拉里这段话是侮辱 了整个穆斯林的智商,她把穆斯林都想象成是没脑子的蠢货,听了这么段还没当上总统的人的建议,就愤怒立马加入ISIS了?相信大多数穆斯林都是温和的,热爱和平有自己的头脑的,明白TRUMP的建议只是暂时性的为了保护所有在美国的公众的安全。
我可没有那么好记忆里全部记住,just to name a few. ..
Lindsey Graham: go to hell, race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot
Bush: Jerk
Clinton: ISIS best recruitor
Bobby Jindal: substance-free narcissist
Josh Earnest: the vacuous sloganeering to the outright lies to even the fake hair
obama:sideshow carnival barker
jeb bush: 第一次debate否认背后骂trump "buffoon" 现在在空开场合骂他是jerk
Trump 骂 Hilary 撒谎,骂布什没精力等等都可以。
jerk 就跟 idiot 一样。是骂人话,但不是脏话。工作场合完全可以用。
我可以说跟咱们合作的人是个 jerk / idiot / loser。但是如果我不能说跟咱们合作的人是个 d_ck / p_ssy / a_hole / etc。
Wollman Rink is currently operated by the Trump organization, and is today known as the Trump Skating Rink. Donald Trump operated the rink from 1987 to 1991.[6] From 1991 to 2001 George Makkos from The Makkos Organization of M&T Pretzel, operated Wollman Rink. Since 2001, Wollman Rink has been operated by a joint venture between Trump Organization and Rink Management Services of Mechanicsville, Virginia. The Trump name is prominently displayed on the walls of the rink as well as on the Zamboni that maintains the rink. Operation of the Lasker Rink on the north edge of Central Park is also handled by the group.
KAO, 有没有搞错啊,真以为让你选EMPLOYEE啊,这是选大老板啊,一个首先能让公司盈利能让公司活下去的,把公司领到正确方向的人
是一个首先知道“do the right thing" 的人。不是一个只会”do the thing right“ 的,会把报表做的漂亮,字打的好的,那是下属做的事情
虚伪加 low
没吐脏字前你没说过TRUMP 一句好话
既然不是评三好学生为什么当初那么大声势的关心 Clinton 是否管好了下身?
Another outside group targets Cruz in Iowa
They would treat drivers stuck in traffic on the freeway like sitting ducks after lobbing pipe bombs to halt any traffic flow. At that point, law enforcement would have difficulty accessing the scene and Farook would be able to slowly shoot into cars while Marquez would fire from a nearby hill and keep an eye out for law enforcement.