Islamic State Group Reportedly Issues Order to Suffocate Babies With Disorder The group issued an oral fatwa ordering the deaths of babies with Down syndrome, disabilities and deformities, the Evening Standard said Monday, citing an Iraqi activist group.
The Islamic State group is extending its territory inside Libya, aiming to gain access to the country's oil wells, France's defence minister says.
这个太搞了,Trump果然是搞笑专家: "Donald Trump: Republican Presidential Candidate Says Water Regulations Harm His Ability to Wash His Hair. "You have showers where I can’t wash my hair properly," Trump said when asked about Environmental Protection Agency regulations at a Aiken, S.C., rally on Saturday afternoon."
.@newtgingrich: @tedcruz is a better "professional debater," but @realDonaldTrump is probably a better “bar-room brawler.” #Hannity New Gingrich居然出来说公道话来了
.@newtgingrich: @tedcruz is a better "professional debater," but @realDonaldTrump is probably a better “bar-room brawler.” #Hannity New Gingrich居然出来说公道话来了 PositiveVibe 发表于 12/15/2015 12:43:10 AM
Trump's tweet: Wow, I just had two very good Iowa polls and a phenomenal just out National Poll from @ABC @washingtonpost - 38%. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Trump's tweet: .@megynkelly, the most overrated anchor at @FoxNews, worked hard to explain away the new Monmouth poll 41 to 14 or 27 pt lead. She said 15!
Trump's tweet: I am in Trump International Hotel, Las Vegas, getting ready and waiting for the debate tonight. Look forward - hope I get treated fairly!
Trump's tweet: I am in Trump International Hotel, Las Vegas, getting ready and waiting for the debate tonight. Look forward - hope I get treated fairly! 太爽了,住在自己的hotel等debatePositiveVibe 发表于 2015-12-15 11:17 AM
The speech that followed, however, may have surprised supporters of her policies: "Multiculturalism leads to parallel societies and therefore remains a ‘life lie,’ ” or a sham, she said, before adding that Germany may be reaching its limits in terms of accepting more refugees. "The challenge is immense," she [Merkel] said. "We want and we will reduce the number of refugees noticeably."
Repeating those ideas on Monday was meant to calm her supporters who have grown increasingly weary of the influx of refugees. Newcomers, Merkel stressed, should assimilate to German values and culture, and respect the country's laws.
Refugees in need should be helped, she said, but she also suggested that not everyone who has come to Germany fulfilled those criteria. German authorities are expected to ramp up deportations in the coming months.
Merkel's comments may also reflect a particular understanding of assimilation. Many Germans expect immigrants to quickly learn the German language and to contribute to their communities and work life. Multiculturalism usually has a positive connotation, but to Merkel it symbolizes the emergence of isolated societies within Germany — and ultimately a failure of assimilating immigrants. Her policy toward the issue is supposed to avoid the creation of suburbs such as the areas around Paris, for instance, where young immigrants are isolated from the rest of society.
The speech that followed, however, may have surprised supporters of her policies: "Multiculturalism leads to parallel societies and therefore remains a ‘life lie,’ ” or a sham, she said, before adding that Germany may be reaching its limits in terms of accepting more refugees. "The challenge is immense," she [Merkel] said. "We want and we will reduce the number of refugees noticeably."
Repeating those ideas on Monday was meant to calm her supporters who have grown increasingly weary of the influx of refugees. Newcomers, Merkel stressed, should assimilate to German values and culture, and respect the country's laws.
Refugees in need should be helped, she said, but she also suggested that not everyone who has come to Germany fulfilled those criteria. German authorities are expected to ramp up deportations in the coming months.
Merkel's comments may also reflect a particular understanding of assimilation. Many Germans expect immigrants to quickly learn the German language and to contribute to their communities and work life. Multiculturalism usually has a positive connotation, but to Merkel it symbolizes the emergence of isolated societies within Germany — and ultimately a failure of assimilating immigrants. Her policy toward the issue is supposed to avoid the creation of suburbs such as the areas around Paris, for instance, where young immigrants are isolated from the rest of society.
Trump's tweet: .@megynkelly, the most overrated anchor at @FoxNews, worked hard to explain away the new Monmouth poll 41 to 14 or 27 pt lead. She said 15!
哈哈,他又跟kelly较真儿了 PositiveVibe 发表于 12/15/2015 10:47:46 AM
Trump's tweet: I am in Trump International Hotel, Las Vegas, getting ready and waiting for the debate tonight. Look forward - hope I get treated fairly!
太爽了,住在自己的hotel等debate PositiveVibe 发表于 12/15/2015 10:49:24 AM
A Dubai real estate firm has restored Donald Trump's name on a $6 billion golf complex it is building with the U.S. businessman and presidential hopeful, days after taking it down following his proposal to ban Muslims from entering the United States.
"I will appoint Supreme Court justices that will interpret the Constitution as originally constructed," Rubio said on "Meet The Press" after Chuck Todd asked him about same-sex marriage. Rubio好烦人,把这些事又折腾出来干嘛
A Dubai real estate firm has restored Donald Trump's name on a $6 billion golf complex it is building with the U.S. businessman and presidential hopeful, days after taking it down following his proposal to ban Muslims from entering the United States.
A Dubai real estate firm has restored Donald Trump's name on a $6 billion golf complex it is building with the U.S. businessman and presidential hopeful, days after taking it down following his proposal to ban Muslims from entering the United States.
左派媒体的新招数,还能更low吗? Does that sound just a tad too neat to you?
New York Times compares Trump supporters to Nazis. The very next day a “Trump supporter” (who was probably a left-wing plant) yells “Sieg Heil!” A BuzzFeed reporter looking for all the publicity he can get to sell a book no one will read, just happens to be in the right place at the right time in a huge hotel-casino complex.
对啊,不知道当初怎么定的,为啥这个州总是第一个,大家都要跑到玉米地去讨好选民。还有一个早期州是Nevada, Trump也领先。怎么说呢,如果Trump拿下了最困难的Iowa, 后面基本就平蹚了,如果输了这个,就增加了变数。这就是Trump不肯放弃的原因,他还是挺有耐心的,要我早烦了,也可能我是无神论者,看那些神棍很烦,Trump好歹还是信教的。。。
Islamic State Group Reportedly Issues Order to Suffocate Babies With Disorder
The group issued an oral fatwa ordering the deaths of babies with Down syndrome, disabilities and deformities, the Evening Standard said Monday, citing an Iraqi activist group.
The Islamic State group is extending its territory inside Libya, aiming to gain access to the country's oil wells, France's defence minister says.
Trump公布health report了
By the way,他老婆应该很开心
把不符合American value的东西排除在外反而不符合American value?这和那个"why do we kill people who kill people to show killing people is wrong" 是一个逻辑,就是什么人都要原谅,什么价值都要包容。
"Donald Trump: Republican Presidential Candidate Says Water Regulations Harm His Ability to Wash His Hair. "You have showers where I can’t wash my hair properly," Trump said when asked about Environmental Protection Agency regulations at a Aiken, S.C., rally on Saturday afternoon."
额的神,trump新的national poll 涨到现在的41%了,第二名ted 14%
Rand Paul hits Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio in new ad on Syrian refugees
哈哈 果然是volunteer呢。也不错。练口语。话说电话费咋算?
New Gingrich居然出来说公道话来了
trump的leadership 不是盖的,势头也会越来越猛,他的很多statement不是随口说的,是有好多substance behind,非常smart的一个人,这种人百年才出一个,要好好珍惜。就看美国人自己能不能掌握自己的国运了。luck 可以从天上掉下来,但是能够是否抓住就是人的因素了。
Shock Poll: 59% Back Trump On Deportation of Illegals
Read More At Investor's Business Daily:
trump 的message 不但非常true,而且一直非常consistent,几十年来一直是,从竞选上来说绝对是他的advantage,媒体挖半天的以前的东西,不管书也好,还是他的讲话也好,早不出任何自相矛盾的地方,这个非常难能可贵
美国能够有这样的人出线在president candidate里,就是国运,也是他的体制的优越性的体现,中国这样的人早就被弄死了,或者进监狱了,也就毛泽东能够乱世英雄一把,唉
也有可能。也可能会被secret service批评。Trump现在tweet好像都很少预告他去哪里集会了,以前有时起飞降落都直播
If that's not enough, see this: Multiculturalism is a sham, says Angela Merkel
The speech that followed, however, may have surprised supporters of her policies: "Multiculturalism leads to parallel societies and therefore remains a ‘life lie,’ ” or a sham, she said, before adding that Germany may be reaching its limits in terms of accepting more refugees. "The challenge is immense," she [Merkel] said. "We want and we will reduce the number of refugees noticeably."
Repeating those ideas on Monday was meant to calm her supporters who have grown increasingly weary of the influx of refugees. Newcomers, Merkel stressed, should assimilate to German values and culture, and respect the country's laws.
Refugees in need should be helped, she said, but she also suggested that not everyone who has come to Germany fulfilled those criteria. German authorities are expected to ramp up deportations in the coming months.
Merkel's comments may also reflect a particular understanding of assimilation. Many Germans expect immigrants to quickly learn the German language and to contribute to their communities and work life.
Multiculturalism usually has a positive connotation, but to Merkel it symbolizes the emergence of isolated societies within Germany — and ultimately a failure of assimilating immigrants. Her policy toward the issue is supposed to avoid the creation of suburbs such as the areas around Paris, for instance, where young immigrants are isolated from the rest of society.
希望国家有border, 有law, 就是traitor, 这是不是也是某些民族某些人拒绝融入的表现?如果你希望有个无法无天的社会,你来美国干什么?还是你来就是想把美国变成拉美?
Does that sound just a tad too neat to you?
New York Times compares Trump supporters to Nazis.
The very next day a “Trump supporter” (who was probably a left-wing plant) yells “Sieg Heil!”
A BuzzFeed reporter looking for all the publicity he can get to sell a book no one will read, just happens to be in the right place at the right time in a huge hotel-casino complex.