Calais, France: National Front Party Receives 49 Percent of Town's Votes in Regional Elections A second run-off election is scheduled for Dec. 13 to determine control of regional council seats. Support in Calais for the far-right nationalist party has more than doubled since 2010.
Sarah Palin: Ex-Governor of Alaska Says She Supports Donald Trump's Proposed Ban on Muslims "Trump's temporary ban proposal is in the context of doing all we can to force the Feds to acknowledge their lack of strategy to deal with terrorism," Palin wrote on Facebook. 佩林是第一个站出来支持的politician吧,女中豪杰,勇气可嘉! luckyso 发表于 12/10/2015 10:58:04 PM
好消息 Donald Trump nearly doubles lead in New Hampshire, A new CNN/WMUR poll shows 32% of likely New Hampshire Republican voters say they support Donald Trump. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio comes in second with 14% support.
Ben Carson on Friday took a page from Donald Trump's playbook by threatening to depart the Republican Party.
Ahead of Tuesday's GOP presidential debate, the retired neurosurgeon slammed the party after reports emerged that Republican insiders were discussing the possibility of deal-making to decide the eventual nominee at the Republican National Convention.
"If the leaders of the Republican Party want to destroy the party, they should continue to hold meetings like the one described in the Washington Post this morning," Carson said in a statement. "If this was the beginning of a plan to subvert the will of the voters and replace it with the will of the political elite, I assure you Donald Trump will not be the only one leaving the party."
Ben Carson on Friday took a page from Donald Trump's playbook by threatening to depart the Republican Party.
Ahead of Tuesday's GOP presidential debate, the retired neurosurgeon slammed the party after reports emerged that Republican insiders were discussing the possibility of deal-making to decide the eventual nominee at the Republican National Convention.
"If the leaders of the Republican Party want to destroy the party, they should continue to hold meetings like the one described in the Washington Post this morning," Carson said in a statement. "If this was the beginning of a plan to subvert the will of the voters and replace it with the will of the political elite, I assure you Donald Trump will not be the only one leaving the party." luckyso 发表于 12/11/2015 11:36:26 AM Carson就是一个跟屁虫
Ben Carson on Friday took a page from Donald Trump's playbook by threatening to depart the Republican Party.
Ahead of Tuesday's GOP presidential debate, the retired neurosurgeon slammed the party after reports emerged that Republican insiders were discussing the possibility of deal-making to decide the eventual nominee at the Republican National Convention.
"If the leaders of the Republican Party want to destroy the party, they should continue to hold meetings like the one described in the Washington Post this morning," Carson said in a statement. "If this was the beginning of a plan to subvert the will of the voters and replace it with the will of the political elite, I assure you Donald Trump will not be the only one leaving the party." luckyso 发表于 12/11/2015 11:36:26 AM
“I am prepared to lose fair and square, as I am sure is Donald,” Carson said. “But I will not sit by and watch a theft. I intend on being the nominee. If I am not, the winner will have my support. If the winner isn’t our nominee then we have a massive problem." Graham已经跳出来说Trump是nominee他不会支持,Carson表明个态度还是有积极作用的。。。尽管他还有一个目的是向Trump靠拢,得些选票,回到outsider vs insider那阵,那时他的支持率还是挺高的。
我看最反Trump的不是Jeb, 也不是Rubio, 而是Graham和HP女。Graham公开表示宁可支持希拉里也不支持Trump,而HP女一直对Trump冷嘲热讽,敌意非常明显(和Jeb那种反对Trump还有区别),前一阵主持人问她如果Trump是nominee,会不会支持她,HP女反复说"I'll support the nominee", 而不肯用Trump的名字,语气非常不好。
A new poll indicates that 68% of my supporters would vote for me if I departed the GOP & ran as an independent. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 8, 2015
我看最反Trump的不是Jeb, 也不是Rubio, 而是Graham和HP女。Graham公开表示宁可支持希拉里也不支持Trump,而HP女一直对Trump冷嘲热讽,敌意非常明显(和Jeb那种反对Trump还有区别),前一阵主持人问她如果Trump是nominee,会不会支持她,HP女反复说"I'll support the nominee", 而不肯用Trump的名字,语气非常不好。
luckyso 发表于 12/11/2015 1:47:37 PM
Graham 要疯掉的节奏了。他压根没人理,丧家犬一样,还my party.原先看他扔电话的时候都记不住他叫啥,现在好了,他终于流下了深刻印象。
fox news昨天的节目: DHS Whistleblower Says Obama Regime Shut Down Probe That Would've Stopped San Bernardino Attack
HANEY: The network of individuals that we work with were tied to a large group called Tablighi Jamaat part a larger group called Deobandi. We had thousands of organizations or individuals in the database, and we tracked them as they moved in and out of the United States on the visa waiver program. Farook mosque is called Dar-al-Uloom. It's a global network of similar kinds of mosques under the umbrella of this organization. HANEY: Individuals that are already in the case in 2012 went to that mosque. Therefore as we are tracking them we would have put the red light on them. Syed would have been put on the no-fly list because of his association with that mosque and or the K-1 visa that his wife was given may have been denied because of his affiliation with a known organization.
KELLY: Mmm-hmm. And you say they shut you down because they felt this was essentially profiling of Muslims?
HANEY: They specifically got that, we got the internal memos, and it says that we are not allowed to develop a case based on Tablighi Jamaat specifically or any specific group.
fox news昨天的节目: DHS Whistleblower Says Obama Regime Shut Down Probe That Would've Stopped San Bernardino Attack
HANEY: The network of individuals that we work with were tied to a large group called Tablighi Jamaat part a larger group called Deobandi. We had thousands of organizations or individuals in the database, and we tracked them as they moved in and out of the United States on the visa waiver program. Farook mosque is called Dar-al-Uloom. It's a global network of similar kinds of mosques under the umbrella of this organization. HANEY: Individuals that are already in the case in 2012 went to that mosque. Therefore as we are tracking them we would have put the red light on them. Syed would have been put on the no-fly list because of his association with that mosque and or the K-1 visa that his wife was given may have been denied because of his affiliation with a known organization.
KELLY: Mmm-hmm. And you say they shut you down because they felt this was essentially profiling of Muslims?
HANEY: They specifically got that, we got the internal memos, and it says that we are not allowed to develop a case based on Tablighi Jamaat specifically or any specific group.
The mysterious jihadi bride who helped her husband kill 14 and wound 21 in last week’s terror attack in San Bernardino could get the unceremonious – and un-Islamic - funeral she deserves, as no Muslim leaders want anything to do with her, has learned.
The bullet-riddled body of Tashfeen Malik is still at the San Bernardino County morgue, along with that of her husband, Syed Rizwan Farook. But while his remains are expected to soon be released to his family, community and mosque leaders are treating her corpse like a hot potato.
A second run-off election is scheduled for Dec. 13 to determine control of regional council seats. Support in Calais for the far-right nationalist party has more than doubled since 2010.
Donald Trump nearly doubles lead in New Hampshire, A new CNN/WMUR poll shows 32% of likely New Hampshire Republican voters say they support Donald Trump. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio comes in second with 14% support.
希望蓝金同学给我们好好解惑一下。如果连那帖中提到的都没有读过也理解无能,那请不要说你自己理解可兰经了。真有心的话,你开个帖子讲islam101, 大家都是讲道理的人,你要是讲的在理,说不定能像WC1999 mm一样让大家好好讨论呢。
要是能在美国推出敢宗教改革的伊斯兰领袖就好了。 不知道德州的那个能不能考虑一下。
Ahead of Tuesday's GOP presidential debate, the retired neurosurgeon slammed the party after reports emerged that Republican insiders were discussing the possibility of deal-making to decide the eventual nominee at the Republican National Convention.
"If the leaders of the Republican Party want to destroy the party, they should continue to hold meetings like the one described in the Washington Post this morning," Carson said in a statement. "If this was the beginning of a plan to subvert the will of the voters and replace it with the will of the political elite, I assure you Donald Trump will not be the only one leaving the party."
GOP 那帮人拎不清,他们要内定谁啊?
据美国广播公司新闻网(ABC)12月10日报道,有情报显示, IS恐怖分子或将借助其自行印发的假护照“以假乱真”,潜入美国领土。
报道称,一份上周交付执法机构长达17页的美国国安局情报报告显示,IS从去年夏天占领代尔祖尔(Deir ez-Zour)开始,或已有能力印发看似合法的叙利亚护照。据悉,IS的护照办公室内存有“成箱的空白护照”,并配有护照印发设备,另一个护照办公室落户于IS大本营—叙利亚拉卡省。
情报强调,该消息的第一手资料一开始被列为“中等可信度”,考虑到信息源评估结果将其列为次重要地位。美国联邦调查局(FBI)局长詹姆斯•科米(James Comey)在国会证实前于9日首次公开透露美国国家高级安全官员对此事已现焦虑。科米表示,“美国情报界对IS有能力制造假冒护照表示出极大的关切”。
前美国国土安全局情报办公室官员,ABC新闻网顾问约翰•科恩(John Cohen)也表示,“如果IS真有能力获取合法护照,或有能力印发‘合法’护照,将成为美国一个重大的安全风险”。
既然总统不能左右,那么为什么所有的竞选人,包括 Trump, 都对外声称他/她们重视经济,并有计划改善经济?
是 共和党无耻, 宁愿让老太赢,也不让 Trump 赢。
Bless Trump 胜利!
Bless USA!
恐怖组织还看不上这俩人?hiring bar还挺高的。。。
Graham已经跳出来说Trump是nominee他不会支持,Carson表明个态度还是有积极作用的。。。尽管他还有一个目的是向Trump靠拢,得些选票,回到outsider vs insider那阵,那时他的支持率还是挺高的。
那你想怎样?让他跟选民说“我不会重视经济发展”? 哪个候选人这么说才是脑子坏掉了吧。
Graham 要疯掉的节奏了。他压根没人理,丧家犬一样,还my party.原先看他扔电话的时候都记不住他叫啥,现在好了,他终于流下了深刻印象。
DHS Whistleblower Says Obama Regime Shut Down Probe That Would've Stopped San Bernardino Attack
HANEY: The network of individuals that we work with were tied to a large group called Tablighi Jamaat part a larger group called Deobandi. We had thousands of organizations or individuals in the database, and we tracked them as they moved in and out of the United States on the visa waiver program. Farook mosque is called Dar-al-Uloom. It's a global network of similar kinds of mosques under the umbrella of this organization.
HANEY: Individuals that are already in the case in 2012 went to that mosque. Therefore as we are tracking them we would have put the red light on them. Syed would have been put on the no-fly list because of his association with that mosque and or the K-1 visa that his wife was given may have been denied because of his affiliation with a known organization.
KELLY: Mmm-hmm. And you say they shut you down because they felt this was essentially profiling of Muslims?
HANEY: They specifically got that, we got the internal memos, and it says that we are not allowed to develop a case based on Tablighi Jamaat specifically or any specific group.
大概的意思是说Farook去的那个mosque是属于一个大的organization的,本来那个organization是被严格监控着,结果state department说不能racial profiling Islamic groups, 把这个监控和调查shut down了,所有相关的flag的人都被un-flag了。state department这是什么逻辑?就因为是一个group, 反而不能监控了?那DHS他们天天在干啥啊?
president和国会一起可以制定政策,决定fund allocation,这些都是属于改善(变)经济的范畴
经济规律这个本来就不是能真正左右的。区别的是萧条和复苏的range,也就是说在遵循经济规律的情况下改善的程度. 你要真想把经济复苏的金粉贴奥巴脸上,那么就举证美国历史上萧条到复苏的阶段,奥巴是不是比别人做的好。 其他的,打嘴仗没意思。
这么说Obama 也干了这些事。而且美国有法律要求总统每年都必须上交一个花费计划。
trump对于美国就业率,失业率,business都有见解和方案,在访谈里面也谈到了,没有其他的候选人提出过有建设性的方案、墨西哥之前要在美国投资汽车制造业,可是说完了并没有实施还是在墨西哥建厂了,今年福特汽车宣布要投资25亿美元墨西哥建厂,大企业一走,job呢?再回来就不可能的了,trump说他要是当总统,福特以后每一个从墨西哥进入美国的汽车他都要征收35%的关税,这样一来福特必须重新考虑投资方案。 OB做什么了?他就会逼走大企业!哪来的就业率?美国财政赤字就是一个马蜂窝,没人敢捅,OB没有任何经济策略,借钱就是他唯一会做的,OB继续干下去,美国就是下一个希腊
The Establishment's only hope: Trump & me in a cage match.
Sorry to disappoint -- @realDonaldTrump is terrific. #DealWithIt
The bullet-riddled body of Tashfeen Malik is still at the San Bernardino County morgue, along with that of her husband, Syed Rizwan Farook. But while his remains are expected to soon be released to his family, community and mosque leaders are treating her corpse like a hot potato.