Her personal quality is worse than her husband, her husband is a cheater, she's is a hypocrite and a liar. Her husband cheats on her, she cheats on american people.
rand paul真是不行啊,他今天又批评trump: I don't think Trump's consistently been anything in his life other than a promoter of himself." 难道你不是吗?难道所有人不是吗?自己不promote自己还混啥?
Her personal quality is worse than her husband, her husband is a cheater, she's is a hypocrite and a liar. Her husband cheats on her, she cheats on american people.
Kelly回应Trump: Megyn Kelly: “I certainly will not apologize for doing good journalism. So I’ll continue doing my job without fear or favor. And Mr. Trump I expect will continue with what has been a successful campaign thus far. This is a tough business and it’s time now to move forward.” 看来fox news CEO的话在公司还是有点权威的,kelly没道歉,但是也捧了Trump一下,双方都有台阶下了吧。
Sanders昨天去LA发表演讲,在这个曾经发生92种族暴动的敏感地方,他大声疾呼end “institutional racism", 赢得全场喝彩。他最近人气飙升主要原因就是在种族问题上说话声很大。"There is no president that will fight harder to end institutional racism," he said, just days after he was interrupted in Seattle by Black Lives Matter demonstrators. 各位看客自己评断吧,我是无语了,美国现在的种族问题难道不是非天使的人被歧视吗?
这个贴赞。跟着了。 看了gop primary debate,第一个想法就是,too bad saturday night live is off, or lots of hilarious skits will be ready。转念一想,原装的debate也够dramatic了。在看热闹的同时,真心担心overall quality of the gop primary candidates。。。真心不喜欢clinton, 但真心不知道who's better than her at the moment。
这个贴赞。跟着了。 看了gop primary debate,第一个想法就是,too bad saturday night live is off, or lots of hilarious skits will be ready。转念一想,原装的debate也够dramatic了。在看热闹的同时,真心担心overall quality of the gop primary candidates。。。真心不喜欢clinton, 但真心不知道who's better than her at the moment。 sNoOpY_cA 发表于 8/11/2015 5:26:46 PM
Sanders昨天去LA发表演讲,在这个曾经发生92种族暴动的敏感地方,他大声疾呼end “institutional racism", 赢得全场喝彩。他最近人气飙升主要原因就是在种族问题上说话声很大。"There is no president that will fight harder to end institutional racism," he said, just days after he was interrupted in Seattle by Black Lives Matter demonstrators. 各位看客自己评断吧,我是无语了,美国现在的种族问题难道不是非天使的人被歧视吗?
我觉得希拉里早年还好些,就是和奥巴初选时那阵还比较正常,本来她老公也是左派偏中间的。但是她现在真是左的厉害,可能和这八年美国的发展趋势有关,low hanging fruit and then some都被奥巴摘走了,为了吸引liberal选民,只能更近一步,不够左都不好意思出来选。当年如果选的希拉里肯定比奥巴强,可是现在,你看她最近提的资本所得税和大学贷款方案,就知道她为了选票,已经在极左的道路上越走越远了。。。
我觉得希拉里早年还好些,就是和奥巴初选时那阵还比较正常,本来她老公也是左派偏中间的。但是她现在真是左的厉害,可能和这八年美国的发展趋势有关,low hanging fruit and then some都被奥巴摘走了,为了吸引liberal选民,只能更近一步,不够左都不好意思出来选。当年如果选的希拉里肯定比奥巴强,可是现在,你看她最近提的资本所得税和大学贷款方案,就知道她为了选票,已经在极左的道路上越走越远了。。。
现在的失业降低的重要前提是很多找工作的人不找了。最近的数字: Roughly 8.3 million Americans are still looking for jobs. Since the recession officially began in late 2007, additional 14.4 million people have left the job market — either abandoning their job searches or choosing to retire. 这就是salary不涨的原因,蓝州硬拔高minimum wage除外。现在的recovery还是很脆弱的。
现在的失业降低的重要前提是很多找工作的人不找了。最近的数字: Roughly 8.3 million Americans are still looking for jobs. Since the recession officially began in late 2007, additional 14.4 million people have left the job market — either abandoning their job searches or choosing to retire. 这就是salary不涨的原因,蓝州硬拔高minimum wage除外。现在的recovery还是很脆弱的。
8/15: Anderson Cooper闲谈Trump: AC在自己的节目中总是一副苦大仇深的样子,也没少攻击Trump,这个访谈他还挺搞笑的,"I like to talk to Donald Trump" - 看来他和Trump也有些bromance最近坏事发生的太多,看看这个视频放松一下吧。 Anderson Cooper: Donald Trump Defies All the Laws of Politics - Late Night with Seth Meyers:
8/15: Anderson Cooper闲谈Trump: AC在自己的节目中总是一副苦大仇深的样子,也没少攻击Trump,这个访谈他还挺搞笑的,看来他和Trump也有些bromance. 最近坏事发生的太多,看看这个视频放松一下吧。 Anderson Cooper: Donald Trump Defies All the Laws of Politics - Late Night with Seth Meyers:
我觉得希拉里早年还好些,就是和奥巴初选时那阵还比较正常,本来她老公也是左派偏中间的。但是她现在真是左的厉害,可能和这八年美国的发展趋势有关,low hanging fruit and then some都被奥巴摘走了,为了吸引liberal选民,只能更近一步,不够左都不好意思出来选。当年如果选的希拉里肯定比奥巴强,可是现在,你看她最近提的资本所得税和大学贷款方案,就知道她为了选票,已经在极左的道路上越走越远了。。。
8/15: Anderson Cooper闲谈Trump: AC在自己的节目中总是一副苦大仇深的样子,也没少攻击Trump,这个访谈他还挺搞笑的,"I like to talk to Donald Trump" - 看来他和Trump也有些bromance最近坏事发生的太多,看看这个视频放松一下吧。 Anderson Cooper: Donald Trump Defies All the Laws of Politics - Late Night with Seth Meyers:
Effective in January 1993, the 1992 housing bill required Fannie and Freddie to make 30% of their mortgage purchases affordable-housing loans. The quota was raised to 40% in 1996, 42% in 1997, and in 2000 the Department of Housing and Urban Development ordered the quota raised to 50%.
Bush did push early on for tighter controls overFannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but he failed to move Congress.
Freddie and Fannie dutifully met those goals each and every year until the subprime crisis erupted. By 2008, when both government-sponsored enterprises collapsed, the quota had reached 56%.
8/15: Anderson Cooper闲谈Trump: AC在自己的节目中总是一副苦大仇深的样子,也没少攻击Trump,这个访谈他还挺搞笑的,"I like to talk to Donald Trump" - 看来他和Trump也有些bromance最近坏事发生的太多,看看这个视频放松一下吧。 Anderson Cooper: Donald Trump Defies All the Laws of Politics - Late Night with Seth Meyers:
Trump Responds to Activists Taking Over Bernie Sanders Event
2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump called out Senator Bernie Sanders Tuesday for allowing #BlackLivesMatter activists to shut down a rally in Seattle on Saturday.
“That was a disgrace,” Trump said at a press conference before a speech in Michigan on Tuesday, vowing it wouldn’t happen to him:
“I don’t know if I’ll do the fighting myself or if other people will.” Sanders, a Democratic presidential candidate, allowed two women to take the microphone and take over the rally. Sanders would end up leaving the rally, after being unable to regain control of the stage.
But on Twitter in the moments following The Donald’s bombastic remarks, #BlackLivesMatter tweeters said they were ready to rise to the challenge.
Trump Responds to Activists Taking Over Bernie Sanders Event
2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump called out Senator Bernie Sanders Tuesday for allowing #BlackLivesMatter activists to shut down a rally in Seattle on Saturday.
“That was a disgrace,” Trump said at a press conference before a speech in Michigan on Tuesday, vowing it wouldn’t happen to him:
“I don’t know if I’ll do the fighting myself or if other people will.” Sanders, a Democratic presidential candidate, allowed two women to take the microphone and take over the rally. Sanders would end up leaving the rally, after being unable to regain control of the stage.
But on Twitter in the moments following The Donald’s bombastic remarks, #BlackLivesMatter tweeters said they were ready to rise to the challenge. PositiveVibe 发表于 8/14/2015 11:43:29 PM
8/15:How do your beliefs align with the potential candidates? 对一些问题回答yes或no以及这个问题对你有多重要,能看出你和所有获选人的契合程度。点开other stances选项有很多有条件的支持和反对,可能更准确的表达立场。结果很有能出乎你的意料!https://www.isidewith.com/
8/15:How do your beliefs align with the potential candidates? 对一些问题回答yes或no以及这个问题对你有多重要,能看出你和所有获选人的契合程度。点开other stances选项有很多有条件的支持和反对,可能更准确的表达立场。结果很有能出乎你的意料!https://www.isidewith.com/luckyso 发表于 2015-08-15 19:54 PM
他出生在蓝领民主党家庭里 26岁选上参议员,那时是最年轻的senator, 后来又做过国会议员。 他一直有财政保守的名声。政绩之一就是 "the chief architect of a deal that balanced the federal budget for the first time since 1969" 他支持过 Federal Assault Weapons Ban。NRA曾经超级讨厌他 2000 kasich参加大选,败落,随后退出政治并开始了他10年私营企业届的生涯。他以前在fox有自己的show. o'reilly请假的时候,他还暂时顶替o'reilly的位置。 他在lehman 投行部门做过中阶经理 (这个可以是优点,也可以是污点,看个人理解)
I respect the fact that you believe in small government. I do, too. I also happen to know that you're a person of faith. Now, when you die and get to the meeting with St. Peter, he's probably not going to ask you much about what you did about keeping government small. But he is going to ask you what you did for the poor. You better have a good answer.
他出生在蓝领民主党家庭里 26岁选上参议员,那时是最年轻的senator, 后来又做过国会议员。 他一直有财政保守的名声。政绩之一就是 "the chief architect of a deal that balanced the federal budget for the first time since 1969" 他支持过 Federal Assault Weapons Ban。NRA曾经超级讨厌他 2000 kasich参加大选,败落,随后退出政治并开始了他10年私营企业届的生涯。他以前在fox有自己的show. o'reilly请假的时候,他还暂时顶替o'reilly的位置。 他在lehman 投行部门做过中阶经理 (这个可以是优点,也可以是污点,看个人理解)
I respect the fact that you believe in small government. I do, too. I also happen to know that you're a person of faith. Now, when you die and get to the meeting with St. Peter, he's probably not going to ask you much about what you did about keeping government small. But he is going to ask you what you did for the poor. You better have a good answer.
8/15:How do your beliefs align with the potential candidates? 对一些问题回答yes或no以及这个问题对你有多重要,能看出你和所有获选人的契合程度。点开other stances选项有很多有条件的支持和反对,可能更准确的表达立场。结果很有能出乎你的意料!https://www.isidewith.com/
luckyso 发表于 8/15/2015 6:19:44 PM
82% with Marco Rubio; 78% with Ted Cruz; 74% with Mike Hckabee
一是social networking,二是也跟trump赞助她那个啥foundation有关
得了吧,Roger Stone辞职是因为他和Corey Lewandowski一直意见不和被排挤,跟这回的Megyn事件没什么关系。连Roger都认为Trump在辩论时将了FOX一军,只不过后来的Tweeter有点过了。可这就是真实的Trump,不按常理出牌也是他的独特之处。
社会福利也就罢了,心存慈悯是优点。但像obama那样增税不够,直接举债搞福利并且拼命印钱也太扯了。上任前国债9trillion, 现在17trillion以上。要是肯以私人名义借贷1亿搞福利我也服他,但我敢打保票他不敢,因为谁都知道这种行为没有社会责任,而且愚蠢。
Her personal quality is worse than her husband, her husband is a cheater, she's is a hypocrite and a liar. Her husband cheats on her, she cheats on american people.
Megyn Kelly: “I certainly will not apologize for doing good journalism. So I’ll continue doing my job without fear or favor. And Mr. Trump I expect will continue with what has been a successful campaign thus far. This is a tough business and it’s time now to move forward.”
看来fox news CEO的话在公司还是有点权威的,kelly没道歉,但是也捧了Trump一下,双方都有台阶下了吧。
当然不是,这是解决“institutional racism”的方法
看了gop primary debate,第一个想法就是,too bad saturday night live is off, or lots of hilarious skits will be ready。转念一想,原装的debate也够dramatic了。在看热闹的同时,真心担心overall quality of the gop primary candidates。。。真心不喜欢clinton, 但真心不知道who's better than her at the moment。
他们搞这个的前提是要把黑人的犯罪率降下来。这个降不下来搞BLM岂不是对犯罪受害者集体人权的侵犯吗?Their lives doesn't matter?
就黑人命值钱,黑黑们杀了那么多无辜的人,别人的 lives不 重要???
今天一直在看hillary的资料 满有意思的 有层次有深度,但也许性格略无趣,也不太能引起他人的共鸣 可惜了.这要是个男人绝对会比她现在成功http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/mar/14/hillary-clinton-arkansas-friends 至少要比奥巴马 balanced
除了QE这个定式炸弹,美国就业很差吗?为什么这么多生意人anti-democratic party,最大受益者不正是他们吗
这些数据我知道 ,但是你身边有non-participant吗,纯好奇
Trump其实social偏中间,GOP都说要defund planned parenthood, 只有他说要分析一下他们具体在干啥,保留good aspects。在经济上,他反对很多GOP候选人鼓吹的flat tax rate,他认为富人可以多交一些税。所以不算是极右。他这个政策到general election时是很吃香的,就看初选能不能出线了。
trump必须极右才能拿到gop 提名啊。
AC在自己的节目中总是一副苦大仇深的样子,也没少攻击Trump,这个访谈他还挺搞笑的,"I like to talk to Donald Trump" - 看来他和Trump也有些bromance
Anderson Cooper: Donald Trump Defies All the Laws of Politics - Late Night with Seth Meyers:
我生生地从Hillary 粉变成了黑。。。
cnn是少数准确或者说客观预测了gop debate后续的媒体之一。尽管国人不太待见他们,总觉得cnn在挖中国黑料,但相对别家媒体,他们挺公正的
是命不好,对上了Obama, 当年朋友一看到O8的八字就断言他肯定赢
当年obama扶植bernanke,认识的一个花街私募集团的人就说这个政策只是推延了recession and will make the next one (around 2013 time) a lot more devastating 不过2013年早已过去啦,他们的预言还没实现。
除了trump 和 palin,好像其他人都承认出生证的真实性了
对啊,很多公司经历过chapter 11
trump唯一接近个人破产就是90年代跟第一任老婆离婚那会儿,贷款做高风险投资玩脱了。因为不想背上loser和quitter的名声,他到处求爷爷告奶奶,甚至从父亲给他们兄弟设的trust fund 提钱。
可能也就是因为曾经频临破产,trump后来对债务对风险的看法变很保守。他在访谈里反复提到美国19 trillion $ debt可能跟这个不无关系。
。。。你不是一直anti trump么?
Deregulation和Deregulation不一样,关键看具体措施,看程度,看背景。种下financial crisis的祸根是克林顿政府从93年推的“affordable-housing loans”,盲目提高home ownership, 让两房放贷给不合格的人。
Effective in January 1993, the 1992 housing bill required Fannie and Freddie to make 30% of their mortgage purchases affordable-housing loans. The quota was raised to 40% in 1996, 42% in 1997, and in 2000 the Department of Housing and Urban Development ordered the quota raised to 50%.
Bush did push early on for tighter controls overFannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but he failed to move Congress.
Freddie and Fannie dutifully met those goals each and every year until the subprime crisis erupted. By 2008, when both government-sponsored enterprises collapsed, the quota had reached 56%.
“Donald Trump” Clarifies Megyn Kelly Comment
Trump Responds to Activists Taking Over Bernie Sanders Event
2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump called out Senator Bernie Sanders Tuesday for allowing #BlackLivesMatter activists to shut down a rally in Seattle on Saturday.
“That was a disgrace,” Trump said at a press conference before a speech in Michigan on Tuesday, vowing it wouldn’t happen to him:
“I don’t know if I’ll do the fighting myself or if other people will.”
Sanders, a Democratic presidential candidate, allowed two women to take the microphone and take over the rally.
Sanders would end up leaving the rally, after being unable to regain control of the stage.
But on Twitter in the moments following The Donald’s bombastic remarks, #BlackLivesMatter tweeters said they were ready to rise to the challenge.
kasich 在那波候选人里面最正派简历也最完整,除了外交,其他占全了。
26岁选上参议员,那时是最年轻的senator, 后来又做过国会议员。
他一直有财政保守的名声。政绩之一就是 "the chief architect of a deal that balanced the federal budget for the first time since 1969"
他支持过 Federal Assault Weapons Ban。NRA曾经超级讨厌他
2000 kasich参加大选,败落,随后退出政治并开始了他10年私营企业届的生涯。他以前在fox有自己的show. o'reilly请假的时候,他还暂时顶替o'reilly的位置。
他在lehman 投行部门做过中阶经理 (这个可以是优点,也可以是污点,看个人理解)
I respect the fact that you believe in small government. I do, too. I also happen to know that you're a person of faith. Now, when you die and get to the meeting with St. Peter, he's probably not going to ask you much about what you did about keeping government small. But he is going to ask you what you did for the poor. You better have a good answer.
包括在gop debate里面针对同性恋婚姻的回答我也觉得很真诚。我猜不认同的人大概不信教,因为我从他的回答里听到了内心的挣扎和反思。要知道圣经很清楚说过同性恋是罪,对于一个虔诚的基督教徒,当朋友也是同性恋的时候,他该怎么做?辩论中那些话应该是他经过认真思考后得出的符合他良心的答案。满有慈悯心的
总的来讲这个人too good too be true, 财政保守,执行能力强,有慈悯心,不至于顽固到像个冷血动物。
kasich最大的问题是没有trump exciting,没有foreign policy经验,不知道跟中东打交道会怎样。他的信仰也容易得罪无神论者,或者那些对圣经有不同解读的人
昨天看到的一篇专访 http://www.nationaljournal.com/magazine/how-arrogant-prickly-smart-john-kasich-would-upend-2016-20150306
Me 2. 但应该不会选他,政策不是总统的全部
其实他和hilary好像只有foreign policy不一样, 其他都差不多。
82% with Marco Rubio;
78% with Ted Cruz;
74% with Mike Hckabee
72% Jindal
72% Clinton
他的计划的长远影响倒是难讲,对potential future foreign workers并不好