@RealBenCarson: "I was just told that it would be very easy for me [to get into West Point]...I told it as I understood it." luckyso 发表于 11/6/2015 8:20:14 PM
他的书的上下文给人的感觉是他和那个general吃饭,general很欣赏他,向west point推荐了,于是他就得到了full scholarship offer。现在变成了“someone told me it would be easy for me to get into west point"。这差得可不是一点半点。
书:"Afterward, Sgt. Hunt introduced me to General (William) Westmoreland, and I had dinner with him and the Congressional Medal winners. Later I was offered a full scholarship to West Point. I didn't refuse the scholarship outright, but I let them know that a military career wasn't where I saw myself going," Carson wrote.
现在: “I don’t remember all the specific details. Because I had done so extraordinarily well you know I was told that someone like me – they could get a scholarship to West Point. But I made it clear I was going to pursue a career in medicine.” “It was, you know, an informal ‘with a record like yours we could easily get you a scholarship to West Point.'”
@RealBenCarson: "I was just told that it would be very easy for me [to get into West Point]...I told it as I understood it."
他的书的上下文给人的感觉是他和那个general吃饭,general很欣赏他,向west point推荐了,于是他就得到了full scholarship offer。现在变成了“someone told me it would be easy for me to get into west point"。这差得可不是一点半点。
书:"Afterward, Sgt. Hunt introduced me to General (William) Westmoreland, and I had dinner with him and the Congressional Medal winners. Later I was offered a full scholarship to West Point. I didn't refuse the scholarship outright, but I let them know that a military career wasn't where I saw myself going," Carson wrote.
现在: “I don’t remember all the specific details. Because I had done so extraordinarily well you know I was told that someone like me – they could get a scholarship to West Point. But I made it clear I was going to pursue a career in medicine.” “It was, you know, an informal ‘with a record like yours we could easily get you a scholarship to West Point.'”
@RealBenCarson: "I was just told that it would be very easy for me [to get into West Point]...I told it as I understood it."
他的书的上下文给人的感觉是他和那个general吃饭,general很欣赏他,向west point推荐了,于是他就得到了full scholarship offer。现在变成了“someone told me it would be easy for me to get into west point"。这差得可不是一点半点。
书:"Afterward, Sgt. Hunt introduced me to General (William) Westmoreland, and I had dinner with him and the Congressional Medal winners. Later I was offered a full scholarship to West Point. I didn't refuse the scholarship outright, but I let them know that a military career wasn't where I saw myself going," Carson wrote.
现在: “I don’t remember all the specific details. Because I had done so extraordinarily well you know I was told that someone like me – they could get a scholarship to West Point. But I made it clear I was going to pursue a career in medicine.” “It was, you know, an informal ‘with a record like yours we could easily get you a scholarship to West Point.'”
@RealBenCarson: "I was just told that it would be very easy for me [to get into West Point]...I told it as I understood it."
他的书的上下文给人的感觉是他和那个general吃饭,general很欣赏他,向west point推荐了,于是他就得到了full scholarship offer。现在变成了“someone told me it would be easy for me to get into west point"。这差得可不是一点半点。
书:"Afterward, Sgt. Hunt introduced me to General (William) Westmoreland, and I had dinner with him and the Congressional Medal winners. Later I was offered a full scholarship to West Point. I didn't refuse the scholarship outright, but I let them know that a military career wasn't where I saw myself going," Carson wrote.
现在: “I don’t remember all the specific details. Because I had done so extraordinarily well you know I was told that someone like me – they could get a scholarship to West Point. But I made it clear I was going to pursue a career in medicine.” “It was, you know, an informal ‘with a record like yours we could easily get you a scholarship to West Point.'”
@RealBenCarson: "I was just told that it would be very easy for me [to get into West Point]...I told it as I understood it."
Meanwhile, MSNBC’s very Republican Joe Scarborough said Ben Carson “flat out lied.”
Ben Carson flat out lied. I called out media bias earlier this week. This is NOT bias. Ben Carson lied. Period.
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) November 6, 2015
As I pointed out when this first started, Ben Carson looks a little absurd claiming that the media is biased because they are saying they can’t confirm that he almost assaulted his mother or hit a friend with metal in his hand. Yeah, sorry, but most presidential candidates couldn’t pass go with a history like that, and they certainly wouldn’t be bragging about it:
.@oreillyfactor: "And you stand by the story that you almost assaulted your mom?" @RealBenCarson: "Absolutely." pic.twitter.com/VRwpO5fs9O
— Fox News (@FoxNews) November 7, 2015
But let’s wrap this whole big lie up together. West Point has very strict vetting procedures. What are the chances that they would have “offered” a full scholarship to someone with a violent past and multiple victims? This strains credulity even without the questions about the actual stories.
.@oreillyfactor: "And you stand by the story that you almost assaulted your mom?" @RealBenCarson: "Absolutely." pic.twitter.com/VRwpO5fs9O 我看到这句话就觉得莫名喜感,一个人要证明差点打了他妈来选总统,这要是外国人听到了非得笑死。。。
.@oreillyfactor: "And you stand by the story that you almost assaulted your mom?" @RealBenCarson: "Absolutely." pic.twitter.com/VRwpO5fs9O 我看到这句话就觉得莫名喜感,一个人要证明差点打了他妈来选总统,这要是外国人听到了非得笑死。。。 luckyso 发表于 11/8/2015 11:54:42 AM
The California results: Donald Trump: 20 Percent Ben Carson: 19 Percent Marco Rubio: 14 Percent Ted Cruz: 11 Percent Jeb Bush: 4 Percent
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The national results: Special: Donald Trump: 25 Percent Ben Carson: 21 Percent Marco Rubio: 12 Percent Ted Cruz: 12 Percent Jeb Bush: 4 Percent The Times singled out Rubio's performance in the poll
“It is sad that the Democratic leader chooses to stand with violent criminal illegal aliens instead of the American citizen. "
"But even sadder is that he impugns legal immigrants.”
“I am the son of of an immigrant who came legally from Cuba, There is no one in the chamber that would stand and fight harder for LEGAL immigrants that I will. "
"And for the Democratic leader to cynically suggest that somehow immigrants should be lumped into the same bucket with murderers and rapists demonstrates the cynicism of the modern Democratic party.”
“It is sad that the Democratic leader chooses to stand with violent criminal illegal aliens instead of the American citizen. "
"But even sadder is that he impugns legal immigrants.”
“I am the son of of an immigrant who came legally from Cuba, There is no one in the chamber that would stand and fight harder for LEGAL immigrants that I will. "
"And for the Democratic leader to cynically suggest that somehow immigrants should be lumped into the same bucket with murderers and rapists demonstrates the cynicism of the modern Democratic party.” rabbit1688 发表于 11/8/2015 10:53:36 PM
According to NBC, SNL had a whopping 6.6 household rating on Saturday night, easily beating the season’s previous high: the 41st season premiere last month, hosted by Miley Cyrus and with a guest appearance by none other than … Hillary Clinton. In fact, Trump’s overnight rating was 47 percent higher than the Miley/Hillary episode.
The previous high was held by an episode that aired Jan. 7, 2012, hosted by Charles Barkley with musical guest Kelly Clarkson.
Saturday night marked the Republican presidential hopeful’s second time hosting the iconic late-night series. He previously acted as host in 2004 when Trump was still the host of NBC’s The Apprentice.
Trump was pretty confident he’d boost SNL’s numbers. “I get the best ratings,” he reportedly said when asked about the appearance.
Monmouth University Poll surveyed 401 South Carolina voters likely to vote in the Republican presidential primary from Nov. 5 to Nov. 8 for the poll. BlueNDGold 发表于 11/9/2015 10:24:09 PM
“If an American company wants access to the Chinese consumers, that company must share its intellectual property, a condition that violates international fair-trade standards, World Trade Organization standards and common sense,” Trump said.
“But the worst of China’s sins is not its theft of intellectual property,” he added. "It is the wanton manipulation of China’s currency, robbing Americans of billions of dollars of capital and millions of jobs.
“Economists estimate that the yuan is undervalued anywhere from 15 percent to 40 percent. Through manipulation of the yuan, the Chinese government has been able to tip the trade balance in their direction by imposing a de facto tariff on all imported goods.”
[color=#999999]urthur 发表于 11/6/2015 8:33:33 PM [/color][url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1868851&postid=69618594#69618594][img]http://forums.huaren.us/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url][/quote]
这么说还为时过早 看我上面贴的链接 连大左媒cnn 都说那个挖carson 的
Politico 断章取意 故意抹黑博眼球
如果carson campain 能很好handle这事 我会继续看好carson
不要因为他是黑人就觉得carson跟奥八一样 carson是奥八的强烈反对者
他本人也反对大黑人主义 反对福利制度
他是唯一一个有可能把黑人种族往正确的路上引导的人 黑人现在整个mindset给左派
[color=#999999]whyhere 发表于 11/6/2015 9:41:28 PM [/color][url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1868851&postid=69619259#69619259][img]http://forums.huaren.us/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url][/quote]
他的书的上下文给人的感觉是他和那个general吃饭,general很欣赏他,向west point推荐了,于是他就得到了full scholarship offer。现在变成了“someone told me it would be easy for me to get into west point"。这差得可不是一点半点。
书:"Afterward, Sgt. Hunt introduced me to General (William) Westmoreland, and I had dinner with him and the Congressional Medal winners. Later I was offered a full scholarship to West Point. I didn't refuse the scholarship outright, but I let them know that a military career wasn't where I saw myself going," Carson wrote.
“I don’t remember all the specific details. Because I had done so extraordinarily well you know I was told that someone like me – they could get a scholarship to West Point. But I made it clear I was going to pursue a career in medicine.”
“It was, you know, an informal ‘with a record like yours we could easily get you a scholarship to West Point.'”
@RealBenCarson: "I was just told that it would be very easy for me [to get into West Point]...I told it as I understood it."
[color=#999999]BlueNDGold 发表于 11/6/2015 10:01:04 PM [/color][url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1868851&postid=69619456#69619456][img]http://forums.huaren.us/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url][/quote]
这么说还为时过早 看我上面贴的链接 连大左媒cnn 都说那个挖carson 的
Politico 断章取意 故意抹黑博眼球
如果carson campain 能很好handle这事 我会继续看好carson
不要因为他是黑人就觉得carson跟奥八一样 carson是奥八的强烈反对者
他本人也反对大黑人主义 反对福利制度
他是唯一一个有可能把黑人种族往正确的路上引导的人 黑人现在整个mindset给左派
RCW 发表于 11/6/2015 9:11:34 PM
您不是认真的吧?那还不如真选Kanye West呢
哇,这是真的啊,像科幻电影一样,两jetpackers,在迪拜上空跟空客380一起飞行,说是感觉像俩蚊子飞在老鹰身边。这也太玄了点吧,要是撞上了,飞机撞“飞人” 。。。。。。
对呀,看这个视频,Carson attacks media。http://www.cnn.com/2015/11/06/politics/ben-carson-responds-violent-past-new-day/index.html
它亲口说的,说对方offer full scholarship,怎么又变成,I was told it would be very easy for me to get into WP了。
然后这个视频,它又改口了,说记者撒谎,说它自己从来没有说过被offered过full scholarship。http://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2015/11/07/ben-carson-childhood-live-erin.cnn/video/playlists/ben-carson/
然后骂人家total boldface lie。然后一个记者说,你跟我亲口说过。然后Carson马上转话题,说当初怎么没有媒体这么深挖O8啊,这简直是企图转移大家注意力,来掩盖对自己事情破败,被人当面抓个正着的心虚。
而且话还都让它两头说了,说让大家要把注意力花在重要问题上,不要desperately找它的漏洞,说它早就预料到媒体会这样挖它了,可问题是,是它自己讲的这些破事,别人当然要消化消化,别人注意听了,听了以后做了功课了,然后有疑问了,它倒怪别人听得太仔细了,这不是给你夹板气么受么,黑人特别会这套,当然有的白人也会,但我告诉你,我认识的人,基本都是黑人特别会搬弄是非,小题大做,有credit的,都是它们的,有责任,全是别人的,而且都不是team player,不是也就罢了,还特别会manipulate别人,让别人互相攻击。
1988年的时候,Trump在Larry King的节目上说他不会run for president,看来那时候,他觉得美国还算great
1991年,侃侃谈经济,大家轮番问他问题,所以我觉得他压根没有辩论public speaking的困难,而且思路清晰,语速适中,偏快,不像有些人,故意拉长音,因为那些人本来就没啥可说的
Meanwhile, MSNBC’s very Republican Joe Scarborough said Ben Carson “flat out lied.”
Ben Carson flat out lied. I called out media bias earlier this week. This is NOT bias. Ben Carson lied. Period.
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) November 6, 2015
As I pointed out when this first started, Ben Carson looks a little absurd claiming that the media is biased because they are saying they can’t confirm that he almost assaulted his mother or hit a friend with metal in his hand. Yeah, sorry, but most presidential candidates couldn’t pass go with a history like that, and they certainly wouldn’t be bragging about it:
.@oreillyfactor: "And you stand by the story that you almost assaulted your mom?" @RealBenCarson: "Absolutely." pic.twitter.com/VRwpO5fs9O
— Fox News (@FoxNews) November 7, 2015
But let’s wrap this whole big lie up together. West Point has very strict vetting procedures. What are the chances that they would have “offered” a full scholarship to someone with a violent past and multiple victims? This strains credulity even without the questions about the actual stories.
http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trump-calls-controversy-swirling-ben-carson-strange/story?id=35044304 Trump对Carson的反应,说Carson又要打它妈又要动刀子扎朋友又要拿个锁打别人后脑勺,而且书里它自己说有pathological desease,Trump说这种病不能根治的
The California results:
Donald Trump: 20 Percent
Ben Carson: 19 Percent
Marco Rubio: 14 Percent
Ted Cruz: 11 Percent
Jeb Bush: 4 Percent
Latest News Update
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The national results:
Donald Trump: 25 Percent
Ben Carson: 21 Percent
Marco Rubio: 12 Percent
Ted Cruz: 12 Percent
Jeb Bush: 4 Percent
The Times singled out Rubio's performance in the poll
这整件事都让人哭笑不得,就和trump说的一样,I don't know what to think. 这都是什么乱七八糟的,Carson现在太drama了
那么多年前的事了,statute of limitations 早就过了。什么DA会理这档事?
“It is sad that the Democratic leader chooses to stand with violent
criminal illegal aliens instead of the American citizen. "
"But even sadder is that he impugns legal immigrants.”
“I am the son of of an immigrant who came legally from Cuba, There is no
one in the chamber that would stand and fight harder for LEGAL immigrants
that I will. "
"And for the Democratic leader to cynically suggest that somehow immigrants
should be lumped into the same bucket with murderers and rapists
demonstrates the cynicism of the modern Democratic party.”
你要考虑到美国的文化背景。美国人很重视second chance, 特别喜欢这种改邪归正的故事。
The previous high was held by an episode that aired Jan. 7, 2012, hosted by Charles Barkley with musical guest Kelly Clarkson.
Saturday night marked the Republican presidential hopeful’s second time hosting the iconic late-night series. He previously acted as host in 2004 when Trump was still the host of NBC’s The Apprentice.
Trump was pretty confident he’d boost SNL’s numbers. “I get the best ratings,” he reportedly said when asked about the appearance.
“If an American company wants access to the Chinese consumers, that company must share its intellectual property, a condition that violates international fair-trade standards, World Trade Organization standards and common sense,” Trump said.
“But the worst of China’s sins is not its theft of intellectual property,” he added. "It is the wanton manipulation of China’s currency, robbing Americans of billions of dollars of capital and millions of jobs.
“Economists estimate that the yuan is undervalued anywhere from 15 percent to 40 percent. Through manipulation of the yuan, the Chinese government has been able to tip the trade balance in their direction by imposing a de facto tariff on all imported goods.”
Watch debate online live
听说是因为希拉里遥遥领先,其它竞选人不想花太多钱,可惜邮件事件给共和党搞砸了,希拉里又春风得意了。这样的话,大家觉得共和党谁能比较容易干掉希拉里?这次都不怎么看辩论,给上届08又赢了一届伤透了心。。 。