Surge of illegal children, families accelerates Agents caught 4,476 children traveling without parents on the border last month and 5,273 parents and children traveling as families — both of those nearly twice the level of September 2014, suggesting that smugglers have once again stepped up their efforts to entice Central Americans to make the crossing.
抓住了也不管,给个hearing date就放进美国来:
Central American families and children caught at the border are given papers setting court dates but are then released into the U.S. The government calls those documents “notices to appear,” but the illegal immigrants regularly refer to them as “permisos,” or free passes, because they give tentative permission to be in the country while they await their court appearances.
“In Border Patrol circles, that paperwork is now known as the ‘notice to disappear’ — 80 percent, 90 percent of those folks will not show up for that hearing,” Mr. Cabrera testified.
On any given day, in any police department in the nation, 15 percent of officers will do the right thing no matter what is happening. Fifteen percent of officers will abuse their authority at every opportunity. The remaining 70 percent could go either way depending on whom they are working with.
That's a theory from my friend K.L. Williams, who has trained thousands of officers around the country in use of force.
On any given day, in any police department in the nation, 15 percent of officers will do the right thing no matter what is happening. Fifteen percent of officers will abuse their authority at every opportunity. The remaining 70 percent could go either way depending on whom they are working with.
That's a theory from my friend K.L. Williams, who has trained thousands of officers around the country in use of force.
艾玛,O8又跳出来支持BLM了 PositiveVibe 发表于 10/23/2015 12:29:22 AM
But the president said people should also "understand the overwhelming majority of law enforcement's doing the right thing and wants to do the right thing" and "recognize that police officers have a really tough job and we're sending them into really tough neighborhoods that sometimes are really dangerous and they've got to make split-second decisions."
He said people shouldn't be "too sanctimonious" about situations that can sometimes be ambiguous.
"But having said all that, we as a society, particularly given our history, have to take this seriously," Obama said. "And one of the ways of avoiding the politics of this and losing the moment is everybody just stepping back for a second and understanding that the African-American community is not just making this up." 美国欠黑人的,在O8的眼睛里是永远还不完的,是怎么折腾都合理的。
Lincoln Chafee也退选了,继Jim Webb之后,民主党真没人了 PositiveVibe 发表于 10/23/2015 10:14:10 AM
The Jeb Bush campaign is cutting back 45% of its budget, removing some senior staff from the payroll and canceling some fundraisers
Carson不太好搞啊,特别是evangelical占43%的Iowa, 也不知道他们知不知道是选总统,不是选chief white house bible reader luckyso 发表于 10/23/2015 11:35:40 AM
Well, you can't win a race by insulting everyone...Hope Trump learns his lesson. In fact, the Iowan retweet blew up because his enemies helped to disseminate mean-spirit tweet almost as soon as it was published
Well, you can't win a race by insulting everyone...Hope Trump learns his lesson. In fact, the Iowan retweet blew up because his enemies helped to disseminate mean-spirit tweet almost as soon as it was published
Trump的新招式:号召所有人refuse super PAC! "I am self-funding my campaign and therefore I will not be controlled by the donors, special interests and lobbyists who have corrupted our politics and politicians for far too long," Donald J. Trump said in a statement. "I have disavowed all Super PAC's, requested the return of all donations made to said PAC's, and I am calling on all Presidential candidates to do the same."
破产那个已经解释过好多次了, 已经过关了。经济我是指减税啊,trade啊,增加蓝领工作啊。共和党和民主党竞争,在现在的人口结构下,默认就是民主党赢,中规中矩的这次的结果还是一样。试想如果哪个GOP候选人像希拉里这样多次说谎被逮住,早就退选了,民主党的错误余量要宽容的多。现在Carson躲在Trump后面,Trump takes most heat, 到大选时他自己是顶不住的, Carson vs Hilary,胜算很低,如果胜算高的话我会转而支持他。
破产那个已经解释过好多次了, 已经过关了。经济我是指减税啊,trade啊,增加蓝领工作啊。共和党和民主党竞争,在现在的人口结构下,默认就是民主党赢,中规中矩的这次的结果还是一样。试想如果哪个GOP候选人像希拉里这样多次说谎被逮住,早就退选了,民主党的错误余量要宽容的多。现在Carson躲在Trump后面,Trump takes most heat, 到大选时他自己是顶不住的, Carson vs Hilary,胜算很低,如果胜算高的话我会转而支持他。
破产那个已经解释过好多次了, 已经过关了。经济我是指减税啊,trade啊,增加蓝领工作啊。共和党和民主党竞争,在现在的人口结构下,默认就是民主党赢,中规中矩的这次的结果还是一样。试想如果哪个GOP候选人像希拉里这样多次说谎被逮住,早就退选了,民主党的错误余量要宽容的多。现在Carson躲在Trump后面,Trump takes most heat, 到大选时他自己是顶不住的, Carson vs Hilary,胜算很低,如果胜算高的话我会转而支持他。
If nothing else, Trump is good at reading people. If you think a young intern that was planted in Trump's campaign, and was able to gain access to his Twitter account, then you have greatly underestimatied Trump.
The official Twitter account for any candidate is an important communication tool for that candidate's campaign. Only the candidate, his/her communications director and/or other senior people within the communication team would have access to it.
It's laughable to think an intern would have the authority to retweet things from any candidate's Twitter feed.
The official Twitter account for any candidate is an important communication tool for that candidate's campaign. Only the candidate, his/her communications director and/or other senior people within the communication team would have access to it.
It's laughable to think an intern would have the authority to retweet things from any candidate's Twitter feed.
The official Twitter account for any candidate is an important communication tool for that candidate's campaign. Only the candidate, his/her communications director and/or other senior people within the communication team would have access to it.
It's laughable to think an intern would have the authority to retweet things from any candidate's Twitter feed.
Of course other people within the candidate's team help manage the candidate's social media accounts. But no one would give that responsibility to an intern.
Of course other people within the candidate's team help manage the candidate's social media accounts. But no one would give that responsibility to an intern.
A person identifying himself as a Fordham University student who works at the New York campaign headquarters told International Business Times via email Friday that interns do not have access to Trump's account. "As an intern for the internal headquarter campaign, we do not manage or in that case have any access to Mr. Trump's personal Twitter," said Garrison Groeschke, whose personal site and LinkedIn list him as a 2016 intern. "From my understanding and what I've been informed of by my superiors is that Mr. Trump's tweets and Twitter responses are done by him personally. All email accounts, however, associated and endorsed by the Donald J. Trump for President Campaign are managed by interns and other associates within the organization."
A person identifying himself as a Fordham University student who works at the New York campaign headquarters told International Business Times via email Friday that interns do not have access to Trump's account. "As an intern for the internal headquarter campaign, we do not manage or in that case have any access to Mr. Trump's personal Twitter," said Garrison Groeschke, whose personal site and LinkedIn list him as a 2016 intern. "From my understanding and what I've been informed of by my superiors is that Mr. Trump's tweets and Twitter responses are done by him personally. All email accounts, however, associated and endorsed by the Donald J. Trump for President Campaign are managed by interns and other associates within the organization."
If you really think some mysterious intern that does not work at the campaign headquarters was given access to Trump's Twitter account, then you are more naive than I thought.
If you really think some mysterious intern that does not work at the campaign headquarters was given access to Trump's Twitter account, then you are more naive than I thought.
BlueNDGold 发表于 10/23/2015 7:32:51 PM
Point being it's really hard to prove otherwise, so media has nothing to run with the story. THE END.
Point being it's really hard to prove otherwise, so media has nothing to run with the story. THE END.
luckyso 发表于 10/23/2015 7:35:05 PM
When I first read Trump's excuse, I thought it was insulting that he would come up with a BS excuse and try to use an unnamed intern as a scapegoat. The fact that some people actually choose to believe that half cocked excuse is simply amazing.
When I first read Trump's excuse, I thought it was insulting that he would come up with a BS excuse and try to use an unnamed intern as a scapegoat. The fact that some people actually choose to believe that half cocked excuse is simply amazing.
BlueNDGold 发表于 10/23/2015 7:41:20 PM
It is equally insulting that Hillary said she set up a personal email acct so that she can manage from a single device, when, in fact, she lugs around a iPhone, iPad, and iPadMini. The practice of using personal email for work matters is a major IT breach in most big companies (and in Hillary's case, possibly ethical breach as well).
But no reason to attack other people over any of this, okay?
A person identifying himself as a Fordham University student who works at the New York campaign headquarters told International Business Times via email Friday that interns do not have access to Trump's account. "As an intern for the internal headquarter campaign, we do not manage or in that case have any access to Mr. Trump's personal Twitter," said Garrison Groeschke, whose personal site and LinkedIn list him as a 2016 intern. "From my understanding and what I've been informed of by my superiors is that Mr. Trump's tweets and Twitter responses are done by him personally. All email accounts, however, associated and endorsed by the Donald J. Trump for President Campaign are managed by interns and other associates within the organization."
我去那个人的linkedin看了。今年10月份才开始当的intern,现在10月才23号,就算它10月1号开始当的intern,它一共当了几天的intern啊,它知道什么????而且还把自己全名公布给媒体?它没当几天差,它的忠诚度完全没有考证。我看它如果不是其他candidate的卧底,就是想利用机会求给自己出名的。 Garrison Groeschke Student at Fordham University Bronx, New YorkInternational Trade and Development
When I first read Trump's excuse, I thought it was insulting that he would come up with a BS excuse and try to use an unnamed intern as a scapegoat. The fact that some people actually choose to believe that half cocked excuse is simply amazing.
BlueNDGold 发表于 10/23/2015 7:41:20 PM
Intern or not, it doesn't matter. The whole thing is not a big deal, that's why even media who hated Trump most reluctant to dig further coz it will backfire on them.
我去那个人的linkedin看了。今年10月份才开始当的intern,现在10月才23号,就算它10月1号开始当的intern,它一共当了几天的intern啊,它知道什么????而且还把自己全名公布给媒体?它没当几天差,它的忠诚度完全没有考证。我看它如果不是其他candidate的卧底,就是想利用机会求给自己出名的。 Garrison Groeschke Student at Fordham University Bronx, New YorkInternational Trade and Development
Intern or not, it doesn't matter. The whole thing is not a big deal, that's why even media who hated Trump most reluctant to dig further coz it will backfire on them.
The only intern mattered is called "Monica".
luckyso 发表于 10/23/2015 7:44:52 PM
Just like how the Benghazi investigation has backfired on the Republicans?
When interns join an organization, they all go through an orientation period. During which they are taught the organization's policies and their specific job responsibilities. Internships at political campaigns are no different.
While young Garrison here wasn't with the campaign long, he has been there long enough to learn the campaign's protocols regarding communications, which is what was reported by I.B. Times.
Just like how the Benghazi investigation has backfired on the Republicans?
BlueNDGold 发表于 10/23/2015 7:56:27 PM
These two things are not comparable at all. Though republicans didn't handle that one well enough, they once again proved Hilary lied. They could've done better without big mouth from Mccarthy.
When interns join an organization, they all go through an orientation period. During which they are taught the organization's policies and their specific job responsibilities. Internships at political campaigns are no different.
While young Garrison here wasn't with the campaign long, he has been there long enough to learn the campaign's protocols regarding communications, which is what was reported by I.B. Times.
BlueNDGold 发表于 10/23/2015 8:05:11 PM
What you said are all speculations. Not every organization goes through the same process. It just can't be proved. My advice: Don't fixate on it as we have all moved on.
Trump应该好好利用一下这条消息,super PACs支持Carson,好显示一下自己不被财团控制,显示一下跟Carson的区别
Surge of illegal children, families accelerates
Agents caught 4,476 children traveling without parents on the border last month and 5,273 parents and children traveling as families — both of those nearly twice the level of September 2014, suggesting that smugglers have once again stepped up their efforts to entice Central Americans to make the crossing.
抓住了也不管,给个hearing date就放进美国来:
Central American families and children caught at the border are given papers setting court dates but are then released into the U.S. The government calls those documents “notices to appear,” but the illegal immigrants regularly refer to them as “permisos,” or free passes, because they give tentative permission to be in the country while they await their court appearances.
“In Border Patrol circles, that paperwork is now known as the ‘notice to disappear’ — 80 percent, 90 percent of those folks will not show up for that hearing,” Mr. Cabrera testified.
On any given day, in any police department in the nation, 15 percent of officers will do the right thing no matter what is happening. Fifteen percent of officers will abuse their authority at every opportunity. The remaining 70 percent could go either way depending on whom they are working with.
That's a theory from my friend K.L. Williams, who has trained thousands of officers around the country in use of force.
He said people shouldn't be "too sanctimonious" about situations that can sometimes be ambiguous.
"But having said all that, we as a society, particularly given our history, have to take this seriously," Obama said. "And one of the ways of avoiding the politics of this and losing the moment is everybody just stepping back for a second and understanding that the African-American community is not just making this up."
The Jeb Bush campaign is cutting back 45% of its budget, removing some senior staff from the payroll and canceling some fundraisers
Well, you can't win a race by insulting everyone...Hope Trump learns his lesson. In fact, the Iowan retweet blew up because his enemies helped to disseminate mean-spirit tweet almost as soon as it was published
不过那个retweet其实有道理的,有些人天天想着上帝,殊不知大选时可不是念着上帝就能赢的,太虔诚的反而是负面。现在debate很关键,希望Trump能表现好,Carson debate也是弱项。还要小心Rubio。
"I am self-funding my campaign and therefore I will not be controlled by the donors, special interests and lobbyists who have corrupted our politics and politicians for far too long," Donald J. Trump said in a statement. "I have disavowed all Super PAC's, requested the return of all donations made to said PAC's, and I am calling on all Presidential candidates to do the same."
若说为了经济,为了美国的未来,谁能logically predict呢?所以trump当下的表现才是别人评价他的根据
不要小觑carson,个性和做事风格上,他应该跟ivanka trump有些像,两人这些年的财运都不错。
Trump这两天应该是在整理campaign finance, 最新的statement:
过关的结论只是针对trump的支持者。剩下的80%不支持trump的人不会这么轻易相信trump的说法,因为judge他的标准不一样,比如,世上成功的公司很多,但在短短20-30年破产4次的没那么普遍 (支持者当然也可以指出startup的成功率blahblah, 但这依然是个messy argument)
• 3/1: Alabama Primary
• 3/1: Alaska Republican Caucuses
• 3/1: Colorado Democratic Caucuses
• 3/1: Arkansas Primary
• 3/1: Georgia Primary
• 3/1: Massachusetts Primary
• 3/1: Minnesota Caucuses
• 3/1: Oklahoma Primary
• 3/1: Tennessee Primary
• 3/1: Texas Primary
• 3/1: Vermont Primary
• 3/1: Virginia Primary
• 3/1: Wyoming Republican Caucuses
南方的省很多,Trump的优势就很明显,Carson的主要票仓是白女福音派。所以前四个early states只要拿下2个就差不多了。Iowa之前好像是santorum赢的,没什么大用,Iowa对moderate来说太难赢了。
其实insult也没关系,不要throw others under the bus
对于Carson这点我很反感,躲在别人后边狐假虎威。同觉得,Carson跟Hillary对垒 ,没胜算。
现在离iowa caucus还有四个月,大家肯定八仙过海各显神通,top candidate其实会比较辛苦。但好处就是trump现在不论做什么都还有挽救的机会。
不知道他把那个young intern怎么着了,可能已经you're fired了
1. 好好准备下周的辩论,多讲substance,对每个话题提前想好有理有据的talking points
2. 竞选风格: 减少attack, 突出自己优点,间接暗示攻击别人最好
3. 社交媒体的发言要更谨慎,宁可不说也不要留把柄
没有,他说只听了几分钟。他最近应该是在折腾campaign finance,从他的声明来推测。
从现在到Iowa, round two正式开始了!
我觉得他在round one的过程中已经“成熟”多了,更具有presidential的样子了,我还是希望他能赢
Because no one give interns that much power.
The official Twitter account for any candidate is an important communication tool for that candidate's campaign. Only the candidate, his/her communications director and/or other senior people within the communication team would have access to it.
It's laughable to think an intern would have the authority to retweet things from any candidate's Twitter feed.
A person identifying himself as a Fordham University student who works at the New York campaign headquarters told International Business Times via email Friday that interns do not have access to Trump's account. "As an intern for the internal headquarter campaign, we do not manage or in that case have any access to Mr. Trump's personal Twitter," said Garrison Groeschke, whose personal site and LinkedIn list him as a 2016 intern. "From my understanding and what I've been informed of by my superiors is that Mr. Trump's tweets and Twitter responses are done by him personally. All email accounts, however, associated and endorsed by the Donald J. Trump for President Campaign are managed by interns and other associates within the organization."
When I first read Trump's excuse, I thought it was insulting that he would come up with a BS excuse and try to use an unnamed intern as a scapegoat. The fact that some people actually choose to believe that half cocked excuse is simply amazing.
It is equally insulting that Hillary said she set up a personal email acct so that she can manage from a single device, when, in fact, she lugs around a iPhone, iPad, and iPadMini.
The practice of using personal email for work matters is a major IT breach in most big companies (and in Hillary's case, possibly ethical breach as well).
But no reason to attack other people over any of this, okay?
Garrison Groeschke
Student at Fordham University
Bronx, New YorkInternational Trade and Development
Campaign Headquarters InternDonald J Trump for President Inc.October 2015 – Present (1 month)Trump Tower 725 5th Avenue New York, NY
The only intern mattered is called "Monica".
While young Garrison here wasn't with the campaign long, he has been there long enough to learn the campaign's protocols regarding communications, which is what was reported by I.B. Times.
What you said are all speculations. Not every organization goes through the same process. It just can't be proved. My advice: Don't fixate on it as we have all moved on.
@realDonaldTrump slams @RealBenCarson amid dipping poll numbers in Iowa @CNNSotu