Carson信的是什么子教派啊,似乎与主流基督教sects还有所不同,有些人认为这根本不是基督教,被Trump抓住了: Seventh-day Adventists are Protestants who observe the Sabbath on Saturday, unlike most Christians, including Presbyterians, who observe it on Sunday. The church also takes a very literal view of the Bible. Adventists teach that people who worship on Sunday have the "mark of the Beast" on them. Also their doctrine holds there is no soul as evangelicals understand it. When you die, you are dead until Christ returns and the elect-Adventists-are resurrected in their bodily form. Tell an evangelical that, at death, they won't see their loved ones again in heaven and check their reaction. 宗教好复杂啊,这么多分支,你不服我我不服你。。。
希拉里收了这么多CEO的钱,我不知道这篇文章最后这段话的逻辑是什么: "Hillary Clinton is committed to making sure we have an economy that works for all Americans and not just those at the top," Schwerin said in a statement. "That's why she believes that the measure of our success must be defined by how much income rises for hard-working families, not just CEOs and money managers."
Trump has a bully's instinct for finding someone else's true weaknesses. His continued crack that Bush is a "low-energy" candidate is devastating precisely because it identifies a weakness not just in Bush's campaign style, but in the nature of his campaign.
Now Trump has pulled Bush into an even more dangerous quagmire: his brother's presidency. Trump is reminding every Republican voter that nominating Jeb Bush will mean running a general election campaign with two disadvantages. First, Republicans will have to answer for George W. Bush's failures in a way they wouldn't if they nominated Marco Rubio or Carly Fiorina or Donald Trump; and second, they'll need to somehow explain why they're holding Hillary Clinton responsible for Obama's presidency even as they don't hold George W. Bush responsible for George W. Bush's presidency.
希拉里收了这么多CEO的钱,我不知道这篇文章最后这段话的逻辑是什么: "Hillary Clinton is committed to making sure we have an economy that works for all Americans and not just those at the top," Schwerin said in a statement. "That's why she believes that the measure of our success must be defined by how much income rises for hard-working families, not just CEOs and money managers."
Donald Trump may not be the President yet, but his constant criticism of Ford outsourcing jobs to Mexico has caused the auto tycoon to change course and bring the $2,000,000,000 plant back to the United States.
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 1 hour ago Word is that Ford Motor, because of my constant badgering at packed events, is going to cancel their deal to go to Mexico and stay in U.S.
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 1 hour ago Word is that Ford Motor, because of my constant badgering at packed events, is going to cancel their deal to go to Mexico and stay in U.S. goldengate 发表于 10/25/2015 5:58:33 PM
Mika Brzezinski, liberal co-host of MSNBC's "Morning Joe," said Tuesday that it was "pathetic" for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to charge one of her opponents with sexism.
Over the weekend, Clinton had referred the first Democratic debate two weeks ago, wherein her closest rival, Bernie Sanders, said that "all the shouting in the world" would not solve gun violence.
"I've been told to stop, and I quote, shouting about gun violence," Clinton said at a campaign event on Friday. "Well, first of all, I'm not shouting. It's just when women talk, some people think we're shouting."
O8说GOP像grumpy cat,它自己像啥?
就是fox news Sunday的采访那个
民主党无论是谁提名,都会得到粉丝支持, GOP的选民很傲娇,你和我的观点不一样,我就不出来投,一点大局观也没有。不过这次会好些,毕竟被虐了八年了,应该觉醒了点?
我是觉得没有任何相关经验是硬伤,他的观点很多make sense, 但总体是学者形象,他的人品肯定比希拉里强,可是毕竟总统是重要的leadership position, 真投票的时候不知道选民能不能真放下心
翻了翻Carson的social media page, 他的各个集会见面的支持者都是白人,黑人一个也没看见。。。
他明天上meet the press, 和fox sunday, 看看他曝光增加后能不能挺住, Trump已经过了这关了,各个interview都很positive
是的,挺到位的。他好像还说了Carson weak on immigration, 我还真不知道carson的具体立场是什么,他那个guest worker很含糊
Seventh-day Adventists are Protestants who observe the Sabbath on Saturday, unlike most Christians, including Presbyterians, who observe it on Sunday. The church also takes a very literal view of the Bible.
Adventists teach that people who worship on Sunday have the "mark of the Beast" on them. Also their doctrine holds there is no soul as evangelicals understand it. When you die, you are dead until Christ returns and the elect-Adventists-are resurrected in their bodily form. Tell an evangelical that, at death, they won't see their loved ones again in heaven and check their reaction.
写的真棒啊~ 把trump的优点全部列出来了
More CEOs donate to Clinton than to any GOP candidate
"Hillary Clinton is committed to making sure we have an economy that works for all Americans and not just those at the top," Schwerin said in a statement. "That's why she believes that the measure of our success must be defined by how much income rises for hard-working families, not just CEOs and money managers."
Trump终于发推attack Carson了。
Trump (maybe his intern, lol) retweeted.
Now Trump has pulled Bush into an even more dangerous quagmire: his brother's presidency. Trump is reminding every Republican voter that nominating Jeb Bush will mean running a general election campaign with two disadvantages. First, Republicans will have to answer for George W. Bush's failures in a way they wouldn't if they nominated Marco Rubio or Carly Fiorina or Donald Trump; and second, they'll need to somehow explain why they're holding Hillary Clinton responsible for Obama's presidency even as they don't hold George W. Bush responsible for George W. Bush's presidency.
额, 哪个不要脸的媒体?
Iowa tie对Trump是好事啊,其他的大幅领先,媒体说的Trump其他的也被tie了一样?
Donald Trump may not be the President yet, but his constant criticism of Ford outsourcing jobs to Mexico has caused the auto tycoon to change course and bring the $2,000,000,000 plant back to the United States.
1 hour ago
Word is that Ford Motor, because of my constant badgering at packed events, is going to cancel their deal to go to Mexico and stay in U.S.
可怜的Christie,在amtrak quiet car上打手机,被complaint
Carson上次是说O8 care是worst thing happened after slavery? 我虽不喜欢O8 care,但这也有点夸张了。。。And, what's with Carson and slavery, why does he mention it all the time?
太好了,Trump继续tweet to attack Carson
1. 没有创造工作的经验,不懂经济
2. 不能negotiate deal
3. super low energy
4. weak on illegal immigration
5. 想抛弃medicare (Carson好像刚改口了?)
6. 所属教派有点怪异 - 有些人认为那个分支不是基督教。这点很聪明:只提到了宗教的名字,啥具体也不说,让你自己去挖
1. 年轻时曾经控制不住自己,violent倾向
2. 把abortion比成slavery
可惜它不懂,长时间做手术,只代表可以做labor work的能力而已,它会错了意,所以反击也不着要点。
Trump的young intern的retweet真对,Iowa人民的脑袋真TMD有问题
Trump在today show里回了关于tweet account的问题,说他90%的tweet都是自己写的,但是他还有很多别的事要做,所以剩下的是别人帮着,听着挺诚实的。
赞 doer~~~~~~
Video里的评论不错,说Iowa属于disproportionally evangelical,所以正好Carson合了这些人的胃口,但是总体来说只有Trump才能跟希老太对抗
不明白为啥。Sample republicans 575, margin of error 6 points.
Jacksonville, FL 集会后群众对Trump的comments
Over the weekend, Clinton had referred the first Democratic debate two weeks ago, wherein her closest rival, Bernie Sanders, said that "all the shouting in the world" would not solve gun violence.
"I've been told to stop, and I quote, shouting about gun violence," Clinton said at a campaign event on Friday. "Well, first of all, I'm not shouting. It's just when women talk, some people think we're shouting."
On Tuesday, Brzezinski, who has written two books on women empowerment in the workforce, said Clinton was being disingenuous. .
希拉里竟然对Sanders也要pull sexism card, 如果她上台了,群众还能说话吗?赞这个morning on joe的主持人,尽管是liberal,但是有底线。
他那些关于abortion的言论太可怕了,rape incest也要生下来,凭啥?这到大选时还不得被口水淹死。GOP要是选了Carson就提前自杀了。民主党巴不得对手是Carson, GOP可能觉得Carson可以当傀儡,两边媒体倒是挺一致。