You should read that article again. At no point does the article suggest any of the 3,900 emails were classified at the time they were sent. If you disagree, please cite the exact sentence(s) for reference.
BlueNDGold 发表于 9/30/2015 6:22:22 PM
您有阅读障碍? As part of Wednesday's release, officials upgraded the classification level of portions of 215 emails, State Department spokesman John Kirby told reporters. "The information we upgraded today was not marked classified at the time the emails were sent," Kirby said Wednesday. "It has been subsequently upgraded."
Wisconsin poll A new Marquette Law School Poll finds Gov. Scott Walker’s job approval at 37 percent with 59 percent disapproval among Wisconsin voters following his presidential bid. In August, 39 percent approved and 57 percent disapproved. Thirty-five percent say they would like to see Walker seek a third term as governor in 2018 while 62 percent would not. Support among Republican voters for a third-term bid is 79 percent.
With Walker out of the race, Donald Trump has moved into first place among Wisconsin Republican voters, with 20 percent support, followed by Ben Carson at 16 percent, Marco Rubio at 14 percent and Carly Fiorina at 11 percent. The remainder of the field includes Jeb Bush at 7 percent, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul each at 5 percent.
Hope Walker keeps his governor position in Wisconsin.
Kevin McCarthy on Fox News: “Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee. A select committee. What are her numbers today?”
Eschbach, Germany: City Council Evicts Rental House Tenants for Syrian Migrants, Report Says Gabrielle Keller and her neighbors were served eviction notices by the city council to make way for migrants, since local shelters are at maximum capacity, according to n-tv.
Shinzō Abe: Japanese Prime Minister Pledges $1.6 Billion for Syrian Crisis, Says He Can't Give Asylum "I would say that before accepting immigrants or refugees, we need to have more activities by women, elderly people and we must raise our birth rate," Abe said Tuesday at the U.N. General Assembly.
实在不想选Trump啊,看着太冲动太简单粗暴。怕他在国会开会时爆出一句,You are fired。怕他真地傻乎乎地搞坏投资和进出口。这人的Ego太大,国会管不住他啊。 可是,还有谁可选呢?现在这帮人都实在不靠谱啊。两边都一样不靠谱。 Dohremi 发表于 10/1/2015 1:45:19 PM
那个是show而已。你看看他的上面的CNN采访,就会放心很多。Someone who is stupid or overly impulsive wouldn't have achieved his status and wouldn't be successful at business. Many people, from left and right respect him, he is not the bigot some media trying to paint him as.
South Carolina poll: September 25-27 Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, conducted a random survey of 1,290 registered voters across South Carolina regarding the presidential election. The poll has a margin of error of +/- 3%.
那个是show而已。你看看他的上面的CNN采访,就会放心很多。Someone who is stupid or overly impulsive wouldn't have achieved his status and wouldn't be successful at business. Many people, from left and right respect him, he is not the bigot some media trying to paint him as.
不专制是靠三权分立制度保证的, and as an effective leader Trump listen to people, if you watched the 2nd debate and interviews afterwards."不同声音会被封杀" - 在满世界左媒的情况下,this may be your least concern if a GOP president is elected.
South Carolina poll: September 25-27 Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, conducted a random survey of 1,290 registered voters across South Carolina regarding the presidential election. The poll has a margin of error of +/- 3%.
Here’s What Donald Trump Said Right After The Oregon College Shooting
The Oregon college shooting was “a terrible tragedy,” Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said Thursday.
“It sounds like another mental health problem. So many of these people, they’re coming out of the woodwork. We have to really get to the bottom of it,” Trump told The Washington Post. Ten people were killed and seven injured in the shooting, which took Place at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Ore.
“It’s happening more and more,” he added. “I just don’t remember — years back, I just don’t remember these things happening. Certainly not with this kind of frequency.”
The problem is vast, Trump said Friday.
“It is a terrible situation. It’s huge, mental illness,” he said on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. “You’re going to have these things happen, and it’s a horrible thing to behold. Horrible.”
There are “very strong laws on the books,” Trump said, adding, “You’re always going to have problems.”
“People are going to slip through the cracks, and even if you did great mental health programs, people are going to slip through the cracks,” he said. “What are you going to do, institutionalize everybody?”
Trump said revelations about the shooter, identified as Chris Harper Mercer, are likely to fit a familiar pattern.
“Probably we’ll find out with him, like we did with numerous of the others, that gee whiz, they were loners and they were probably sick. You know, oftentimes this happens and the neighborhood says, you know, we sort of saw that about him, and it really looked like he could be a problem,” Trump said. “It’s awfully hard to put somebody in an institution for the rest of their lives based on the fact that he looks like he could be a problem.”
“So you are going to have difficulties — you’re going to have difficulties with many different things, not just this,” he said. “And that’s the way the world works, and by the way, that’s the way the world always has worked.”
-----His words made sense, but I'm not so sure if this case is caused by mental health or hatred.
Hewlett-Packard: No Employees Gave Reportable Amount to Ex-CEO Fiorina's Campaign, Report Says Of the 302,000 employees at HP, no staff and one current board member gave over $200, according to GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina’s campaign filings, The Daily Beast reported.
Hewlett Packard employees laid off by Carly Fiorina are lining up to appear in ads against her: Although it can’t say which campaign specifically, CNN says that “one rival campaign has already fielded offers from fired H-P workers to tell their stories on camera.” That means if Carly Fiorina does last far enough into the 2016 election cycle to get to the point where the competition runs negative ads about her, it’ll be her former employees who may get the last laugh.
National Poll September 30 through October 1, 2015: Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, conducted the random survey of 2,665 registered voters across the U.S. regarding the presidential election. The poll has a margin of error of +/- 1.9%. The polls were conducted on September 30 through October 1, 2015 using interactive voice response, IVR, technology and weighted separately for each population in the question presented.
@POTUS: “Iran and Assad make up Mr. Putin’s coalition at the moment. The rest of the world makes up ours.” ---I'm confused, isn't Iran supposed to be on our side after the deal?
Washington (CNN) If Donald Trump bests Ben Carson to win the White House, the former neurosurgeon may have a special place in Washington regardless -- in the Trump administration.
Trump said Friday that he would "absolutely" put Carson in his Cabinet if he were to win the presidency.
Washington (CNN) If Donald Trump bests Ben Carson to win the White House, the former neurosurgeon may have a special place in Washington regardless -- in the Trump administration.
Trump said Friday that he would "absolutely" put Carson in his Cabinet if he were to win the presidency. luckyso 发表于 10/2/2015 5:22:29 PM
Washington (CNN) If Donald Trump bests Ben Carson to win the White House, the former neurosurgeon may have a special place in Washington regardless -- in the Trump administration.
Trump said Friday that he would "absolutely" put Carson in his Cabinet if he were to win the presidency. luckyso 发表于 10/2/2015 5:22:29 PM
On Syria, Barack Obama Takes a Rare Jab at Hillary Clinton:
Mrs. Clinton, whose instincts are more hawkish than those of Mr. Obama, plainly differs with him on how best to solve the Syrian conflict. In a recent TV interview she described U.S. efforts to arm rebels opposing the Syrian regime as a failure. This week she called for no-fly zone over Syria in an effort to curb the fighting. The White House does not favor such a step.
At one point in his news conference, Mr. Obama mentioned that some people have offered “half-baked” ideas when it comes to ending the Syrian war.
Asked later if he would describe Mrs. Clinton in such terms, the president said, “Hillary is not half-baked in terms of her approach to these problems. She was obviously my secretary of state. But I also think there’s a difference between running for president and being president.
FAIRBANKS, Alaska (AP) — A man whose legal name is Santa Claus is running for a City Council seat in the tiny Alaska town of North Pole.
The Fairbanks Daily News-Miner ( reports Claus has launched a write-in campaign for the office. Claus, whose driver’s license bears his legal name of Santa Claus, is the former president of the North Pole Chamber of Commerce.
Two seats on the City Council are up for election. No one filed for office, however, during the regular filing period.
FAIRBANKS, Alaska (AP) — A man whose legal name is Santa Claus is running for a City Council seat in the tiny Alaska town of North Pole.
The Fairbanks Daily News-Miner ( reports Claus has launched a write-in campaign for the office. Claus, whose driver’s license bears his legal name of Santa Claus, is the former president of the North Pole Chamber of Commerce.
Two seats on the City Council are up for election. No one filed for office, however, during the regular filing period.
@POTUS: “Iran and Assad make up Mr. Putin’s coalition at the moment. The rest of the world makes up ours.” ---I'm confused, isn't Iran supposed to be on our side after the deal? luckyso 发表于 10/2/2015 4:13:52 PM
Washington (CNN) If Donald Trump bests Ben Carson to win the White House, the former neurosurgeon may have a special place in Washington regardless -- in the Trump administration.
Trump said Friday that he would "absolutely" put Carson in his Cabinet if he were to win the presidency. luckyso 发表于 10/2/2015 5:22:29 PM
Earlier this month, presidential frontrunner Donald Trump outlined his strategy to CNN: “I would go in and take the oil and I’d put troops to protect the oil. I would absolutely go and I’d take the money source away. And believe me, they would start to wither and they would collapse,” Trump said on CNN’s New Day. “I would take the oil away, I’d take their money away.”
Trump's strategy was largely dismissed by so called experts, but was apparently good enough for Vladimir Putin.
Trump campaign sent a "care package" to Rubio's Washington campaign office that contained a 24-bottle case of "Trump Ice Natural Spring Water," with Trump's face on it, two "Make America Great Again" towels and bumper stickers and a note reading, "Since you're always sweating, we thought you could use some water. Enjoy!"
A Trump campaign aide said they added the towels "for him sweating," and described the overall gesture as a lighthearted prank.
那个是show而已。你看看他的上面的CNN采访,就会放心很多。Someone who is stupid or overly impulsive wouldn't have achieved his status and wouldn't be successful at business. Many people, from left and right respect him, he is not the bigot some media trying to paint him as.luckyso 发表于 2015-10-05 20:17 PM
Which episode do you remember? I may watch it later. I got the impression Trump listens to other opinions but in the end he makes his own decision. But as president he would delegate more, because there are so many areas to manage, you can't be an expert of everything. Trump is not crazy, he will be more prudent when making important decisions. O8 is stubborn as well although he's perceived weak.
Actually it's different. Rubio's idea is to set up safety zone for refugees and "rebels", which itself is self-contradicting, if you have rebels, Assad would not stop attacking you, how can that be safe for refugees? If you want to set up safety zones, it has to be neutral, for humanitarian purpose only, otherwise the plan has no chance in reality.
Actually it's different. Rubio's idea is to set up safety zone for refugees and "rebels", which itself is self-contradicting, if you have rebels, Assad would not stop attacking you, how can that be safe for refugees? If you want to set up safety zones, it has to be neutral, for humanitarian purpose only, otherwise the plan has no chance in reality.
哎呦,看完了Celebrity Apprentice 2大结局,快把我气晕了,Trump怎么让Joan Rivers赢了,lier,外加getting everything too personal, not being professional at all,整天骂人骂得及其恶心,再加上成天打断不让别人讲话,简直一个自私的疯老太,外加她那个自以为是的自私的女儿,整天把别人的credit说成自己的。 不过忽然一下,我好像明白了,因为Joan的对手Anne的charity是帮助international refugee,除了给钱,还帮忙弄签证给弄到美国来。看了Trump对难民的立场,终于明白为啥让Joan赢了,但这私心也太重了。
哎呦,看完了Celebrity Apprentice 2大结局,快把我气晕了,Trump怎么让Joan Rivers赢了,lier,外加getting everything too personal, not being professional at all,整天骂人骂得及其恶心,再加上成天打断不让别人讲话,简直一个自私的疯老太,外加她那个自以为是的自私的女儿,整天把别人的credit说成自己的。 不过忽然一下,我好像明白了,因为Joan的对手Anne的charity是帮助international refugee,除了给钱,还帮忙弄签证给弄到美国来。看了Trump对难民的立场,终于明白为啥让Joan赢了,但这私心也太重了。 PositiveVibe 发表于 10/6/2015 10:00:36 PM
It's a show... Don't take it too serious. That's why I don't watch much of reality shows, they are not "reality" at all, ratings are everything, conflicts and controversy are amplified and the result is predetermined no matter how players perform... I'm so pissed at Master Chef finale I won't watch it next season.
Ben Carson: Republican Presidential Candidate Says He Would Have Attacked Oregon Shooter "I would not just stand there and let him shoot me ... I would say, 'Hey guys! Everybody attack him! He may shoot me but he can't get us all!'" Carson said during a "Fox & Friends" interview Tuesday.
It's a show... Don't take it too serious. That's why I don't watch much of reality shows, they are not "reality" at all, ratings are everything, conflicts and controversy are amplified and the result is predetermined no matter how players perform... I'm so pissed at Master Chef finale I won't watch it next season.
Ben Carson: Republican Presidential Candidate Says He Would Have Attacked Oregon Shooter "I would not just stand there and let him shoot me ... I would say, 'Hey guys! Everybody attack him! He may shoot me but he can't get us all!'" Carson said during a "Fox & Friends" interview Tuesday. luckyso 发表于 10/6/2015 10:47:54 PM
I think he wants to remind people in future similar situations, people should fight. But the well intended reminder can also be interpreted as blaming current victims. I guess he didn't think through when he made the comments.
Carson can't defend for himself? Why does it need Trump to say something for him? Clearly according to Trump, O8 could, but not Carson? Does that mean Trump considers Carson is even weaker than O8?
You are so persistent... I thought you would not watch the show any more
luckyso 发表于 10/7/2015 1:21:49 AM
It starts to get boring over time, same old same old But I'm looking from project management perspective to see if anything that sticks out and could inspire me potentially
Carson can't defend for himself? Why does it need Trump to say something for him? Clearly according to Trump, O8 could, but not Carson? Does that mean Trump considers Carson is even weaker than O8? PositiveVibe 发表于 10/7/2015 1:28:53 PM
It starts to get boring over time, same old same old But I'm looking from project management perspective to see if anything that sticks out and could inspire me potentially
A Trump/Carson ticket beats them all... However in my opinion it's too early to predict general election, too many uncertainties at this point. Next milestone would be Biden announcing and how that would shake up Dem side.
Trump laid out for the first time in detail the elements of what will be the second chapter of his 2016 bid, signaling an evolution toward a somewhat more traditional campaign. Trump is preparing his first television ads with a media firm that is new to politics. Melania, his wife, and Ivanka, his daughter, are planning public appearances highlighting women’s health issues to help close Trump’s empathy gap with female voters.
Trump said that in the next debate, which will be held Oct. 28 in Boulder, Colo., he will change tactics and insert himself more energetically in an effort to put questions about his previous performance to rest.
Dr. Ben Carson deserves a “‘coon of the year’ award,” says a tweet from Anthea Butler, a University of Pennsylvania religious-studies professor and a frequent MSNBC guest. The Urban Dictionary website defines “coon” as a “Insulting term for a black person.”
------Why we don't see main stream media out on this? Racial slur protection doesn't apply to GOP blacks?
As part of Wednesday's release, officials upgraded the classification level of portions of 215 emails, State Department spokesman John Kirby told reporters.
"The information we upgraded today was not marked classified at the time the emails were sent," Kirby said Wednesday. "It has been subsequently upgraded."
A new Marquette Law School Poll finds Gov. Scott Walker’s job approval at 37 percent with 59 percent disapproval among Wisconsin voters following his presidential bid. In August, 39 percent approved and 57 percent disapproved. Thirty-five percent say they would like to see Walker seek a third term as governor in 2018 while 62 percent would not. Support among Republican voters for a third-term bid is 79 percent.
With Walker out of the race, Donald Trump has moved into first place among Wisconsin Republican voters, with 20 percent support, followed by Ben Carson at 16 percent, Marco Rubio at 14 percent and Carly Fiorina at 11 percent. The remainder of the field includes Jeb Bush at 7 percent, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul each at 5 percent.
Hope Walker keeps his governor position in Wisconsin.
The interviewer Don Lemon seems fair.
This person's IQ is worrisome.
Gabrielle Keller and her neighbors were served eviction notices by the city council to make way for migrants, since local shelters are at maximum capacity, according to n-tv.
"I would say that before accepting immigrants or refugees, we need to have more activities by women, elderly people and we must raise our birth rate," Abe said Tuesday at the U.N. General Assembly.
那个是show而已。你看看他的上面的CNN采访,就会放心很多。Someone who is stupid or overly impulsive wouldn't have achieved his status and wouldn't be successful at business. Many people, from left and right respect him, he is not the bigot some media trying to paint him as.
Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, conducted a random survey of 1,290 registered voters across South Carolina regarding the presidential election. The poll has a margin of error of +/- 3%.
The Oregon college shooting was “a terrible tragedy,” Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said Thursday.
“It sounds like another mental health problem. So many of these people, they’re coming out of the woodwork. We have to really get to the bottom of it,” Trump told The Washington Post. Ten people were killed and seven injured in the shooting, which took Place at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Ore.
“It’s happening more and more,” he added. “I just don’t remember — years back, I just don’t remember these things happening. Certainly not with this kind of frequency.”
The problem is vast, Trump said Friday.
“It is a terrible situation. It’s huge, mental illness,” he said on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. “You’re going to have these things happen, and it’s a horrible thing to behold. Horrible.”
There are “very strong laws on the books,” Trump said, adding, “You’re always going to have problems.”
“People are going to slip through the cracks, and even if you did great mental health programs, people are going to slip through the cracks,” he said. “What are you going to do, institutionalize everybody?”
Trump said revelations about the shooter, identified as Chris Harper Mercer, are likely to fit a familiar pattern.
“Probably we’ll find out with him, like we did with numerous of the others, that gee whiz, they were loners and they were probably sick. You know, oftentimes this happens and the neighborhood says, you know, we sort of saw that about him, and it really looked like he could be a problem,” Trump said. “It’s awfully hard to put somebody in an institution for the rest of their lives based on the fact that he looks like he could be a problem.”
“So you are going to have difficulties — you’re going to have difficulties with many different things, not just this,” he said. “And that’s the way the world works, and by the way, that’s the way the world always has worked.”
-----His words made sense, but I'm not so sure if this case is caused by mental health or hatred.
Of the 302,000 employees at HP, no staff and one current board member gave over $200, according to GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina’s campaign filings, The Daily Beast reported.
Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, conducted the random survey of 2,665 registered voters across the U.S. regarding the presidential election. The poll has a margin of error of +/- 1.9%. The polls were conducted on September 30 through October 1, 2015 using interactive voice response, IVR, technology and weighted separately for each population in the question presented.
---I'm confused, isn't Iran supposed to be on our side after the deal?
Trump said Friday that he would "absolutely" put Carson in his Cabinet if he were to win the presidency.
Mrs. Clinton, whose instincts are more hawkish than those of Mr. Obama, plainly differs with him on how best to solve the Syrian conflict. In a recent TV interview she described U.S. efforts to arm rebels opposing the Syrian regime as a failure. This week she called for no-fly zone over Syria in an effort to curb the fighting. The White House does not favor such a step.
At one point in his news conference, Mr. Obama mentioned that some people have offered “half-baked” ideas when it comes to ending the Syrian war.
Asked later if he would describe Mrs. Clinton in such terms, the president said, “Hillary is not half-baked in terms of her approach to these problems. She was obviously my secretary of state. But I also think there’s a difference between running for president and being president.
On this rare occasion I have to agree with Obama. He is at least not crazy after all.
Education? But I think Carson is an intelligent and honest person and he will serve a very good example for US people especially the blacks.
The sun must have risen from the wrong side....
The Fairbanks Daily News-Miner ( reports Claus has launched a write-in campaign for the office. Claus, whose driver’s license bears his legal name of Santa Claus, is the former president of the North Pole Chamber of Commerce.
Two seats on the City Council are up for election. No one filed for office, however, during the regular filing period.
Then what this Iran deal is for? I originally thought it was to have them fight ISIS, but Iran might be doing it any way with Russia? Confused...
“I would go in and take the oil and I’d put troops to protect the oil. I would absolutely go and I’d take the money source away. And believe me, they would start to wither and they would collapse,” Trump said on CNN’s New Day. “I would take the oil away, I’d take their money away.”
Trump's strategy was largely dismissed by so called experts, but was apparently good enough for Vladimir Putin.
A Trump campaign aide said they added the towels "for him sweating," and described the overall gesture as a lighthearted prank.
Is that person fired in that episode?
Which episode do you remember? I may watch it later. I got the impression Trump listens to other opinions but in the end he makes his own decision. But as president he would delegate more, because there are so many areas to manage, you can't be an expert of everything. Trump is not crazy, he will be more prudent when making important decisions. O8 is stubborn as well although he's perceived weak.
可是有一次他邀请所有实习生去他家的豪宅, 他老婆和他对客人就一点所谓的架子都没有,就是自然邻居聊天那种。
现在选总统, 他爱自己的国家, 喜欢他的治国观点,就够了。支持 TRUMP。
不过忽然一下,我好像明白了,因为Joan的对手Anne的charity是帮助international refugee,除了给钱,还帮忙弄签证给弄到美国来。看了Trump对难民的立场,终于明白为啥让Joan赢了,但这私心也太重了。
明明是Joan对event planner各种不信任各种言语上的鄙视,又说要找别人做,结果人家才不接她的活了,导致Anne也失去了event planner,因为两人公用同一家公司
可是她非说是因为Anne对party design的要求过多才导致event planner overwhelmed中途quit了
本来以为Trump会主持公道,没想到他却问Anne,是不是你的要求过多使planner overwhelmed了,是这样的吧,这简直是欲加之罪啊,Anne说不是,Joan说她lie,可是她自己才是个lier
然后Trump后来又说Anne,你老说Joan骂你,你不是也骂她希望她死吗,我心说,Anne如果当初能听到现在Trump说的话,肯定可以照搬,就说自己是个counter puncher,人不犯我,我不犯人
It's a show... Don't take it too serious. That's why I don't watch much of reality shows, they are not "reality" at all, ratings are everything, conflicts and controversy are amplified and the result is predetermined no matter how players perform... I'm so pissed at Master Chef finale I won't watch it next season.
"I would not just stand there and let him shoot me ... I would say, 'Hey guys! Everybody attack him! He may shoot me but he can't get us all!'" Carson said during a "Fox & Friends" interview Tuesday.
liberal media is bashing him for victim blaming... I'm not sure to agree or disagree... Trump has a big mouth, Carson is so very honest ...
Had Bill Clinton run, he would've won again.
Carson can't defend for himself? Why does it need Trump to say something for him? Clearly according to Trump, O8 could, but not Carson? Does that mean Trump considers Carson is even weaker than O8?
Not so sure if he could win again though
People are pretty tired of him so does his wife
But I'm looking from project management perspective to see if anything that sticks out and could inspire me potentially
哎呀, 他们一个 team 吗。TRUMP 要显示一下领导的范。
Biden v Carson (45-42)
Biden v Bush (46-42)
Biden v Fiorina (49-38)
Biden v Rubio (46-43)
Biden v Trump (52-38)
Clinton v Bush (43-44)
Clinton v Carson (45-43)
Clinton v Fiorina (44-42)
Clinton v Rubio (44-45)
Clinton v Trump (46-41)
Sanders v Bush (41-45)
Sanders v Carson (40-46)
Sanders v Fiorina (41-42)
Sanders v Rubio (41-46)
Sanders v Trump (46-41)
If you look at the rankings provided by a liberal publication, they will most likely provide examples of Republican gerrymandering.
Gerrymandering is a tactic used extensively by both parties. Here are a few more if you're interested:
However in my opinion it's too early to predict general election, too many uncertainties at this point. Next milestone would be Biden announcing and how that would shake up Dem side.
Finally I agree with her on something...
Trump laid out for the first time in detail the elements of what will be the second chapter of his 2016 bid, signaling an evolution toward a somewhat more traditional campaign. Trump is preparing his first television ads with a media firm that is new to politics. Melania, his wife, and Ivanka, his daughter, are planning public appearances highlighting women’s health issues to help close Trump’s empathy gap with female voters.
Trump said that in the next debate, which will be held Oct. 28 in Boulder, Colo., he will change tactics and insert himself more energetically in an effort to put questions about his previous performance to rest.
The Urban Dictionary website defines “coon” as a “Insulting term for a black person.”
------Why we don't see main stream media out on this? Racial slur protection doesn't apply to GOP blacks?
This person is really not helping.
GOP is in disarray...