(CNN) — Marco Rubio says he plans to attend the Republican convention, will release his delegates to vote for Donald Trump and would be willing to speak on Trump's behalf.
"I want to be helpful. I don't want to be harmful, because I don't want Hillary Clinton to be president," Rubio told CNN's Jake Tapper in an interview.
"Look, my policy differences with Donald Trump -- I spent 11 months talking about them. So I think they're well understood," Rubio said. "That said ... I don't want Hillary Clinton to be president. If there's something I can do to help that from happening, and it's helpful to the cause, I'd most certainly be honored to be considered for that."
He also said his political aspirations aren't over, calling it a "safe assumption" that he'll run for office -- the presidency or something else -- again.
"I can tell you I enjoy public service. If there's an opportunity to serve again in a way that I feel passionate about, I'll most certainly think I would explore it," Rubio said. "But I don't know where I'm going to be in two years. I don't know what my life will look like then."
The Florida senator's decision to embrace his former rival is the latest sign that top Republicans are embracing Trump, who has now racked up the 1,237 delegates necessary to clinch the party's nomination at its convention in Cleveland in July.
It's a remarkable reversal for a former 2016 presidential candidate who earlier this year tweeted using the #NeverTrump hashtag, indicating he'd joined the ranks of Republicans who would refuse to vote for the presumptive GOP nominee no matter the circumstances.
Asked specifically if he'd speak on Trump's behalf if Trump asked, Rubio said: "Yes."
He also said he'll release the 167 delegates he won during the primary, with victories in Minnesota and Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. Rubio won the third-most delegates, behind Trump and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz -- besting Ohio Gov. John Kasich even though Kasich stayed in the race several weeks after Rubio departed on the night he lost at home in Florida.
Rubio said he's not interested in being Trump's vice presidential running mate, saying he "wouldn't be the right choice" for Trump.
"He won the nomination and he deserves to have a running mate that more fully embraces some of the things he stands for," Rubio said.
Rubio, who was Florida's state House speaker before being elected to a single term in the Senate in 2010, isn't running for re-election and will depart office in January 2017.
Donald Trump will spend part of Memorial Day weekend saluting the nation's veterans at the Rolling Thunder motorcycle rally. Trump is set to speak at the event in Washington, D.C., on Sunday afternoon.
把O8的前言后语连起来, 显然是说美国evil. 他的中心是解除核武器. Obama said that "71 years ago on a bright, cloudless morning, death fell from the sky and the world was changed." "A flash of light and a wall of fire destroyed a city, and demonstrated that mankind possessed the means to destroy itself," the President added during his address at the site of the first nuclear bombing.
He said "Why do we come to this place, to Hiroshima? We come to ponder the terrible forces unleashed in the not so distant past. We come to mourn the dead ... their souls speak to us and ask us to look inward. To take stock of who we are and what we might become."
“Let all the souls here rest in peace, for we shall not repeat the evil,” the president said.
把O8的前言后语连起来, 显然是说美国evil. 他的中心是解除核武器. Obama said that "71 years ago on a bright, cloudless morning, death fell from the sky and the world was changed." "A flash of light and a wall of fire destroyed a city, and demonstrated that mankind possessed the means to destroy itself," the President added during his address at the site of the first nuclear bombing.
He said "Why do we come to this place, to Hiroshima? We come to ponder the terrible forces unleashed in the not so distant past. We come to mourn the dead ... their souls speak to us and ask us to look inward. To take stock of who we are and what we might become."
把O8的前言后语连起来, 显然是说美国evil. 他的中心是解除核武器. Obama said that "71 years ago on a bright, cloudless morning, death fell from the sky and the world was changed." "A flash of light and a wall of fire destroyed a city, and demonstrated that mankind possessed the means to destroy itself," the President added during his address at the site of the first nuclear bombing.
He said "Why do we come to this place, to Hiroshima? We come to ponder the terrible forces unleashed in the not so distant past. We come to mourn the dead ... their souls speak to us and ask us to look inward. To take stock of who we are and what we might become."
“Let all the souls here rest in peace, for we shall not repeat the evil,” the president said.
把O8的前言后语连起来, 显然是说美国evil. 他的中心是解除核武器. Obama said that "71 years ago on a bright, cloudless morning, death fell from the sky and the world was changed." "A flash of light and a wall of fire destroyed a city, and demonstrated that mankind possessed the means to destroy itself," the President added during his address at the site of the first nuclear bombing.
He said "Why do we come to this place, to Hiroshima? We come to ponder the terrible forces unleashed in the not so distant past. We come to mourn the dead ... their souls speak to us and ask us to look inward. To take stock of who we are and what we might become."
“Let all the souls here rest in peace, for we shall not repeat the evil,” the president said.
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07
This is why Donald Trump deserves to be president! - MUST SEE COMPILATION!
这事如果是真的,干的太漂亮了,要知道船长一开始的口号就是make america great again,手段啊
http://www.cnn.com/2016/05/26/po ... ld-trump/index.html
(CNN) — Marco Rubio says he plans to attend the Republican convention, will release his delegates to vote for Donald Trump and would be willing to speak on Trump's behalf.
"I want to be helpful. I don't want to be harmful, because I don't want Hillary Clinton to be president," Rubio told CNN's Jake Tapper in an interview.
"Look, my policy differences with Donald Trump -- I spent 11 months talking about them. So I think they're well understood," Rubio said. "That said ... I don't want Hillary Clinton to be president. If there's something I can do to help that from happening, and it's helpful to the cause, I'd most certainly be honored to be considered for that."
He also said his political aspirations aren't over, calling it a "safe assumption" that he'll run for office -- the presidency or something else -- again.
"I can tell you I enjoy public service. If there's an opportunity to serve again in a way that I feel passionate about, I'll most certainly think I would explore it," Rubio said. "But I don't know where I'm going to be in two years. I don't know what my life will look like then."
The Florida senator's decision to embrace his former rival is the latest sign that top Republicans are embracing Trump, who has now racked up the 1,237 delegates necessary to clinch the party's nomination at its convention in Cleveland in July.
It's a remarkable reversal for a former 2016 presidential candidate who earlier this year tweeted using the #NeverTrump hashtag, indicating he'd joined the ranks of Republicans who would refuse to vote for the presumptive GOP nominee no matter the circumstances.
Asked specifically if he'd speak on Trump's behalf if Trump asked, Rubio said: "Yes."
He also said he'll release the 167 delegates he won during the primary, with victories in Minnesota and Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. Rubio won the third-most delegates, behind Trump and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz -- besting Ohio Gov. John Kasich even though Kasich stayed in the race several weeks after Rubio departed on the night he lost at home in Florida.
Rubio said he's not interested in being Trump's vice presidential running mate, saying he "wouldn't be the right choice" for Trump.
"He won the nomination and he deserves to have a running mate that more fully embraces some of the things he stands for," Rubio said.
Rubio, who was Florida's state House speaker before being elected to a single term in the Senate in 2010, isn't running for re-election and will depart office in January 2017.
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
Donald Trump will spend part of Memorial Day weekend saluting the nation's veterans at the Rolling Thunder motorcycle rally.
Trump is set to speak at the event in Washington, D.C., on Sunday afternoon.
摩托车游行从五角大楼到national mall。
估计也是偶尔解解馋,我们不偶尔也吃吃fast food 方便面解解馋么
二战不是反法西斯的胜利吗?怎么是evil? 虽然这是tragedy,但绝对不是evil啊?奥巴是啥逻辑?他们天天不是说Trump法西斯吗?自己反而去为打败法西斯道歉去了??
把O8的前言后语连起来, 显然是说美国evil. 他的中心是解除核武器.
Obama said that "71 years ago on a bright, cloudless morning, death fell from the sky and the world was changed."
"A flash of light and a wall of fire destroyed a city, and demonstrated that mankind possessed the means to destroy itself," the President added during his address at the site of the first nuclear bombing.
He said "Why do we come to this place, to Hiroshima? We come to ponder the terrible forces unleashed in the not so distant past. We come to mourn the dead ... their souls speak to us and ask us to look inward. To take stock of who we are and what we might become."
“Let all the souls here rest in peace, for we shall not repeat the evil,” the president said.
O8这个十足的卖国贼, 他怎么不到珍珠港去说这话 。
主流媒体一直对O8的卖国行为粉饰. 有一些明白人出来说话, 可惜音量太小.
Obama’s shameful apology tour lands in Hiroshima: http://nypost.com/2016/05/26/obamas-shameful-apology-tour-lands-in-hiroshima/
On Behalf Of The United States, Obama Apologizes For Winning WWII
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/05/27/on-behalf-of-the-united-states-obama-apologizes-for-winning-wwii/#ixzz49syXyNCm
Iran可以拥核是因为O8恨以色列啊. 看到O8才真正意识到什么是披着羊皮的狼.
安倍说了,不会去珍珠港。战败理亏一方都有个气节, O8简直无语,还说美国evil
现在说evil, 特么让当年为国卖命的,尤其马上memorial day,让老兵们情何以堪??
还有边防查 illegal 的,08直接阻止他们干正常工作,具体说了啥的我忘记了,他们也怒了,等于直接说他们的工作,毫无价值!
ICE spends millions flying illegal immigrant children across US
奥黑疯了, 他收了鬼子多少钱啊。
Love Trumps
二战那个原子弹确实悲哀, 但是日本马上就投降了, 否则美国一样会持续轰炸,双方军队包括平民一样是有死亡得啊?
继续炸下去还有战场上打下去再耗一段时间世界上会死更多得人包括日本, 原子弹主要是想要震慑力量短期内结束战争。
也因日本对中国进行过 “重庆大轰炸” “成都大轰炸”…… 使得“东京大轰炸”事件 缺少了推动美国政府为此道歉的道德推动力。
后来, 据日本官员说, 燃烧弹空袭使工业“生产严重受损”。日本前首相近卫文麿也曾指出,东京大轰炸使日本开始考虑停战。
我当然认为日本二战很evil 但对原子弹事件 我有种黄种人的立场
美国太平洋战役同盟国共死亡12万人, 伤43万, 他们不想再打,希望日本尽快投降。 日本方死了1百多万, 坚持不投降啊。
如果没扔原子弹, 日本继续顽抗下去, 美军会有更大得伤亡损失。不理解为什么要道歉!!! 美国自己愿意再多死个几十万人吗?
但奥巴马我就担心他步子迈太大(不是向进步迈的意思),反而让中间派反感 激起反弹。连我都觉得吓了一下
给过日本投降得机会, 美国和盟军都不想灭掉日本只是想结束战争, 当时日本还占据中国和一些亚洲国家, 日本不愿投降, 宁可选择死战, 不扔原子弹以后得战斗就是像太平洋岛一样, 如果当时奥巴马当总统他是打算看着美军和盟友跟日本军队一起在太平洋拼死吗?还能有什么更正确得决定?
广岛这件事最该反思得就是日本自己吧, 日本几百年都是幕府统治, 崇尚武士道精神, 只相信武力,主动跳起战争, 在亚洲杀害了多少人。 二战虽然过去了, 我们还是不要忘记过去。
如果论人道主义, 美国早在东京大轰炸就开始使用燃烧弹了,
事实证明, 三月十日的东京大轰炸在战争史上是任何交战国所遭受的最大灾难之一。才一夜的功夫, B-29 就几乎摧毁了东京中心十六平方哩的面积, 将近百分之二十五的建筑----二十六万七千一百七十一幢建筑物----被炸成废墟。据目击者说, 在大火蔓延过来之前, 炽热的高温已经使整个防火线熊熊燃烧。混凝土建筑物中的易燃材料被烧得一乾二净, 不留丝毫痕迹。人员伤亡惨重, 那一夜死亡的人数比广岛或长崎在原子弹爆炸中死亡的人数还多.