But there is another temptation which we must especially guard against: the simplistic reductionism which sees only good or evil; or, if you will, the righteous and sinners.
But there is another temptation which we must especially guard against: the simplistic reductionism which sees only good or evil; or, if you will, the righteous and sinners.
To be honest I think that reaction was purely shock and disbelief. But you obviously have a different perspective.
BlueNDGold 发表于 9/24/2015 8:06:22 PM
A bit shock at the beginning, and then secretly delighted. The other day she was also smiling delightfully when someone started to trash Trump. The bias is all over her face. Have you seen that on other commentators? At least they can keep a straight face.
AMONG liberals, it’s almost universally assumed that of the two major parties, it’s the Republicans who have become more extreme over the years. That’s a self-flattering but false narrative.
To see just how far the Democratic Party has moved to the left, compare Barack Obama with Bill Clinton. In 1992, Mr. Clinton ran as a centrist New Democrat. In several respects he governed as one as well. He endorsed a sentencing policy of “three strikes and you’re out,” and he proposed adding 100,000 police officers to the streets.
In contrast, President Obama’s former attorney general, Eric H. Holder Jr., criticized what he called “widespread incarceration” and championed the first decrease in the federal prison population in more than three decades. Mr. Obama, meanwhile, has chosen to focus on police abuses.
One of the crowning legislative achievements under Mr. Clinton was welfare reform. Mr. Obama, on the other hand, loosened welfare-to-work requirements. Mr. Obama is more liberal than Mr. Clinton was on gay rights, religious liberties, abortion rights, drug legalization and climate change. He has focused far more attention on income inequality than did Mr. Clinton, who stressed opportunity and mobility. While Mr. Clinton ended one entitlement program (Aid to Families With Dependent Children), Mr. Obama is responsible for creating the Affordable Care Act, the largest new entitlement since the Great Society. He is the first president to essentially nationalize health care.
Mr. Clinton lowered the capital-gains tax rate; Mr. Obama has proposed raising it. Mr. Clinton cut spending and produced a surplus. Under Mr. Obama, spending and the deficit reached record levels. In foreign policy, Mr. Obama has shown himself to be far more critical of traditional allies and more supine toward our adversaries than Mr. Clinton was. Mr. Obama has often acted as if American strength is a problem to which the solution is retrenchment, or even retreat. 克林顿是温和派,奥巴马绝对不是。
奥巴马当选前,我在某个网站留言开玩笑说,he will make people miss Bush. 我个人一点也不喜欢奥巴马,无论是医改,还是撤军,还是移民。但是他真的不是一个极左的总统。 左派其实对他很失望,如果你留意过政治新闻超过5年以上就知道了。他对左派关注的类似同性恋婚姻,改善种族关系,以及给非法移民合法身份的关心程度远不及他对塑造美国在国际社会“负责任的大国”的热衷。以前就有研究说过这个和奥巴马的成长环境有关。他其实有很长的第三世界国家成长的经历。他竭力推广的医改也和他母亲得了癌症后医疗经历和巨额账单有关。 我最初并不喜欢trump,纯粹是他在电视里面就是一个big bully的形象,但是他给那些政治正确的人的耳光非常的令我赞叹。而且他tone down以后,我发现他其实也可以当实用主义,这点我也很喜欢。不过我并不看好他的electability。这个涉及的东西太多。
奥巴马当选前,我在某个网站留言开玩笑说,he will make people miss Bush. 我个人一点也不喜欢奥巴马,无论是医改,还是撤军,还是移民。但是他真的不是一个极左的总统。 左派其实对他很失望,如果你留意过政治新闻超过5年以上就知道了。他对左派关注的类似同性恋婚姻,改善种族关系,以及给非法移民合法身份的关心程度远不及他对塑造美国在国际社会“负责任的大国”的热衷。以前就有研究说过这个和奥巴马的成长环境有关。他其实有很长的第三世界国家成长的经历。他竭力推广的医改也和他母亲得了癌症后医疗经历和巨额账单有关。 我最初并不喜欢trump,纯粹是他在电视里面就是一个big bully的形象,但是他给那些政治正确的人的耳光非常的令我赞叹。而且他tone down以后,我发现他其实也可以当实用主义,这点我也很喜欢。不过我并不看好他的electability。这个涉及的东西太多。
奥巴马当选前,我在某个网站留言开玩笑说,he will make people miss Bush. 我个人一点也不喜欢奥巴马,无论是医改,还是撤军,还是移民。但是他真的不是一个极左的总统。 左派其实对他很失望,如果你留意过政治新闻超过5年以上就知道了。他对左派关注的类似同性恋婚姻,改善种族关系,以及给非法移民合法身份的关心程度远不及他对塑造美国在国际社会“负责任的大国”的热衷。以前就有研究说过这个和奥巴马的成长环境有关。他其实有很长的第三世界国家成长的经历。他竭力推广的医改也和他母亲得了癌症后医疗经历和巨额账单有关。 我最初并不喜欢trump,纯粹是他在电视里面就是一个big bully的形象,但是他给那些政治正确的人的耳光非常的令我赞叹。而且他tone down以后,我发现他其实也可以当实用主义,这点我也很喜欢。不过我并不看好他的electability。这个涉及的东西太多。
其实我觉得我们对“极左”的定义不同,我的默认是不是central-left的就是,可有些定义均贫富那种才是。就和极右一样,有人觉得反对任何情况下的堕胎就是极右,也有人觉得“元首”那种才是。上次看到一个片子,说无政府才是极左。。。那O8显然不是。所以大家讨论的可能不是在一个假设下。 My point being, O8 is far more to the left than Clinton, who is widely recognized as a moderate central-left. As a country, we need someone more to the center.
[quote]其实我觉得我们对“极左”的定义不同,我的默认是不是central-left的就是,可有些定义均贫富那种才是。就和极右一样,有人觉得反对任何情况下的堕胎就是极右,也有人觉得“元首”那种才是。上次看到一个片子,说无政府才是极左。。。那O8显然不是。所以大家讨论的可能不是在一个假设下。 My point being, O8 is far more to the left than Clinton, who is widely recognized as a moderate central-left. As a country, we need someone more to the center. [color=#999999]luckyso 发表于 9/25/2015 12:28:34 PM [/color][url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1868851&postid=69184358#69184358][img]http://forums.huaren.us/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url][/quote]
CNN的文章: http://www.cnn.com/2012/10/05/health/youn-liability-reform/ According to OpenSecrets.org, since 1990, the American Association for Justice, previously known as the Association of Trial Lawyers of America, has given 92% of its $36.8 million in contributions to Democrats.
The association is also a large contributor to President Barack Obama's re-election campaign. It is opposed to malpractice tort reform, for obvious reasons, and I suspect that it may have played a significant role in the absence of malpractice liability reform in the Affordable Care Act. 拿了钱后是很难和donor对着干。
“I will say, the early reports are discouraging. If it is correct that the speaker, before he resigns, has cut a deal with Nancy Pelosi to fund the Obama administration for the rest of its tenure, to fund Obamacare, to fund executive amnesty, to fund Planned Parenthood, to fund implementation of this Iran deal — and then, presumably, to land in a cushy K Street job after joining with the Democrats to implement all of President Obama’s priorities, that is not the behavior one would expect of a Republican speaker of the House,” Cruz told reporters at the conservative Values Voter Summit in Washington.
The unconfirmed report came from conservative news site Breitbart. The speaker’s office did not immediately respond to an inquiry from TheBlaze about Cruz’s charge.
“I will say, the early reports are discouraging. If it is correct that the speaker, before he resigns, has cut a deal with Nancy Pelosi to fund the Obama administration for the rest of its tenure, to fund Obamacare, to fund executive amnesty, to fund Planned Parenthood, to fund implementation of this Iran deal — and then, presumably, to land in a cushy K Street job after joining with the Democrats to implement all of President Obama’s priorities, that is not the behavior one would expect of a Republican speaker of the House,” Cruz told reporters at the conservative Values Voter Summit in Washington.
The unconfirmed report came from conservative news site Breitbart. The speaker’s office did not immediately respond to an inquiry from TheBlaze about Cruz’s charge. luckyso 发表于 9/25/2015 4:47:02 PM
“I will say, the early reports are discouraging. If it is correct that the speaker, before he resigns, has cut a deal with Nancy Pelosi to fund the Obama administration for the rest of its tenure, to fund Obamacare, to fund executive amnesty, to fund Planned Parenthood, to fund implementation of this Iran deal — and then, presumably, to land in a cushy K Street job after joining with the Democrats to implement all of President Obama’s priorities, that is not the behavior one would expect of a Republican speaker of the House,” Cruz told reporters at the conservative Values Voter Summit in Washington.
The unconfirmed report came from conservative news site Breitbart. The speaker’s office did not immediately respond to an inquiry from TheBlaze about Cruz’s charge. luckyso 发表于 9/25/2015 4:47:02 PM
Are we referring to the same Breitbart report?
The report that cited Political and the Washington Post?
The report that has a much milder tone than what you posted above?
报道真假未知,but I don't buy it when Boehner said he made the decision this morning. "Last night I started thinking about this and this morning I woke up and I said my prayers -- as I always do -- and I decided today's the day I'm going to do this. As simple as that," Boehner said.
FBI Arrests Chinese Millionaire Once Tied to Clinton $$ Scandal
The FBI has arrested a politically prominent Chinese millionaire, the alleged secret source of foreign money in a campaign finance scandal during the Clinton administration, on charges he lied about why he brought more than $4.5 million in cash into the United States over the last two years.
Before the deal, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei insisted that “inspection of our military sites is out of the question and is one of our red lines.” Foreigners, he elaborated, “shouldn’t be allowed at all to penetrate into the country's security and defensive boundaries under the pretext of supervision, and the country's military officials are not permitted at all to allow the foreigners to cross these boundaries or stop the country's defensive development under the pretext of supervision and inspection.”
While he has remained silent about access since the deal was signed, his proxies have not. On the day the deal was finalized, according to Iran’s Fars news service, the spokesman for Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization, Behrouz Kamalvandi, said, “In the inked roadmap, no permission has been issued for the IAEA's access to any military centers and the nuclear scientists. We have explicitly announced our positions in this regard during the [past] negotiations."
IAEA的side deal没人看到,但从伊朗方面的发言来看确有这种可能。
Christie has 68%? I highly doubt the accuracy of the chart.
Before the deal, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei insisted that “inspection of our military sites is out of the question and is one of our red lines.” Foreigners, he elaborated, “shouldn’t be allowed at all to penetrate into the country's security and defensive boundaries under the pretext of supervision, and the country's military officials are not permitted at all to allow the foreigners to cross these boundaries or stop the country's defensive development under the pretext of supervision and inspection.”
While he has remained silent about access since the deal was signed, his proxies have not. On the day the deal was finalized, according to Iran’s Fars news service, the spokesman for Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization, Behrouz Kamalvandi, said, “In the inked roadmap, no permission has been issued for the IAEA's access to any military centers and the nuclear scientists. We have explicitly announced our positions in this regard during the [past] negotiations."
IAEA的side deal没人看到,但从伊朗方面的发言来看确有这种可能。
Christie has 68%? I highly doubt the accuracy of the chart.
luckyso 发表于 9/25/2015 6:06:14 PM
PolitiFact is an independent fact-checking journalism website aimed at bringing you the truth in politics. PolitiFact's reporters and editors fact-check statements from the White House, Congress, candidates, advocacy groups and more, rating claims for accuracy on our Truth-O-Meter. Every fact-check includes analysis of the claim, an explanation of our reasoning and a list of links to all our sources.
PolitiFact, a division of the Tampa Bay Times, won the Pulitzer Prize in 2009 for its fact-checking of the presidential election. The Times, Florida's largest newspaper, is independently owned by the Poynter Institute, a school for journalists in St. Petersburg, Fla.
PolitiFact is an independent fact-checking journalism website aimed at bringing you the truth in politics. PolitiFact's reporters and editors fact-check statements from the White House, Congress, candidates, advocacy groups and more, rating claims for accuracy on our Truth-O-Meter. Every fact-check includes analysis of the claim, an explanation of our reasoning and a list of links to all our sources.
PolitiFact, a division of the Tampa Bay Times, won the Pulitzer Prize in 2009 for its fact-checking of the presidential election. The Times, Florida's largest newspaper, is independently owned by the Poynter Institute, a school for journalists in St. Petersburg, Fla.
Don't take my word for it, it seems people in NJ don't agree either, that's why he's not GOP's golden boy any more.
As Gov. Christie seeks to gain the confidence of voters across the nation, he faces a glaring problem here at home: 44 percent of Garden State voters say that the word "trustworthy" does not apply to him at all, according to a new Rutgers-Eagleton Poll. Just 17 percent now say "trustworthy" describes the governor "very well."
Don't take my word for it, it seems people in NJ don't agree either, that's why he's not GOP's golden boy any more.
As Gov. Christie seeks to gain the confidence of voters across the nation, he faces a glaring problem here at home: 44 percent of Garden State voters say that the word "trustworthy" does not apply to him at all, according to a new Rutgers-Eagleton Poll. Just 17 percent now say "trustworthy" describes the governor "very well."
luckyso 发表于 9/25/2015 6:45:11 PM
Yet Christie's has made more truthful remarks on the campaign trail than Cruz. So what does that say about Cruz?
CNN的文章: http://www.cnn.com/2012/10/05/health/youn-liability-reform/ According to OpenSecrets.org, since 1990, the American Association for Justice, previously known as the Association of Trial Lawyers of America, has given 92% of its $36.8 million in contributions to Democrats.
The association is also a large contributor to President Barack Obama's re-election campaign. It is opposed to malpractice tort reform, for obvious reasons, and I suspect that it may have played a significant role in the absence of malpractice liability reform in the Affordable Care Act. 拿了钱后是很难和donor对着干。 luckyso 发表于 9/25/2015 12:37:56 PM
Charles Krauthammer: Fox News Commentator Calls Ben Carson's Islam Comments 'Morally Outrageous' Krauthammer said he believed Carson's statement that a Muslim should not be president was "sincerely felt," but is "politically poisonous," in an editorial in the Hartford Courant on Friday.
A 2009 email chain between Hillary Clinton and David Petraeus is raising questions about whether some of the emails on Clinton's private email server were mistakenly deemed personal. http://cnn.it/1G8fS6p via CNN Politics
A 2009 email chain between Hillary Clinton and David Petraeus is raising questions about whether some of the emails on Clinton's private email server were mistakenly deemed personal. http://cnn.it/1G8fS6p via CNN Politics luckyso 发表于 9/26/2015 4:45:14 PM
她那种虚张声势,故作镇定的狂笑,一看就是心虚想用假笑掩盖事实的表现,每次看她说话,她好像都是在努力defend for herself
Charles Krauthammer: Fox News Commentator Calls Ben Carson's Islam Comments 'Morally Outrageous' Krauthammer said he believed Carson's statement that a Muslim should not be president was "sincerely felt," but is "politically poisonous," in an editorial in the Hartford Courant on Friday. luckyso 发表于 9/26/2015 11:33:35 AM
折腾折腾,Carson好来财啊,不是说自从它open this can of worm了以后,财源滚滚来么
Charles Krauthammer: Fox News Commentator Calls Ben Carson's Islam Comments 'Morally Outrageous' Krauthammer said he believed Carson's statement that a Muslim should not be president was "sincerely felt," but is "politically poisonous," in an editorial in the Hartford Courant on Friday. luckyso 发表于 9/26/2015 11:33:35 AM
Donald Trump to unveil his tax plan on Monday Donald Trump will release his tax plan Monday morning, his campaign manager said Saturday. Corey Lewandowski also told CNN that the plan will be published on Trump's website. On Wednesday, Trump said his plan will call for middle class tax cuts and hikes for hedge fund managers.
不会都是因为Trump在tonight show里提了句选Kanye West做VP,它就认真了吧,但Trump马上说是开玩笑的
But there is another temptation which we must especially guard against: the simplistic reductionism which sees only good or evil; or, if you will, the righteous and sinners.
Rich Lowry 听都没听说过这人, 怎么就代表Fox了? Megyn Kelly 不是也马上说:"What did you say?" "You can't say that."
O8 anti-Christian的证据一堆堆。Hackabee举了一些例子。http://www.inquisitr.com/2442898/mike-huckabee-muslim-or-not-obama-is-the-most-anti-christian-president-ever/
只要希拉里说是个人email的那部分查出来有contain classified info的work email. 她就彻底完蛋了。
我是说她生病也别看专家了,吃点otc的药就成。她不是刚说要biotech 改革吗?
再说了,有咱呢,所以我觉得应该不会有万一的情况 ;)
secret service估计累死了都。习core就是搞个碳市场摆摆样子,等看普京出招。普京来时习core应该还在吧,好热闹
这个真不是o8的功劳, GOP内部的分歧不比他们和民主党的分歧小。茶党太右,茶党选出来的议员不可能对GOP的温和派妥协, 如果一点不妥协,其实什么谈判都不会有结果。Boehner一开始就被认为没法控制茶党。他几次谈话中相当不客气的不点名的批评了茶党。
可是O8极左啊,会veto任何保守派的提案,茶党只不过想通过一个半个提案,也就算有所成就,可以和选民交代了。如果是一个moderate的总统,懂得合作的总统,偶然给个棒棒糖,不会闹成这样。2012年总统大选辩论的一个重要主题就是bipartisan cooperation, 现在影都没有,都是用EA绕过congress。
茶党从来不是只想通过一个半个提案,而是一定要全盘按照自己的政治理想来,基本上就是你不达成我的要求,我就无理取闹,参见上次政府shutdown。其实后来也有分析认为Boehner 当时也有让茶党闹一次,然后让他们自己看看后果的意思。民间把共和党骂死了,不仅没有达成他们的要求,最后还因为政府关门,导致了巨大的经济损失,茶党在那个之后,也没有了当年的气势。
上帝都要发笑。举个例子,前两天hilary终于说了她反对keystone, 所有的媒体都说她往极左的方向走了一步,不利于general election. 而O8 veto keystone毫无压力。
To see just how far the Democratic Party has moved to the left, compare Barack Obama with Bill Clinton. In 1992, Mr. Clinton ran as a centrist New Democrat. In several respects he governed as one as well. He endorsed a sentencing policy of “three strikes and you’re out,” and he proposed adding 100,000 police officers to the streets.
In contrast, President Obama’s former attorney general, Eric H. Holder Jr., criticized what he called “widespread incarceration” and championed the first decrease in the federal prison population in more than three decades. Mr. Obama, meanwhile, has chosen to focus on police abuses.
One of the crowning legislative achievements under Mr. Clinton was welfare reform. Mr. Obama, on the other hand, loosened welfare-to-work requirements. Mr. Obama is more liberal than Mr. Clinton was on gay rights, religious liberties, abortion rights, drug legalization and climate change. He has focused far more attention on income inequality than did Mr. Clinton, who stressed opportunity and mobility. While Mr. Clinton ended one entitlement program (Aid to Families With Dependent Children), Mr. Obama is responsible for creating the Affordable Care Act, the largest new entitlement since the Great Society. He is the first president to essentially nationalize health care.
Mr. Clinton lowered the capital-gains tax rate; Mr. Obama has proposed raising it. Mr. Clinton cut spending and produced a surplus. Under Mr. Obama, spending and the deficit reached record levels. In foreign policy, Mr. Obama has shown himself to be far more critical of traditional allies and more supine toward our adversaries than Mr. Clinton was. Mr. Obama has often acted as if American strength is a problem to which the solution is retrenchment, or even retreat.
奥巴马当选前,我在某个网站留言开玩笑说,he will make people miss Bush. 我个人一点也不喜欢奥巴马,无论是医改,还是撤军,还是移民。但是他真的不是一个极左的总统。 左派其实对他很失望,如果你留意过政治新闻超过5年以上就知道了。他对左派关注的类似同性恋婚姻,改善种族关系,以及给非法移民合法身份的关心程度远不及他对塑造美国在国际社会“负责任的大国”的热衷。以前就有研究说过这个和奥巴马的成长环境有关。他其实有很长的第三世界国家成长的经历。他竭力推广的医改也和他母亲得了癌症后医疗经历和巨额账单有关。
我最初并不喜欢trump,纯粹是他在电视里面就是一个big bully的形象,但是他给那些政治正确的人的耳光非常的令我赞叹。而且他tone down以后,我发现他其实也可以当实用主义,这点我也很喜欢。不过我并不看好他的electability。这个涉及的东西太多。
最后说一句,道不同。不是说想法有区别,而是我们态度有很大不同,这个帖子我看了好久了,几次想发言,但是觉得其实就是党同伐异。你很不喜欢别人嘲笑你,几次强烈反对,但是对我,上来就是“上帝都要发笑”。 这个姿态实在……不好听的话我不说了。
话说我对Obama最大的失望是他的医改没有包括Tort Reform。
My point being, O8 is far more to the left than Clinton, who is widely recognized as a moderate central-left. As a country, we need someone more to the center.
My point being, O8 is far more to the left than Clinton, who is widely recognized as a moderate central-left. As a country, we need someone more to the center.
[color=#999999]luckyso 发表于 9/25/2015 12:28:34 PM [/color][url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1868851&postid=69184358#69184358][img]http://forums.huaren.us/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url][/quote]
其实大多华人是central left. 崇尚自我奋斗,赞成对老弱病残实行福利制度,推崇传统家庭价值,宗教信仰多元化。 跟这个比,obama显然是更左了。
According to OpenSecrets.org, since 1990, the American Association for Justice, previously known as the Association of Trial Lawyers of America, has given 92% of its $36.8 million in contributions to Democrats.
The association is also a large contributor to President Barack Obama's re-election campaign. It is opposed to malpractice tort reform, for obvious reasons, and I suspect that it may have played a significant role in the absence of malpractice liability reform in the Affordable Care Act.
Sanders has the backing of nearly half of those who say they plan to vote in the first-in-the-nation Democratic primary next year -- 46% support him -- while just 30% say they back Clinton.
The unconfirmed report came from conservative news site Breitbart. The speaker’s office did not immediately respond to an inquiry from TheBlaze about Cruz’s charge.
Are we referring to the same Breitbart report?
The report that cited Political and the Washington Post?
The report that has a much milder tone than what you posted above?
You know why Cruz is not a legitimate candidate? It's because he is always involved with bogus claims like this.
报道真假未知,but I don't buy it when Boehner said he made the decision this morning.
"Last night I started thinking about this and this morning I woke up and I said my prayers -- as I always do -- and I decided today's the day I'm going to do this. As simple as that," Boehner said.
The FBI has arrested a politically prominent Chinese millionaire, the alleged secret source of foreign money in a campaign finance scandal during the Clinton administration, on charges he lied about why he brought more than $4.5 million in cash into the United States over the last two years.
Plots from House of cards?
Misstating the terms of the Iran agreement:
Just look at how he stack up against other Republican Candidates:
While he has remained silent about access since the deal was signed, his proxies have not. On the day the deal was finalized, according to Iran’s Fars news service, the spokesman for Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization, Behrouz Kamalvandi, said, “In the inked roadmap, no permission has been issued for the IAEA's access to any military centers and the nuclear scientists. We have explicitly announced our positions in this regard during the [past] negotiations."
IAEA的side deal没人看到,但从伊朗方面的发言来看确有这种可能。
Christie has 68%? I highly doubt the accuracy of the chart.
PolitiFact, a division of the Tampa Bay Times, won the Pulitzer Prize in 2009 for its fact-checking of the presidential election. The Times, Florida's largest newspaper, is independently owned by the Poynter Institute, a school for journalists in St. Petersburg, Fla.
你有什么原因不信么? 我认为得过 Pulitzer 的网站比你可信。
Don't take my word for it, it seems people in NJ don't agree either, that's why he's not GOP's golden boy any more.
As Gov. Christie seeks to gain the confidence of voters across the nation, he faces a glaring problem here at home: 44 percent of Garden State voters say that the word "trustworthy" does not apply to him at all, according to a new Rutgers-Eagleton Poll. Just 17 percent now say "trustworthy" describes the governor "very well."
Yet Christie's has made more truthful remarks on the campaign trail than Cruz. So what does that say about Cruz?
据说辞职了就不会shut down了
In wake of Muslim remarks, Ben Carson calls on media to 'mature'
Charles Krauthammer: Fox News Commentator Calls Ben Carson's Islam Comments 'Morally Outrageous'
Krauthammer said he believed Carson's statement that a Muslim should not be president was "sincerely felt," but is "politically poisonous," in an editorial in the Hartford Courant on Friday.
http://cnn.it/1G8fS6p via CNN Politics
她那种虚张声势,故作镇定的狂笑,一看就是心虚想用假笑掩盖事实的表现,每次看她说话,她好像都是在努力defend for herself
嗯,秋天到了,是该摘苹果,捡nuts的时候了 :D
Donald Trump will release his tax plan Monday morning, his campaign manager said Saturday.
Corey Lewandowski also told CNN that the plan will be published on Trump's website.
On Wednesday, Trump said his plan will call for middle class tax cuts and hikes for hedge fund managers.
那个提msl问题的人可能是Dem plant?