The FBI has recovered personal emails from the computer server the Clinton camp thought it had wiped clean. 这下有好戏看了
HP女还能再恶心一点吗?又play women card Carly Fiorina offers praise of Hillary Clinton "I feel empathy with every woman who is working really hard and giving it all they've got -- and Hillary is," Fiorina said of Clinton. "She's smart, she's hardworking, she's giving it all she's got."
His answer came in response to a question at an Iowa diner Tuesday from a woman who wanted to know how the former Florida governor would help refugees and immigrants integrate into U.S. society and "empower them to become Americans."
"We should not have a multicultural society," the Republican presidential candidate responded.
But Bush, who's a self-admitted policy wonk and tends to use nuanced language, was referring to "multicultural" in the literal sense -- a social model in which cultures live in "isolated pockets," as he described them, rather than assimilating into society.
Los Angeles declares "state of emergency" on homelessness, calls for $100 million to help: luckyso 发表于 9/23/2015 2:01:51 PM
那句话怎么说的来着,give a man a loaf of bread, it will last him for a day, but teach a man how to make a bread, it will last him for a lifetime. 反正类似是这个意思 $100个米也有用完的时候,Trump说了get back our jobs from oversea,这些人就有更大的就业可能了,不过可别被非移抢了去
那句话怎么说的来着,give a man a loaf of bread, it will last him for a day, but teach a man how to make a bread, it will last him for a lifetime. 反正类似是这个意思 $100个米也有用完的时候,Trump说了get back our jobs from oversea,这些人就有更大的就业可能了,不过可别被非移抢了去
PositiveVibe 发表于 9/23/2015 2:18:43 PM
这个民主党市长就会要钱,The state of emergency motion mentioned some of the reasons why, including a shortage of affordable housing and the lack of emergency shelter. 这TMD的是原因吗?
这个民主党市长就会要钱,The state of emergency motion mentioned some of the reasons why, including a shortage of affordable housing and the lack of emergency shelter. 这TMD的是原因吗?
这个民主党市长就会要钱,The state of emergency motion mentioned some of the reasons why, including a shortage of affordable housing and the lack of emergency shelter. 这TMD的是原因吗?
His answer came in response to a question at an Iowa diner Tuesday from a woman who wanted to know how the former Florida governor would help refugees and immigrants integrate into U.S. society and "empower them to become Americans."
"We should not have a multicultural society," the Republican presidential candidate responded.
But Bush, who's a self-admitted policy wonk and tends to use nuanced language, was referring to "multicultural" in the literal sense -- a social model in which cultures live in "isolated pockets," as he described them, rather than assimilating into society. luckyso 发表于 9/23/2015 1:43:28 PM
ROCKY MOUNT, Va. (AP) — A Virginia man accused of hanging a black-faced dummy in his yard where his black neighbors could see it has been found guilty of violating a state law against displaying a noose to intimidate people.
A judge convicted 51-year-old Jack Turner of Rocky Mount on Tuesday. Turner could face up to five years in prison and fines of up to $2,500.
Multiple news outlets report Turner was arrested in June after hanging a life-sized dummy wearing a black ski mask from a tree in his yard.
A 2009 Virginia statute makes it a felony to display a noose with the intent of intimidating someone. Prosecutor Robert Deatherage said he believes this is the first time someone had been convicted under the statute.
fox news poll: September 20-22 Trump stays on top with 26 percent among GOP primary voters, followed by Carson at 18 percent. Fiorina and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio are next, tied at 9 percent. All four have gained ground. After the August Fox News debate, Trump had 25 percent, while Carson had 12 percent, Fiorina 5 percent and Rubio 4 percent. fox 好贱,报道个poll结果的文章还在黑Trump挺HP女, 偏向性明显。比如原问卷里面的问题是:And which Republican would be your second choice? 结果报道结果的文章里面是:But what would happen if the “current front-runner” aka Trump were out? The Fox poll asks voters their second choice candidate... 他们是多想Trump out啊
This time, the GOP frontrunner’s outrage came after the National Review’s Rich Lowry suggested that Carly Fiorina “cut [Trump’s] balls off with the precision of a surgeon” at the CNN Republican debate, much to host Megyn Kelly’s shock. 这个太过分了吧?
这是Ben Carson写的,题目叫,This is How to Compete With China. 不喜欢它的论调,给China波脏水,当假想敌,还要美国派海军或空军在中国南海附近的人工岛屿周围巡逻,不承认是中国的领地 尤其最后一句,要美国称老大,“In our strategic competition with China, let’s remember to protect and reinforce that which has made our global leadership possible in the first place.” Trump虽然也说中国,但是重点说的是get the jobs back from China,好让美国人民有工作,说中国领导人太聪明,我们的太笨,不会negotiate,但是我还没听他说中国其他的坏话
这是Ben Carson写的,题目叫,This is How to Compete With China. 不喜欢它的论调,给China波脏水,当假想敌,还要美国派海军或空军在中国南海附近的人工岛屿周围巡逻,不承认是中国的领地 尤其最后一句,要美国称老大,“In our strategic competition with China, let’s remember to protect and reinforce that which has made our global leadership possible in the first place.” Trump虽然也说中国,但是重点说的是get the jobs back from China,好让美国人民有工作,说中国领导人太聪明,我们的太笨,不会negotiate,但是我还没听他说中国其他的坏话 PositiveVibe 发表于 9/24/2015 2:55:36 PM
Donald Trump, Roger Ailes To Meet To Iron Out Differences
Donald Trump and senior editorial executives at Fox News Channel intend to meet to work out their differences, according to a statement released Thursday by the 21st Century Fox-owned cable-news outlet.
"Fox News Chairman & CEO Roger Ailes and Donald Trump spoke this morning and plan to have a meeting next week to discuss their differences of opinion regarding Fox's coverage of Mr. Trump's presidential campaign. Ailes will be joined by senior Fox editorial executives. Mr. Trump believes he has been treated unfairly in certain instances," said a Fox News spokesperson via a statement released to media outlets. "Fox News has held every candidate in this race to the highest journalistic standards throughout our coverage. We believe a candid meeting about our differences is required and that any misunderstandings can be handled without compromising those standards."
Donald Trump, Roger Ailes To Meet To Iron Out Differences
Donald Trump and senior editorial executives at Fox News Channel intend to meet to work out their differences, according to a statement released Thursday by the 21st Century Fox-owned cable-news outlet.
"Fox News Chairman & CEO Roger Ailes and Donald Trump spoke this morning and plan to have a meeting next week to discuss their differences of opinion regarding Fox's coverage of Mr. Trump's presidential campaign. Ailes will be joined by senior Fox editorial executives. Mr. Trump believes he has been treated unfairly in certain instances," said a Fox News spokesperson via a statement released to media outlets. "Fox News has held every candidate in this race to the highest journalistic standards throughout our coverage. We believe a candid meeting about our differences is required and that any misunderstandings can be handled without compromising those standards."
The Sept. 17-23 survey of 344 likely GOP primary voters by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center shows Trump on top with 26 percent. In second place is former business executive Carly Fiorina with 16 percent, followed by U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida at 9 percent, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson at 8 percent, and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Ohio Gov. John Kasich both at 7 percent.
Drawing 5 percent each are New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, while U.S. Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky is at 3 percent. U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore are each supported by 1 percent of those polled.
The Sept. 17-23 survey of 344 likely GOP primary voters by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center shows Trump on top with 26 percent. In second place is former business executive Carly Fiorina with 16 percent, followed by U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida at 9 percent, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson at 8 percent, and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Ohio Gov. John Kasich both at 7 percent.
Drawing 5 percent each are New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, while U.S. Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky is at 3 percent. U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore are each supported by 1 percent of those polled.
我觉得选总统一定先要人品过关。目前过关还有Carson,Cruz, 和Bush(尽管很傻)。Kasich看面相是个老实人,实际不太了解,他也不怎么说话。
Carly Fiorina offers praise of Hillary Clinton
"I feel empathy with every woman who is working really hard and giving it all they've got -- and Hillary is," Fiorina said of Clinton. "She's smart, she's hardworking, she's giving it all she's got."
Cedar Falls, Iowa (CNN)Jeb Bush argued Tuesday that the United States is "creeping toward multiculturalism" and described it as "the wrong approach."
His answer came in response to a question at an Iowa diner Tuesday from a woman who wanted to know how the former Florida governor would help refugees and immigrants integrate into U.S. society and "empower them to become Americans."
"We should not have a multicultural society," the Republican presidential candidate responded.
But Bush, who's a self-admitted policy wonk and tends to use nuanced language, was referring to "multicultural" in the literal sense -- a social model in which cultures live in "isolated pockets," as he described them, rather than assimilating into society.
$100个米也有用完的时候,Trump说了get back our jobs from oversea,这些人就有更大的就业可能了,不过可别被非移抢了去
等到真正危机时候,就拿不出钱了。最后还是中产出钱。有些无家可归的人,人家根本就是喜欢这种无拘无束的日子。我旁边的店家看一个HOMELESS可怜。说给他25一天,就举举牌子。供三顿饭。人家干了三天,开始偷懒耍滑,死都不干了。就坐在shopping mall 门口,举牌子要钱。问题是,你举店家的牌子,不但有薪水,还有三餐。你举自己的牌子,能不能拿到钱,还是一说,三餐一定是没有。
不要isolation pocket的办法就是限制移民速度和人数,还有宣扬本土文化。这是以保留美国现在主流文化为前提
很多人只是hate the idea of trump,或者跟他打嘴仗打输了。真跟trump朝夕相处的人不见得有同样负面的观感。
ROCKY MOUNT, Va. (AP) — A Virginia man accused of hanging a black-faced dummy in his yard where his black neighbors could see it has been found guilty of violating a state law against displaying a noose to intimidate people.
A judge convicted 51-year-old Jack Turner of Rocky Mount on Tuesday. Turner could face up to five years in prison and fines of up to $2,500.
Multiple news outlets report Turner was arrested in June after hanging a life-sized dummy wearing a black ski mask from a tree in his yard.
A 2009 Virginia statute makes it a felony to display a noose with the intent of intimidating someone. Prosecutor Robert Deatherage said he believes this is the first time someone had been convicted under the statute.
Turner’s lawyer says he plans to appeal.
Trump stays on top with 26 percent among GOP primary voters, followed by Carson at 18 percent. Fiorina and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio are next, tied at 9 percent. All four have gained ground. After the August Fox News debate, Trump had 25 percent, while Carson had 12 percent, Fiorina 5 percent and Rubio 4 percent.
fox 好贱,报道个poll结果的文章还在黑Trump挺HP女, 偏向性明显。比如原问卷里面的问题是:And which Republican would be your second choice? 结果报道结果的文章里面是:But what would happen if the “current front-runner” aka Trump were out? The Fox poll asks voters their second choice candidate... 他们是多想Trump out啊
但是什么是American culture?
这个回twitter的是真的Rich Lowry么
这给了Trump抵制fox充分的根据,虽然fox一直bias明显,老在bashing trump, 但“偏见”和“攻击”很难对没看fox的人说的一清二楚,现在这个恶毒的个人攻击反而是最好的证据。
有人已经发现了媒体的把戏:Conservative radio talk show host Mark Levin has a theory about why the media has been consistently praising Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina: they want to take down Donald Trump.
According to an article on IJ Review, Levin not only believes that Fiorina is getting a “national media love fest,” he believes that the media was set up before the second debate and “poised to declare Carly Fiorina a victor.”
普通老百姓还真是容易被洗脑的, 被媒体一夸, 真的有不少人开始转向carly了, 哎, 很少有老百姓能看穿这些.....除非是关心政治的老百姓。媒体真恶心。
真是没救了,不知道,左派在想什么?一旦成气候,就只能是杀戮解决问题了。人家一人一票投死你。你看新泽西,因为公立学校没有放穆斯林假期。家长大闹校长室。觉得,慢慢美国就完蛋了。不能想象,fox Megan. 蒙头的样子。
他不觉得跟他老婆有age gap?
american culture或者说宪法宣传的就是自由平等,遵纪守法。。。
"poised to declare carly fiorina a victor"不至于,但是trump现在树大招风。。
但是实际上就是sex, drugs, rock n' roll.
(老一代是sex, drugs, rock n' roll,现代年轻人是sex, drugs, EDM, social media).
说起sex, 其实老美,特别是中产阶级白人,对sex没有的态度没东方想象的那么随便。欧洲才随便。至少被我问过的朋友是这样的。
尤其最后一句,要美国称老大,“In our strategic competition with China, let’s remember to protect and reinforce that which has made our global leadership possible in the first place.”
Trump虽然也说中国,但是重点说的是get the jobs back from China,好让美国人民有工作,说中国领导人太聪明,我们的太笨,不会negotiate,但是我还没听他说中国其他的坏话
Donald Trump and senior editorial executives at Fox News Channel intend to meet to work out their differences, according to a statement released Thursday by the 21st Century Fox-owned cable-news outlet.
"Fox News Chairman & CEO Roger Ailes and Donald Trump spoke this morning and plan to have a meeting next week to discuss their differences of opinion regarding Fox's coverage of Mr. Trump's presidential campaign. Ailes will be joined by senior Fox editorial executives. Mr. Trump believes he has been treated unfairly in certain instances," said a Fox News spokesperson via a statement released to media outlets. "Fox News has held every candidate in this race to the highest journalistic standards throughout our coverage. We believe a candid meeting about our differences is required and that any misunderstandings can be handled without compromising those standards."
Drawing 5 percent each are New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, while U.S. Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky is at 3 percent. U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore are each supported by 1 percent of those polled.