把女人当玩物?川普前女友反击纽约时报 纽约时报对川普报导失误了吗? 根据川普的前女友蓝恩(Rowanne Brewer Lane),是的。蓝恩16日早在大众新闻网节目“大众与朋友(Fox & Friends)”上说,纽约时报一篇关于“川普私下如何对待女性”的报导,引述她在1990年在川普佛罗里达州渡假胜地“Mar-a-Lago”与川普的一次邂逅,川普请她穿上比基尼游泳衣,好像川普把她当做玩物,她说,纽时的报导,与当时26岁的她所亲身经历的,是两回事。川普那时是44岁。 - 纽时报导与川普前女友经历,差别在那里? 纽时说:“川普与一名他并不熟的年轻女子相遇时,在私下面对面的情况下,对她的态度低贬(a debasing face-to-face encounter)”。 蓝恩16日对大众说,“(纽时)把(我的谈话)扭转为负面内容(put a negative connotation on it)”。她说,“我与川普并无负面的经验,我不同意纽约时报将我的谈话造成(对川普)负面的形象,因为那不正确(I don't appreciate them making it look like that I was saying that it was a negative experience because it was not)”。她并说,“他从未低贬我,从未冒犯我,他很君子”。关于川普在他们第一次见面时,川普请她穿上泳衣,是因为那是一场游泳池派对。纽时并没有把这个背景解释清楚。 -
CALIFORNIA PEOPLE LISTEN CAREFULLY! I have been a registered Republican for years. I received my sample ballot for our June 7 primary election. I notice I was switched to DEMOCRAT. So I started telling others I know. Many of my family members and friends had also been switched without our consent. PLEASE CHECK TO MAKE SURE YOU HAVE NOT BEEN SWITCHED ALSO! Trump 2016!
CALIFORNIA PEOPLE LISTEN CAREFULLY! I have been a registered Republican for years. I received my sample ballot for our June 7 primary election. I notice I was switched to DEMOCRAT. So I started telling others I know. Many of my family members and friends had also been switched without our consent. PLEASE CHECK TO MAKE SURE YOU HAVE NOT BEEN SWITCHED ALSO! Trump 2016!
CALIFORNIA PEOPLE LISTEN CAREFULLY! I have been a registered Republican for years. I received my sample ballot for our June 7 primary election. I notice I was switched to DEMOCRAT. So I started telling others I know. Many of my family members and friends had also been switched without our consent. PLEASE CHECK TO MAKE SURE YOU HAVE NOT BEEN SWITCHED ALSO! Trump 2016!
CALIFORNIA PEOPLE LISTEN CAREFULLY! I have been a registered Republican for years. I received my sample ballot for our June 7 primary election. I notice I was switched to DEMOCRAT. So I started telling others I know. Many of my family members and friends had also been switched without our consent. PLEASE CHECK TO MAKE SURE YOU HAVE NOT BEEN SWITCHED ALSO! Trump 2016!
不知为何我还没收到ballot。。。加州可以request mail ballot但我还没request,或者要当天去投票站现填选票现投票?
icylava 发表于 5/18/2016 1:39:33 AM
我的voter guide, vote by mail,34个candidates for senator 都收到了,不是mail的话就要vote in person,登记5月23号就截止了呢,mm快去跟county 核实一下,一定要登记为共和党,因为这个指南里面明说:如果是无政党,只能投给猪党/独立党/自由党,如果想要投给共和党/绿党/和平自由党必须在5月23日之前重新登记才能投票给该党。 这是什么SB规定,美国就主要是两党:猪党和共和党,其他的党可以忽略,那就是说无党派可以直接投给猪党,不能投给共和党呗。
我的voter guide, vote by mail,34个candidates for senator 都收到了,不是mail的话就要vote in person,登记5月23号就截止了呢,mm快去跟county 核实一下,一定要登记为共和党,因为这个指南里面明说:如果是无政党,只能投给猪党/独立党/自由党,如果想要投给共和党/绿党/和平自由党必须在5月23日之前重新登记才能投票给该党。 这是什么SB规定,美国就主要是两党:猪党和共和党,其他的党可以忽略,那就是说无党派可以直接投给猪党,不能投给共和党呗。
mangooo26 发表于 5/18/2016 3:08:45 AM
我的voter卡上标明是rep了,想投票当天去凑凑热闹呢。要是vote by mail可以亲自去送选票吗? primary限制这些无所谓了,只要大选时不限党派就行。
我的voter guide, vote by mail,34个candidates for senator 都收到了,不是mail的话就要vote in person,登记5月23号就截止了呢,mm快去跟county 核实一下,一定要登记为共和党,因为这个指南里面明说:如果是无政党,只能投给猪党/独立党/自由党,如果想要投给共和党/绿党/和平自由党必须在5月23日之前重新登记才能投票给该党。 这是什么SB规定,美国就主要是两党:猪党和共和党,其他的党可以忽略,那就是说无党派可以直接投给猪党,不能投给共和党呗。 mangooo26 发表于 5/18/2016 3:08:45 AM
(New York, NY) May 18, 2016 - Today Donald J. Trump released the much- anticipated list of people he would consider as potential replacements for Justice Scalia at the United States Supreme Court. This list was compiled, first and foremost, based on constitutional principles, with input from highly respected conservatives and Republican Party leadership.
Mr. Trump stated, “Justice Scalia was a remarkable person and a brilliant Supreme Court Justice. His career was defined by his reverence for the Constitution and his legacy of protecting Americans’ most cherished freedoms. He was a Justice who did not believe in legislating from the bench and he is a person whom I held in the highest regard and will always greatly respect his intelligence and conviction to uphold the Constitution of our country. The following list of potential Supreme Court justices is representative of the kind of constitutional principles I value and, as President, I plan to use this list as a guide to nominate our next United States Supreme Court Justices.”
Steven Colloton
Steven Colloton of Iowa is a judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, a position he has held since President George W. Bush appointed him in 2003. Judge Colloton has a résumé that also includes distinguished service as the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Iowa , a Special Assistant to the Attorney General in the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel, and a lecturer of law at the University of Iowa. He received his law degree from Yale, and he clerked for Chief Justice William Rehnquist. Judge Colloton is an Iowa native.
Allison Eid
Allison Eid of Colorado is an associate justice of the Colorado Supreme Court. Colorado Governor Bill Owens appointed her to the seat in 2006; she was later retained for a full term by the voters (with 75% of voters favoring retention). Prior to her judicial service, Justice Eid served as Colorado’s solicitor general and as a law professor at the University of Colorado. Justice Eid attended the University of Chicago Law School, and she clerked for Justice Clarence Thomas.
Raymond Gruender
Raymond Gruender of Missouri has been a judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit since his 2004 appointment by President George W. Bush. Judge Gruender, who sits in St. Louis, Missouri, has extensive prosecutorial experience, culminating with his time as the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri. Judge Gruender received a law degree and an M.B.A. from Washington University in St. Louis.
Thomas Hardiman
Thomas Hardiman of Pennsylvania has been a judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit since 2007. Prior to serving as a circuit judge, he served as a judge of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania since 2003. Before his judicial service, Judge Hardiman worked in private practice in Washington, D.C. and Pittsburgh. Judge Hardiman was the first in his family to attend college, graduating from Notre Dame.
Raymond Kethledge
Raymond Kethledge of Michigan has been a judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit since 2008. Before his judicial service, Judge Kethledge served as judiciary counsel to Michigan Senator Spencer Abraham, worked as a partner in two law firms, and worked as an in-house counsel for the Ford Motor Company. Judge Kethledge obtained his law degree from the University of Michigan and clerked for Justice Anthony Kennedy.
Joan Larsen
Joan Larsen of Michigan is an Associate Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court. Justice Larsen was a professor at the University of Michigan School of Law from 1998 until her appointment to the bench. In 2002, she temporarily left academia to work as an Assistant Attorney General in the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel. Justice Larsen received her law degree from Northwestern and clerked for Justice Antonin Scalia.
Thomas Lee
Thomas Lee of Utah has been an Associate Justice of the Utah Supreme Court since 2010. Beginning in 1997, he served on the faculty of Brigham Young University Law School, where he still teaches in an adjunct capacity. Justice Lee was Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Justice Department ’s Civil Division from 2004 to 2005. Justice Lee attended the University of Chicago Law School, and he clerked for Justice Clarence Thomas. Justice Lee is also the son of former U.S. Solicitor General Rex Lee and the brother of current U.S. Senator Mike Lee.
William Pryor
William H. Pryor, Jr. of Alabama is a judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. He has served on the court since 2004. Judge Pryor became the Alabama Attorney General in 1997 upon Jeff Sessions’s election to the U.S. Senate. Judge Pryor was then elected in his own right in 1998 and reelected in 2002. In 2013, Judge Pryor was confirmed to a term on the United States Sentencing Commission. Judge Pryor received his law degree from Tulane, and he clerked for Judge John Minor Wisdom of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.
David Stras
David Stras of Minnesota has been an Associate Justice of the Minnesota Supreme Court since 2010. After his initial appointment, he was elected to a six-year term in 2012. Prior to his judicial service, Judge Stras worked as a legal academic at the University of Minnesota Law School. In his time there, he wrote extensively about the function and structure of the judiciary. Justice Stras received his law degree and an M.B.A. from the University of Kansas. He clerked for Justice Clarence Thomas.
Diane Sykes
Diane Sykes of Wisconsin has served as a judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit since 2004. Prior to her federal appointment, Judge Sykes had been a Justice of the Wisconsin Supreme Court since 1999 and a Wisconsin trial court judge of both civil and criminal matters before that. Judge Sykes received her law degree from Marquette.
Don Willett
Don Willett of Texas has been a Justice of the Texas Supreme Court since 2005. He was initially appointed by Governor Rick Perry and has been reelected by the voters twice. Prior to his judicial service, Judge Willett worked as a senior fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, as an advisor in George W. Bush’s gubernatorial and presidential administrations, as Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Policy, and as a Deputy Attorney General under then-Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott. Justice Willett received his law degree and a master’s degree from Duke.
3点多的L, 算是 purple吗?
看了下 new york city, 是 4.3 L. 不算是深蓝吧
What the hell just happened in Nevada? Sanders supporters are fed up — and rightfully so
6.8L, SF附近果然悲剧
纽约时报对川普报导失误了吗? 根据川普的前女友蓝恩(Rowanne Brewer Lane),是的。蓝恩16日早在大众新闻网节目“大众与朋友(Fox & Friends)”上说,纽约时报一篇关于“川普私下如何对待女性”的报导,引述她在1990年在川普佛罗里达州渡假胜地“Mar-a-Lago”与川普的一次邂逅,川普请她穿上比基尼游泳衣,好像川普把她当做玩物,她说,纽时的报导,与当时26岁的她所亲身经历的,是两回事。川普那时是44岁。 -
纽时报导与川普前女友经历,差别在那里? 纽时说:“川普与一名他并不熟的年轻女子相遇时,在私下面对面的情况下,对她的态度低贬(a debasing face-to-face encounter)”。 蓝恩16日对大众说,“(纽时)把(我的谈话)扭转为负面内容(put a negative connotation on it)”。她说,“我与川普并无负面的经验,我不同意纽约时报将我的谈话造成(对川普)负面的形象,因为那不正确(I don't appreciate them making it look like that I was saying that it was a negative experience because it was not)”。她并说,“他从未低贬我,从未冒犯我,他很君子”。关于川普在他们第一次见面时,川普请她穿上泳衣,是因为那是一场游泳池派对。纽时并没有把这个背景解释清楚。 -
0.4 C purple
0.3 C purple
0.7 L purple
4.1 L dark purple
看了下schedule,周四在新泽西有fund raising event
Trump 国内粉丝也很多啊。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07
现在没跟不敢再跟船长叫板了。。。。。。她这种attention seeker应该识点时务了
没link的贴也有人信,看那个 落地无声 每次黑trump的贴都有她的身影,总要埋汰下Trump 和川粉~
她昨天还叫板,借NYTime的造谣文章说Trump的women problem。真讨厌这个碧池。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07
希拉里克林顿的人品,让我们也通过五件事来看看吧。 帮老公收拾残局 希拉里的老公,比尔克林顿可以说是风流倜傥。我们熟悉的莱温斯基和拉链门事件是九十年代美国重大政治事件,最后导致国会弹劾总统。 抛开这个不说,克林顿原来在阿肯色州当总检察长的时候就已经开始偷腥了。有据可查的就有当时的Miss Arkansas, Sally Miller,女记者Gennifer Flower等。风流成性的克林顿当然也不会放过州政府中有姿色的女员工。 比如说PaulaJones就曾起诉克林顿性骚扰,最后克林顿破财消灾,花了85万美元来结案。这些记录都是有据可查的,在1992年大选的时候,Gennifer Flower还曾经公开在媒体上承认自己和克林顿长达十几年的私情。 希拉里当时可以说在风暴的中心,为了挽救丈夫的事业和自己的政治前途,希拉里在电视广播上为丈夫站台,秀恩爱。最终平息了媒体对克林顿私德方面的口诛笔伐,终于赢得1992年总统大选成功入主白宫,希拉里也成为光彩照人的第一夫人。 事情没有就这样结束,希拉里领导的团队开始执行一套系统地抹黑所有和克林顿有染的女性。著名的共和党活动家罗杰斯通(RogerStone)专门写了一本关于希拉里迫害抹黑女性的书叫《克林顿夫妇和女性的战争》(The Clintons' War on Women)。里面罗列了十几个被克林顿骚扰,强奸的女性,这些女性无一例外被希拉里的团队抹黑成勾引有妇之夫的淫娃荡妇,或者是为了获取赔偿而故意碰瓷的撒谎者。 从始至终,希拉里也没有谴责丈夫的不检点,从来没有。 现代刀白凤?当世段正淳? 不谴责丈夫不代表没有行动,有的行动可能更狠。 看过《天龙八部》的读者一定知道大理段王爷风流成性。具有讽刺意义的是,他唯一的儿子却是老婆和人偷情的产物。我们这里提到这个完全是因为一条美国著名八卦周刊《国民询问》的爆料。 该周刊曾经掀翻了很多名人的婚外情,最著名的就是爱德华兹参议员,著名高尔夫球星泰格伍兹婚外情丑闻。该周刊指出,克林顿夫妇的唯一女儿,切尔西居然是希拉里和当时她法律事务所(rose law firm)商业伙伴,前小石城市长韦伯胡蓓尔(Webb Hubbell)的。 如果是真的,这个报复对克林顿来说也太狠了。。。这条消息的真假很难考证,不做DNA鉴定是不会有结论的。于是美国人民发挥八卦精神,精心对比起这对疑似父女的照片来,别说,还真是那么回事,看下图。
不知为何我还没收到ballot。。。加州可以request mail ballot但我还没request,或者要当天去投票站现填选票现投票?
我的voter guide, vote by mail,34个candidates for senator 都收到了,不是mail的话就要vote in person,登记5月23号就截止了呢,mm快去跟county 核实一下,一定要登记为共和党,因为这个指南里面明说:如果是无政党,只能投给猪党/独立党/自由党,如果想要投给共和党/绿党/和平自由党必须在5月23日之前重新登记才能投票给该党。 这是什么SB规定,美国就主要是两党:猪党和共和党,其他的党可以忽略,那就是说无党派可以直接投给猪党,不能投给共和党呗。
我的voter卡上标明是rep了,想投票当天去凑凑热闹呢。要是vote by mail可以亲自去送选票吗?
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07
SB Romney finally gave up!!
(New York, NY) May 18, 2016 - Today Donald J. Trump released the much-
anticipated list of people he would consider as potential replacements for
Justice Scalia at the United States Supreme Court. This list was compiled,
first and foremost, based on constitutional principles, with input from
highly respected conservatives and Republican Party leadership.
Mr. Trump stated, “Justice Scalia was a remarkable person and a brilliant
Supreme Court Justice. His career was defined by his reverence for the
Constitution and his legacy of protecting Americans’ most cherished
freedoms. He was a Justice who did not believe in legislating from the bench
and he is a person whom I held in the highest regard and will always
greatly respect his intelligence and conviction to uphold the Constitution
of our country. The following list of potential Supreme Court justices is
representative of the kind of constitutional principles I value and, as
President, I plan to use this list as a guide to nominate our next United
States Supreme Court Justices.”
Steven Colloton
Steven Colloton of Iowa is a judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the
Eighth Circuit, a position he has held since President George W. Bush
appointed him in 2003. Judge Colloton has a résumé that also includes
distinguished service as the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Iowa
, a Special Assistant to the Attorney General in the Justice Department’s
Office of Legal Counsel, and a lecturer of law at the University of Iowa. He
received his law degree from Yale, and he clerked for Chief Justice William
Rehnquist. Judge Colloton is an Iowa native.
Allison Eid
Allison Eid of Colorado is an associate justice of the Colorado Supreme
Court. Colorado Governor Bill Owens appointed her to the seat in 2006; she
was later retained for a full term by the voters (with 75% of voters
favoring retention). Prior to her judicial service, Justice Eid served as
Colorado’s solicitor general and as a law professor at the University of
Colorado. Justice Eid attended the University of Chicago Law School, and she
clerked for Justice Clarence Thomas.
Raymond Gruender
Raymond Gruender of Missouri has been a judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals
for the Eighth Circuit since his 2004 appointment by President George W.
Bush. Judge Gruender, who sits in St. Louis, Missouri, has extensive
prosecutorial experience, culminating with his time as the U.S. Attorney for
the Eastern District of Missouri. Judge Gruender received a law degree and
an M.B.A. from Washington University in St. Louis.
Thomas Hardiman
Thomas Hardiman of Pennsylvania has been a judge of the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the Third Circuit since 2007. Prior to serving as a circuit
judge, he served as a judge of the U.S. District Court for the Western
District of Pennsylvania since 2003. Before his judicial service, Judge
Hardiman worked in private practice in Washington, D.C. and Pittsburgh.
Judge Hardiman was the first in his family to attend college, graduating
from Notre Dame.
Raymond Kethledge
Raymond Kethledge of Michigan has been a judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals
for the Sixth Circuit since 2008. Before his judicial service, Judge
Kethledge served as judiciary counsel to Michigan Senator Spencer Abraham,
worked as a partner in two law firms, and worked as an in-house counsel for
the Ford Motor Company. Judge Kethledge obtained his law degree from the
University of Michigan and clerked for Justice Anthony Kennedy.
Joan Larsen
Joan Larsen of Michigan is an Associate Justice of the Michigan Supreme
Court. Justice Larsen was a professor at the University of Michigan School
of Law from 1998 until her appointment to the bench. In 2002, she
temporarily left academia to work as an Assistant Attorney General in the
Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel. Justice Larsen received her
law degree from Northwestern and clerked for Justice Antonin Scalia.
Thomas Lee
Thomas Lee of Utah has been an Associate Justice of the Utah Supreme Court
since 2010. Beginning in 1997, he served on the faculty of Brigham Young
University Law School, where he still teaches in an adjunct capacity.
Justice Lee was Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Justice Department
’s Civil Division from 2004 to 2005. Justice Lee attended the University of
Chicago Law School, and he clerked for Justice Clarence Thomas. Justice Lee
is also the son of former U.S. Solicitor General Rex Lee and the brother of
current U.S. Senator Mike Lee.
William Pryor
William H. Pryor, Jr. of Alabama is a judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for
the Eleventh Circuit. He has served on the court since 2004. Judge Pryor
became the Alabama Attorney General in 1997 upon Jeff Sessions’s election
to the U.S. Senate. Judge Pryor was then elected in his own right in 1998
and reelected in 2002. In 2013, Judge Pryor was confirmed to a term on the
United States Sentencing Commission. Judge Pryor received his law degree
from Tulane, and he clerked for Judge John Minor Wisdom of the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.
David Stras
David Stras of Minnesota has been an Associate Justice of the Minnesota
Supreme Court since 2010. After his initial appointment, he was elected to a
six-year term in 2012. Prior to his judicial service, Judge Stras worked as
a legal academic at the University of Minnesota Law School. In his time
there, he wrote extensively about the function and structure of the
judiciary. Justice Stras received his law degree and an M.B.A. from the
University of Kansas. He clerked for Justice Clarence Thomas.
Diane Sykes
Diane Sykes of Wisconsin has served as a judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals
for the Seventh Circuit since 2004. Prior to her federal appointment, Judge
Sykes had been a Justice of the Wisconsin Supreme Court since 1999 and a
Wisconsin trial court judge of both civil and criminal matters before that.
Judge Sykes received her law degree from Marquette.
Don Willett
Don Willett of Texas has been a Justice of the Texas Supreme Court since
2005. He was initially appointed by Governor Rick Perry and has been
reelected by the voters twice. Prior to his judicial service, Judge Willett
worked as a senior fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, as an
advisor in George W. Bush’s gubernatorial and presidential administrations,
as Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Justice Department’s Office of
Legal Policy, and as a Deputy Attorney General under then-Texas Attorney
General Greg Abbott. Justice Willett received his law degree and a master’s
degree from Duke.
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07
当然有关系,股票涨跌主要是看业绩,抵制短期影响不会很大,但是全国范围内的抵制会让下季度target的业绩很烂,那时候才是真正drop的时候。而且价格跌了,降低分红,会更加引起抛售,耐心点,好戏在后面,而且抵制的人都是有购买力的人群,有人说target以前parking lot都是满的,现在空空如也。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07