wiki: He favors a strong immigration border policy and a guest worker program[168] and a flex-fuel mandate for cars sold in the U.S.[169]
Gingrich has taken a diminutive view of internationalism and the United Nations, saying in 2015, "after several years of looking at the UN, I can report to you that it is sufficiently corrupt and sufficiently inefficient. That no reasonable person would put faith in it."[170]
Twitter也是特朗普的战场。除了开宗名义直接攻击,如去年12月一句「The last thing this country needs is another Bush」(这个国家最不需要的就是另一个布什)攻击杰布布什,也曾经发动多轮Twitter攻击,针对霍士电视台记者凯利、另一共和党候选人卢比奥以至封杀他企业男装系列的百货公司Macy's等仇敌。
就像应验传播学之父Marshall Mcluhan名句「媒介就是信息」(Medium is the Message),在个人化网络世代中,媒介就是极个人化的手机荧幕。投射的自然同样极个人化的性格营造,就像认识一个人一样,更易取决于感觉。特朗普在社交媒体中不只以make noise取胜,关键在于顺应社交媒体的生态,密集地以上述的语言特色营造强烈性格。
Twitter也是特朗普的战场。除了开宗名义直接攻击,如去年12月一句「The last thing this country needs is another Bush」(这个国家最不需要的就是另一个布什)攻击杰布布什,也曾经发动多轮Twitter攻击,针对霍士电视台记者凯利、另一共和党候选人卢比奥以至封杀他企业男装系列的百货公司Macy's等仇敌。
就像应验传播学之父Marshall Mcluhan名句「媒介就是信息」(Medium is the Message),在个人化网络世代中,媒介就是极个人化的手机荧幕。投射的自然同样极个人化的性格营造,就像认识一个人一样,更易取决于感觉。特朗普在社交媒体中不只以make noise取胜,关键在于顺应社交媒体的生态,密集地以上述的语言特色营造强烈性格。
what? we need to be unemployed to have health insurance? who will pay for food, clothes,house and other bills. Obama?
Rick MacGregor on February 2, 2016
If you looked at what you have to pay (If you could afford it) and then add in the deductible, the insurance plans under the ACA are ludacris. Furthermore, with exceptions, the 18 – 28 +/- group are the healthiest ones out there and the last ones to need insurance. Regardless of your political persuasion, the Act needs a major overhaul. Like most governmental ideas with good intention, it does nothing but hurt the middleclass.
Curtis Noll on April 18, 2016
I agree completely! My son is 43. He is a diabetic and has lupus. His healthcare costs are eating him alive! ObamaCare wants another $100 per month from him to participate. In spite of his health, he works 3 days a week plus cleans houses once every two weeks. His health is failing and there is no help from Medicaid because he has no dependents. Also, $16 per month for food stamps. No help from any direction. Where is the solution from Obamacare? on April 18, 2016
The frustrating thing here is that the solution from ObamaCare is Medicaid expansion… which is currently rejected in about 20 states by the GOP leadership in that state.
This same reasoning can explain why the food stamp allotments and other assistance in a given state is sparse. Just general GOP ideology that assume people with low income shouldn’t get government help and that private charities will suffice. This leaves me in a position where I am left to suggest local charities, which do exist in real life.
Anyway, hope this doesn’t come off like just a dig on the practicality of Republican ideology, I have a friend with Lupus and personally find this frustrating to say the least.
Only other suggestion is to check where the eligibility levels fall, getting better assistance could be a matter of making a little more or less money (something that sounds like it could be controllable). Kevin on March 3, 2016
I am wondering the same thing. I picked a silver plan of which deductables are completely insane as it is, but Bronze is even worse. Theres no way I could EVER pay the deductable if sick anyhow so the plans worthless to me. I make 28000 per year, i have rent, bills, phone, electric, internet IS necessary nowdays, and everyone needs money to live, if we all just paid bills and never lived life/had fun, we might as well all die. I get no tax credit whatsoever, $200 per month bills make me unable to afford what we need. I cant afford to lose my “refund” either. Refund? Its MY money they used its not a refund, its giving back stolen income, really. I have no answers and it would seem theres no answer. You just live in poverty, dont pay, pay and dont eat, or lose your so called tax refund. They offer no solution! They should be paying our insurance in full. The plans offered are horrible anyhow.
Kaia on April 27, 2016
This is ludicrous! Have son in college full time. Has apt and makes $7-8000 a year. We help support him because his earnings pay for his food, gas and electricity. Since we claim him, our crappy income is included. I’m on SSD his father doesn’t make that much. When filed for Obamacare, they want $250 for coverage! Wtf! The catastrophic coverage wasn’t much lower and what good is it! It’s a disgrace! BUT—- if He huaren.used the fence from Mexico to the U.S., no problem ! They will even give me foodstamps and a place to live!!! What a JOKE Steve on October 26, 2015
Answer Rating:
I am unemployed and disabled, but not eligible for SSDI or SSI since the government says I’m not disabled.
WHAT do I do? I’m not eligible for any aid with insurance due to my “income being too high.”
My income is $0!!
It’s all a joke to the government! on November 3, 2015
Just remember that ObamaCare tried to expand coverage to you for free and the GOP in your state blocked this. In short you and millions of others have no coverage options due to Republicans in your state.
mk on November 13, 2015 Answer Rating:
I’m so tired of the Dem’s blaming the Rep’s and the Rep’s blaming the Dem’s. You are elected by the people to work FOR us not against us, stop blaming each other and LISTEN to the people! I didn’t want this health care, I was just fine making payments out of pocket now I am forced to pay for something I don’t want and can’t afford. I was fine with my $50 a month payment for my medical bills that was affordable. on November 13, 2015
You are right, we all should be focusing on the best healthcare options for our country and not pointing fingers over political differences. The caveat of course is that each party, and in some instances each politician, has very different views on what the right next move is. Still, we need to remember to focus on what we have in common more than how your political leanings make us different. Ideally.
Michelle on December 15, 2015
The best healthcare option for our country or its people???? For the people and those in healthcare business it is a having a free market where the government is not monopolizing or invested in a business such as healthcare. The Healthcare system we have is ment to divide people . Only 2 religions are exepemt and only one or 2 other insurance companies are also exempt. One is MEDI SHARE. A christian company that pats for everything you cant . It has a few rules but it seems worth it. A family of 3 can be coverd for aprix 200. A month ,double check that. The only good thing this obamacare did was to make people more religious and seek real help elswhere So thanks.
Brooke Singleton on December 11, 2015
“Just remember that ObamaCare tried to expand coverage to you for free and the GOP in your state blocked this. In short you and millions of others have no coverage options due to Republicans in your state.”
At first I thought this comment was made by someone looking at this website. Then I realized, no, this comment was made by the official in charge of this website. I hope you realize how unprofessional your comment was. Most people would be in trouble with their boss for writing with that tone and making a comment like that. I suggest you edit it, although I’m guessing your supervisor is just fine with you making remarks of that nature. on December 11, 2015
Point taken. Counter point (from the boss / author of this privately run free to use fact site attempting to help people understand the law).
The PPACA was written to expand Medicaid coverage to all adults below the 133% poverty level (138% in practice). A libertarian / conservative backed lawsuit NFIB V. Sebblius attempting to “break” ObamaCare made it to the Supreme Court. That ruling ended with the mandate being declared a tax and let states opt-out of Medicaid expansion. Almost exclusively “red” states opted out of expanding Medicaid. The stated reason was cost, but this is really a weak argument. Likely the goal with opting out is the same as the NFIB case, to break ObamaCare and make Obama look bad. We can’t say this was the intention of all, but we can look back at videos, see the behavior of the GOP, and think of basic strategy and reasonably guess this is the case.
So when we say “ObamaCare tried to expand coverage for free (or low cost) to millions of uninsured low income Americans and that Republicans in your state are to blame for you not having coverage.” This is true. There is no elegant way to say that the GOP has sacrificed a bunch of low income Americans as pawns in an ideological war against Obama and subsidized healthcare. That was there choice, I don’t think it’s’ unfair to call it how it is. I could have framed the above as more favorable to the GOP like “they fought the socialist law to free poor people from the tyranny of state spending”, but I gotta say the version I went with sounds more true.
To clarify, we are a privately run website (the official one would of course never talk politics, only healthcare). Our aim is to help people understand the PPACA. In this case the data point to convey is that if you don’t hold Republicans accountable for rejecting Medicaid for political reasons then people in your state will continue to go without healthcare. If you don’t have healthcare because your Governor rejected expansion then this likely matters to you.
Deb on January 20, 2016
Perhaps had the Democrats not voting for this atrocity in the middle of the night without any Republicans knowing about it…it could have been different. I am also between a rock & a hard place…$0 income….husband is disabled & gets $345 a month after his $200 premiums for medicare…make too much for medicaid & can’t afford Obamacare at $426 a month…no that isn’t for a premium plan…high deductible & high out of pocket $12000…is this really reasonable??? No!!! I m 59 yrs old…my husband makes too much for me to qualify for medicaid & burger flippers want $15 an hr…ha!!! on January 20, 2016 Can’t agree more with the first statement, if the parties would work together we would have better legislation. Ryan even admits that the GOP has been the party of “NO”. Everything else aside, their stonewall tactics have been about as useless as a wet noodle for the country. Blocking liberals is not governing, it’s just stalling. I am NOT impressed. Stop the hate and pandering and give us a smart business oriented solution that provides universal coverage, give the people and the other party something to take seriously.
Leasa on February 13, 2016
The truth is nothing is free. Tax payers still have to pay taxes. And then the “government” takes hard working tax payers money and gives free or low cost insurance and anything else people that don’t work want or need. I don’t have insurance. I can’t afford to buy groceries. We only make it by the grace of God. I dare you to say the republicans didn’t want people to have free stuff. Where is the government getting the FREE money to help all the people that aren’t working. The only people that should have “free” insurance are truly physically or mentally disabled. And for the other people, the great and powerful government should have jobs available for American citizens. And since no one is really listening: let me just say: If an illegal alien has a child in the United States that child or children should also be illegal. Nothing’s free unless you don’t work. Which gives people very little incentive to work. Ridiculous.
Billionaire Republican donor Sheldon Adelson is reportedly willing to give Donald Trump as much as $100 million for his presidential campaign -- a purported record-setting amount for the wealth casino magnate.
要是软泡一开始就背书了,就没有drama了, 没有drama就没有那么多attention, attention 越多, 川普的momentum越强大。
1. 本来是冲着希拉里来的,结果不到半个月自我反水,成了唐老床的死忠粉。但也
2. 一开始大家都以为是个笑话的候选人,结果一路凯歌成了不可阻挡的Nominee。
3. 一开始大家都以为是个笑话的“建墙”,结果在3月辩论中,居然成了各和党候
4. 总算搞清楚了什么叫建制派Establishment。
5. 搞清楚了什么叫Super Delegates。
6. 搞清楚了Convention,Caucus和Primary的区别
7. 发现原来Primary还有Open和Close的差别,还有开而不开和不开而开的差别。
8. 最熟悉的数字:1237。
9. 明白了啥叫Contested Convention或Open Convention。
10. 发现了Delegates和Votes是两码事儿。Lying Ted对这个可是比谁都更明白,可
11. 明白了谋局要站得高看得远,不要纠结于一时的成败。塞翁失马,焉知祸福?
有人说和党Primary的转折点是New York,但我觉得应该是Colorado。
12. 发现有人的脸皮可以厚到1:46还赖在Primary里的。
13. 发现还有人脸皮厚到没在美国出生也敢跑来竞选总统。
14. 学会了演讲用词造句要简单明了!包括起Logo、给人起外号,都要起得精准、
简洁、掷地有声。譬如Make America Great Again! Little Marco,Lying Ted,
Crooked Hillary… 适合三万人齐声高喊的那种。。。
15. 发现从2月开始,动不动就Super Tuesday。还真是一个比一个Super。特别是
New York、美东五州、Indiana的Landslide!太爽气了!还有Missouri,有惊无险!当
16. 以前以为自己偏左,今年开始觉得从华人利益出发,应该往右转;但是后来也
被唐老床带得,搞不清左右了,但是头脑反而清楚了:common sense first,不容易被
17. 如今不管选啥,政治不正确才是政治正确哦!
18. 不爱看微信了,反而开始刷屏英文新闻,可是也从这开始,才发现原来主流媒
19. 刚支持老床的时候还有点儿怀疑,但是主流左右各大媒体抹黑了近一年居然也
20. 发现自己可以更好地欣赏一些模仿秀了。最逗的是模仿唐老床和三德子辩论那
场,Immigration Chicken笑得肚子抽筋。
21. 才知道老床的生意除了那么多房子,还有Trump Steak,Trump Airline,Trump
Magazine,Trump Vodka,Trump University….
22. 总算搞清楚了荣泡、软泡、泡软的关系。。。
23. 总算搞清楚了利比亚、班加西。。。
24. 知道了女人找男人不能找手太小的。
25. 知道了推销自己要先弄清楚自己的定位。有些话,老床可以说,Little Marco
26. 实在搞不清大众上厕所的问题该怎么解决了。。建议都在憋着等回家吧!
27. Bloomberg估计最郁闷,有一个同是纽约人的Billionnaire,没有任何从政经验
28. Biden估计第二郁闷,主党的一疯一骗,弄不好最后一片哀鸣啊,好后悔没出来
29. 开始杞人忧天:鸠占鹊巢,鹊咋办呢?再开一党还来得及吗?
30. 开始听明白“龙虾党”这个词儿了。
31. 开始发现正常人在严重偏左的社会里已经被严重逆向歧视了。
32. 发现今年反向助选的人和团体特别多。
33. 意识到结果往往和花钱多少不成正比,有时候还成反比。
34. 发现越有先见之明,越早上车的越划算。太晚了可能连汤都喝不上了。
35. 发现美国所谓的民主,往往就是2狼1羊投票午饭吃啥;或者羊的面前是屠宰场
36. 发现无论在哪里,人性还是相通的,Common Sense还是基本一致的,老祖宗还
He favors a strong immigration border policy and a guest worker program[168] and a flex-fuel mandate for cars sold in the U.S.[169]
Gingrich has taken a diminutive view of internationalism and the United Nations, saying in 2015, "after several years of looking at the UN, I can report to you that it is sufficiently corrupt and sufficiently inefficient. That no reasonable person would put faith in it."[170]
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07
这个是泡软=Paul Ryan.
软泡=Rand Paul
还有荣泡是软泡的老爸Ron Paul
Man, what a debate~~~
上次是因为牛金贵带头弹劾比尔克林顿不得人心, 结果他自己也有绯闻,所以公众对牛金贵没有容忍度. 除了绯闻外牛金贵还真是个人才.
应该快了,rnc chairman发话,说软泡很快就会背书了
从船长一路选举也能看出,船长是个deal maker,从 千军万马到一马平川,老巫婆声那么多党内大佬支持,做国务卿的时候搞得中东乱七八糟,一手扶植isis,以前搞不定黑8,现在连个名不见经传的三德子都搞不定,眼见为实,选她是找死啊。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
“FuckPolitical Correctness(去他的政治正确),”王湉说,美国是一个言论自由的国家,他不明白为什么喊口号,还要顾虑到非裔或其他种族的感受。
通过微信群,王湉拉拢越来越多志同道合的“川粉” ,包含第一副团长、29岁、从山东移民美国7年的房产经纪刘吉米,以及从北京移民美国18年、从事金融业的余涛等。
余涛把自己推特账号改成“川普的伟大长城” ( TheGreatWallofTrump ),自我介绍写着:18年前我合法的到这个自由世界,追求我的梦。我是投票给川普的亚裔,盖长城吧!
刘杰米也认同, “偏袒非法移民,不就是打压了合法移民吗?你给了他们本来就不该有的。”
“就好像我们家里被人抢钱、偷钱一样,你是不是需要建一个大门呢?或养一条狗,小偷就进不来了, Make sense?”
王湉自掏腰包七百多美元,制作了T恤、徽章、布条。穿着“Chinese American Love Trump”字样的衣服,走在超过三万人的会场里,他感到非常骄傲。
“我有信心说服更多华人参加(挺川普)。”余涛补充, “这个团体里基本上没有吃福利的“龙虾党”——那些拿食物券、吃福利的民主党。他们的观点就跟“黑墨穆”是一样的,来到美国,就觉得这国家好像欠他们的,欠一辈子。”
余涛说,过去华裔对政治过于冷漠,只顾着赚钱,现在他们意识到在美国社会, “你不管赚多少钱,最后还是得听人家的,不参政、最后还是得任人宰割。”
新浪国际 唐家婕 自华盛顿
Twitter也是特朗普的战场。除了开宗名义直接攻击,如去年12月一句「The last thing this country needs is another Bush」(这个国家最不需要的就是另一个布什)攻击杰布布什,也曾经发动多轮Twitter攻击,针对霍士电视台记者凯利、另一共和党候选人卢比奥以至封杀他企业男装系列的百货公司Macy's等仇敌。
就像应验传播学之父Marshall Mcluhan名句「媒介就是信息」(Medium is the Message),在个人化网络世代中,媒介就是极个人化的手机荧幕。投射的自然同样极个人化的性格营造,就像认识一个人一样,更易取决于感觉。特朗普在社交媒体中不只以make noise取胜,关键在于顺应社交媒体的生态,密集地以上述的语言特色营造强烈性格。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
点击州名, 就可以看到州内每个COUNTY的选举情况了。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07
Laura smith on April 1, 2016
what? we need to be unemployed to have health insurance? who will pay for food, clothes,house and other bills. Obama?
Rick MacGregor on February 2, 2016
If you looked at what you have to pay (If you could afford it) and then add in the deductible, the insurance plans under the ACA are ludacris. Furthermore, with exceptions, the 18 – 28 +/- group are the healthiest ones out there and the last ones to need insurance. Regardless of your political persuasion, the Act needs a major overhaul. Like most governmental ideas with good intention, it does nothing but hurt the middleclass.
Curtis Noll on April 18, 2016
I agree completely!
My son is 43. He is a diabetic and has lupus. His healthcare costs are eating him alive! ObamaCare wants another $100 per month from him to participate. In spite of his health, he works 3 days a week plus cleans houses once every two weeks. His health is failing and there is no help from Medicaid because he has no dependents. Also, $16 per month for food stamps. No help from any direction. Where is the solution from Obamacare? on April 18, 2016
The frustrating thing here is that the solution from ObamaCare is Medicaid expansion… which is currently rejected in about 20 states by the GOP leadership in that state.
This same reasoning can explain why the food stamp allotments and other assistance in a given state is sparse. Just general GOP ideology that assume people with low income shouldn’t get government help and that private charities will suffice. This leaves me in a position where I am left to suggest local charities, which do exist in real life.
Anyway, hope this doesn’t come off like just a dig on the practicality of Republican ideology, I have a friend with Lupus and personally find this frustrating to say the least.
Only other suggestion is to check where the eligibility levels fall, getting better assistance could be a matter of making a little more or less money (something that sounds like it could be controllable).
Kevin on March 3, 2016
I am wondering the same thing. I picked a silver plan of which deductables are completely insane as it is, but Bronze is even worse. Theres no way I could EVER pay the deductable if sick anyhow so the plans worthless to me. I make 28000 per year, i have rent, bills, phone, electric, internet IS necessary nowdays, and everyone needs money to live, if we all just paid bills and never lived life/had fun, we might as well all die. I get no tax credit whatsoever, $200 per month bills make me unable to afford what we need. I cant afford to lose my “refund” either. Refund? Its MY money they used its not a refund, its giving back stolen income, really. I have no answers and it would seem theres no answer. You just live in poverty, dont pay, pay and dont eat, or lose your so called tax refund. They offer no solution! They should be paying our insurance in full. The plans offered are horrible anyhow.
Kaia on April 27, 2016
This is ludicrous! Have son in college full time. Has apt and makes $7-8000 a year. We help support him because his earnings pay for his food, gas and electricity. Since we claim him, our crappy income is included. I’m on SSD his father doesn’t make that much. When filed for Obamacare, they want $250 for coverage! Wtf! The catastrophic coverage wasn’t much lower and what good is it! It’s a disgrace! BUT—- if He huaren.used the fence from Mexico to the U.S., no problem ! They will even give me foodstamps and a place to live!!! What a JOKE
Steve on October 26, 2015
Answer Rating:
I am unemployed and disabled, but not eligible for SSDI or SSI since the government says I’m not disabled.
WHAT do I do? I’m not eligible for any aid with insurance due to my “income being too high.”
My income is $0!!
It’s all a joke to the government! on November 3, 2015
Just remember that ObamaCare tried to expand coverage to you for free and the GOP in your state blocked this. In short you and millions of others have no coverage options due to Republicans in your state.
mk on November 13, 2015
Answer Rating:
I’m so tired of the Dem’s blaming the Rep’s and the Rep’s blaming the Dem’s. You are elected by the people to work FOR us not against us, stop blaming each other and LISTEN to the people! I didn’t want this health care, I was just fine making payments out of pocket now I am forced to pay for something I don’t want and can’t afford. I was fine with my $50 a month payment for my medical bills that was affordable. on November 13, 2015
You are right, we all should be focusing on the best healthcare options for our country and not pointing fingers over political differences. The caveat of course is that each party, and in some instances each politician, has very different views on what the right next move is. Still, we need to remember to focus on what we have in common more than how your political leanings make us different. Ideally.
Michelle on December 15, 2015
The best healthcare option for our country or its people???? For the people and those in healthcare business it is a having a free market where the government is not monopolizing or invested in a business such as healthcare. The Healthcare system we have is ment to divide people . Only 2 religions are exepemt and only one or 2 other insurance companies are also exempt. One is MEDI SHARE. A christian company that pats for everything you cant . It has a few rules but it seems worth it. A family of 3 can be coverd for aprix 200. A month ,double check that. The only good thing this obamacare did was to make people more religious and seek real help elswhere So thanks.
Brooke Singleton on December 11, 2015
“Just remember that ObamaCare tried to expand coverage to you for free and the GOP in your state blocked this. In short you and millions of others have no coverage options due to Republicans in your state.”
At first I thought this comment was made by someone looking at this website. Then I realized, no, this comment was made by the official in charge of this website. I hope you realize how unprofessional your comment was. Most people would be in trouble with their boss for writing with that tone and making a comment like that. I suggest you edit it, although I’m guessing your supervisor is just fine with you making remarks of that nature. on December 11, 2015
Point taken. Counter point (from the boss / author of this privately run free to use fact site attempting to help people understand the law).
The PPACA was written to expand Medicaid coverage to all adults below the 133% poverty level (138% in practice). A libertarian / conservative backed lawsuit NFIB V. Sebblius attempting to “break” ObamaCare made it to the Supreme Court. That ruling ended with the mandate being declared a tax and let states opt-out of Medicaid expansion. Almost exclusively “red” states opted out of expanding Medicaid. The stated reason was cost, but this is really a weak argument. Likely the goal with opting out is the same as the NFIB case, to break ObamaCare and make Obama look bad. We can’t say this was the intention of all, but we can look back at videos, see the behavior of the GOP, and think of basic strategy and reasonably guess this is the case.
So when we say “ObamaCare tried to expand coverage for free (or low cost) to millions of uninsured low income Americans and that Republicans in your state are to blame for you not having coverage.” This is true. There is no elegant way to say that the GOP has sacrificed a bunch of low income Americans as pawns in an ideological war against Obama and subsidized healthcare. That was there choice, I don’t think it’s’ unfair to call it how it is. I could have framed the above as more favorable to the GOP like “they fought the socialist law to free poor people from the tyranny of state spending”, but I gotta say the version I went with sounds more true.
To clarify, we are a privately run website (the official one would of course never talk politics, only healthcare). Our aim is to help people understand the PPACA. In this case the data point to convey is that if you don’t hold Republicans accountable for rejecting Medicaid for political reasons then people in your state will continue to go without healthcare. If you don’t have healthcare because your Governor rejected expansion then this likely matters to you.
Deb on January 20, 2016
Perhaps had the Democrats not voting for this atrocity in the middle of the night without any Republicans knowing about it…it could have been different. I am also between a rock & a hard place…$0 income….husband is disabled & gets $345 a month after his $200 premiums for medicare…make too much for medicaid & can’t afford Obamacare at $426 a month…no that isn’t for a premium plan…high deductible & high out of pocket $12000…is this really reasonable??? No!!! I m 59 yrs old…my husband makes too much for me to qualify for medicaid & burger flippers want $15 an hr…ha!!! on January 20, 2016
Can’t agree more with the first statement, if the parties would work together we would have better legislation. Ryan even admits that the GOP has been the party of “NO”. Everything else aside, their stonewall tactics have been about as useless as a wet noodle for the country. Blocking liberals is not governing, it’s just stalling. I am NOT impressed. Stop the hate and pandering and give us a smart business oriented solution that provides universal coverage, give the people and the other party something to take seriously.
Leasa on February 13, 2016
The truth is nothing is free. Tax payers still have to pay taxes. And then the “government” takes hard working tax payers money and gives free or low cost insurance and anything else people that don’t work want or need. I don’t have insurance. I can’t afford to buy groceries. We only make it by the grace of God. I dare you to say the republicans didn’t want people to have free stuff. Where is the government getting the FREE money to help all the people that aren’t working. The only people that should have “free” insurance are truly physically or mentally disabled. And for the other people, the great and powerful government should have jobs available for American citizens. And since no one is really listening: let me just say: If an illegal alien has a child in the United States that child or children should also be illegal. Nothing’s free unless you don’t work. Which gives people very little incentive to work. Ridiculous.
Bloomberg似乎跟GOP establishment搭上了,在今天的WSJ上发了一篇和Koch Industries CEO联合署名的文章,讲校园里的言论自由。
After a couple years of debate, the Republican-led U.S. House of Representatives will officially hold impeachment hearings!
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Donald Trump fires back over "lame hit piece" on women
Across the country, state party leaders are pushing activists to get in line.