"I encourage other Republican presidential candidates to consider doing the same so that the voters can focus on a limited number of candidates who can offer a positive, conservative alternative to the current front-runner," said Walker, referencing businessman Donald Trump. "This is fundamentally important to the future of our party, and, more important, the future of the country."
"When the Pope chooses to act and talk like a leftist politician," Rep. Paul Gosar, a Republican -- and Catholic -- from Arizona says, "then he can expect to be treated like one."
不过Carson这事,它说不拥护穆斯林当总统,只能说是反应个人情绪,真是说得没啥根据,入职宣誓的时候手可以按圣经也可以按着别的书,只要宣誓的内容是一样的:“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
不过Carson这事,它说不拥护穆斯林当总统,只能说是反应个人情绪,真是说得没啥根据,入职宣誓的时候手可以按圣经也可以按着别的书,只要宣誓的内容是一样的:“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” PositiveVibe 发表于 9/21/2015 10:28:54 PM
这是他的解释:他说msl不denounce Sharia Law就不能当总统,也有道理。 The first issue I want to deal with tonight is the stories today about my comments yesterday when I was asked if I would support a hypothetical Muslim candidate for President. I responded “I would not advocate for that” and I went on to say that many parts of Sharia Law are not compatible with the Constitution. I was immediately attacked by some of my Republican peers and nearly every Democrat alive. Know this, I meant exactly what I said. I could never support a candidate for President of the United States that was Muslim and had not renounced the central tenant of Islam: Sharia Law. Those Republicans that take issue with my position are amazing. Under Islamic Law, homosexuals – men and women alike – must be killed. Women must be subservient. And people following other religions must be killed. I know that there are many peaceful Muslims who do not adhere to these beliefs. But until these tenants are fully renounced…I cannot advocate any Muslim candidate for President.
这是他的解释:他说msl不denounce Sharia Law就不能当总统,也有道理。 The first issue I want to deal with tonight is the stories today about my comments yesterday when I was asked if I would support a hypothetical Muslim candidate for President. I responded “I would not advocate for that” and I went on to say that many parts of Sharia Law are not compatible with the Constitution. I was immediately attacked by some of my Republican peers and nearly every Democrat alive. Know this, I meant exactly what I said. I could never support a candidate for President of the United States that was Muslim and had not renounced the central tenant of Islam: Sharia Law. Those Republicans that take issue with my position are amazing. Under Islamic Law, homosexuals – men and women alike – must be killed. Women must be subservient. And people following other religions must be killed. I know that there are many peaceful Muslims who do not adhere to these beliefs. But until these tenants are fully renounced…I cannot advocate any Muslim candidate for President.
这是他的解释:他说msl不denounce Sharia Law就不能当总统,也有道理。 The first issue I want to deal with tonight is the stories today about my comments yesterday when I was asked if I would support a hypothetical Muslim candidate for President. I responded “I would not advocate for that” and I went on to say that many parts of Sharia Law are not compatible with the Constitution. I was immediately attacked by some of my Republican peers and nearly every Democrat alive. Know this, I meant exactly what I said. I could never support a candidate for President of the United States that was Muslim and had not renounced the central tenant of Islam: Sharia Law. Those Republicans that take issue with my position are amazing. Under Islamic Law, homosexuals – men and women alike – must be killed. Women must be subservient. And people following other religions must be killed. I know that there are many peaceful Muslims who do not adhere to these beliefs. But until these tenants are fully renounced…I cannot advocate any Muslim candidate for President.
Barbara Boxer: Carly Fiorina doomed by record, 'mean-spiritedness' http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/21/politics/barbara-boxer-carly-fiorina-mean-spirited/index.html "When you examine her record and the fact that she shipped 30,000 jobs overseas and forced those beautiful employees to even train their foreign replacements, when these people come out to tell the story of Carly Fiorina like they did in my Senate race -- I won that race in a landslide," Boxer said. "I think the Republicans would have a very rough time if she was on the ticket."
Barbara Boxer: Carly Fiorina doomed by record, 'mean-spiritedness' http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/21/politics/barbara-boxer-carly-fiorina-mean-spirited/index.html "When you examine her record and the fact that she shipped 30,000 jobs overseas and forced those beautiful employees to even train their foreign replacements, when these people come out to tell the story of Carly Fiorina like they did in my Senate race -- I won that race in a landslide," Boxer said. "I think the Republicans would have a very rough time if she was on the ticket." 连dem都知道fiorina是毒药。
Barbara Boxer: Carly Fiorina doomed by record, 'mean-spiritedness' http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/21/politics/barbara-boxer-carly-fiorina-mean-spirited/index.html "When you examine her record and the fact that she shipped 30,000 jobs overseas and forced those beautiful employees to even train their foreign replacements, when these people come out to tell the story of Carly Fiorina like they did in my Senate race -- I won that race in a landslide," Boxer said. "I think the Republicans would have a very rough time if she was on the ticket."
Fiorina is the worst CEO ever in HP's history and destroyed the moral of the silicon valley founding company. I don't know how can she be praised and kissed by Foxnews if Foxnew has any common sense.
Clock controversy risks backfiring for Obama as critics cast doubt on narrative Fourteen-year-old Ahmed Mohamed’s father has said he now plans to withdraw the freshman from MacArthur High School, and said Monday that they intend to visit New York City where he says they will meet with dignitaries at the United Nations, before making a pilgrimage to Mecca and later visiting Obama at the White House, The Dallas Morning News reported. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/09/22/clock-controversy-may-cause-headache-for-obama-as-doubts-raised-about-story/ 这家人到底要干嘛啊
Clock controversy risks backfiring for Obama as critics cast doubt on narrative Fourteen-year-old Ahmed Mohamed’s father has said he now plans to withdraw the freshman from MacArthur High School, and said Monday that they intend to visit New York City where he says they will meet with dignitaries at the United Nations, before making a pilgrimage to Mecca and later visiting Obama at the White House, The Dallas Morning News reported. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/09/22/clock-controversy-may-cause-headache-for-obama-as-doubts-raised-about-story/ 这家人到底要干嘛啊 luckyso 发表于 9/22/2015 5:19:06 PM
CNN播了Boxer的attack那个HP女马脸的ads,但被嘉宾轻描淡写的说,加州是个深蓝州,所以她才在加州输的,如果非要强调她以前的record,那Trump还破产四次了呢。 哪个懂行的,来分析一下,这两个records可以being compared apple to apple么? PositiveVibe 发表于 9/22/2015 7:44:26 PM
当时是GOP一个strong的election cycle, 在那个广告前,她俩很接近,广告一播,加上前HP的一些人出来说话,她很快就败下阵来。 失败没关系,但她cross the ethical line with outsourcing and laying off local employees, collecting person fortune through golden parachute, 这是美国百姓最反感的,no matter GOP or dem. 我觉得Trump应该多强调这些道德方面的问题,而不要只纠结在输赢上。
当时是GOP一个strong的election cycle, 在那个广告前,她俩很接近,广告一播,加上前HP的一些人出来说话,她很快就败下阵来。 失败没关系,但她cross the ethical line with outsourcing and laying off local employees, collecting person fortune through golden parachute, 这是美国百姓最反感的,no matter GOP or dem. 我觉得Trump应该多强调这些道德方面的问题,而不要只纠结在输赢上。
当时是GOP一个strong的election cycle, 在那个广告前,她俩很接近,广告一播,加上前HP的一些人出来说话,她很快就败下阵来。 失败没关系,但她cross the ethical line with outsourcing and laying off local employees, collecting person fortune through golden parachute, 这是美国百姓最反感的,no matter GOP or dem. 我觉得Trump应该多强调这些道德方面的问题,而不要只纠结在输赢上。
属于那种不咯吱反而乐,咯吱了反而不乐的那种 :s
你可真是看人漏了一点底 赶紧出了巴结...
wrong post
这是他的解释:他说msl不denounce Sharia Law就不能当总统,也有道理。 The first issue I want to deal with tonight is the stories today about my comments yesterday when I was asked if I would support a hypothetical Muslim candidate for President. I responded “I would not advocate for that” and I went on to say that many parts of Sharia Law are not compatible with the Constitution. I was immediately attacked by some of my Republican peers and nearly every Democrat alive. Know this, I meant exactly what I said. I could never support a candidate for President of the United States that was Muslim and had not renounced the central tenant of Islam: Sharia Law. Those Republicans that take issue with my position are amazing. Under Islamic Law, homosexuals – men and women alike – must be killed. Women must be subservient. And people following other religions must be killed. I know that there are many peaceful Muslims who do not adhere to these beliefs. But until these tenants are fully renounced…I cannot advocate any Muslim candidate for President.
其实之前我还没发觉,因为那是Trump和其他GOP candidate打架,算是GOP内部问题,fox向着谁都可以。这次Trump没defend O8他们跳出来太恶心了,他们不是天天骂O8吗,这次为了反Trump竟然和左媒一个腔调。实在是太low了。
有一定道理,但是前提是如果那个穆斯林let it get in the way
re, 适当的内部左一些是可以的, 但对外美国不是靠左成为世界霸主的,特别是别人和你play的不是一个rule的情况下搞普世是自宫行为。那些msl极端分子一边讨论怎么进攻美国,招募新兵,一边看电视我们在讨论是不是可以选msl总统估计都笑死了。
其他虾兵蟹将可以都忽略不计了,最后可能就剩下Trump, Jeb, Carson, Fiorina, Rubio 和 Cruz
这几个人里有能力跟民主党对决的,可能也就Trump 和 Rubio
"When you examine her record and the fact that she shipped 30,000 jobs overseas and forced those beautiful employees to even train their foreign replacements, when these people come out to tell the story of Carly Fiorina like they did in my Senate race -- I won that race in a landslide," Boxer said. "I think the Republicans would have a very rough time if she was on the ticket."
恩,同感。最好让全美国人民都看清她的嘴脸。她当初坑了那么多人,还不赶紧拿着巨额severance pay藏起来, 还有脸出来竞选,脸皮实在是太厚了。
为什么要不肖?看问题本身就要分开看,我老对Trump作为business man还是很佩服的。但是他并不是一个合格的政治家,仅此而已。
其实问题得这么看,非移这个问题只是个表象,这个潘多拉的盒子是不能开的。很明显,目前美国有股anti-immigration的sentiment。固然大家的心情可以理解,但是你必须要清楚即使赶走了所有的非移,一旦这个列车开起来是停不下来的,等下一个经济危机一来,首当其冲的就是我们这些合法移民。合法移民在抢美国人工作的叫嚷声在美国极右翼中从来没有停止过。别说Trump并不代表美国极右翼,可是你看看他的这次竞选的背后都站着什么人,支持他的又有哪些人,以及他到目前的某些极端言论都是非常危险的信号。就算Trump本身并不反合法移民,可是有时候一旦这种民意形成了趋势,他是没法去控制的。比如14th amendment, 看上去是要对付所谓的anchor baby,可是一旦有了修宪的可能,难道极右翼真就停在这里了吗?绝对不会。以后估计连绿卡的孩子都拿不了公民。美国是要向右转,但是是要转向中偏右才行,所以我老支持Jeb/Rubio。
而且,到目前为止,Trump真的没有什么切实可行的具体施政方案拿出来。一味的Trust me, I can do it,是没办法说服人的。他的移民和Gun control paper可以说是很极端的,从历来中间选民的选择来说,大多数中间选民是无法接受的。
还有,没必要太注重目前的poll,they means nothing now。我老已经说了,参与这个讨论不是为了来说服任何人,而是大家交流一些意见。
这老头还比较客观,不像fox news的某些人,偏见不要太明显。
这个show观众的反应是美国有多左的典型例证啊。可怜的Cruz. Colbert还算有节操。
Trump的campaign manager看来还不错。
你不用trust他,也不用相信他说he can do it
Xi Jinping, Chinese Leader, Has Weighty Agenda and Busy Schedule for U.S. Visit
Fourteen-year-old Ahmed Mohamed’s father has said he now plans to withdraw the freshman from MacArthur High School, and said Monday that they intend to visit New York City where he says they will meet with dignitaries at the United Nations, before making a pilgrimage to Mecca and later visiting Obama at the White House, The Dallas Morning News reported.
哪个懂行的,来分析一下,这两个records可以being compared apple to apple么?
失败没关系,但她cross the ethical line with outsourcing and laying off local employees, collecting person fortune through golden parachute, 这是美国百姓最反感的,no matter GOP or dem.
奇怪啊,O8难道不想利用POPE推行它对global warming的宣传么,因为POPE相信global warming,说减少全球变暖人人有责