Ben Carson: Put Harriet Tubman on the $2 bill instead -
Donald Trump said Thursday he would change the Republican Party platform's position on abortion to include exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother.
Trump made the remarks during a town hall on the "Today" show on NBC on Thursday morning when host Savannah Guthrie asked him about abortion exceptions.
"The Republican platform every four years has a provision that states that the right of the unborn child should not be infringed," Guthrie said. "And it makes no exceptions for rape, for incest, for the life of the mother. Would you want to change the Republican platform to include the (abortion) exceptions that you have?"
"Yes, I would. Yes, I would. Absolutely," Trump said. "For the three exceptions, I would."
Currently, the Republican platform abortion policy reads: "We assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed."
wobuaichicu 发表于 4/21/2016 11:31:14 AM
非常符合他对自己common sense conservative的定义。不过今天他回答上厕所的问题又是一个话题,我得好好消化一下。。。
16分30秒开始 Trump引用并强调了一个commentator的话说leave it the way it is。然后记者提了一个人名(应该是个已经变性了的her)问他会不会allow她上Trump tower的女厕所,船长说definitely。 icylava 发表于 4/21/2016 1:51:07 PM
我觉得船长的回答:leave it the way it is,模棱两可,很容易被媒体挑口误,他应该具体解释一下,比如:必须是做了手术后的变性人,而不是纯粹外表打扮的象女人就可以随便出入女厕所!上次那个堕胎的回答,也是上了媒体的当,这种明显是挖坑给他跳的采访能不能今后不要去啦!这种事后马后炮一样的再解释,会失分很多啊!!!
我觉得船长的回答:leave it the way it is,模棱两可,很容易被媒体挑口误,他应该具体解释一下,比如:必须是做了手术后的变性人,而不是纯粹外表打扮的象女人就可以随便出入女厕所!上次那个堕胎的回答,也是上了媒体的当,这种明显是挖坑给他跳的采访能不能今后不要去啦!这种事后马后炮一样的再解释,会失分很多啊!!!
我觉得船长的回答:leave it the way it is,模棱两可,很容易被媒体挑口误,他应该具体解释一下,比如:必须是做了手术后的变性人,而不是纯粹外表打扮的象女人就可以随便出入女厕所!上次那个堕胎的回答,也是上了媒体的当,这种明显是挖坑给他跳的采访能不能今后不要去啦!这种事后马后炮一样的再解释,会失分很多啊!!!
By - Associated Press - Thursday, April 21, 2016 NEW YORK (AP) - Donald Trump is receiving the endorsement of the head of New York state’s Republican Party.
Ed Cox, the party’s chairman, had vowed to stay neutral before his state’s primary on Tuesday.
But Cox, the son-in-law of former President Richard Nixon, announced on Thursday that he would be backing the Republican front-runner.
He said that Trump had “energized Americans who felt disenfranchised” and ignored by the government.
Trump rolled to victory in the state’s primary, winning all but one of the state’s counties - his home of Manhattan.
Trump and Cox have previously had a strained relationship. The celebrity businessman had criticized Cox for not clearing the Republican field so Trump could run for governor in 2014.
Trump eventually opted against that run. Both men have said their relationship has improved.
A new poll shows GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump leading his rivals in California by 18 points.
A Capitol Weekly/Sextant Strategies poll shows Trump with 41 percent support and rival Ted Cruz trailing with 23 percent. John Kasich has 21 percent, and 15 percent of Republicans say they remain undecided. Of those who said they would vote for Cruz, 69 percent said they strongly support him while 26 percent said their support is aimed at preventing Trump from becoming the nominee. Thirty-four percent of Kasich supporters said their vote was anti-Trump.
Nearly half of those polled, 47 percent, said they believe Trump will be the nominee regardless of their preferred candidate. Twenty-four percent said someone not currently running will be the nominee, and only 22 percent think Cruz will be the nominee.
Forty-two percent of people said that if Trump wins the most delegates before the Republican National Convention, but not a majority, another candidate should be allowed to take the nomination. Forty-eight percent of people said Trump should be the nominee if he leads the delegate count.
California is an important contest for the all the candidates as Cruz and Kasich work to stop Trump from reaching the 1,237 delegates necessary to clinch the GOP nomination before the convention in July.
应该不是迷魂汤,TRUMP也没那么傻。这是我几天前看到的: Politico reports Carl Rove from the PAC American Crossroads is warming to Trump. It seems he calculates Hillary has such huge unfavorables it is becoming clear Trump can beat her. He also realizes that if Cruz steals the election with the help of GOP insiders, the Republican party will damage itself from within from which it will take years to recover. He made this pitch to major donors recently. Megyn Kelly visited Trump towers to call a truce. More will peal off soon into his camp because they do not want to be left in the dust.
ScottishFold 发表于 4/20/2016 7:51:33 PM
Well said. They do not want to be left in the dust.
应该不是迷魂汤,TRUMP也没那么傻。这是我几天前看到的: Politico reports Carl Rove from the PAC American Crossroads is warming to Trump. It seems he calculates Hillary has such huge unfavorables it is becoming clear Trump can beat her. He also realizes that if Cruz steals the election with the help of GOP insiders, the Republican party will damage itself from within from which it will take years to recover. He made this pitch to major donors recently. Megyn Kelly visited Trump towers to call a truce. More will peal off soon into his camp because they do not want to be left in the dust.
"I love North Carolina, and they have a law, and it's a law that, you know, unfortunately is causing them some problems," Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity in an interview Thursday night. "And I fully understand that they want to go through, but they are losing business, and they are having people come out against."
"I think that local communities and states should make the decision," he went on to say. "And I feel very strongly about that. The federal government should not be involved."
"In other words, let the state decide," Hannity responded. "Kind of like your positions on education, give it back to the states."
"Yeah, let them decide," Trump said. "Absolutely."
"I love North Carolina, and they have a law, and it's a law that, you know, unfortunately is causing them some problems," Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity in an interview Thursday night. "And I fully understand that they want to go through, but they are losing business, and they are having people come out against."
"I think that local communities and states should make the decision," he went on to say. "And I feel very strongly about that. The federal government should not be involved."
"In other words, let the state decide," Hannity responded. "Kind of like your positions on education, give it back to the states."
"Yeah, let them decide," Trump said. "Absolutely." ScottishFold 发表于 4/22/2016 1:48:38 PM
common core这个船长在几次rally上都强调了,看来以后还要再强调厕所这些。媒体一天不闲着就弄出这些唧唧歪歪的幺蛾子,转移民众注意力,真正的国计民生大事就悄悄被财团控制了。民主党尤甚,老太婆的口号fight for us,这us也不知道都是谁,肯定包括长着JJ想要上女厕的,肯定不包括正常生活勤奋工作的普通人民
common core这个船长在几次rally上都强调了,看来以后还要再强调厕所这些。媒体一天不闲着就弄出这些唧唧歪歪的幺蛾子,转移民众注意力,真正的国计民生大事就悄悄被财团控制了。民主党尤甚,老太婆的口号fight for us,这us也不知道都是谁,肯定包括长着JJ想要上女厕的,肯定不包括正常生活勤奋工作的普通人民 icylava 发表于 4/22/2016 2:17:34 PM
Ted Cruz, John Kasich join forces to stop Donald Trump
The campaigns of Ted Cruz and John Kasich say they've ceded upcoming states to each other to try to block Donald Trump from gaining all 1,237 delegates needed to claim the GOP nomination.
Ted Cruz, John Kasich join forces to stop Donald Trump
The campaigns of Ted Cruz and John Kasich say they've ceded upcoming states to each other to try to block Donald Trump from gaining all 1,237 delegates needed to claim the GOP nomination.
不仅是大赢之后, 输了之后也抹黑比如Wisconsin, 我觉得Trump应该让他的团队来管理Twitter, 减少或缩短CNN, ABC,Washington Post这种一对一的电视访问.
厕所问题上,我个人不反对正式做了变性手术的人去新性别的厕所(比如金星大姐),但打着心理旗号去异性厕所的好恶心。Trump说的那个人应该是已经正式做手术的了?Vibe mm跟director提一下,说这个问题上太笼统太一刀切的回答可能会让船长掉粉,不能不重视啊。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
Trump引用并强调了一个commentator的话说leave it the way it is。然后记者提了一个人名(应该是个已经变性了的her)问他会不会allow她上Trump tower的女厕所,船长说definitely。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
裤裆是保守党爱玩的话题,共和党多年的手法是党保卫屁民的裤裆,屁民为他投票,当选后无视blue collar的利益,继续为donor class 服务,这次 blue collar 强烈的支持trump, 也是多年被欺骗利用后愤怒的表现。
By - Associated Press - Thursday, April 21, 2016
NEW YORK (AP) - Donald Trump is receiving the endorsement of the head of New York state’s Republican Party.
Ed Cox, the party’s chairman, had vowed to stay neutral before his state’s primary on Tuesday.
But Cox, the son-in-law of former President Richard Nixon, announced on Thursday that he would be backing the Republican front-runner.
He said that Trump had “energized Americans who felt disenfranchised” and ignored by the government.
Trump rolled to victory in the state’s primary, winning all but one of the state’s counties - his home of Manhattan.
Trump and Cox have previously had a strained relationship. The celebrity businessman had criticized Cox for not clearing the Republican field so Trump could run for governor in 2014.
Trump eventually opted against that run. Both men have said their relationship has improved.
A new poll shows GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump leading his rivals in California by 18 points.
A Capitol Weekly/Sextant Strategies poll shows Trump with 41 percent support and rival Ted Cruz trailing with 23 percent. John Kasich has 21 percent, and 15 percent of Republicans say they remain undecided.
Of those who said they would vote for Cruz, 69 percent said they strongly support him while 26 percent said their support is aimed at preventing Trump from becoming the nominee. Thirty-four percent of Kasich supporters said their vote was anti-Trump.
Nearly half of those polled, 47 percent, said they believe Trump will be the nominee regardless of their preferred candidate. Twenty-four percent said someone not currently running will be the nominee, and only 22 percent think Cruz will be the nominee.
Forty-two percent of people said that if Trump wins the most delegates before the Republican National Convention, but not a majority, another candidate should be allowed to take the nomination. Forty-eight percent of people said Trump should be the nominee if he leads the delegate count.
California is an important contest for the all the candidates as Cruz and Kasich work to stop Trump from reaching the 1,237 delegates necessary to clinch the GOP nomination before the convention in July.
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
when did he became TRUMP's body ? from the very beginning ?
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
"I love North Carolina, and they have a law, and it's a law that, you know, unfortunately is causing them some problems," Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity in an interview Thursday night. "And I fully understand that they want to go through, but they are losing business, and they are having people come out against."
"I think that local communities and states should make the decision," he went on to say. "And I feel very strongly about that. The federal government should not be involved."
"In other words, let the state decide," Hannity responded. "Kind of like your positions on education, give it back to the states."
"Yeah, let them decide," Trump said. "Absolutely."
本来就是嘛,联邦政府管得太多了,象common core,变性人上女厕所之类的,应该将这些问题放给各州去管理,让当地人民投票决定,联邦政府应该着眼于国家的经济,安全等大事上。我同意妹妹的观点,主流媒体还执着于挖坑让川普跳,所以有些采访就不该去,不给他们抹黑挑刺的机会。象Hannity等支持川普的节目可以去参加。川普应该有一家属于自己的媒体,就不必象现在这样,被主流媒体围攻。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
Harriet Tubman 虽然也是一位杰出女性,但是替代20美元总统还是挺不合适的。这件事还没有定论的时候,据说讨论过把o8作为第一位黑总统映在钱币上,有个美国人很愤怒的说,他凭啥呀,再说美国货币都要已经去世的人才能印的,另外一人马上说,我同意印O8,只要能印上去就必须是已经死掉的,我宁愿如此,我也宁愿如此
Trump 其实也想把自己放到货币上。而且这货币跟Trump人一样,是假的。
华州共和党党内初选日是 05/24/16 想要投共和党的同鞋 要先上网填Voter Registration
04/25是最后一天登记 新人要在05/16前完成注册
Donald Trump Jr said in a television interview on Sunday that he had ‘seen things that made me really question’ whether Republican officials want to win the presidency.
Ted Cruz, John Kasich join forces to stop Donald Trump
The campaigns of Ted Cruz and John Kasich say they've ceded upcoming states
to each other to try to block Donald Trump from gaining all 1,237 delegates
needed to claim the GOP nomination.
下周二让这两losers 去死吧!