Cruz and Kasich forget that, fundamentally, people want to vote for a winner. And typically people want a clean fight. Cruz and Kasich just conceded victory to Trump and demonstrated themselves to be corrupt losers. Trump (right or wrong, loved or hated) will win the nomination in a landslide. People pull for the underdog when the system is against him.
Im not the biggest fan of Mr. Trump but, this joint effort by Mr. Kasich and Mr. Cruz is exactly what is wrong with Washington and politicians in general. It is not about what the public wants or even the voting constituents. It's all about what is best for the politicians.
This is the epitome of foolishness and arrogance. Cruz and Kasich have competed and lost time and time again. Kasich is 1 for 38 and Cruz is almost 300 delegates behind. Yet they are now trying to team up and defeat who the voters have chosen.
The voters have spoken. Cruz has been rebuked. He has out spent Trump by millions and millions yet his message has not connected with a majority of voters. And Kasich hasn't connected with anyone except those folks in Ohio. Yet now they collude and think this will be acceptable to the voters?
The Republican party has been adrift since Reagan. No inspirational leaders. No single person to get behind. And they keep getting trapped in the absurd, like this latest ploy.
I will vote for the Republican candidate and I will fight to make sure that is not Cruz or Kasich BECAUSE of their willingness to thwart the will of the people. The voters have spoken and Trump is consistently winning.
This is a disgusting showing of selfishness and ego by two losers.
They should be uniting behind Trump for party unity and to defeat the Republican Establishment and to defeat Hillary in Nov. This clearly shows their true colors as losers and politicians first and our country and the electorate last!!!
Trump wants to be the nominee by the people's vote for the people. And Cruz wants to be the nominee by the delegates's vote for the political establishment.
It's now more clear than ever just exactly what our 2 major political parties are all about. Themselves. Their team, their party, their money, their interests. It's me the politician, my family vacation home I'd like to buy and my hefty retirement. Pay me and I'll sign it. This is the system we have in place and it's hard to blame one individual politician when they all get away with the same pay for what the big guys want game. They can't hide anymore when the spot lights on them (the establishment) and their system is being threatened by...wait for it...the WILL OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. The people paying their salaries, and sky high taxes and getting the short ends of some really shady deals got bad for everything they work for 365 days a year. I can't even being to compile a list of the waste, and mismanagement that takes place the vast majority of that hard earned tax money. Bash him any which way you want. Donald Trump is real. He is the closest thing to the voice of people.
Also, doesn't anyone think this strategy can actually help the chances of either Kasich or Cruz actually winning? They have no shot. Maybe it's a stretch but it could be that the established Republican party would rather beat down Trump to Hillary's avail then see Trump win. That's right, not such a crazy idea. They indeed would rather see Hillary win then Trump. Because Hillary is more of the same, and they have experience dealing with that. Trump scares them because all they see is them and their cronies bank accounts under threat by a guy who cares more about the will of the people than inside political and super PAC interests.
By throwing this “Hail Mary”, both Cruz and Kasich are admitting defeat. They are no different from the long, low probability pass at the end of the half or game, or the struggling brand in a cash-strapped company that tries a flashy new ad, or the high profile “celebrity” CEO hired from the outside and paid huge $’s to save a dying company.
I can see why Kasich would resort to this. However, I thought Cruz might have had ambition to run again in the future - just shows that Cruz may see this as his one and only shot.
Pennsylvania Delegate: I Support Trump, But I'm Voting For Who Wins District; Cruz Delegate: I'm Voting For Cruz Even If He Loses
Posted on April 25, 2016
MSNBC delegate hunter Jacob Soboroff interviews several Republican candidates for delegates in Pennsylvania. One potential delegate who supports Trump said at the convention he will vote for the candidate that won his district. However, a Cruz delegate candidate says she is voting for Cruz at the convention, even if he loses the district she wishes to represent.
哇,WSJ读者的反应那是overwhelmingly anti CRUZ, ANTI-ESTABLISHMENTl, 这次是帮了TRUMP 大忙了。
If there is an upside to this desperate act by Cruz, it is that he has shown the voters his true colors. His willingness to discount the will of the voters and his backroom deals to gather delegates shows that he doesn't respect voters, just his fringe of the party. I hope this is the end to Cruz's foray into politics. He can go read the Cat in the Hat to somebody else.
There is something that both Trump and I know about this alliance. It's going to ensure that Trump supporters band together even tighter and will likely result in Trump getting the 1237 he needs by June. Every attack seems to make Trump nothing but stronger. You would think they'd leave him alone by now if they want him defeated.
"Ted Cruz and John Kasich Divide States in Bid to Stop Donald Trump"
Understand Cruz and Kasich, if this garbage gives the Presidency of the United States to Hitlary Rodham Clinton I and most Republicans will do everything in our power to destroy you and then the Grand Old Party. Not a threat, a PROMISE.
"Ted Cruz and John Kasich Divide States in Bid to Stop Donald Trump"
Understand Cruz and Kasich, if this garbage gives the Presidency of the United States to Hitlary Rodham Clinton I and most Republicans will do everything in our power to destroy you and then the Grand Old Party. Not a threat, a PROMISE. ScottishFold 发表于 4/25/2016 11:35:15 AM
"Ted Cruz and John Kasich Divide States in Bid to Stop Donald Trump"
Understand Cruz and Kasich, if this garbage gives the Presidency of the United States to Hitlary Rodham Clinton I and most Republicans will do everything in our power to destroy you and then the Grand Old Party. Not a threat, a PROMISE. ScottishFold 发表于 4/25/2016 11:35:15 AM
This feeds into the Trump narrative that the GOP nomination process is "rigged" and that the "insiders" and "establishment" will do anything to keep him from winning the nomination.I'm not a Trump supporter, but it's hard to argue with his position on this. And as someone who up until today supported Kasich, it's very disappointing to see what a circus this has turned into.
It is sad that two grown politicians have to collude against one person who has only been a politician for ten months in order to try and stop that person from getting the Republican nomination.
Senator Cruz has done very poorly and after his New York performance, which was a total disaster, he is in free fall and as everyone has seen, he does not react well under pressure. Also, approximately 80% of the Republican Party is against him. Governor Kasich, who has only won 1 state out of 41, in other words, he is 1 for 41 and he is not even doing as well as other candidates who could have stubbornly stayed in the race like him but chose not to do so. Marco Rubio, as an example, has more delegates than Kasich and yet suspended his campaign one month ago. Others, likewise, have done much better than Kasich, who would get slaughtered by Hillary Clinton once the negative ads against him begin. 85% of Republican voters are against Kasich.
Collusion is often illegal in many other industries and yet these two Washington insiders have had to revert to collusion in order to stay alive. They are mathematically dead and this act only shows, as puppets of donors and special interests, how truly weak they and their campaigns are. I have brought millions of voters into the Republican primary system and have received many millions of votes more than Cruz or Kasich. Additionally, I am far ahead of both candidates with delegates and would be receiving in excess of 60% of the vote except for the fact that there were so many candidates running against me.
Because of me, everyone now sees that the Republican primary system is totally rigged. When two candidates who have no path to victory get together to stop a candidate who is expanding the party by millions of voters, (all of whom will drop out if I am not in the race) it is yet another example of everything that is wrong in Washington and our political system. This horrible act of desperation, from two campaigns who have totally failed, makes me even more determined, for the good of the Republican Party and our country, to prevail!
It is sad that two grown politicians have to collude against one person who has only been a politician for ten months in order to try and stop that person from getting the Republican nomination.
Senator Cruz has done very poorly and after his New York performance, which was a total disaster, he is in free fall and as everyone has seen, he does not react well under pressure. Also, approximately 80% of the Republican Party is against him. Governor Kasich, who has only won 1 state out of 41, in other words, he is 1 for 41 and he is not even doing as well as other candidates who could have stubbornly stayed in the race like him but chose not to do so. Marco Rubio, as an example, has more delegates than Kasich and yet suspended his campaign one month ago. Others, likewise, have done much better than Kasich, who would get slaughtered by Hillary Clinton once the negative ads against him begin. 85% of Republican voters are against Kasich.
Collusion is often illegal in many other industries and yet these two Washington insiders have had to revert to collusion in order to stay alive. They are mathematically dead and this act only shows, as puppets of donors and special interests, how truly weak they and their campaigns are. I have brought millions of voters into the Republican primary system and have received many millions of votes more than Cruz or Kasich. Additionally, I am far ahead of both candidates with delegates and would be receiving in excess of 60% of the vote except for the fact that there were so many candidates running against me.
Because of me, everyone now sees that the Republican primary system is totally rigged. When two candidates who have no path to victory get together to stop a candidate who is expanding the party by millions of voters, (all of whom will drop out if I am not in the race) it is yet another example of everything that is wrong in Washington and our political system. This horrible act of desperation, from two campaigns who have totally failed, makes me even more determined, for the good of the Republican Party and our country, to prevail! ScottishFold 发表于 4/25/2016 12:47:43 PM \(≧▽≦)/
It is sad that two grown politicians have to collude against one person who has only been a politician for ten months in order to try and stop that person from getting the Republican nomination.
Senator Cruz has done very poorly and after his New York performance, which was a total disaster, he is in free fall and as everyone has seen, he does not react well under pressure. Also, approximately 80% of the Republican Party is against him. Governor Kasich, who has only won 1 state out of 41, in other words, he is 1 for 41 and he is not even doing as well as other candidates who could have stubbornly stayed in the race like him but chose not to do so. Marco Rubio, as an example, has more delegates than Kasich and yet suspended his campaign one month ago. Others, likewise, have done much better than Kasich, who would get slaughtered by Hillary Clinton once the negative ads against him begin. 85% of Republican voters are against Kasich.
Collusion is often illegal in many other industries and yet these two Washington insiders have had to revert to collusion in order to stay alive. They are mathematically dead and this act only shows, as puppets of donors and special interests, how truly weak they and their campaigns are. I have brought millions of voters into the Republican primary system and have received many millions of votes more than Cruz or Kasich. Additionally, I am far ahead of both candidates with delegates and would be receiving in excess of 60% of the vote except for the fact that there were so many candidates running against me.
Because of me, everyone now sees that the Republican primary system is totally rigged. When two candidates who have no path to victory get together to stop a candidate who is expanding the party by millions of voters, (all of whom will drop out if I am not in the race) it is yet another example of everything that is wrong in Washington and our political system. This horrible act of desperation, from two campaigns who have totally failed, makes me even more determined, for the good of the Republican Party and our country, to prevail! ScottishFold 发表于 4/25/2016 12:47:43 PM
It is sad that two grown politicians have to collude against one person who has only been a politician for ten months in order to try and stop that person from getting the Republican nomination.
Senator Cruz has done very poorly and after his New York performance, which was a total disaster, he is in free fall and as everyone has seen, he does not react well under pressure. Also, approximately 80% of the Republican Party is against him. Governor Kasich, who has only won 1 state out of 41, in other words, he is 1 for 41 and he is not even doing as well as other candidates who could have stubbornly stayed in the race like him but chose not to do so. Marco Rubio, as an example, has more delegates than Kasich and yet suspended his campaign one month ago. Others, likewise, have done much better than Kasich, who would get slaughtered by Hillary Clinton once the negative ads against him begin. 85% of Republican voters are against Kasich.
Collusion is often illegal in many other industries and yet these two Washington insiders have had to revert to collusion in order to stay alive. They are mathematically dead and this act only shows, as puppets of donors and special interests, how truly weak they and their campaigns are. I have brought millions of voters into the Republican primary system and have received many millions of votes more than Cruz or Kasich. Additionally, I am far ahead of both candidates with delegates and would be receiving in excess of 60% of the vote except for the fact that there were so many candidates running against me.
Because of me, everyone now sees that the Republican primary system is totally rigged. When two candidates who have no path to victory get together to stop a candidate who is expanding the party by millions of voters, (all of whom will drop out if I am not in the race) it is yet another example of everything that is wrong in Washington and our political system. This horrible act of desperation, from two campaigns who have totally failed, makes me even more determined, for the good of the Republican Party and our country, to prevail! ScottishFold 发表于 4/25/2016 12:47:43 PM
Cruz has ended his political career in the last 2 months. He went from a guy that opportunistically ran as a Washington outsider to a man that is colluding with the Washington Cartel to prevent the GOP frontrunner from consolidating the party prior to the convention.
Cruz and Kasich are just acting as spoilers at this stage. Why bother? Trump will keep barreling along, beating Cruz and Kasich all the way to Cleveland. At some point, GOP voters will stop throwing away their vote on losers, and will instead vote Trump because he's at the top of the garbage pile.
Cruz has scotched his own possibilities, IMHO. He may succeed in making common cause with Kasich and the shadowy Kochs, to extend the pain to the National Convention, but the party delegates won't support such a hard-line conservative for President; he doesn't have the best chance to defeat Hillary, because not enough voters will vote for him in the general election. He has spend an awful lot of time saying he didn't want "RINO" votes, and it seems the electorate believes him. Kasich I respected a lot; his book is motivational and he's a good guy, but he has lost my respect and interest with this cozying up to Cruz.
Also, doesn't anyone think this strategy can actually help the chances of either Kasich or Cruz actually winning? They have no shot. Maybe it's a stretch but it could be that the established Republican party would rather beat down Trump to Hillary's avail then see Trump win. That's right, not such a crazy idea. They indeed would rather see Hillary win then Trump. Because Hillary is more of the same, and they have experience dealing with that. Trump scares them because all they see is them and their cronies bank accounts under threat by a guy who cares more about the will of the people than inside political and super PAC interests. ScottishFold 发表于 4/25/2016 10:51:29 AM
哇,WSJ读者的反应那是overwhelmingly anti CRUZ, ANTI-ESTABLISHMENTl, 这次是帮了TRUMP 大忙了。
If there is an upside to this desperate act by Cruz, it is that he has shown the voters his true colors. His willingness to discount the will of the voters and his backroom deals to gather delegates shows that he doesn't respect voters, just his fringe of the party. I hope this is the end to Cruz's foray into politics. He can go read the Cat in the Hat to somebody else. ScottishFold 发表于 4/25/2016 11:01:10 AM
Most people who are not rabid anti-Trump supporters will see this only for the calculated move that it is. It doesn't advance either individual's qualification for the nomination or the office. The general population who is not that interested or versed in politics will see this simply as a spoiler move of desperation. If anything my guess is it lends credibility to the "rigged" Trump argument, not so much because of the rules, but because of the incredible onslaught of negativism being thrown at the candidate. The GOP elite should be careful. They are inadvertently casting Trump as a political underdog. Many Americans may not know much about politics, but they love an underdog clawing his or her way to success!
"Is this move a desperate attempt by two failing campaigns to use collusive tactics to stop the clear front-runner ...?" Yes. As an Independent voter, I find all this hand-wringing over Mr. Trump humorous. At the moment, the only realistic option is Mr. Cruz, a religionistic demagogue that nobody likes. But never sell scheming ambition short. Remember Macbeth, who got to be King. Briefly. OK, maybe not the best example ...
This is the most important election of the 21st century. If we don't undo all the harm Barack Obama has done to this country then our country will soon slide into oblivion.
Donald Trump has already strengthened America and has done more as a political candidate in the last several months than Barack Obama has done in the last seven years.
Specifically we are now more aware of the issue of immigration, terrorism, and trade deficits. Up until Donald Trumps candidacy these issues were swept under the rug and relegated to the back burner.
In fact if it wasn't for the fact that Trump will be running against Hillary, there still wouldn't be the serious effort against ISIS as there is now.
Ted Cruze is a manic depressive in desperate need of medication and Kasich is telling himself a wonderful science fiction story.
TRUMP wins have always exceeded the poll averages. It tells you he's bringing in new votes. So you can't even say he loses to Hillary because the polls have been consistently wrong so far.
"The temporary alliance between Senator Ted Cruz and Gov. John Kasich of Ohio, formed to deny Donald J. Trump the Republican presidential nomination, was already in danger of fraying to the point of irrelevance on Monday, only hours after it was announced to great fanfare. " ..... NYT
"The temporary alliance between Senator Ted Cruz and Gov. John Kasich of Ohio, formed to deny Donald J. Trump the Republican presidential nomination, was already in danger of fraying to the point of irrelevance on Monday, only hours after it was announced to great fanfare. " ..... NYT ScottishFold 发表于 4/25/2016 4:57:39 PM
"The temporary alliance between Senator Ted Cruz and Gov. John Kasich of Ohio, formed to deny Donald J. Trump the Republican presidential nomination, was already in danger of fraying to the point of irrelevance on Monday, only hours after it was announced to great fanfare. " ..... NYT ScottishFold 发表于 4/25/2016 4:57:39 PM
I like Kasich, and my second option was Ted, Trump was not in my radar, HOWEVER, the manipulations and intrigue are turning me off, so I am suddenly leaning to Trump, so, I wonder if this kind of alliance is going to backfire turning off many independents, if that happens, Trump could reach the delegates without problem.
I do not think it was very smart for these two yahoo's to put this out today! It will certainly not help Cruz in Pennsylvania! Kasich voters there are far more likely to switch to Trump than to switch to "Teddy Bare!" And I believe the same will happen in all of the other NE States tomorrow. This could well be the catalyst for a Trump sweep! And Indiana? They have a strong sense of fair play there (except for the handout crowd who vote dem) and this will not go over too well there on May 5th! Do not be surprised to see Trump surge there with a nice bump from his Winning streak in the North East.
and do not rule out deal between Trump and Rubio! Win or lose, Trump can help Marco, who is out of work come January, and as the likelihood of a Kasich or Cruz Presidency rides off into the sunset, Trump could help him out in many ways! He could also of course do the obverse!
These anti Trump stooges on Fox keep siting a poll of 67% unfavorable to be elected in the general election, but what they aren't saying is the poll was done by Huffington Post and was only good through January of 2016. The voting block for the GOP is 23% Nationally which means Trump would only affect 67% of 23% in the general which is 16%. The largest voting block are the Independents at 39%. Trump already has the majority of the Independent voters as demonstrated by his win in N.H. where the majority of the voters are Independent. So much for the facts behind the statement as usual.
These anti Trump stooges on Fox keep siting a poll of 67% unfavorable to be elected in the general election, but what they aren't saying is the poll was done by Huffington Post and was only good through January of 2016. The voting block for the GOP is 23% Nationally which means Trump would only affect 67% of 23% in the general which is 16%. The largest voting block are the Independents at 39%. Trump already has the majority of the Independent voters as demonstrated by his win in N.H. where the majority of the voters are Independent. So much for the facts behind the statement as usual. ScottishFold 发表于 4/25/2016 7:16:17 PM
I am beginning to think that that the deficits, open borders, an emaciated military, whaaackjooob environmental policy and pervert marriage would not have been possible without the "Republican Establishment."
I will be voting for the Republican nominee because I care about my children, my neighbors and my country. I will be switching my primary vote from Cruz to Trump for the same reasons.
This traction among those who identify as belonging to the Republican Party will be significant as the Republican primary heads into closed primary races in Connecticut, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Delaware Tuesday. Rhode Island utilizes a hybrid primary in which only those who are registered as unaffiliated can vote in either party's primary.
Overall, this week's 6-point swing — Trump up 4 points, Cruz and Kasich down 2 points — is the biggest weekly shift in the poll so far. Combined with his significant win in New York, Trump's rise nationally could be an early sign of consolidation within the Republican Party.
====I used to like Kasich because he did not get into the personal attacks or dirty politics. I now see he is just like all the rest. His actions are like that of a 2 year old.if I can not have it than no one can have it.
====These two are getting desperate. This could backfire on Cruz and Kasich. I don't like Cruz so I was going to vote for Kasich I would change my vote to Trump.
=====Most likely scenario that is gonna play out. Trump will win some of the mid west States.
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) – A disturbed Canadian man wants to try to get into the White House, according to reports.
The man, who was born in Calgary before drifting to Texas, has been spotted in Washington, D.C. in recent years exhibiting erratic behavior, sources said.
In 2013, he gained entry to the United States Senate and was heard quoting incoherently from a children’s book before he was finally subdued.
More recently, he was heard ranting about a plan to dismantle large components of the federal government, such as the Internal Revenue Service and the nation’s health-care program.
Despite a record of such bizarre episodes and unhinged utterances, observers expressed little concern about his plans to get into the White House, calling them “delusional.”
"Cruz will not stop campaigning in Oregon and New Mexico. He will have excuse after excuse..."an unauthorized volunteer did this or did that", or "the ad buy was arranged prior to the agreement", or the "ads were placed in an adjoining state's media market". It will always be something. He's not a person to be trusted because he always has a reason to avoid keeping his word.
The "agreement" is great because it shows how corrupt and deceitful Cruz is by promising one thing and doing another...much like the Maine delegate selection. It will also show how the corrupt governor of Ohio is so easily suckered by crooked Cruz.
Cruz cannot help himself, he must shade every statement with some deceit or with a total lie. Cruz was compelled to paint the mailman's son as "withdrawing" from the campaign when nothing is further from the truth. I think Cruz is mentally deranged."
明年肯定要有一部电影“Trump's road to white house”
Cruz and Kasich forget that, fundamentally, people want to vote for a winner. And typically people want a clean fight. Cruz and Kasich just conceded victory to Trump and demonstrated themselves to be corrupt losers. Trump (right or wrong, loved or hated) will win the nomination in a landslide. People pull for the underdog when the system is against him.
The voters have spoken. Cruz has been rebuked. He has out spent Trump by millions and millions yet his message has not connected with a majority of voters. And Kasich hasn't connected with anyone except those folks in Ohio. Yet now they collude and think this will be acceptable to the voters?
The Republican party has been adrift since Reagan. No inspirational leaders. No single person to get behind. And they keep getting trapped in the absurd, like this latest ploy.
I will vote for the Republican candidate and I will fight to make sure that is not Cruz or Kasich BECAUSE of their willingness to thwart the will of the people. The voters have spoken and Trump is consistently winning.
This is a disgusting showing of selfishness and ego by two losers.
Also, doesn't anyone think this strategy can actually help the chances of either Kasich or Cruz actually winning? They have no shot. Maybe it's a stretch but it could be that the established Republican party would rather beat down Trump to Hillary's avail then see Trump win. That's right, not such a crazy idea. They indeed would rather see Hillary win then Trump. Because Hillary is more of the same, and they have experience dealing with that. Trump scares them because all they see is them and their cronies bank accounts under threat by a guy who cares more about the will of the people than inside political and super PAC interests.
By throwing this “Hail Mary”, both Cruz and Kasich are admitting defeat. They are no different from the long, low probability pass at the end of the half or game, or the struggling brand in a cash-strapped company that tries a flashy new ad, or the high profile “celebrity” CEO hired from the outside and paid huge $’s to save a dying company.
I can see why Kasich would resort to this. However, I thought Cruz might have had ambition to run again in the future - just shows that Cruz may see this as his one and only shot.
Cruz supporters are disgusting!
If there is an upside to this desperate act by Cruz, it is that he has shown the voters his true colors. His willingness to discount the will of the voters and his backroom deals to gather delegates shows that he doesn't respect voters, just his fringe of the party. I hope this is the end to Cruz's foray into politics. He can go read the Cat in the Hat to somebody else.
It's going to ensure that Trump supporters band together even tighter and will likely result in Trump getting the 1237 he needs by June.
Every attack seems to make Trump nothing but stronger.
You would think they'd leave him alone by now if they want him defeated.
"Ted Cruz and John Kasich Divide States in Bid to Stop Donald Trump"
Understand Cruz and Kasich, if this garbage gives the Presidency of the United States to Hitlary Rodham Clinton I and most Republicans will do everything in our power to destroy you and then the Grand Old Party. Not a threat, a PROMISE.
Cruz, Kasich的支持者都意识到他们的这种合作不是两人之间认可对方的政策。
This feeds into the Trump narrative that the GOP nomination process is "rigged" and that the "insiders" and "establishment" will do anything to keep him from winning the nomination.I'm not a Trump supporter, but it's hard to argue with his position on this. And as someone who up until today supported Kasich, it's very disappointing to see what a circus this has turned into.
It is sad that two grown politicians have to collude against one person who has only been a politician for ten months in order to try and stop that person from getting the Republican nomination.
Senator Cruz has done very poorly and after his New York performance, which was a total disaster, he is in free fall and as everyone has seen, he does not react well under pressure. Also, approximately 80% of the Republican Party is against him. Governor Kasich, who has only won 1 state out of 41, in other words, he is 1 for 41 and he is not even doing as well as other candidates who could have stubbornly stayed in the race like him but chose not to do so. Marco Rubio, as an example, has more delegates than Kasich and yet suspended his campaign one month ago. Others, likewise, have done much better than Kasich, who would get slaughtered by Hillary Clinton once the negative ads against him begin. 85% of Republican voters are against Kasich.
Collusion is often illegal in many other industries and yet these two Washington insiders have had to revert to collusion in order to stay alive. They are mathematically dead and this act only shows, as puppets of donors and special interests, how truly weak they and their campaigns are. I have brought millions of voters into the Republican primary system and have received many millions of votes more than Cruz or Kasich. Additionally, I am far ahead of both candidates with delegates and would be receiving in excess of 60% of the vote except for the fact that there were so many candidates running against me.
Because of me, everyone now sees that the Republican primary system is totally rigged. When two candidates who have no path to victory get together to stop a candidate who is expanding the party by millions of voters, (all of whom will drop out if I am not in the race) it is yet another example of everything that is wrong in Washington and our political system. This horrible act of desperation, from two campaigns who have totally failed, makes me even more determined, for the good of the Republican Party and our country, to prevail!
Cruz has scotched his own possibilities, IMHO. He may succeed in making common cause with Kasich and the shadowy Kochs, to extend the pain to the National Convention, but the party delegates won't support such a hard-line conservative for President; he doesn't have the best chance to defeat Hillary, because not enough voters will vote for him in the general election. He has spend an awful lot of time saying he didn't want "RINO" votes, and it seems the electorate believes him.
Kasich I respected a lot; his book is motivational and he's a good guy, but he has lost my respect and interest with this cozying up to Cruz.
Those same polls said Trump wouldn't get one state back in June. Keep your polls. The polls are rigged too?
看了看Cruz的FB page,傻子选民还挺多的,到这个时候还在那里死忠这货色。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
"Is this move a desperate attempt by two failing campaigns to use collusive tactics to stop the clear front-runner ...?" Yes. As an Independent voter, I find all this hand-wringing over Mr. Trump humorous. At the moment, the only realistic option is Mr. Cruz, a religionistic demagogue that nobody likes. But never sell scheming ambition short. Remember Macbeth, who got to be King. Briefly. OK, maybe not the best example ...
This is the most important election of the 21st century. If we don't undo all the harm Barack Obama has done to this country then our country will soon slide into oblivion.
Donald Trump has already strengthened America and has done more as a political candidate in the last several months than Barack Obama has done in the last seven years.
Specifically we are now more aware of the issue of immigration, terrorism, and trade deficits. Up until Donald Trumps candidacy these issues were swept under the rug and relegated to the back burner.
In fact if it wasn't for the fact that Trump will be running against Hillary, there still wouldn't be the serious effort against ISIS as there is now.
Ted Cruze is a manic depressive in desperate need of medication and Kasich is telling himself a wonderful science fiction story.
But, it's a free country.®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news
"The temporary alliance between Senator Ted Cruz and Gov. John Kasich of Ohio, formed to deny Donald J. Trump the Republican presidential nomination, was already in danger of fraying to the point of irrelevance on Monday, only hours after it was announced to great fanfare. " ..... NYT
Pennsylvania Republican Presidential Primary PPP (D)* Trump 51, Cruz 25, Kasich 22 Trump +26
Connecticut Republican Presidential Primary PPP (D)* Trump 59, Kasich 25, Cruz 13 Trump +34
Connecticut Republican Presidential Primary Gravis Trump 54, Kasich 27, Cruz 9 Trump +27
Rhode Island Republican Presidential Primary PPP (D)* Trump 61, Kasich 23, Cruz 13 Trump +38
Rhode Island Republican Presidential Primary Gravis Trump 58, Kasich 21, Cruz 10 Trump +37
Maryland Republican Presidential Primary Gravis Trump 53, Kasich 24, Cruz 22 Trump +29
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
and do not rule out deal between Trump and Rubio! Win or lose, Trump can help Marco, who is out of work come January, and as the likelihood of a Kasich or Cruz Presidency rides off into the sunset, Trump could help him out in many ways! He could also of course do the obverse!
你怎么连这种帖子都引用啊? 为了支持Trump都饥不择食了。
I will be voting for the Republican nominee because I care about my children, my neighbors and my country. I will be switching my primary vote from Cruz to Trump for the same reasons.
This traction among those who identify as belonging to the Republican Party will be significant as the Republican primary heads into closed primary races in Connecticut, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Delaware Tuesday. Rhode Island utilizes a hybrid primary in which only those who are registered as unaffiliated can vote in either party's primary.
Overall, this week's 6-point swing — Trump up 4 points, Cruz and Kasich down 2 points — is the biggest weekly shift in the poll so far. Combined with his significant win in New York, Trump's rise nationally could be an early sign of consolidation within the Republican Party.
====These two are getting desperate. This could backfire on Cruz and Kasich. I don't like Cruz so I was going to vote for Kasich I would change my vote to Trump.
=====Most likely scenario that is gonna play out. Trump will win some of the mid west States.
Disturbed Man Tries to Get Into White House
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) – A disturbed Canadian man wants to try to get into the White House, according to reports.
The man, who was born in Calgary before drifting to Texas, has been spotted in Washington, D.C. in recent years exhibiting erratic behavior, sources said.
In 2013, he gained entry to the United States Senate and was heard quoting incoherently from a children’s book before he was finally subdued.
More recently, he was heard ranting about a plan to dismantle large components of the federal government, such as the Internal Revenue Service and the nation’s health-care program.
Despite a record of such bizarre episodes and unhinged utterances, observers expressed little concern about his plans to get into the White House, calling them “delusional.”
The "agreement" is great because it shows how corrupt and deceitful Cruz is by promising one thing and doing another...much like the Maine delegate selection. It will also show how the corrupt governor of Ohio is so easily suckered by crooked Cruz.
Cruz cannot help himself, he must shade every statement with some deceit or with a total lie. Cruz was compelled to paint the mailman's son as "withdrawing" from the campaign when nothing is further from the truth. I think Cruz is mentally deranged."