Bikers for Trump rolled in to Wisconsin and upset some anti-Trump protests that think the first amendment isn’t for all citizens. They heard the ROLLING THUNDER coming from afar and dang….their shouts just weren’t loud enough to earn their George Soro’s cash for the day!
Fear not all good Americans, for they come in peace with just a roar of thunder to remind protests that if they want to bring it on- it came and it’s here. That seems to be all it took to clear a safe path for those wanting to attend a political rally.
Bikers for Trump announced on their Facebook page that “Patriotic Bikers, from all across the United States are planning to show up at ALL future TRUMP rallies to make sure that any paid agitator protesters don’t take away Mr. Trump’s right to speak.
“Or interfere with the rights of Trump supporters to safely attend. WE SHALL NOT BE SILENCED!”
I SAY THANK YOU TO ALL PATRIOTIC BIKERS! It’s about time Americans unite against the evil tactics paid for by establishment puppet masters. We all have rights and a constitution! It’s time to stop the corruption and misguided violence brought on from establishment ORGANIZED thugs.
And Just so you are all aware – BIKERS FOR TRUMP have united across the nation and are going to secure all future Trump rallies! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH – EACH ONE OF YOU WHO HAVE ANSWERED THIS CALL!
So, if Bikers are on their way from an area that has or has no leaves on trees – that does not mean they are not on their way!!!!
转帖:o8否决共和党提议给STEM毕业生绿卡 The STEM Jobs Act, proposed by House Judiciary Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas), is focused on the relatively uncontroversial idea that more highly-skilled immigrants should be allowed to come to, or stay in, the U.S. It would add 55,000 visas for masters and doctoral degree holders in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
At the same time, though, it would eliminate all 55,000 diversity visas — often called the green card lottery
Democrats are outraged by the Republican-led STEM bill
Bikers for Trump rolled in to Wisconsin and upset some anti-Trump protests that think the first amendment isn’t for all citizens. They heard the ROLLING THUNDER coming from afar and dang….their shouts just weren’t loud enough to earn their George Soro’s cash for the day!
Fear not all good Americans, for they come in peace with just a roar of thunder to remind protests that if they want to bring it on- it came and it’s here. That seems to be all it took to clear a safe path for those wanting to attend a political rally.
Bikers for Trump announced on their Facebook page that “Patriotic Bikers, from all across the United States are planning to show up at ALL future TRUMP rallies to make sure that any paid agitator protesters don’t take away Mr. Trump’s right to speak.
“Or interfere with the rights of Trump supporters to safely attend. WE SHALL NOT BE SILENCED!”
I SAY THANK YOU TO ALL PATRIOTIC BIKERS! It’s about time Americans unite against the evil tactics paid for by establishment puppet masters. We all have rights and a constitution! It’s time to stop the corruption and misguided violence brought on from establishment ORGANIZED thugs.
And Just so you are all aware – BIKERS FOR TRUMP have united across the nation and are going to secure all future Trump rallies! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH – EACH ONE OF YOU WHO HAVE ANSWERED THIS CALL!
So, if Bikers are on their way from an area that has or has no leaves on trees – that does not mean they are not on their way!!!!
转帖:o8否决共和党提议给STEM毕业生绿卡 The STEM Jobs Act, proposed by House Judiciary Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas), is focused on the relatively uncontroversial idea that more highly-skilled immigrants should be allowed to come to, or stay in, the U.S. It would add 55,000 visas for masters and doctoral degree holders in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
At the same time, though, it would eliminate all 55,000 diversity visas — often called the green card lottery
Democrats are outraged by the Republican-led STEM bill
Former CIA Agent Says Obama is Working With The Muslim Brotherhood Against America
While President Obama declares that ISIS has “been contained” even as Paris erupts into violence at the hands of Muslim extremists, members of the U.S. intelligence community are speaking out about his support of the Muslim Brotherhood. Clare Lopez, a former agent with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), has gone on the record about the Islamic influence of some members of the Obama administration saying the U.S. has now “switched sides.”
Good video. Trump is man of golden heart. Trump values family, hard work, responsibility and generosity.
Trump's grand-daughter, four years old, saw a big porthole on the New York street, and said, "mom, Grandpa would NOT like it." That is citizenship. That is responsibility.
Good video. Trump is man of golden heart. Trump values family, hard work, responsibility and generosity.
Trump's grand-daughter, four years old, saw a big porthole on the New York street, and said, "mom, Grandpa would NOT like it." That is citizenship. That is responsibility.
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
The STEM Jobs Act, proposed by House Judiciary Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas), is focused on the relatively uncontroversial idea that more highly-skilled immigrants should be allowed to come to, or stay in, the U.S. It would add 55,000 visas for masters and doctoral degree holders in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
At the same time, though, it would eliminate all 55,000 diversity visas — often called the green card lottery
Democrats are outraged by the Republican-led STEM bill
看到没有 diversity一词又出现了,民主党是华人大敌, 他们 outraged 了。
最喜欢他回答那个大学生关系free tuition 的问题,真的是难得务实的人,没有politician 一味说好话,一针见血的指出政府给学校钱不解决问题,都是学校挣了。学校张学费,根本不关心学生能不能找到工作,最后学生贷款换不上,根本问题要create more jobs! 而且毫不客气说bernie说的free这个那个,最后总是somebody has to pay for that.
这些学生真自私啊,一点free tuition 就打了鸡血,从没想过是别的纳税人血汗钱,只能说bernie这种左派革命家真会manipulaintg and provoking.
为什么共和党既的利益者, 民主党和媒体都要打压闯爷。
如果有其他人写其他话题, 今天下午这个网站就能有一定规模与分量, 那我们就能在下班时分通过twitter, Facebook, 各种途径广而告之美国人。
支持~~~ 支持单开楼让更多的人都看到这个
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
ARG 4/1 - 4/3 400 LV 5.0 32 42 23 Trump +10
最新poll Trump领先了
Alert : Vote Fraud Alert Wisconsin Delegates May Switch
请解释你们为什么认为如果有人愿意投票给unbound delegate就等于作弊。
有什么原因导致你认为一堆人会不知道就选unbound delegate么?
Former CIA Agent Says Obama is Working With The Muslim Brotherhood Against America
While President Obama declares that ISIS has “been contained” even as Paris erupts into violence at the hands of Muslim extremists, members of the U.S. intelligence community are speaking out about his support of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Clare Lopez, a former agent with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), has gone on the record about the Islamic influence of some members of the Obama administration saying the U.S. has now “switched sides.”
Good video. Trump is man of golden heart. Trump values family, hard work,
responsibility and generosity.
Trump's grand-daughter, four years old, saw a big porthole on the New York
street, and said, "mom, Grandpa would NOT like it." That is citizenship.
That is responsibility.
船长的每个vido 都很感人,一个人能装一次好人,不能装一辈子,相信船长这样的人品和能力一定能让美国再次伟大的。
Don't you dare give up on me because I sure haven't given up on you. 感觉亲切的如同长辈鼓励沮丧的小辈一样,很鼓舞,感动,决不放弃,明白为啥船长家孩子优秀了,I will not stop until we have done.
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
Ford picks Mexico to build new plant that will add 2,800 jobs
Together Let's Make America Great Again!!!