Obama has the constitutional authority to remove marijuana from Schedule I without the need for congressional approval. Switching it to Schedule III, for example, would allow marijuana businesses in states where the drug is legal to deduct business expenses, and restore access to student loans and public housing for convicted users, among other benefits, according to Ilya Shapiro, a legal scholar at the libertarian Cato Institute.
Among the presidential candidates, only Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a Democratic contender, has said he would remove marijuana from Schedule I as president. Sanders also introduced a bill in Congress in November that wouldlegalize it completely.
Sanders was clearly the preferred candidate of rally attendees, many of whom sported “Bernie” pins and shirts.
不是我贴的信息哦,不过听着解气 我觉得不选也不好,对他们没有威胁,就让对手捡便宜了,trump网站有个NO TRUMP NO VOTE的签名,建议大家都去签 http://www.notrumpnovote.org/result.php
NO TRUMP - NO VOTE![p=30, null, center]The people have clearly chosen their nominee, and 6826 Republicans pledge NOT TO VOTE for the Republican nominee if it is not Donald J. Trump. In addition, 6826 people could walk away from the Republican party forever if Donald Trump's nomination is stolen. The Republican National Committee is trying hard to make sure Donald J. Trump is denied the party's nomination. While Trump may be leading the race with the most delegates, if he doesn't make the 1,237 goal there will be a brokered convention. This means The Establishment will get to pick their candidate, and chances are it won't be Donald J. Trump because of his anti-Establishment policy. If you want to prevent this you can anonymously sign here.
不是我贴的信息哦,不过听着解气 我觉得不选也不好,对他们没有威胁,就让对手捡便宜了,trump网站有个NO TRUMP NO VOTE的签名,建议大家都去签 http://www.notrumpnovote.org/result.php NO TRUMP - NO VOTE![p=30, null, center]The people have clearly chosen their nominee, and 6826 Republicans pledge NOT TO VOTE for the Republican nominee if it is not Donald J. Trump. In addition, 6826 people could walk away from the Republican party forever if Donald Trump's nomination is stolen. The Republican National Committee is trying hard to make sure Donald J. Trump is denied the party's nomination. While Trump may be leading the race with the most delegates, if he doesn't make the 1,237 goal there will be a brokered convention. This means The Establishment will get to pick their candidate, and chances are it won't be Donald J. Trump because of his anti-Establishment policy. If you want to prevent this you can anonymously sign here. mangooo26 发表于 4/3/2016 1:33:27 PM
对不起,我记错了,是另一个妹妹贴的信息。 我就是不想选任何除了川普之外gop推选的人。或者我可以在GE write in 川普的名字,或者希望川普和支持者们能在gop耍无赖之后,作点什么来施加压力!如果川普独立竞选,我就选他,不过看消息说成立新党已经来不及了,所以不知这独立竞选能不能实现~
Bikers for Trump rolled in to Wisconsin and upset some anti-Trump protests that think the first amendment isn’t for all citizens. They heard the ROLLING THUNDER coming from afar and dang….their shouts just weren’t loud enough to earn their George Soro’s cash for the day!
Fear not all good Americans, for they come in peace with just a roar of thunder to remind protests that if they want to bring it on- it came and it’s here. That seems to be all it took to clear a safe path for those wanting to attend a political rally.
Bikers for Trump announced on their Facebook page that “Patriotic Bikers, from all across the United States are planning to show up at ALL future TRUMP rallies to make sure that any paid agitator protesters don’t take away Mr. Trump’s right to speak.
“Or interfere with the rights of Trump supporters to safely attend. WE SHALL NOT BE SILENCED!”
I SAY THANK YOU TO ALL PATRIOTIC BIKERS! It’s about time Americans unite against the evil tactics paid for by establishment puppet masters. We all have rights and a constitution! It’s time to stop the corruption and misguided violence brought on from establishment ORGANIZED thugs.
And Just so you are all aware – BIKERS FOR TRUMP have united across the nation and are going to secure all future Trump rallies! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH – EACH ONE OF YOU WHO HAVE ANSWERED THIS CALL!
So, if Bikers are on their way from an area that has or has no leaves on trees – that does not mean they are not on their way!!!!
Bikers for Trump rolled in to Wisconsin and upset some anti-Trump protests that think the first amendment isn’t for all citizens. They heard the ROLLING THUNDER coming from afar and dang….their shouts just weren’t loud enough to earn their George Soro’s cash for the day!
Fear not all good Americans, for they come in peace with just a roar of thunder to remind protests that if they want to bring it on- it came and it’s here. That seems to be all it took to clear a safe path for those wanting to attend a political rally.
Bikers for Trump announced on their Facebook page that “Patriotic Bikers, from all across the United States are planning to show up at ALL future TRUMP rallies to make sure that any paid agitator protesters don’t take away Mr. Trump’s right to speak.
“Or interfere with the rights of Trump supporters to safely attend. WE SHALL NOT BE SILENCED!”
I SAY THANK YOU TO ALL PATRIOTIC BIKERS! It’s about time Americans unite against the evil tactics paid for by establishment puppet masters. We all have rights and a constitution! It’s time to stop the corruption and misguided violence brought on from establishment ORGANIZED thugs.
And Just so you are all aware – BIKERS FOR TRUMP have united across the nation and are going to secure all future Trump rallies! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH – EACH ONE OF YOU WHO HAVE ANSWERED THIS CALL!
So, if Bikers are on their way from an area that has or has no leaves on trees – that does not mean they are not on their way!!!!
Bikers for Trump rolled in to Wisconsin and upset some anti-Trump protests that think the first amendment isn’t for all citizens. They heard the ROLLING THUNDER coming from afar and dang….their shouts just weren’t loud enough to earn their George Soro’s cash for the day!
Fear not all good Americans, for they come in peace with just a roar of thunder to remind protests that if they want to bring it on- it came and it’s here. That seems to be all it took to clear a safe path for those wanting to attend a political rally.
Bikers for Trump announced on their Facebook page that “Patriotic Bikers, from all across the United States are planning to show up at ALL future TRUMP rallies to make sure that any paid agitator protesters don’t take away Mr. Trump’s right to speak.
“Or interfere with the rights of Trump supporters to safely attend. WE SHALL NOT BE SILENCED!”
I SAY THANK YOU TO ALL PATRIOTIC BIKERS! It’s about time Americans unite against the evil tactics paid for by establishment puppet masters. We all have rights and a constitution! It’s time to stop the corruption and misguided violence brought on from establishment ORGANIZED thugs.
And Just so you are all aware – BIKERS FOR TRUMP have united across the nation and are going to secure all future Trump rallies! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH – EACH ONE OF YOU WHO HAVE ANSWERED THIS CALL!
So, if Bikers are on their way from an area that has or has no leaves on trees – that does not mean they are not on their way!!!!
me too..
https://t.co/SqgFCa23Lj https://t.co/F5cqsaO5Lk
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
what the f*ck 'Refugees'!
Black Lives Matter成员:如果床铺赢,我们将煽动暴乱
OBAMA’S LEGACY – Black Lives Matter Terrorist: ‘We Will Incite Riots Everywhere if Trump Wins’
含笑的猫 发表于 4/2/2016 8:29:52 PM
媒体一直对三德子最好, 老太婆第二. 三德子的支持者可以随便撒泼暴力闹事, 媒体从不 报道的. 另外我觉得O8也是支持三德子的. 所以老太婆的email的事会查个没完没了. O8和媒体是一体, 8年来媒体(除了Fox外)从不报任何O8的负面消息.
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
Trump 让teenage 宣誓”no drug no alcohol!"
In a Republican presidential primary, who would you prefer as the GOP nominee?
Donald Trump
Sen. Ted Cruz
Gov. John Kasich
Overall, do you approve or disapprove of President Obama's job performance?
Of the below options, which are you more focused on when choosing your candidate?
Preserving traditional values
National security
Healthcare reforms
Jobs and the U.S. economy
Breaking News at Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Surveys/Results/id/318/#ixzz44lv31vOJ
Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance.Vote Here Now!
都是三德子的支持者. 因为三德子要把大麻完全合法化.
没想到大麻进一步合法化, 对吸大麻和卖大麻的人这麽多好处.卖大麻的可以把大麻的成本从收入里打掉,少交税.因吸大麻被定罪有前科的,大麻完全合法化后,可以重新获得学生贷款,政府住房等好处.
美国怎末变成这样了?!大麻完全合法化后, 我们这些辛勤工作的纳税人又有一批人要养了。
Obama has the constitutional authority to remove marijuana from Schedule I without the need for congressional approval. Switching it to Schedule III,
for example, would allow marijuana businesses in states where the drug is legal to deduct business expenses, and restore access to student loans and
public housing for convicted users, among other benefits, according to Ilya Shapiro, a legal scholar at the libertarian Cato Institute.
Among the presidential candidates, only Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a Democratic contender, has said he would remove marijuana from Schedule I as
president. Sanders also introduced a bill in Congress in November that wouldlegalize it completely.
Sanders was clearly the preferred candidate of rally attendees, many of whom sported “Bernie” pins and shirts.
川普推特 Hiding Ted
Lying Ted就不必说了,骗子神棍!
今天还有一个poll 要是broken convention的话,你会不会选软泡?98%的投票都是No, 建制派已经丧心病狂,比这些人更可恶的,就是选他们的民众,08是被这些人送到白宫的,现在他们想再送个更糟糕的进去,脑残自己找死还不够,还要拉着全美一起陪葬。
我觉得不选也不好,对他们没有威胁,就让对手捡便宜了,trump网站有个NO TRUMP NO VOTE的签名,建议大家都去签
NO TRUMP - NO VOTE![p=30, null, center]The people have clearly chosen their nominee, and 6826 Republicans pledge NOT TO VOTE for the Republican nominee if it is not Donald J. Trump. In addition, 6826 people could walk away from the Republican party forever if Donald Trump's nomination is stolen. The Republican National Committee is trying hard to make sure Donald J. Trump is denied the party's nomination. While Trump may be leading the race with the most delegates, if he doesn't make the 1,237 goal there will be a brokered convention. This means The Establishment will get to pick their candidate, and chances are it won't be Donald J. Trump because of his anti-Establishment policy. If you want to prevent this you can anonymously sign here.
我就是不想选任何除了川普之外gop推选的人。或者我可以在GE write in 川普的名字,或者希望川普和支持者们能在gop耍无赖之后,作点什么来施加压力!如果川普独立竞选,我就选他,不过看消息说成立新党已经来不及了,所以不知这独立竞选能不能实现~
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
Bikers for Trump rolled in to Wisconsin and upset some anti-Trump protests that think the first amendment isn’t for all citizens. They heard the ROLLING THUNDER coming from afar and dang….their shouts just weren’t loud enough to earn their George Soro’s cash for the day!
Fear not all good Americans, for they come in peace with just a roar of thunder to remind protests that if they want to bring it on- it came and it’s here. That seems to be all it took to clear a safe path for those wanting to attend a political rally.
Bikers for Trump announced on their Facebook page that “Patriotic Bikers, from all across the United States are planning to show up at ALL future TRUMP rallies to make sure that any paid agitator protesters don’t take away Mr. Trump’s right to speak.
“Or interfere with the rights of Trump supporters to safely attend. WE SHALL NOT BE SILENCED!”
I SAY THANK YOU TO ALL PATRIOTIC BIKERS! It’s about time Americans unite against the evil tactics paid for by establishment puppet masters. We all have rights and a constitution! It’s time to stop the corruption and misguided violence brought on from establishment ORGANIZED thugs.
And Just so you are all aware – BIKERS FOR TRUMP have united across the nation and are going to secure all future Trump rallies! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH – EACH ONE OF YOU WHO HAVE ANSWERED THIS CALL!
So, if Bikers are on their way from an area that has or has no leaves on trees – that does not mean they are not on their way!!!!
Oh, foxnews能再文不对题一点么,整片文章跟题目一点都不沾边