Trump takes back vow to support Republican nominee
Bad news for those few who imagined Donald Trump would quietly accept the GOP handing the party's nomination to someone else and support a non-Trump candidate.
The Republican front-runner told CNN's Anderson Cooper he no longer promises to support whoever ends up being the Republican nominee during a town hall in Milwaukee Tuesday.
"Do you continue to pledge to support whoever the Republican nominee is?" Cooper asked.
"No, I don't anymore," Trump replied.
Back in September the mercurial mogul signed a pledge promising to to back the eventual Republican nominee, even if the unthinkable happened and that nominee was someone he doesn't see in the mirror every morning.
At the time Trump said, "I have no intention of changing my mind," and "I see no circumstances under which I would tear up that pledge." That position has now, um, evolved and Trump's new view is that his support is conditional on who ends up being the eventual nominee.
"I'll see who it is," Trump said. "I'm not looking to hurt anybody. I love the Republican party."
Trump explained he was rescinding his vow because he feels he has been " treated very unfairly" by "the RNC, the Republican party, the establishment."
The billionaire businessman said a lot of people would be upset if he was deprived of the nomination.
"When somebody goes in and wins the election and gets less delegates than the guy that lost, I don't think that's right," he added.
As for Ted Cruz and other Republican candidates waffling on their support of him he if were to become the Republican standard bearer, Trump says he could care less.
"He doesn't have to support me," Trump said of Cruz. "I have many many more delegates than him."
"Look I beat these people badly," Trump said. "I don't want to make people uncomfortable. I don't need their support."
这位前威斯康星小姐不但是女人,而且说了很清楚是Mexican American。之前还有一个宣传视频有好几个墨西哥女性打着支持川普的条幅上面说:I've heard what you said, and I'm not offended。我觉得很感人。明显是就川普所说的要在边界造墙,非法入境的墨西哥人都是毒贩强奸犯除了一部分人之外这些看起来似乎不够和谐因而被媒体大肆炒作歪曲的言论。
这位前威斯康星小姐不但是女人,而且说了很清楚是Mexican American。之前还有一个宣传视频有好几个墨西哥女性打着支持川普的条幅上面说:I've heard what you said, and I'm not offended。我觉得很感人。明显是就川普所说的要在边界造墙,非法入境的墨西哥人都是毒贩强奸犯除了一部分人之外这些看起来似乎不够和谐因而被媒体大肆炒作歪曲的言论。 其实明白人都已经明白是怎么回事了,而媒体还拿老百姓当傻瓜,利用话语权不断颠倒是非,挑拨离间。 bingmi 发表于 3/30/2016 1:14:06 AM
有文章分析这对TRUMP是好事。 我个人看法搞不好共和党内部对ESTABLISHMENT的不满会越来越多啊,很多人应该也不想这个PARTY完蛋。 ScottishFold 发表于 3/30/2016 11:07:04 AM
现在的问题是,两党就是一个公司两个品牌,他们背后的金主都是一样的,所以gop建制派为了自己的利益,宁愿亡党,也不支持川普,对他们而言,希拉里做了总统,建制派的利益也有保障了,毕竟都是自己人嘛!然而,一个美国就只能由两党吗?川普出头成立个有common sense的党派也无可厚非啊,反正两党已经烂了,违背了当初先辈的 We the people的基本原则,祛除烂肉,才能有利于新肉的生长! 另外,就算川普独立竞选,因为资金缺乏,开始接受大笔资金又如何呢?只要他能够保障国家和人民的利益的基本利益,就可以啦!总比两党一心为他们和票蛆牟利,不顾大多数辛劳工作的人,来的好吧!
现在的问题是,两党就是一个公司两个品牌,他们背后的金主都是一样的,所以gop建制派为了自己的利益,宁愿亡党,也不支持川普,对他们而言,希拉里做了总统,建制派的利益也有保障了,毕竟都是自己人嘛!然而,一个美国就只能由两党吗?川普出头成立个有common sense的党派也无可厚非啊,反正两党已经烂了,违背了当初先辈的 We the people的基本原则,祛除烂肉,才能有利于新肉的生长! 另外,就算川普独立竞选,因为资金缺乏,开始接受大笔资金又如何呢?只要他能够保障国家和人民的利益的基本利益,就可以啦!总比两党一心为他们和票蛆牟利,不顾大多数辛劳工作的人,来的好吧!
Wisconsin Businessman Paul Nehlen to challenge Paul Ryan from right in primary Says he’s ‘had it’ with House speaker betraying conservatives “Paul Ryan’s embrace of big government spending, his continued support of illegal immigration and imported workers, and his championing of the job-killing trade deal known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership betrays me, this district, and this nation,” he said.
“He’s failed to put America’s security and American jobs first. I’ve had it. We’ve all had it,” said Mr. Nehlen, a successful executive, entrepreneur and inventor who previously donated to Mr. Ryan’s campaigns.
“Ted Cruz and Donald Trump have become front-runners in this presidential election cycle because they have dared to communicate an anti-establishment message. They won’t be alone,” he said. “I will bring the fight straight to one of the most powerful establishment players in Washington, taking him on right here in Wisconsin’s 1st District. Paul Ryan is a career politician. It’s time that career came to an end.”
The campaign said that Mr. Nehlen would file his candidacy papers Friday.
Wisconsin Businessman Paul Nehlen to challenge Paul Ryan from right in primary Says he’s ‘had it’ with House speaker betraying conservatives “Paul Ryan’s embrace of big government spending, his continued support of illegal immigration and imported workers, and his championing of the job-killing trade deal known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership betrays me, this district, and this nation,” he said.
“He’s failed to put America’s security and American jobs first. I’ve had it. We’ve all had it,” said Mr. Nehlen, a successful executive, entrepreneur and inventor who previously donated to Mr. Ryan’s campaigns.
“Ted Cruz and Donald Trump have become front-runners in this presidential election cycle because they have dared to communicate an anti-establishment message. They won’t be alone,” he said. “I will bring the fight straight to one of the most powerful establishment players in Washington, taking him on right here in Wisconsin’s 1st District. Paul Ryan is a career politician. It’s time that career came to an end.”
The campaign said that Mr. Nehlen would file his candidacy papers Friday.
Wisconsin Businessman Paul Nehlen to challenge Paul Ryan from right in primary Says he’s ‘had it’ with House speaker betraying conservatives “Paul Ryan’s embrace of big government spending, his continued support of illegal immigration and imported workers, and his championing of the job-killing trade deal known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership betrays me, this district, and this nation,” he said.
“He’s failed to put America’s security and American jobs first. I’ve had it. We’ve all had it,” said Mr. Nehlen, a successful executive, entrepreneur and inventor who previously donated to Mr. Ryan’s campaigns.
“Ted Cruz and Donald Trump have become front-runners in this presidential election cycle because they have dared to communicate an anti-establishment message. They won’t be alone,” he said. “I will bring the fight straight to one of the most powerful establishment players in Washington, taking him on right here in Wisconsin’s 1st District. Paul Ryan is a career politician. It’s time that career came to an end.”
The campaign said that Mr. Nehlen would file his candidacy papers Friday.
现在的问题是,两党就是一个公司两个品牌,他们背后的金主都是一样的,所以gop建制派为了自己的利益,宁愿亡党,也不支持川普,对他们而言,希拉里做了总统,建制派的利益也有保障了,毕竟都是自己人嘛!然而,一个美国就只能由两党吗?川普出头成立个有common sense的党派也无可厚非啊,反正两党已经烂了,违背了当初先辈的 We the people的基本原则,祛除烂肉,才能有利于新肉的生长! 另外,就算川普独立竞选,因为资金缺乏,开始接受大笔资金又如何呢?只要他能够保障国家和人民的利益的基本利益,就可以啦!总比两党一心为他们和票蛆牟利,不顾大多数辛劳工作的人,来的好吧!
From the time I was able to vote I voted Republican. I am 80 years old, and have a great deal of respect and influence with hundreds of senior ball players who also network with thousands of others around the country.
I received your questionnaire and request for money and strongly agree with every question, as I have since Obama was elected. Unfortunately, the one question that was missing is “What have the Republicans done for the American people?” We gave you a majority in the House and Senate, yet you never listened to us. Now you want our money.
You should be more concerned about our votes, not our money. You are the establishment, which means all you want is to save your jobs and line your pockets… Well guess what? “It’s not going to happen” You shake in your boots when I tell you we’re giving our support to TRUMP and he hasn’t asked for a dime.
You might think we are fools because you feel Trump is on a self-destruction course, but you need to look beyond Washington and listen to the masses. Nobody has achieved what he has, especially in the liberal state of New York.
You clearly don’t understand why the Trump movement is so strong, so I’d like to share with you an analogy to help explain the Trump phenomenon. By the way, it’s not just the Republicans who feel ignored and disrespected, there are plenty of Democrats and Independents who also feel let down by the Washington elite. You seem to have forgotten about “We The People” and who hired you to represent us.
So here it is, the best analogy I could come up with. Here is the reason so many Americans have boarded the Trump Train, and why you’re pleased to come back to the party who deserted us, is falling on deaf ears:
You’ve been on vacation for two weeks, you come home, and your basement is infested with raccoons. Hundreds of rabid, messy, mean raccoons have overtaken your basement. You want them gone immediately…You call the city and four different exterminators, but nobody could handle the job. There is this one guy however, who guarantees you he will get rid of them, so you hire him. You don’t care if the guy smells, you don’t care if the guy swears, you don’t care how many times he’s been married, you don’t care if he was friends with liberals, you don’t care if he has plumber’s crack…you simply want those raccoons gone! You want your problem fixed! He’s the guy. He’s the best. Period. Here’s why we want Trump: Yes, he’s a bit of an ass, yes he’s an egomaniac, but we don’t care. The country is a mess because politicians have become too self-serving. The Republican Party is two-faced & gutless. Illegal aliens have been allowed to invade our nation. We want it all fixed! We don’t care that Trump is crude, we don’t care that he insults people, we don’t care that he had been friendly with Hillary, we don’t care that he has changed positions, we don’t care that he’s been married three times, we don’t care that he fights with Megan Kelly and Rosie O’Donnell, we don’t care that he doesn’t know the name of some Muslim terrorist.
This country is weak, bankrupt, our enemies are making fun of us, we are being invaded by illegal aliens and bringing tens of thousands of Muslim refugees to America, while leaving Christians behind to be persecuted. We are becoming a nation of victims where every Tom, Ricardo and Hasid is part of a special group with special rights, to the point where we don’t even recognize the country we were born and raised in; “AND WE JUST WANT IT FIXED” and Trump is the only guy who seems to understand what the people want.
We’re sick of politicians. We’re sick of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. We just want this thing fixed. Trump may not be a saint, but he isn’t beholden to lobbyist money and he doesn’t have political correctness restraining him. All we know is that he has been very successful, he’s an excellent negotiator, he has built a lot of things, and he’s also not a politician. He’s definitely not a cowardly politician. When he says he’ll fix it, we believe him because he is too much of an egotist to be proven wrong or looked at and called a liar.
Oh yeah…I forgot…we don’t care if the guy has bad hair either. We just want those raccoons gone. Out of our house. NOW!
From the time I was able to vote I voted Republican. I am 80 years old, and have a great deal of respect and influence with hundreds of senior ball players who also network with thousands of others around the country.
I received your questionnaire and request for money and strongly agree with every question, as I have since Obama was elected. Unfortunately, the one question that was missing is “What have the Republicans done for the American people?” We gave you a majority in the House and Senate, yet you never listened to us. Now you want our money.
You should be more concerned about our votes, not our money. You are the establishment, which means all you want is to save your jobs and line your pockets… Well guess what? “It’s not going to happen” You shake in your boots when I tell you we’re giving our support to TRUMP and he hasn’t asked for a dime.
.... Oh yeah…I forgot…we don’t care if the guy has bad hair either. We just want those raccoons gone. Out of our house. NOW! goldengate 发表于 3/30/2016 1:14:20 PM
From the time I was able to vote I voted Republican. I am 80 years old, and have a great deal of respect and influence with hundreds of senior ball players who also network with thousands of others around the country.
I received your questionnaire and request for money and strongly agree with every question, as I have since Obama was elected. Unfortunately, the one question that was missing is “What have the Republicans done for the American people?” We gave you a majority in the House and Senate, yet you never listened to us. Now you want our money.
You should be more concerned about our votes, not our money. You are the establishment, which means all you want is to save your jobs and line your pockets… Well guess what? “It’s not going to happen” You shake in your boots when I tell you we’re giving our support to TRUMP and he hasn’t asked for a dime.
You might think we are fools because you feel Trump is on a self-destruction course, but you need to look beyond Washington and listen to the masses. Nobody has achieved what he has, especially in the liberal state of New York.
You clearly don’t understand why the Trump movement is so strong, so I’d like to share with you an analogy to help explain the Trump phenomenon. By the way, it’s not just the Republicans who feel ignored and disrespected, there are plenty of Democrats and Independents who also feel let down by the Washington elite. You seem to have forgotten about “We The People” and who hired you to represent us.
So here it is, the best analogy I could come up with. Here is the reason so many Americans have boarded the Trump Train, and why you’re pleased to come back to the party who deserted us, is falling on deaf ears:
You’ve been on vacation for two weeks, you come home, and your basement is infested with raccoons. Hundreds of rabid, messy, mean raccoons have overtaken your basement. You want them gone immediately…You call the city and four different exterminators, but nobody could handle the job. There is this one guy however, who guarantees you he will get rid of them, so you hire him. You don’t care if the guy smells, you don’t care if the guy swears, you don’t care how many times he’s been married, you don’t care if he was friends with liberals, you don’t care if he has plumber’s crack…you simply want those raccoons gone! You want your problem fixed! He’s the guy. He’s the best. Period. Here’s why we want Trump: Yes, he’s a bit of an ass, yes he’s an egomaniac, but we don’t care. The country is a mess because politicians have become too self-serving. The Republican Party is two-faced & gutless. Illegal aliens have been allowed to invade our nation. We want it all fixed! We don’t care that Trump is crude, we don’t care that he insults people, we don’t care that he had been friendly with Hillary, we don’t care that he has changed positions, we don’t care that he’s been married three times, we don’t care that he fights with Megan Kelly and Rosie O’Donnell, we don’t care that he doesn’t know the name of some Muslim terrorist.
This country is weak, bankrupt, our enemies are making fun of us, we are being invaded by illegal aliens and bringing tens of thousands of Muslim refugees to America, while leaving Christians behind to be persecuted. We are becoming a nation of victims where every Tom, Ricardo and Hasid is part of a special group with special rights, to the point where we don’t even recognize the country we were born and raised in; “AND WE JUST WANT IT FIXED” and Trump is the only guy who seems to understand what the people want.
We’re sick of politicians. We’re sick of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. We just want this thing fixed. Trump may not be a saint, but he isn’t beholden to lobbyist money and he doesn’t have political correctness restraining him. All we know is that he has been very successful, he’s an excellent negotiator, he has built a lot of things, and he’s also not a politician. He’s definitely not a cowardly politician. When he says he’ll fix it, we believe him because he is too much of an egotist to be proven wrong or looked at and called a liar.
Oh yeah…I forgot…we don’t care if the guy has bad hair either. We just want those raccoons gone. Out of our house. NOW! goldengate 发表于 3/30/2016 1:14:20 PM
巴马又放了61名毒贩,不知道到谁家周围了。 President Barack Obama on Wednesday commuted the sentences of 61 people, many of whom had received long sentences for drug violations, as the White House tries to keep up pressure on criminal justice reform.
Obama made a similar move in July when he offered commutations to 46 prisoners whose punishments he said didn’t fit their crimes. The White House also issued 95 commutations last December, mostly to non-violent drug offenders.
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
Bad news for those few who imagined Donald Trump would quietly accept the
GOP handing the party's nomination to someone else and support a non-Trump
The Republican front-runner told CNN's Anderson Cooper he no longer promises
to support whoever ends up being the Republican nominee during a town hall
in Milwaukee Tuesday.
"Do you continue to pledge to support whoever the Republican nominee is?"
Cooper asked.
"No, I don't anymore," Trump replied.
Back in September the mercurial mogul signed a pledge promising to to back
the eventual Republican nominee, even if the unthinkable happened and that
nominee was someone he doesn't see in the mirror every morning.
At the time Trump said, "I have no intention of changing my mind," and "I
see no circumstances under which I would tear up that pledge."
That position has now, um, evolved and Trump's new view is that his support
is conditional on who ends up being the eventual nominee.
"I'll see who it is," Trump said. "I'm not looking to hurt anybody. I love
the Republican party."
Trump explained he was rescinding his vow because he feels he has been "
treated very unfairly" by "the RNC, the Republican party, the establishment."
The billionaire businessman said a lot of people would be upset if he was
deprived of the nomination.
"When somebody goes in and wins the election and gets less delegates than
the guy that lost, I don't think that's right," he added.
As for Ted Cruz and other Republican candidates waffling on their support of
him he if were to become the Republican standard bearer, Trump says he
could care less.
"He doesn't have to support me," Trump said of Cruz. "I have many many more
delegates than him."
"Look I beat these people badly," Trump said. "I don't want to make people
uncomfortable. I don't need their support."
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
What Susan Sarandon said about Trump was out of this world
不管是不是要砌墙还是不准某族人进来,national border security绝对是要加强的,而且要让真正在border上做事的人来制定规则
Wisconsin Businessman Paul Nehlen to challenge Paul Ryan from right in primary
Says he’s ‘had it’ with House speaker betraying conservatives
“Paul Ryan’s embrace of big government spending, his continued support of illegal immigration and imported workers, and his championing of the job-killing trade deal known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership betrays me, this district, and this nation,” he said.
“He’s failed to put America’s security and American jobs first. I’ve had it. We’ve all had it,” said Mr. Nehlen, a successful executive, entrepreneur and inventor who previously donated to Mr. Ryan’s campaigns.
“Ted Cruz and Donald Trump have become front-runners in this presidential election cycle because they have dared to communicate an anti-establishment message. They won’t be alone,” he said. “I will bring the fight straight to one of the most powerful establishment players in Washington, taking him on right here in Wisconsin’s 1st District. Paul Ryan is a career politician. It’s time that career came to an end.”
The campaign said that Mr. Nehlen would file his candidacy papers Friday.
如果这次GOP不提名Trump, 大选必输,怎么着都玩完。如果Trump能借机成立第三党也挺好的,还算有个收获,即使大选没戏,也算开了多党制的先河,让美国的未来有点希望。反正Cruz, Kasich丑态毕露,establishment黑暗异常,我不会支持。
我也会跟随Trump,希望他能出来。我觉得很多Trump支持者是这样的心路历程,随着初选进程完全对这个系统失望了,完全对现有政客的人品失望了。其实民主党那边也一样,现在的系统太腐败了,希拉里不被charge还能提名。那些super delegates简直是joke.
威斯康辛小姐的video 已经77万人view。希望能帮Trump拉到选票啊。
P.O. Box 96994
Washington DC 20090-6994
Dear Representative,
From the time I was able to vote I voted Republican. I am 80 years old, and have a great deal of respect and influence with hundreds of senior ball players who also network with thousands of others around the country.
I received your questionnaire and request for money and strongly agree with every question, as I have since Obama was elected. Unfortunately, the one question that was missing is “What have the Republicans done for the American people?” We gave you a majority in the House and Senate, yet you never listened to us. Now you want our money.
You should be more concerned about our votes, not our money. You are the establishment, which means all you want is to save your jobs and line your pockets… Well guess what? “It’s not going to happen” You shake in your boots when I tell you we’re giving our support to TRUMP and he hasn’t asked for a dime.
You might think we are fools because you feel Trump is on a self-destruction course, but you need to look beyond Washington and listen to the masses. Nobody has achieved what he has, especially in the liberal state of New York.
You clearly don’t understand why the Trump movement is so strong, so I’d like to share with you an analogy to help explain the Trump phenomenon. By the way, it’s not just the Republicans who feel ignored and disrespected, there are plenty of Democrats and Independents who also feel let down by the Washington elite. You seem to have forgotten about “We The People” and who hired you to represent us.
So here it is, the best analogy I could come up with. Here is the reason so many Americans have boarded the Trump Train, and why you’re pleased to come back to the party who deserted us, is falling on deaf ears:
You’ve been on vacation for two weeks, you come home, and your basement is infested with raccoons. Hundreds of rabid, messy, mean raccoons have overtaken your basement. You want them gone immediately…You call the city and four different exterminators, but nobody could handle the job. There is this one guy however, who guarantees you he will get rid of them, so you hire him. You don’t care if the guy smells, you don’t care if the guy swears, you don’t care how many times he’s been married, you don’t care if he was friends with liberals, you don’t care if he has plumber’s crack…you simply want those raccoons gone! You want your problem fixed! He’s the guy. He’s the best. Period. Here’s why we want Trump: Yes, he’s a bit of an ass, yes he’s an egomaniac, but we don’t care. The country is a mess because politicians have become too self-serving. The Republican Party is two-faced & gutless. Illegal aliens have been allowed to invade our nation. We want it all fixed! We don’t care that Trump is crude, we don’t care that he insults people, we don’t care that he had been friendly with Hillary, we don’t care that he has changed positions, we don’t care that he’s been married three times, we don’t care that he fights with Megan Kelly and Rosie O’Donnell, we don’t care that he doesn’t know the name of some Muslim terrorist.
This country is weak, bankrupt, our enemies are making fun of us, we are being invaded by illegal aliens and bringing tens of thousands of Muslim refugees to America, while leaving Christians behind to be persecuted. We are becoming a nation of victims where every Tom, Ricardo and Hasid is part of a special group with special rights, to the point where we don’t even recognize the country we were born and raised in; “AND WE JUST WANT IT FIXED” and Trump is the only guy who seems to understand what the people want.
We’re sick of politicians. We’re sick of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. We just want this thing fixed. Trump may not be a saint, but he isn’t beholden to lobbyist money and he doesn’t have political correctness restraining him. All we know is that he has been very successful, he’s an excellent negotiator, he has built a lot of things, and he’s also not a politician. He’s definitely not a cowardly politician. When he says he’ll fix it, we believe him because he is too much of an egotist to be proven wrong or looked at and called a liar.
Oh yeah…I forgot…we don’t care if the guy has bad hair either. We just want those raccoons gone. Out of our house. NOW!
WOW!! 鼓掌~~~
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
President Barack Obama on Wednesday commuted the sentences of 61 people,
many of whom had received long sentences for drug violations, as the White
House tries to keep up pressure on criminal justice reform.
Obama made a similar move in July when he offered commutations to 46
prisoners whose punishments he said didn’t fit their crimes. The White
House also issued 95 commutations last December, mostly to non-violent drug
Fiorina: I will work really hard to stop a Trump
Typical classless behavior from Trump supporters.
Keep talking. You are your own worst enemy.
keep in mind recess appointment 是暂时性的。
Trump 如果在共和党的ticket上,不用等到中期,今年就能丢掉多数。